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X8R Elliptical
Exercise of a strenuous nature, as is customarily done on this equipment, should not be
undertaken without first consulting a physician. No specific health claims are made or implied as they
relate to the equipment.
Read all instructions carefully before using this product. Retain this owners
manual for future reference.
BH North America Foothill Ranch , California 92610
Training Guidelines..........................…..........2
Assembly Instructions…………………........10
Console Operations……………....................22
Exploded View ………....................................29
Parts List ………………….............................30
Parts & Hardware Contents………...... ........6
Pre-Assembly Instructions……......................9
This elliptical has been designed and constructed to provide maximum safety. Nevertheless,
certain precautions should be taken when using exercise equipment. Read the whole manual
before assembling and using the elliptical. The following safety precautions should also be
1. Keep children or pets away from this equipment at all times. DO NOT leave them
unsupervised in the room where this elliptical is kept.
2. It can only be used by one person at a time.
3. If you experience dizziness, nausea, chest pains or any other symptom while using this
4. Use the unit on a mat, placed level, on solid surface. Adjust the stabilizer for assure stability.
5. Keep your hands well away from any of the moving parts.
6. Wear clothing suitable for doing exercise. Do not use baggy clothing that might get caught
up in the elliptical. Always wear running shoes or trainers when using the machine.
7. This appliance must only be used for the purposes described in this manual. DO NOT use
accessories that are not recommended by the manufacturer.
8. Do not place sharp objects near the machine.
9. Persons with physical limitations should not use the machine without the assistance of a qualified
trainer or a doctor.
10. Do warm up stretching exercises before using the equipment.
11. Do not use the elliptical if it is not working correctly.
12. The moving elliptical pedals can cause injury.
13. Before using the elliptical, thoroughly inspect the elliptical for proper assembly.
14. A perimeter distance of 3 feet / 1 meter is required before operating the unit.
This elliptical is not suitable for therapeutic use.
Caution: Consult your doctor before beginning to use the elliptical. This advice is
especially important for those over 35 years of age or suffering from health problems.
Read all of the instructions before using any exercise equipment.
16.This elliptical should only be used after a thorough review of the operation manual and the warning
Exercise is one of the most important factors in the overall health of an individual. Listed among its
benefits are:
Increased capacity for physical work (strength endurance)
Increased cardiovascular (heart and arteries/veins) and respiratory efficiency
Decreased risk of coronary heart disease
Changes in body metabolism, e.g. losing weight
Delaying the physiological effects of age
Physiological effects, e.g. reduction in stress, increase in self-confidence, etc.
Basic Components of Physical Fitness
There are four all encompassing components of physical fitness and we need to briefly define each and
clarify its role
Strength is the capacity of a muscle to exert a force against resistance. Strength contributes to power and
speed and is of great importance to a majority of sports people.
Muscular Endurance is the capacity to exert a force repeatedly over a period of time, e.g. it is the capacity
of your legs to carry you 10 Km/6.2 mi without stopping.
Flexibility is the range of motion about a joint. Improving flexibility involves the stretching of muscles and
tendons to maintain or increase suppleness, and provides increased resistance to muscle injury or soreness.
Cardio-Respiratory Endurance is the most essential component of physical fitness. It is the efficient
functioning of the heart and lungs.
Aerobic Fitness
The largest amount of oxygen that you can use per minute during exercise is called your maximum
oxygen uptake (Vo2). This is often referred to as your aerobic capacity.
The effort that you can exert over a prolonged period of time is limited by your ability to deliver oxygen to
the working muscles. Regular vigorous exercise produces a training effect that can increase your aerobic
capacity by as much as 20 to 30%. An increased Vo2 indicates an increased ability of the heart to pump
blood, of the lungs to ventilate oxygen and of the muscles to take up oxygen.
Anaerobic Training
This means “without oxygen” and is the output of energy when the oxygen supply is insufficient to meet
the bodys long term energy demands. (For example, 100 meter/328 feet sprint).
The Training Threshold
This is the minimum level of exercise which is required to produce significant improvements in any
physical fitness parameter.
As your become fitter, a higher intensity of exercise is required to create an overload and therefore provide
continued improvement
This is where you exercise at a level above that which can be carried out comfortably. The intensity,
duration and frequency of exercise should be above the training threshold and should be gradually
increased as the body adapts to the increasing demands. As your fitness level improves, the training
threshold should be raised. Working through your program and gradually increasing the overload factor is
Different forms of exercise produce different results. The type of exercise that is carried out is specific both
to the muscle groups being used and to the energy source involved.
There is little transfer of the effects of exercise, i.e. from strength training to cardiovascular fitness. That is
why it is important to have an exercise program tailored to your specific needs.
If you stop exercising or do not do your program often enough, you will lose the benefits you have gained.
Regular workouts are the key to success.
Warm Up
Every exercise program should start with a warm up where the body is prepared for the effort to come. It
should be gentle and preferably use the muscles to be involved later.
Stretching should be included in both your warm up and cool down, and should be performed after 3-5
minutes of low intensity aerobic activity or callisthenic type exercise.
Warm Down or Cool Down
This involves a gradual decrease in the intensity of the exercise session. Following exercise, a large
supply of blood remains in the working muscles. If it is not returned promptly to the central circulation,
pooling of blood may occur in the muscles.
Heart Rate
As you exercise, the rate at which your heart beat increases. This is often used as a measure of the required
intensity of exercise. You need to exercise hard enough to condition your circulatory system, and increase
your pulse rate, but not enough to strain your heart.
Your initial level of fitness is important in developing an exercise program for you. If you are starting off,
you can get a good training effect with a heart rate of 110-120 beats per minute(BPM). If you are fitter, you
will need a higher threshold of stimulation.
To begin with, you should exercise at a level that elevates your heart rate to about 65 to 70% of your
maximum. If you find this is too easy, you may want to increase it, but it is better to lean on the
conservative side.
As a rule of thumb, the maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age. As you increase in age, your heart, like
other muscles, loses some of its efficiency. Some of its natural loss is won back as fitness improves.
The following table is a guide to those who are “starting fitness”.
Age 253035404550556065
Target heart Rate
23 22 22 21 20 19 19 18 18
Beats per Minute 138 132 132 126 120 114 114 108 108
Pulse Count
The pulse count(on your wrist or carotid artery in the neck, taken with two index fingers)is done for ten
seconds, taken a few seconds after you stop exercising. This is for two reasons: (a) 10 seconds is long
enough for accuracy, (b) the pulse count is to approximate your BPM rate at the time you are exercising.
Since heart rate slows as you recover, a longer count isn’t as accurate.
10 Second Count
The target is not a magic number, but a general guide. If you’re above average fitness, you may work quite
comfortably a little above that suggested for your age group.
The following table is a guide to those who are keeping fit. Here we are working at about 80% of
Age 253035404550556065
Target heart Rate
10 Second Count 26 26 25 24 23 22 22 21 20
Beats per Minute 156 156 150 144 138 132 132 126 120
Don’t push yourself too hard to reach the figures on this table. It can be very uncomfortable if you overdo
it. Let it happen naturally as you work through your program. Remember, the target is a guide, not a rule, a
little above or below is just fine.
Two final comments:(1) dont be concerned with day to day variations in your pulse rate, being under
pressure or not enough sleep can affect it;(2) your pulse rate is a guide, don’t become a slave to it.
Muscle Soreness
For the first week or so, this may be the only indication you have that you are on an exercise program.
This, of course, does depend on your overall fitness level. A confirmation that you are on the correct
program is a very slight soreness in most major muscle groups. This is quite normal and will disappear in a
matter of days.
If you experience major discomfort, you may be on a program that is too advanced or you have increased
your program too rapidly.
If you experience PAIN during or after exercise, your body is telling your something.
Stop exercising and consult your doctor.
What to Wear
Wear clothing that will not restrict your movement in any way while exercising. Clothes should be light
enough to allow the body to cool. Excessive clothing that causes you to perspire more than you normally
would while exercising, gives you no advantage. The extra weight you lose is body fluid and will be
replaced with the next glass of water you drink. It is advisable to wear a pair of gym or running shoes or
Breathing during Exercise
Do not hold your breath while exercising. Breathe normally as much as possible. Remember, breathing
involves the intake and distribution of oxygen, which feeds the working muscles.
Rest periods
Once you start your exercise program, you should continue through to the end. Do not break off halfway
through and then restart at the same place later on without going through the warm-up stage again.
The rest period required between strength training exercises may vary from person to person. This will
depend mostly on your level of fitness and the program you have chosen. Rest between exercises by all
means, but do not allow this to exceed two minutes. Most people manage with half minute to one minute
rest periods
The correct form for several basic stretches is shown at the right.
Move slowly as you stretch—never bounce.
1. Toe Touch Stretch
Stand with your knees bent slightly and slowly bend forward from
your hips. Allow your back and shoulders to relax as you reach
down toward your toes as far as possible. Hold for 15 counts, then
relax. Repeat 3 times. Stretches: Hamstrings, back of knees, and
2. Hamstring Stretch
Sit with one leg extended. Bring the sole of the opposite foot
toward you and rest it against the inner thigh of your extended leg.
Reach toward your toes as far as possible. Hold for 15 counts,
then relax. Repeat 3 times for each leg. Stretches: Hamstrings,
lower back, and groin.
3. Calf/Achilles Stretch
With one leg in front of the other, reach forward and place your
hands against a wall. Keep your back leg straight and your back
foot flat on the floor. Bend your front leg, lean forward and move
your hips toward the wall. Hold for 15 counts, then relax. Repeat 3
times for each leg. To cause further stretching of the achilles ten-
dons, bend your back leg as well. Stretches: Calves, achilles ten-
dons, and ankles.
4. Quadriceps Stretch
With one hand against a wall for balance, reach back and grasp
one foot with your other hand. Bring your heel as close to your but-
tocks as possible. Hold for 15 counts, then relax. Repeat 3 times
for both legs. Stretches: Quadriceps and hip muscles.
5. Inner Thigh Stretch
Sit with the soles of your feet together and your knees outward.
Pull your feet toward your groin area as far as possible. Hold for
15 counts, then relax. Repeat 3 times. Stretches: Quadriceps and
hip muscles.
Hardware Package Contents
ST EP Item Description Qty STEP It em Description Qty
1 1 Long Hex Nut 2 7 21 Nylon Nut M 12 2
2 CKS Hex Screw M10x40 Blue Loctite 3
22 Carria ge Screw M8x45 4
3SpringWasherM10 3 23NylonNutM8 4
4 Fla t Washer Ø10x Ø20x1.5t 3 9 24 T russ Phil ips S elf Tapping Screw Ø5 x15 8
5 Truss Phi lips Screw M5 x10 1 1 0 25 Truss Phil ips Screw M4x15 6
6TrussPhilipsScrewM4x15 2
Truss Phil ips Screw M5x10 Blue Loctite
7 Tru ss Hex Screw M8x 15- Blue Loc tite 2 27 W asher Ø6 x Ø13x1 .0t stainless steel 8
8 Washer Ø8x Ø 25x2.0t 2
28 Truss Phil ips Screw M6x15 2
9 Wave Washer Ø17x Ø24x0.3t 2 29 Washer Ø6x Ø13x1.0t 2
10 CKS Hex Screw M10x70 2
To ol
30 HexWrench 75x150<8MM> 1
11 CKS Hex Screw M8x15 1 31 HexWrench 10mm 1
12 Nylon Nut M10 2 32 HexWrench 6mm 1
13 Was her Ø8x Ø 25x2.0t 1 33 H ex Wrench 5x25x67mm 1
Tr uss H ex Sc rew M4xP0.7 x8 Blu e Loct ite
4 34 Hex Wren ch +Screwdr iver 5x40x180mm 1
15 Washe r Ø6x Ø13x2.0t 4 35
Bush i ng Wre nc h + Screwdriver
13mm+17m m Z inc
16 Acorn Cap Nut M6xP1.0 4 36
LugWrench -19mm+13mm<Galvanization>
17 Truss Hex Screw M8x15Blue Loctite 2 37
Op en end w renc h 10m m
18 Fla t Washer Ø8.530x2.0t 2 7 38
Flat Was her Ø25x Ø35x1.0t
19 Wave Washer Ø26.4x Ø3 4.2x0.3t 4 3 39 Fl at Washe r Ø4x Ø10x1.0t 2
20 CKS Hex Screw M12x40 2
Carefully read through the instructions contained in this manual. It provides you with important
information about assembly, safety and use of the machine.
1. This unit has been designed for light commercial use. The weight of the user must not exceed
400 lbs. (181 kg.)
2. Keep your hands well away from any of the moving parts.
3. Parents and/or those responsible for children should always take their curious nature into
account and how this can often lead to hazardous situations and behavior resulting in
accidents. Under no circumstances should this appliance be used as a toy.
4. The owner is responsible for ensuring that anyone who uses the machine is duly informed
about the necessary precautions.
5. Your unit can only be used by one person at a time.
6. Use suitable clothing and footwear. Make sure all laces/cords are tied correctly.
BH North America Corporation
20155 Ellipse
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
Phone: (949) 206-0330
Fax: (949) 206-0013
Email: fitness@bhnorthamerica.com
Web: www.bhnorthamerica.com
Toll Free: (866) 325-2339
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm PST
If you are missing parts or require information on how to
operate this product please call (949) 206-0330.
Note: Assembly of this unit should take two people about 45 minutes to properly assemble.
STEP 2. Assembly of Frame and Rear stabilizer
Insert the Frame Stabilizer assembly (C) into the frame and tighten with screws, washers
STEP 1. Assembly of Frame and Front Stabilizer
1.1 If required, rest the frame on foam or cardboard to assist during assembly.
1.2 Align the bolts on the with the holes on the front of the frame. Assemble theFront Stabilizer
frame and with M8 acorn nuts ( as illustrated below.Front Stabilizer the wheels facing outward)
and lock washers (2, 3, 4).
STEP 3. Assemble middle cover and stabilizer
1. Place the middle cover (I) between the stabilizer assembly and tighten with screw (5).
2. Place the rear stabilizer cover (J) and tighten with washer (39) and screw (6).
1. While assembling the middle frame cover, make sure there is no obstruction between the cover and the
metal tube
2. Following the assembly, make sure the middle and the rear sections are flat on the ground before tightening.
STEP 4. Assemble Pedal and Frame
1.1 Slide the wave washer (9), left pedal assembly (D-L) and flat washer (8) onto the bushing of the
flywheel assembly. Secure the arrangement using the screw (7) provided.
1.2 Apply the procedures in Step 4-1.1 to the right pedal assembly.
Make sure the pedal metal tube and the crank bushing are securely tightened to avoid risk of injury
STEP 5. Assemble Upper Control Tube and Frame
1.1 Insert the upper control tube (E) through the plastic boot nto the main frame’s
sleeve. Mate and c
2.1 and slide the
plastic boot (K) down the tube to cover the joint.
(K) and o
mounting onnect the control cables.
Secure the attached members using the screws and nuts provided (10,11,12,13).
STEP 6. Assemble Upper Control Tube and Computer Console
1.1 Attached the computer (F) to the frame with nuts & washers (15,16).
While assembling, make sure it is attached securely to avoid damages to the computer.
1.2 After attaching the computer, connect all the signal cables together. Pay attention to the alignment.
Do not force the insertion if they can not be aligned.
1.3 Attach the cover (R) to the back of the console with screw (14). Be careful not to pinch the wires.
1.4 I nstall 4 rechargeable batteries to the battery holder. Please use only rechargeable
batteries in this compartment. As there is charge going through the batteries while the system is
operating, the use of Akaline or similar non-rechargeable batteries would cause damage to the machine.
f so provided, i
Four AA, 1.2V
batteries here
1.1 Secure the Handrail Tube Assembly (G-L) by sliding a Flat Washer (38) first, then 2 Wave
(19) tube post and hold together with the Flat Washer (18)
and screw (17)
Differentiate the left and right members and assemble according to the reference marks on them
to avoid error. While assembling, be sure to watch your movements so as not to bump your head
or hurt yourself.
Washers over the upper control
1.2 After securing the top of the handrail tube assembly (G-L), secure the bottom using the screw
(20) and nut (21) provided.
Repeat step 1.1 and step 1.2 for the right side.
STEP 8. Assemble Handle and Upper Handle Tube
1.1 Insert the upper handle (H) into the and tighten with
the nuts and bolts (22, 23) provided.
upper handrail tube assembly
STEP 9. Assemble Handle plastic
1.1 Put on the handle tube cover (L) and tighten with screw (24).
While tightening plastic cover, make sure they snap on and fit snugly together.
STEP 10. Assemble Handle Tube and Pedal plastic
1.1 Attach the Left pedal cover (N) to the Left pedal tube. Make sure the holes on the plastic and
the tube matched up correctly and tighten with screw (25).
1.2 Attach the connecting rod covers (M) to the Left handrail tube assembly and tighten with screws (25)
1.3 Attach the Right pedal cover (N) to the Right pedal tube. Make sure the holes on the plastic and
the tube matched up correctly and tighten with screw (25)
1.4 Attach the connecting rod covers (M) to the Right handrail tube assembly and tighten with screws (25)
Attention: When assembling the plastic covers, make sure they snap on and fit snugly together.
STEP 11. Assemble Footplate
1.1 .
1.2 Repeat step 1.1 for the Left side.
Attach the Right (O) with the screws (26) and washers (27) providedFootplate
STEP 12. Assemble Bottle Holder
1.1 Assemble the bottle holder (P) and the bottle holder mount (Q) on the upper portion of the
washer (29) and screw (28).usingcontrol tube
Before starting any exercise program, it is recommended that you consult your physician.
1. Fitness equipment must always be installed and used on a flat surface. Do not use outdoors or near
2. Do not insert any objects into any openings.
3. Keep children and pets away from this equipment at all times while exercising.
4. Individuals with physical limitations should have medical approval and close supervision when
using this elliptical.
5. Use the elliptical only for its intended purpose as described in this manual. Do not use any
attachments that are not recommended by the manufacturer.
6. Warm up 5 to 10 minutes before each workout and cool down 5 to 10 minutes afterward. This
allows your
7. Never hold your breath while exercising. Breathing should remain at a normal rate in conjunction
with the level of exercise being performed.
8. Start your program slowly and very gradually increase your speed and distance
9. Always wear suitable clothing and footwear while exercising. Do not wear loose fitting clothing
that could become entangled with the moving parts of your elliptical.
Before beginning any exercise program consult your physician. This is especially important for
individuals over the age of 35 years of age or persons with pre-existing health problems. Read all
instructions before using any fitness equipment. We assume no responsibility for personal injury or
property damage sustained by or through the use of this product.
heart rate to gradually increase and decrease and will help prevent straining muscles.
10. Care must be taken when lifting or moving the equipment, so as not to injure your back. Always
use proper lifting techniques
Console Operation Instructions
The LED display console features functions such as TIME, DISTANCE, RPM, HEARTRATE,
As the pedals move, the console will display all LED elements for 2 seconds. Dot matrix will
display the lowest resistance level, the window will display SET WEIGHT 150lbs and PRESS
ENTER. The preset weight is 150lbs, the range is 30lbs ~ 400lbs, press + or – key to change
When no speed signal detected or the striding action stopped, the window will turn off
automatically after 90 seconds. As speed signal detected, the window will start again and reset.
This console is equipped with the back-up batteries. As the pedals move, the generator provides
power to charge the batteries and lights up the console. As the pedals stops, the generator also
ceases supplying power. The back-up batteries would kick in to power the console for reporting
workout statistics. If not operated for 2 minutes, the console will automatically turn off.
The X8R is self-powered, requiring no external power source. When a user strides at a speed
above 30 revolutions per minute (RPM), electricity is generated allowing the console of the
Elliptical Trainer to function properly. Because of this self-generating feature, the console
feedback will fade away once the striding stopped. Exercising will also charge the four 1.2V, AA
rechargeable batteries installed in the console. If the user exercises for 20 minutes then stops and
the console immediately turns off (within 3 to 5 seconds), it means that the batteries in the
console are no longer holding charge. Replace the batteries with new rechargeable batteries only.
As there is charge going through the batteries while the system is operating, the use of Akaline or
similar non-rechargeable batteries would cause damage to the machine. The battery compartment
is located on the back of the console as illustrated in Assembly Step 6.
Console Operation Instructions (cont’d)
Pressing any button will accompany with an audible beep.
Quick Start
Press Quick Start button to enter Manual Mode directly and the console starts
accumulating values. Time counts up, the profile cursor shifts to next column
every one minute.
Reset Button
To reset, press and hold the Reset button for 3 seconds.
Enter Button
Press this button to set information or conform resetting and the reset value.
Press this button to select Profile functions and increase intensity level during
Press this button to select Profile functions and decrease intensity level during
Display Shift Button
This button is used to toggle function display on the console.
Program Quick Button * 6
Press Manual button to select Manual mode.
Press Random button to select Random mode.
Press CV button to select CV Workout mode.
Press HRC button to select Heart Rate Control mode.
Press Weight Loss button to select Weight Loss mode.
Press Hill Intervals button to select Hill Intervals mode.
Manual Mode
Press Manual or + / buttons to navigate to Manual Mode, the console displays
the lowest level and the indicator of Manual Mode lit up. The console will display
Press ENTER to adjust or press START to begin; time starts counting up.
Press ENTER to adjust time, LED matrix will display
SET TIME 30:00 and PRESS
alternately. Press + or buttons to adjust time, the range is 1- 99 minutes
Press Quick Start, all values starts counting up. That means
PROGRAM starts
The resistance of the preset profile is set at Level 1. When time counting up, the
profile will shift to next segment each minute. When time counting down, the
profile will shift to next segment each one sixteenth of the set time. LED screen
is programmed to display TIME, DIST, RPM, HEART RATE
1. Press Display Shift to see the data for LEVEL, WATT, METS, CALORIES.
2. Press + or button to adjust level. If current display is Time, the screen will shift
to level after pressing + or button. The display will return to Time display if
there is no key pressed for 3 seconds.
3. The screen will display heart pulse if the console receives heart pulse signal.
The screen will not display calories even if pressing Display Shift button.
4. If time counts down, the console will enter St op Mode as time counts down to
zero. Console will display the workout profile.
Console Operation Instructions (cont’d)
English or Metric Unit:
The measurement unit can be either in English or metric.
Remove the back enclosure and set the switches to the
designated positions for desired measurement system as
shown in figure 1
Figure 1
Metric or English Settings
Program Mode
Select Random, Weight Loss, CV Workout, Hill Intervals by pressing the corresponding
button or by pressing + / - buttons. Dot matrix displays profiles and the indicators of
the program selected. The screen will display
alternately then Program Mode
Setting mode starts.
Press ENTER for resetting or press START to begin. If no preset value, time will count
up. LEVEL is set to LEVEL1 by default.
Press ENTER to adjust the original LEVEL, the screen will display
PRESS ENTER alternately. Adjust LEVEL by pressing + or button, the range is 1-16.
Press ENTER to adjust time, the screen will display
alternately. Adjust time by pressing + or button, the range is 1~ 99 Min.
Press Quick Start, all values begin to accumulate, and the console is in operating mode.
The console will perform according to the preset profile. When time is counting up, the
profile will shift to next segment every one minute. When time is counting down, the
profile will shift to next segment every one sixteenth of the set time. The row of
LED’s below is to display TIME, DIST, RPM, HEART RATE.
1. Press Display Shift to see the data of LEVEL, WATT, METS, CALORIES.
2. Press + or button to adjust Level. If the screen displays Time item currently, the
screen will shift to Level item after pressing + or button. The Level item will return
to Time item if there is no button pressed during 3 seconds.
3. The screen will display heart pulse if the console receives heart pulse signal. The
screen will not display calorie even if press Display Shift button. If time is counting
down, the console will enter Stop mode when time reaches zero. Dot matrix will
display the workout profile.
HRC Mode (L1:55%, L2:70%, L3:80%, HR, only works if a wireless chest strap
heart rate transmitter is worn throughout the duration of the exercise)
1. Select HRC Program by pressing HRC or + / – button, LED matrix will display a flat
profile and the corresponding indicator of HRC will turn on. The screen will display
SELECT WORKOUT and PR ESS ENTER alternately. Then Setting mode starts.
Console Operation Instructions (cont’d)
2. Press ENTER at this time, LED screen will flash. Now users can press , to
adjust their age (range:10 - 99 years - preset value is 25, step is 1). Based on the
input value, the target pulse will be calculated. Press
to confirm
3. LED screen will display 55% program mode and the calculated pulse value. Press
, to select 55%, 70%, 80% or SET HR program mode. Press’ ’to confirm.
4. LED screen will flash TIME. At this time, users can press
, to edit the value.
After the value is set, press’
’to confirm and press to start the program. Time
will be counting upward.
The time range is: 1~ 99 minutes preset value is 30 minutes. Step is 1.
SET HR is the mode in which the users can set target pulse value freely. Press ,
to modify Target HR setting. The setting range is 40~220 BPM. The preset value is
80BPM (beat per minute).
Press Quick Start button and all workout statistics will start to accumulate.
Operation Mode
At the start, LED screen will display
WARM UP for 2 minutes. Then, the screen will
BEGINNING HR to start carrying out HRC Control.
As time progresses, the profile will shift to the next segment every minute. When time
started counting down, the profile will shift to next column every one sixteenth of the set
time. When one period is over, the flat matrix profile will be cleared.
After carrying out HRC and no pulses are detected for 60 seconds, the program will flash
"NO SIGNAL message while sounding audible beep sounds. Then, displays EXIT
HRC before HRC program stops and return to start/ready status.
The heart rate reading through hand pulse when exercising is for reference only &
is not 100% accurate. For precision, use a telemetry chest strap (not included)
which is available for purchase through BH north America.
Console Operation Instructions (cont’d)
Manual Mode Random Profile (Display at random)
Weight Loss Profile Hill Intervals Profile
CV Workout Profile
HRC Profile
Console Operation Instructions (cont’d)
WARNING: Always unplug your elliptical prior to cleaning or servicing your unit, in order to avoid
electrical hazard or shock.
Care has been taken to assure that your elliptical has been properly adjusted and
lubricated at the factory. It is not recommended that the user attempt service on the
internal components instead seek service from an authorized service center. However,
from time to time the outer surfaces may appear dull or dirty, or smeared with
fingerprints. Follow the instructions below will restore and preserve the original finish
Cleaning metal surfaces may be accomplished by using a soft cotton or terry cloth rag
with a light application of car wax. Do not use aerosol sprays or pump bottles as they
may deposit wax upon the console surface. The use of harsh chemicals will destroy the
protective coating and cause a static build up that will damage the components. This
surface maybe cleaned with specially prepared chemicals found in most computer supply
stores especially made for static sensitive surfaces. It is strongly recommended that you
purchase such a cleaning compound.
Description Qty Description Qty
A01 JEA2-A1001 Frame Assembly 1 D01 JEA1-G1001 Turn Plate Cross Assembly 2
A02 JEA1-C1001 Grank Set Assembly 1 D02 P-1504 Plastic Turn Plate 2
A03 JEA1-D1002 Idler Wheel Assembly 1 D03 SCI5-15 Truss Philips Self Tapping Screw Φ5x15 16
A04 PCT-003-1 Belt Wheel(big) Φ310<J8 for belt> 1 D04 SOB14-P15-10T Nut(washer shaped) M14xP1.5x10t 2
A05 SGA8-20I CKS Hex Screw M8xP1.25x20 4 D05 P-1505 Turn Plate Cover 2
A06 SOC8 Nylon Nut M8xP1.25 4 1
A07 CA-490J10 Belt 49" J10 1 E01 JEB1-I1002 Rear Stabilizer Set Assembly 1
A08 NS-122 Idler Flex Spring 1 E02 SOA8 Allen Nut M8xP1.25 2
A09 GH-6204ZZ Bearing 6204ZZ 4 E03 P-1820 Adjustment Foot Pad 4
A10 SRA20 C Shaped Ring for Φ20 Post 1 E04 PCB-75-001 Outer Tube End Φ75 (FC012) 2
A11 NT-1633 Inner Belt Wheel Bushion 1 E05 P-1972 Rear Stabilizer Cover 1
A12 SK-469 Nylon Nut M20xP1.0 1 E06 PCA-1-1/2-003 Flat Tube End φ1-1/2"x2.0t (BC-218-1) 4
Generator Φ242 Small Belt Wheel Φ30 10J
B600321A(with Post Cover)
1 E07 SK-463 CKS Hex Screw M10xP1.5x40 blue nylok 3
A14 SGA6-20 CKS Hex Screw M6xP1.0x20 4 E08 SPB10 Spring Washer M10 3
A15 SPB6 Spring Washer M6 4 E09 SPA100-200-15 Flat Washer Φ10xΦ20x1.5t 3
A16 SPA060-130-10 Washer Φ6xΦ13x1.0t 4 E10 SCA4-15 Truss Philips Screw M4xP0.7x15 2
A17 NT-1489 IDLER PAD 3 E11 AAL208E1040-001 Wheel Board-Punching 2
A18 SIA5-15IL Counter Sink Hex Screw M5xP0.8x15 blue nylok 3 E12 SDA8-15 Truss Hex Screw M8XP1.25X15 6
A19 SGA8-25I CKS Hex Screw M8xP1.25x25 1 E13 SOC8 Nylon Nut M8 6
A20 SGA8-30I CKS Hex Screw M8xP1.25x30 1 E14 BAA1020-250-15
Foam Sticker 1020mmx 25mmx1.5t Single Sided Tape Black
A21 XRB-069-005 Lower PC Control Board (DKGRCTRL3V1) 1 E15 SPA040-100-10 Washer Φ4xΦ10x1.0t 2
A22 SAE5-12 Round Head Philips Screw M5xP0.8x12 2 1
A23 BJ-48-330B Belt 4.8X330mm Black 6 F01 JEA3-M1001 Iron Stabilizer Tube Assembly 2
A24 BJ-22-080B Belt 2.2X80mm Black 1 F02 GH-6003ZZ Bearing 6003ZZ 16
A25 BJ-36-102B Belt 3.6X102mm Black 1 F03 NT-1557 Wheel Fixing Bushion 2
A26 DFA017-035-0080 HDR Foam Grip Φ17xΦ24x80mm 1 F04
Post<short> Φ18XΦ23.7X7.2 8
A30 NT-2439 Crank Axle Bushing 1 F05 SPG170-240-03 Wave Washer Φ17xΦ24x0.3t 2
1 F06 SK-443 Fixing Screw M8XP1.25X135 <15> 2
B01 JEB1-B1001 Front Base Tube Assembly 1 F07 SOC8 Nylon Nut M8xP1.25 4
B02 PCB-75-001 Outer Tube End Ø75 (FC012) 2 F08 P-1728B PU Wheel Φ74X44 4
B03 NT-2318 Hex Nut 2 F09 JEA1-J1001 Front Pedal Fixing Plate Assembly 2
B04 SDA8-45 Truss Hex Screw M8xP1.25x45 2 F10 SGA8-85IL
CKS Hex Screw M8XP1.25X85<30mm> blue nylok 2
B05 SOC8 Nylon Nut M8xP1.25 2 F11 NO-2014 Arc Washer 4
B06 SPA080-160-20 Washer Φ8xΦ16x2.0t 2 F12 NT-1560 Plastic Core of Iron Stabilizer Tube 2
B07 PB-01-002 Bearing Wheel(No Bearing)Φ70XΦ8X28t 2 F13 P-1516L Left Wheel Cover 2
1 F14 P-1516R Right Wheel Cover 2
C01 P-1506L Left Frame Cover 1 F15 SCA4-15 Truss Philips Screw M4xP0.7x15 4
C02 P-1506R Right Frame Cover 1 F16 SDA8-15L Truss Hex Screw M8xP1.25x15-blue nylok 2
C03 NO-3141 Plastic Iron Fixing Plate 2 F17 SPA080-250-20 Washer Φ8xΦ25x2.0t 2
C04 NO-3141A Plastic Iron Fixing Plate-short 1 F18 SPG170-240-03 Wave Washer Φ17xΦ24x0.3t 2
C05 SPA060-160-10 Washer Φ6xΦ16x1.0t 2 1
C06 SCA5-10 Truss Philips Screw M5xP0.8x10 10 K01 P-1507 Middle Frame Cover 1
C07 SCA5-12 Truss Philips Screw M5xP0.8x12 2 K02 P-2564 Left Stabilizer Tube Cover 1
(A) Main Frame and F rame Assembl y Fittings (D) Turn Pl ate Cro ss Assembly an d Attachments
(B) Front Base T ub e Assembl y
© Frame Assembl y
Part No. Part No.
(K) Plasti c Attach men ts
(E) Rear Stabilizer Set
(F) Iron Stabilizer Tube and Attachments
Description Qty Description Qty
C08 SCI5-12 Truss Philips Self Tapping Screw Φ5x12 4 K03 P-2565 Right Stabilizer Tube Cover 1
1 K04 P-2559 Left Front Handrail Cover 1
G01 JED5-P1001 Upper Frame Assembly 1 K05 P-2558 Left Rear Handrail Cover 1
G02 SGA10-70I CKS Hex Screw M10xP1.5x70 2 K06 P-2561 Right Front Handrail Cover 1
G03 SGA8-15I CKS Hex Screw M8xP1.25x15 1 K07 P-2560 Right Rear Handrail Cover 1
G04 SOC10 Nylon Nut M10xP1.5 2 K08 P-2566 Left Connecting Rod Cover 2
G05 SPA080-250-20 Washer Φ8xΦ25x2.0t 1 K09 P-2567 Right Connecting Rod Cover 2
G06 BE-0300 Guide Thread L=300 Black 2 K10 P-1519 Pedal <ABS+TPR> 2
1 K11 P-2562 Control Tube Plastic 1
H01 P-1080 Hand Pulse Sensor Base 4 K12 SCI5-15 Truss Philips Self Tapping Screw Φ5x15 8
H02 NO-2432 Hand Pulse Sensor Plate 4 K13 SCA4-15 Truss Philiips Screw M4xP0.7x15 6
Double Sided Tape 25mmx75mmx0.3t 4 K14 SCA5-10SL
Truss Philips Screw M5xP0.8x10 Stainless
Steel, blue nylok
H04 SAA3-30 Round Head Philips Screw M3xP0.5x30 4 K15
Washer Φ6xΦ13x1.0t Stainless Steel 8
H05 SOA3 Allen Nut M3xP0.5 4 K16 SCA5-10 Truss Philips Screw M5xP0.8x10 1
H06 P-1712 Tube End Φ1-1/4" 2 1
1 L01 HED3-T1001
Computer Console(with XL-502h & pulse wire(U)
&XL-423control wire(U))
I01 JEA2-Q2001 Left Handrail Tube Assembly 1 L02 SOG6 Nut M6XP1.0 4
I02 JEA2-Q1001 Right Handrail Tube Assembly 1 L03 SPA060-130-10 Washer Φ6xΦ13x1.0t 4
I03 GH-6305VV Bearing 6305VV 4 L04 XL-270
Hand Pulse Wire<Lower>Hand Pulse Sensor
Wire 720mm
I04 JEB1-Q2001 Left Upper Handrail Assembly 1 L05 XL-424 Control Wire (mid) 1
I05 JEB1-Q2002 Right Upper Handrail Assembly 1 L06 XL-504 Control Wire (lower) 1
I06 PFA-031-03-970
HDR Foam GripΦ31X3.0tX970 (Left and right each
has one )
2 L07 XL-426 Grinding Wheel Control Wire (A) 1
I07 P-1712 Tube Cap-Φ1-1/4" 2 L08 XL-505 Grinding Wheel Control Wire 1
I08 SDA8-15L Truss Hex Screw M8xP1.25x15- blue nylok 2 1
I09 SPA085-300-20 Flat Washer Φ8.5XΦ30X2.0t 2 M01 HED5-Y1001 Part Bag 1
I10 SNA8-45 Screw M8XP1.25X45 4 M02 P-2119 Bottle Holder 1
I11 SOC8 Nylon Nut M8xP1.25 4 M03 P-540D Bottle Fixing Base 1
I12 SPG264-342-03 Wave Washer
34.2x0.3t 4 M04 SCA6-15 Truss Philips Screw M6xP1.0x15 2
I13 SPA250-350-10 Washer φ25xφ35x1.0t 2 M05 SPA060-130-10 Washer ψ6xψ13x1.0t 2
1 M06 P-1646 Computer Decoration Cover 1
J01 JEA2-R1001 Right Connecting Rod Assembly 1 M07 SCA4-8 Truss Philips Screw M4xP0.7x8 4
J02 JEA2-R2001 Left Connecting Rod Assembly 1 M08 BE-0300 Guide Thread L=300 Black 4
J03 GH-POS12-R Universal Post-POS12-R(Φ12 ) 2 M09 XHA-T41 Chest Belt Pulse Emitter POLAR T41 1
J04 SOC12 Nylon Nut M12xP1.75 4 M10 PK-L-027 Bottle 1
J05 BAA0900-900-30 Foam Sticker 90X90X3.0t one side plastic 2
J06 NT-1483 Connecting Post 2
J07 SGA8-15L CKS Hex Screw M8XP1.25X15 blue nylok 4
(J) Connecting Rod
Part No. Part No.
(L) Computer Consol e and Wires
(M) Attachments
(G) pper Control Tube Set
(H) Hand Pulse Set
(I) Handrail Set
BH North America Corporation
20155 Ellipse
Foothill Ranch, CA 92610
Phone: 949.206.0330; Toll Free: 866.325.2339; Fax: 949.206.0013
Web: www.BHFitnessUSA.com
Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm PST
For more detailed warranty information or to register your product warranty easily
online, visit our website at: www.BHFitnessUSA.com
BH North America will repair or replace, free of charge, at its option, parts that are
defective as a result of material or workmanship. Seven (7) year replacement warranty
coverage on frame and five (5) year on other parts. Labor warranty coverage is one (1)
year. Warranty covers the original consumer purchaser only.
BH North America will repair or replace, free of charge, at its option, parts that are
defective as a result of material or workmanship. Lifetime replacement warranty coverage
on frame and ten (10) year on other parts. Labor warranty coverage is two (2) years.
Warranty covers the original consumer purchaser only.
• Pre-delivery set-up.
• Components that require replacement due to dirt or lack of regular maintenance.
• Expendable items which become worn during normal use.
• Repairs necessary because of operator abuse or negligence or the failure to operate
and maintain the equipment according to the instructions contained in the Owners

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