To record a new outgoing
First select the operating mode A1
or A2 by following the previous
instructions entitled ‘To change the
operating mode’.
• Press the 6 button. The voice
announces, ‘Recording’.
• Press the 7 button. The voice
says, ‘Recording announcement’.
After the beep, speak your
then either
• Press the 5 button twice. This
stops the recording. Your
outgoing message is played back.
• Press the 5 button once to record
a concluding announcement. The
voice says, ‘Recording concluding
announcement’. After the beep,
speak your concluding
• To stop recording, press the 5
button and your outgoing
message and concluding
announcement are played back.
To record an advisory
First select the operating mode A
by following the instructions on
page 38 entitled ‘To select the
operating mode’.
• Press the 6 button. The voice
says, ‘Recording’.
• Press the 7 button. The voice
says, ‘Recording advisory
message’. After the beep, speak
your message.
• Press the 5 button to stop
recording. Your outgoing message
is played back.
To play back an outgoing
First select operating mode A1, A2
or A by following the instructions
on page 38 entitled ‘To select the
operating mode’.
• Press the 7 button to play back
the outgoing message/