To cancel message playback or pauseTo check your outgoing message
Press the 9 button while your
Freestyle 1050 is waiting for an
Your outgoing message is played. At the
end you have 8 seconds in which to
give your machine another instruction.
To cancel message playback or pause
To go back to the pre-set outgoing
Press the 9 button while your
Freestyle 1050 is waiting for an
Your outgoing message is played.
While the message is playing, press the
5 button. Callers will now hear your
Freestyle 1050 pre-recorded message
“Hello, your call cannot be taken at the
moment, so please leave your message
after the tone.”
To cancel message playback or pauseTo change your outgoing message
Press the 7 button twice within 8 seconds
of hearing either “End of messages”.
“You have no messages”.
Your Freestyle 1050 gives a long beep
after the second press of the
7 button to
tell you it is starting to record.
Now record your new OGM.
When you have finished recording
your new message, press and hold the
0 button for at least 1 second.
Your Freestyle 1050 will beep and play
your new outgoing message to confirm