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Washing Machine
User Manual
2820528796_EN/ 23-11-20.(9:10)Document Number :
Dear Customer,
Please read this user manual first!
Thank you for preferrng a Beko product. We hope that you get the best results from our
product whch has been manufactured wth hgh qualty and state-of-the-art technology.
Therefore, please read ths entre user manual and all other accompanyng documents
carefully before usng the product and keep t as a reference for future use.
If you handover the product to someone else, gve the user manual as well.
Follow all warnngs and nformaton n the user manual.
You can see the user's manual at www.beko.com.
Explanation of symbols
A hazard wth a high level of rsk whch, f not avoded, wll result n
death or serous njury.
A hazard wth a medium level of rsk whch, f not avoded, wll result
n death or serous njury.
A hazard wth a low level of rsk whch, f not avoded, wll result n
small or medum njury.
Useful nformaton or hnts about usage.
This product was manufactured using the latest technology in environmentally friendly conditions.
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1. General safety instructions 5
1.1 Chldren's safety ...........................................................................................................................5
1.2 Product safety ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Electrcal safety............................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Hot surface safety .......................................................................................................................7
1.5 Other .................................................................................................................................................7
2. Instructions for environmental protection 8
2.1 Complance wth WEEE Drectve ......................................................................................... 8
2.2 Dsposng of the waste product ........................................................................................... 8
2.3 Package nformaton ................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 What you can do for energy savng .................................................................................... 8
3 Intended use 9
4. Your product 10
4.1 Overvew.......................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Package contents ......................................................................................................................11
4.3 Control panel .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.4 Screenshot ................................................................................................................................. 13
5.Technical specifications 14
6. Installation 15
6.1 Approprate nstallaton locaton ....................................................................................... 15
6.2 Removng packagng renforcement ................................................................................16
6.3 Removng transportaton safety bolts ............................................................................16
6.4 Connectng water supply ...................................................................................................... 17
6.5 Connectng the water dranng hose to the dran ......................................................18
6.6 Adjustng the feet ....................................................................................................................19
6.7 Electrcal connecton ...............................................................................................................20
7. Initial use 21
7.1 Drum cleanng ............................................................................................................................. 21
8. Preparing to wash 22
8.1 Sortng the laundry ..................................................................................................................22
8.2 Preparng laundry for washng ...........................................................................................23
8.3 Loadng and removng the laundry ................................................................................... 23
8.4 Usng detergent and softener ............................................................................................23
8.4.1 Detergent drawer ................................................................................................................................ 23
8.4.2 Detergent, softener and other cleaning agents ....................................................................24
8.4.3 Auto dosing ............................................................................................................................................ 25
8.4.4 Dose selection and cancellation or powder detergent use ............................................... 26
8.4.5 When the detergent and/or softener run(s) out: .................................................................. 27
8.4.6 Adding detergent or softener to the wrong compartment: .............................................. 28
8.4.7 Choosing the detergent type .........................................................................................................28
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8.4.8 Adjusting detergent amount ..........................................................................................................28
8.4.9 Using tablet and capsule liquid detergents ..............................................................................28
8.4.10 Using starch.........................................................................................................................................28
8.4.11 Using limescale remover ................................................................................................................. 29
8.4.12 Using bleaches ................................................................................................................................... 29
8.5 Tps for energy and water savng......................................................................................29
8.6 Dsplayed Program Tme .......................................................................................................29
9. Programmes and Auxiliary Functions 30
9.1 Programme selecton ..............................................................................................................30
9.2 Programmes ...............................................................................................................................30
9.3 Programme table ......................................................................................................................36
9.4 Auxlary functon selecton ................................................................................................ 38
9.4.1 Auxiliary functions ..............................................................................................................................39
9.4.2 "Functions/Programmes Selected by Pressing the Function Buttons for 3
Seconds" ...................................................................................................................................................40
10. Programme setting 43
10.1 Temperature selecton ....................................................................................................... 43
10.2 Spn speed selecton ............................................................................................................ 43
10.3 Quck Wash Settng (Fast+) .............................................................................................. 44
10.4 Startng the programme .....................................................................................................45
10.5 Programme steps ...................................................................................................................45
10.6 End of programme ................................................................................................................ 46
11. Programme options 47
11.1 Settng the end tme ..............................................................................................................47
11.1.1 Cancelling the end time setting .................................................................................................... 48
11.2 Swtchng the machne to standby mode and addng laundry ........................... 48
11.3 Cancellng the programme ................................................................................................. 49
12. Additional features 50
12.1 Actvatng and deactvatng the audo warnng ........................................................50
12.2 Loadng door lock ...................................................................................................................50
12.2.1 Opening the loading door in case of power failure: ............................................................. 50
13. Maintenance and cleaning 51
13.1 Cleanng the detergent drawer ........................................................................................ 51
13.1.1 When to clean .......................................................................................................................................51
13.1.2. Cleaning:................................................................................................................................................ 52
13.2 Cleanng the loadng door ................................................................................................... 53
13.3 Cleanng the body and control panel .............................................................................53
13.4 Cleanng the water ntake flters .....................................................................................53
13.5 Cleanng the pump flter ......................................................................................................54
13.5.1 Cleaning dirty filters .......................................................................................................................... 55
14. Troubleshooting 56
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1. General safety instructions
1.1 Children's safety
Chldren under the age of 3 should be kept
away unless contnuously supervsed.
Ths product can be used by chldren at and
above 8 years old and by persons whose
physcal, sensory or mental capabltes were
not fully developed or who lack experence and
knowledge provded that they are supervsed
or traned on the safe usage of the product and
the rsks t brngs out.
Chldren under the age of 8 should be prevented
from accessng and tnkerng wth the product.
Cleanng and user mantenance works should
not be performed by chldren unless they are
supervsed by someone.
Electrcal products are dangerous for the
Use chld lock to prevent chldren from
ntervenng wth the product.
Do not forget to close the loadng door when
leavng the room where the product s located.
Packagng materals are dangerous to chldren.
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1.2 Product safety
Unplug the product when not n use.
Always have the nstallaton and reparng
procedures carred out by the Authorsed
Servce Agent.
Do not force open the locked loadng door. The
door wll open mmedately after the washng
cycle has ended. If the door does not open,
apply the solutons provded for "Loadng door
cannot be opened." error n the Troubleshootng
secton. In case of forcng the loadng door to
open, the door and the lock mechansm may
get damaged.
Never open the loadng door or remove the
flter whle there s stll water n the drum.
Otherwse, rsk of floodng and njury from hot
water wll occur.
The water supply and dranng hoses must be
securely fastened and reman undamaged.
1.3 Electrical safety
Do not operate faulty products untl repared
by an Authorsed Servce Agent.
Do not try to reach nteror parts of the product
other than the parts stated n mantenance
Never wash the product by spreadng or
pourng water onto t!
Never touch the power cable plug wth wet
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1.4 Hot surface safety
The glass of the loadng door gets too hot whle
washng at hgh temperatures. Therefore,
especally do not allow chldren touch the glass
whle washng.
1.5 Other
Do not use combustble, flammable and other
smlar chemcals for product cleanng or other
Do not step or stand on the product.
Do not place heavy objects on the product.
If you wll place a dryer on to the washng
machne, secure t wth the sutable connecton
apparatus that you can obtan from the
Authorsed Servce Agent.
Unplug the product, turn the tap off and
contact your Authorsed Servce Agent wthout
tamperng wth the product f the product has
been damaged.
Keep your pets away from the washng
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2. Instructions for environmental protection
2.1 Compliance with WEEE Directive
Ths product does not contan harmful and forbdden materals descrbed
n the "Regulaton on the Control of the Waste Electrcal and Electronc
Equpment" ssued by T.R. Mnstry of Envronment and Urbanzaton. It
comples wth the WEEE Drectve.
2.2 Disposing of the waste product
Ths product has been manufactured wth hgh qualty parts and materals
whch can be reused and are sutable for recyclng. Therefore, do not
dspose the product wth normal domestc waste at the end of ts servce
Take t to a collecton pont for the recyclng of electrcal and electronc
equpment. Please consult your local authortes to learn the nearest
collecton pont. Help protect the envronment and natural resources by
recyclng used products.
For chldren's safety, cut the power cable and break the lockng mechansm
of the loadng door so that t wll be non-functonal before dsposng of the
Complance wth RoHS Drectve:
The product you have purchased comples wth EU RoHS Drectve
(2011/65/EU). It does not contan harmful and prohbted materals
specfed n the Drectve.
2.3 Package information
Packagng materals of the product are manufactured from recyclable
materals n accordance wth our Natonal Envronment Regulatons. Do not
dspose of the packagng materals together wth the domestc or other
wastes. Take them to the packagng materal collecton ponts desgnated
by the local authortes.
2.4 What you can do for energy saving
Comply wth the nformaton n the programme and
consumpton table secton.
- If the washng machne s overloaded, ts washng
performance wll drop.
- Moreover, nose and vbraton problems may occur.
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Followng nformaton wll help you use the product n an ecologcal and
energy-effcent manner.
a) Operate the product n the hghest load capacty allowed for
the programme you have selected, but do not overload. See,
“Programme and consumpton table”.
b) Follow the recommended temperatures n the programme and
consumpton table.
c) Wash slghtly soled laundry at low temperatures.
d) Select faster programmes for small quanttes of lghtly soled laundry.
e) Do not use prewash and hgh temperatures for laundry that s not
heavly soled or staned.
f) If you plan to dry your laundry n a dryer, select the hghest spn
speed recommended durng washng process.
g) Do not use detergent n excess of the amount recommended on the
detergent package.
3 Intended use
a) Ths product has been desgned for domestc use.
b) It s not sutable for commercal use and t must not be used for
anythng other than ts ntended use.
c) Sutable for textle washable n washng machnes.
d) The manufacturer waves any responsblty arsen from ncorrect
usage or transportaton.
e) Do not wash the tems such as carpets, rugs and etc. n the machne.
Permanent damage occurs n the machne.
f) Ths applance s ntended to be used n household and smlar
applcatons such as:
– staff ktchen areas n shops, offces and other workng envronments;
– farm houses;
– by clents n hotels, motels and other resdental type envronments;
– bed and breakfast type envronments;
– areas for communal use n blocks of flats or n launderettes.
g) The servce lfe of your product s 10 years. Durng ths perod,
orgnal spare parts wll be avalable to operate the product properly.
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4. Your product
4.1 Overview
1- Power cable
2- Upper table
3- Control panel
4- Water dscharge hose
5- Loadng door
6- Flter cap
7- Adjustable feet
8- Detergent drawer
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4.2 Package contents
Power cable
Water dscharge hose
Transportaton safety bolts
Mans water nlet hose
User manual
Plastc plug assembly
Fgures n ths manual are schematc and may not match
the product exactly.
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4.3 Control panel
1 - Programme selecton knob
2 - Spn level adjustment button
3 - Temperature level adjustment button
4 - Dsplay
5 - End Tme adjustment button
6 - Quck Wash settng button
7 - On/Off button
8 - Start/Pause button
9 - Auxlary functon button 3
10 - Auxlary functon button 2
11 - Auxlary functon button 1
12 - Programme selecton lghts
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4.4 Screenshot
1 2 3 4
1 - Temperature ndcator
2 - Temperature symbol
3 - No water symbol
4 - Programme follow-up ndcator
5 - Quck wash ndcator
6 - Duraton nformaton
7 - Auxlary functons lght 1
8 - Dosng symbols
9 - Auxlary functons lght 2
10 - Delayed start enabled symbol
11 - Door lock s engaged symbol
12 - Chld lock enabled symbol
13 - Auxlary functons lght 3
14 - Spn speed selecton ndcator
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5.Technical specifications
Supplier name or trademark Beko
Model name WTV8746XDOS1
Rated capacity (kg) 8
Maximum spin speed (rpm) 1400
Built-in No
Height (cm) 84
Width (cm) 60
Depth (cm) 59
Single Water inlet / Double Water inlet • / -
• Available
Electrical input (V/Hz) 230 V / 50Hz
Total current (A) 10
Total power (W) 2200
Main model code 9811
The model nformaton as stored n the product database
can be reached by enterng followng webste and searchng
for your model dentfer (*) found on energy label.
Rinse Spin+Drain
Prewash Fast Fast+ Extra
Pet Hair
Spin No
Temperature Door
On/Off Start /
Soil Level Add
AutoDose Liquid
Cancel AntiCrease+ Iron
Symbols Table
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6. Installation
6.1 Appropriate installation location
Damaged products cause rsks for your safety.
- Pror to nstallaton, vsually check f the product has any
defects on t.
- If so, do not have t nstalled.
Do not place the product on a floor wthout suffcent
capacty to carry the load.
- Otherwse, the product or the floor may be damaged.
- Total weght of the washng machne and the dryer -wth
full load- when they are placed on top of each other s
approx. 180 klograms.
Do not nstall the product n places where there s the rsk
of freezng.
- Otherwse, your product wll be damaged and your house
wll be under rsk of flood.
Preparaton of the locaton and electrcal, tap water and
waste water nstallatons at the place of nstallaton s
under customer's responsblty. Refer to the nearest
Authorsed Servce Agent for nstallaton of the product
after those preparatons are complete.
Make sure that the water nlet and dran hoses as well as
the power cable are not folded, pnched or crushed whle
pushng the product nto ts place after nstallaton or
cleanng procedures.
Manufacturer shall not be held lable for damages that may
arse from procedures carred out by unauthorsed persons.
a) Place the product on a rgd, flat and level surface.
b) Never place the product on a carpet-covered floor.
c) Leavng a gap at the sdes of the machne s suggested to reduce
vbraton and nose
d) Do not place the product on any platform.
e) Do not place heat sources such as Hobs, Irons, Ovens, etc. on the
washng machne and do not use them on the product.
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6.2 Removing packaging reinforcement
Seek someone's help for ths procedure.
- Rsk of gettng njured.
To remove the packagng renforcement;
a) Tlt the product backwards.
b) Remove the packagng renforcement by pullng the
6.3 Removing transportation safety bolts
Remove the transportaton safety bolts before operatng
the product!
- Otherwse, the product wll be damaged.
a) Loosen all transportaton safety bolts wth an
approprate wrench untl they turn freely.
b) Remove transportaton safety bolts by turnng them
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c) After removng bolts, close the holes wth plugs
provded n the user manual bag.
Keep the transportaton safety bolts n a safe place for
reuse when the product needs to be moved agan n the
Before movng the product, nstall the transportaton
safety bolts n reverse order of the dsassembly procedure.
6.4 Connecting water supply
The water supply pressure requred to run the product s
between 1 to 10 bars (0.1 – 1 MPa). (It s necessary to have
10 – 80 ltres of water flowng from the fully open tap per
- Attach a pressure reducng valve f water pressure s
Do not use old or used water nlet hoses on the new
- It may cause stans on your laundry.
Do not plug the product's cold water nlet to hot water
- Your laundry may get damaged or the product wll swtch
to protecton mode and wll not operate.
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a) Connect the straght end of the mans nlet hose
provded wth the product to the cold water tap and
the warped end to the water nlet on the back of the
product as shown n the fgure.
b) Tghten all hose nuts by hand securely. Never use a
tool when tghtenng the nuts.
c) Open the taps completely after makng the hose
connecton to check for water leaks at the connecton
ponts. If any leaks occur, turn off the tap and remove
the nut. Retghten the nut carefully after checkng
the seal. Turn the tap on and repeat the checks.
d) Keep the taps closed when the product s not n use.
6.5 Connecting the water draining hose to the drain
Attach the end of the dran hose drectly to waste water
dran, washbasn or bathtub.
Do not contact the dscharged water. Rsk of beng burnt as
the water may be hot.
Fx the water dran hose end completely to prevent rsk of
a) Connect the water dran hose to a mnmum heght of 40 cm and a
maxmum heght of 100 cm.
b) The product may fal f water dran hose s at or close to floor level
(under 40 cm) as t would take water n and out contnuously.
c) The product may fal f water dran hose s placed hgher than 100 cm
as t cannot dscharge water and water stays nsde the product.
Therefore, follow the heghts descrbed n the fgure.
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40 cm
100 cm
d) To prevent the waste water to go back nto the product agan and to
ensure easy dranage, do not mmerse the end of the hose nto the
waste water or do not nsert t nto the dran for more than 15 cm. If t
s too long, cut t short.
e) The end of the hose should not be bent, t should not be stepped
on and the hose must not be pnched between the dran and the
f) If the length of the hose s too short, use t by addng an orgnal
extenson hose. Total length of the hose may not be longer than 3.2
m. Otherwse, the product may fal as t would take water n and out
6.6 Adjusting the feet
Adjust feet so that the product wll be balanced on the
locaton t wll be used.
- Balance the machne by adjustng the feet.
- Check for any play by pressng the product from upper
dagonal edges.
- Otherwse, the product may move from ts place and
cause crushng and vbraton problems.
Do not use any tools to loosen the lock nuts. Otherwse, the
lock nuts may get damaged.
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a) Loosen the lock nuts on the feet by hand.
b) Adjust the feet untl the product stands level and balanced.
c) Tghten all lock nuts agan by hand.
6.7 Electrical connection
Damaged power cables must be replaced by the Authorsed
Servce Agents.
a) Connect the product to a grounded outlet protected by a 16 A fuse.
Our company shall not be lable for any damages that
wll arse when the product s used wthout groundng n
accordance wth the local regulatons.
If the current value of the fuse or breaker n the house s
less than 16 Amps, have a qualfed electrcan nstall a 16
Amp fuse.
Do not make connectons va extenson cables or mult-
b) Connecton must comply wth natonal regulatons.
c) The wrng for the electrcal outlet crcut must be suffcent to meet
the applance requrements. Use of a Groud Fault Crcut Interrupter
(GFCI) s recommended.
d) Power cable plug must be wthn easy reach after nstallaton.
e) The voltage specfed n the “(5.) Techncal specfcatons" secton
must be equal to your mans voltage.
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7. Initial use
7.1 Drum cleaning
Apply drum cleanng wthout any laundry n the product.
a) Use the Drum Cleanng programme.
b) Set the temperature to the level recommended on the specal drum
cleanng agent package whch can be provded from Authorsed
Servce Agents.
c) Before startng the programme, put 1 pouch of specal drum cleanng
agent (f the specal agent could not be suppled, put max. 1 teaspoon
of (max. 100 g) of powder ant-lmescale) nto the man wash
detergent compartment. If the ant-lmescale s n tablet form, put
only one tablet nto the man wash compartment.
d) Start the programme.
e) Dry the nsde of the bellow wth a clean pece of cloth after the
programme has come to an end.
Repeat Drum Cleanng every 2 months.
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8. Preparing to wash
8.1 Sorting the laundry
a) Sort laundry accordng to type of fabrc, colour, and degree of solng
and allowable water temperature.
b) Follow nstructons on the garment tags.
c) Do not wash colours and whtes together. New and dark coloured
cottons may release a lot of dye.
Symbols for
washing on
Normal wash
No Iron
Hand wash
Not washable
No Spin
WASH Water
Maximum 950C700C600C500C400C300C
symbols Suitable for
dryer No ironing Sensitive /
delicate dry
Do not dry
with dryer
Do not dry Do not
Drying settings
At any temperature
At high temperature
At medium
At low temperature
Without heating
Hang to dry
Lay to dry
Hang wet to dry
Lay in shadow
to dry
IRON Dry or steam
Iron at high
Iron at medium
Iron at low
No ironing
Iron without
Maximum temperature 200 0C150 0C110 0C
All bleaches are allowed
Bleach (sodium
can be used
Bleach is not
Only bleaches without
chlorine are allowed
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8.2 Preparing laundry for washing
a) Remove the metal peces such as support wre, belt buckle or metal
buttons or wash the clothes by puttng them n a laundry bag or
pllow case.
b) Take out all substances n the pockets such as cons, pens and paper
clps, and turn pockets nsde out before washng.
c) Put small sze clothes such as nfant socks and nylon stockngs n a
laundry bag or a pllow case.
d) Close zpper and fasten the buttons.
e) Wash products wth hand-washable or other tags only wth an
approprate programme.
f) Tough stans must be treated properly before washng.
g) Wash trousers and delcate laundry turned nsde out.
h) Laundry that are subjected to materals such as flour, lme dust, mlk
powder, etc. ntensely must be shaken off before placng nto the product.
8.3 Loading and removing the laundry
a) Open the loadng door.
b) Do not pack laundry nsde the product tghtly.
c) Push the loadng door to close untl you hear a lockng sound.
d) Ensure that no tems are caught n the door. Loadng door wll be
locked after the programme has started.
e) The door lock wll open mmedately after the washng programme
has ended. Then you can open the loadng door. If the door does
not open, apply the solutons provded for "Loadng door cannot be
opened." error n the Troubleshootng secton.
8.4 Using detergent and softener
8.4.1 Detergent drawer
1 2 3
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The detergent drawer s composed of three compartments:
– (1) Lqud detergent compartment
– (2) Powder detergent compartment
– (3) Softener compartment
8.4.2 Detergent, softener and other cleaning agents
When usng detergent, softener, starch, fabrc dye, bleach
and descalng agents to be added through the detergent
contaner 2, read the manufacturer's nstructons wrtten
on the package and follow the dosages specfed. Use a
measurng cup, f any.
For programmes where lqud detergent dosng s selected,
do not add any powder detergent.
Do not use lqud detergents or other cleanng products
other than fabrc softeners produced for washng machnes
to soften the clothes.
Do not use washng agents such as vscous jelly detergents
n detergent drawers or dosng compartments.
Do not use soap powder.
Use only detergents manufactured specfcally for washng
a) Add detergent and softener before startng the washng
b) Place the detergent bag or the dspensng ball drectly among the
laundry n the product.
c) There s no pre-wash compartment or pre-wash opton n your
Close the detergent drawer before startng the washng
programme and never open the drawer whle the product s
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8.4.3 Auto dosing
Initial setup
a) Swtch on the machne by pressng the on/off button.
b) The dosng symbol ( ) wll appear n programmes that permt
detergent dosng.
c) If the lqud detergent and softener compartments are empty or the
remanng agents n these compartments are below the lmts, the
relevant dosng symbol wll flash n programmes that permt dosng.
Adding liquid detergents and softeners
a) Pull the detergent drawer towards yourself to open
b) To add lqud detergent (left) and softener (rght),
open the ld of the relevant contaner upwards as
shown n the mage.
c) When addng lqud detergent or softener, do not
exceed the tp of the «Max» label.
d) Close the ld.
e) Close the detergent drawer by pushng t slowly.
f) After closng the detergent drawer, the flashng
dosng symbol ( ) wll start to lght up steadly.
g) Ths ndcates that the components are flled and
the drawer s closed.
h) For coloured and whte laundry, t s recommended
to fll commonly used lqud detergent n the
) Despte the fact that the detergent compartments
are flled, f detergent symbol contnues to flash,
the detergent drawer s not fully closed. Ensure
that the drawer s seated n place by pushng t.
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Whle the detergent drawer s full wth detergent and/or softener:
a- Do not pull the machne,
b- Do not change ts place,
c- Do not tlt the machne to ts sde or back.
To make these actons, frst you should take out the drawer
from the machne.
If you wsh to start the programme when there s no
detergent n the detergent drawer, please remember that
you must cancel the lqud detergent dosng and wash the
laundry wth powder detergent.
The lqud detergent dosng contaner must be flled only
wth lqud detergent, and the softener dosng contaner
only wth softener. Fllng these compartments wth any
knd of lqud or powder chemcal other than these may
harm your laundry or washng machne.
8.4.4 Dose selection and cancellation
or powder detergent use
a) For some programmes of the machne, lqud detergent could not be
selected. In such cases, powder detergent should be used. Please
see the Programme Table for detals.
b) After selectng the temperature, spn speed and auxlary functon,
start the programme by pressng the started/pause button.
c) The machne wll determne the requred amount of detergent
dependng on the selectons made. Durng the washng operaton, the
detergent ntake s not vsble, t wll be taken n drectly wth the water.
d) If t s requested to use powder detergent n programmes where
detergent dosng system actvates requred amount of powder
detergent should be added to the detergent compartment. If you
wsh to use the detergent compartment n the mddle, you need to
cancel your lqud detergent selecton.
e) Program s started by pressng Start/Pause button. When the machne
starts to take n water, the powder detergent wll also be taken n.
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f) If you want to use a lqud detergent whose characterstcs
are dfferent than that of the detergent n the lqud detergent
compartment for once, you must add the dfferent lqud detergent
nto the mddle powder detergent compartment and cancel your
lqud detergent selecton.
g) The softener will be taken in through the dosing system.
Liquid detergent and softener dosing symbols will
be active or inactive depending on the programme
selected on the display.
a) If the liquid detergent symbol is on, this means that liquid detergent
dosing is active.
b) If the softener symbol is on, this means that softener dosing is active.
c) If the liquid detergent symbol is off, this means that you can wash
your laundry with powder detergent.
d) If the softener symbol is off, this means no softener will be used in
the rinsing step.
The frst poston on the dsplay: means lqud detergent s actve, softener
s on.
If lqud detergent and softener symbols are actve on the dsplay, the lqud
detergent wll become on and the softener wll become off after you press
the Auto Dosng key for the frst tme.
When you press the Auto Dosng key for the second tme, powder detergent
and softener wll become on.
When you press the Auto Dosng key for the thrd tme, powder detergent
wll become on and softener wll become off. Fnally, when you press t for
the fourth tme, t wll return to the ntal poston.
8.4.5 When the detergent and/or softener run(s) out:
a) When the detergent or softener n the detergent compartment runs out,
the “dosng symbol” on the dsplay wll flash. When ths symbol flashes, you
need to add detergent or softener to the dosng compartment. The product
can dose for 2 to 3 cycles as of the moment that the symbol flashes.
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8.4.6 Adding detergent or softener
to the wrong compartment:
a) If the detergent or softener s added to the wrong compartments,
see 13.1 “Cleanng the detergent drawer”.
8.4.7 Choosing the detergent type
Detergent type to be used depends on the washng
programme, fabrc type and color.
a) Use dfferent detergents for coloured and whte laundry.
b) Wash your delcate clothes only wth specal detergents (lqud
detergent, wool shampoo, etc.) ntended solely for delcate clothes
and at suggested programmes.
c) When washng dark coloured clothes and qults, t s recommended
to use lqud detergent.
d) Wash woolens at suggested programme wth specal detergent made
specfcally for woolens.
e) Please revew the program descrptons part for suggested program
for dfferent textles.
f) All recommendatons about detergents are vald for selectable
temperature range of programmes.
8.4.8 Adjusting detergent amount
a) The amount of washng detergent to be used depends on the
amount of laundry, the degree of solng and water hardness.
b) Do not use amounts exceedng the dosage quanttes recommended
on the detergent package to avod excessve foam and poor rnsng.
c) Use less detergent for smaller loads, lghtly soled clothes or when
usng short duraton programmes especally n soft water areas.
8.4.9 Using tablet and capsule liquid detergents
a) If tablet s a capsule wth lqud detergent, put t drectly nto the
drum before washng.
b) Put tablet detergents nto the man wash compartment or drectly
nto the drum before washng.
8.4.10 Using starch
a) Place lqud or dust starch on softener compartment and start the
rnsng programme.
b) Do not use softener and starch together.
c) Use drum cleanng descrbed n Intal use secton after usng starch.
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8.4.11 Using limescale remover
a) When requred, use lmescale removers manufactured specfcally
for washng machnes only.
8.4.12 Using bleaches
a) Do not use bleachng agent and detergent by mxng them.
b) Oxygen-based bleach can be used together wth the detergent.
c) Do not pour the bleach onto the laundry.
d) Do not use t wth the colored tems.
e) When usng oxygen based bleaches, select a programme that
washes at a lower temperature.
8.5 Tips for energy and water saving
Followng nformaton wll help you use the product n an ecologcal and
energy/water-effcent manner.
a) Operate the product n the hghest load capacty allowed for
the programme you have selected, but do not overload. See,
“Programme and consumpton table”.
b) Observe the temperature nstructons on the detergent packagng.
c) Wash slghtly soled laundry at low temperatures.
d) Use faster programmes for small quanttes of lghtly soled laundry.
e) Do not use prewash and hgh temperatures for laundry that s not
heavly soled or staned.
f) If you plan to dry your laundry n a dryer, select the hghest spn
speed recommended durng washng process.
g) Do not use more detergent than the recommended on the
detergent packagng.
8.6 Displayed Program Time
You can see the programme duraton on the dsplay of your machne whle
selectng a programme. Dependng on the amount of laundry you have
loaded nto your machne, foamng, unbalanced load condtons, fluctuatons
n power supply, water pressure and program settngs, the programme
duraton s automatcally adjusted whle the programme s runnng.
At programme start of Cottons and Cotton Eco
programmes, dsplay shows the duraton of half load, whch s the most
common use case. After programme starts, n 20-25 mnutes actual load
s detected by the machne. And f the detected load s hgher than half
load; washng program wll be adjusted accordngly and program duraton
ncreased automatcally. You may follow ths change on the dsplay.
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9. Programmes and Auxiliary Functions
9.1 Programme selection
Programmes are lmted wth the hghest spn speed approprate
for that partcular type of fabrc.
When selectng a programme, always consder the type of fabrc,
colour, degree of solng and permssble water temperature.
a) Select the desred programme wth the Programme Selecton button.
If no programme s started or no key s pressed wthn 10
mnute durng programme selecton process, the product wll
turn off automatcally. Dsplay and all ndcators wll turn off.
If you press on the On / Off button, the programme
nformaton set as default wll be dsplayed.
9.2 Programmes
You can see laundry type and washng suggestons on
clothng tags.
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• Eco 40-60
The Eco 40-60 programme s able to clean normally soled cotton laundry
declared to be washable at 40 °C or 60 °C, together n the same cycle,
and that ths programme s used to assess the complance wth the EU
ecodesgn legslaton.
Although t washes longer than all other programmes, t provdes hgh
energy and water savngs. Actual water temperature may be dfferent from
the stated wash temperature. When you load the machne wth less laundry
(e.g. ½ capacty or less), perods n programme stages may automatcally get
shorter. In ths case, energy and water consumpton wll decrease.
Actual water temperature may be dfferent from the
stated wash temperature.
• Katoen (Cottons)
You can wash your durable cotton laundry (sheets, bedlnen, towels,
bathrobes, underwear etc.) n ths programme.
When the “Quck Wash” settng key s pressed, programme duraton
becomes notably shorter but effectve washng performance s ensured
wth ntense washng movements. If the “Quck Wash” settng key s not
pressed, superor washng and rnsng performance s ensured for your
heavly soled laundry.
• Synthetisch (Synthetics)
You can wash your laundry (such as shrts, blouses, synthetc/cotton
blended fabrcs etc.) n ths programme. When the ”Quck Wash” settng
key s pressed, programme duraton gets notably shorter and the machne
washes wth hgh performance. If the “Quck Wash” settng key s not
pressed, superor washng and rnsng performance s ensured for your
heavly soled laundry.
• Wol (Woollens / Hand Wash)
Use to wash your woolen/delcate laundry. Select the approprate
temperature complyng wth the tag of your clothes. Your laundry wll be
washed wth a very gentle washng acton n order not to damage the clothes.
Select ths programme to wash delcate curtans of max. 2 kg. Wash wth
stan removers or powder detergent f you want whter curtans.
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• Hygiene+
Applyng a steam step at the begnnng of the programme allows to soften
the drt easly.
Use ths programme for your laundry (baby clothes, bed sheets, bedlnen,
underwear, etc. cotton tems) that requres an ant-allergc and hygenc
washng at hgh temperature wth ntensve and long washng cycle. The
hgh level of hygene s ensured thanks to the steam applcaton before the
programme, long heatng duraton and addtonal rnsng step.
• Programme was tested by “The Brtsh Allergy Foundaton “(Allergy
UK) wth the 60°C temperature opton selected and t was certfed n terms of
ts effcacy n elmnatng allergens n addton to bactera and mould.
Allergy UK s the brand of the Brtsh Allergy Assocaton. Seal of Approval s created to
gude people that requre recommendaton about a product that the related product
restrcts / reduces / elmnates the allergens or reduces the allergen content sgnfcantly
n the ambent where allergy patents exst. It ams to provde assurance that the
products are tested scentfcally or examned n a way to provde measurable results.
When ths programme s selected, the Steam Functon gets
actvated. Do not use lqud detergent f the product does
not have a lqud detergent cup or lqud dosng functon.
Otherwse, stans mght reman on the clothes.
• Donker textile (Dark Care / Jeans)
Use ths programme to protect the colour of your dark-coloured garments or
jeans. It performs hgh performance washng wth specal drum movement
even f the temperature s low. It s recommended to use lqud detergent
or woolen shampoo for dark coloured laundry. Do not wash your delcate
clothes contanng wool or etc.
• Sportkledij (Sport)
You can use ths programme to wash sports and outdoors garments that
contan cotton/synthetcs mx and water repellent covers such as gore-
tex etc. It makes sure your garments are washed gently thanks to specal
rotatng movements.
• Centrifugeren+Pompen (Spin+Drain)
Use to dran the water n the product.
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• Spoelen (Rinse)
Use when you want to rnse or starch separately.
• Hemden (Shirts)
Ths programme s used to wash the shrts made from cotton, synthetc and
synthetc blended fabrcs altogether. It reduces wrnkles. When the "Quck
Wash" settng button s pressed, the Pre-treatment algorthm s executed.
• Apply the pre-treatment chemcal on your garments drectly or
add t together wth the detergent when the machne starts to take water
n the powder detergent compartment. Thus, you can obtan the same
performance as you obtan wth normal washng n a much shorter perod of
tme. Usage lfe of your shrts ncreases.
• Mix 40
Use to wash your cotton and synthetc clothes together wthout sortng
• Delicaat (Gentle Care)
You can wash your delcate clothes such as cotton/synthetc blended
kntwear or hosery n ths programme. It washes wth more delcate
washng acton. Wash your clothes whose colour you want to preserve
ether at 20 degrees or by selectng the cold wash opton.
• Xpress / Super Xpress
Use ths programme to wash your lghtly soled and unspotted cotton
clothes n a short tme. When the “Quck Wash” settng button s pressed,
the programme duraton can shorten down to 14 mnutes and a maxmum
of 2 (two) klograms of laundry must be washed n ths programme.
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• StainExpert
The machne has a specal stan programme whch enables the removal of
dfferent types of stans n the most effectve way. Use ths programme
only for durable colourfast cotton laundry. Do not wash delcate and
pgmentng clothes and laundry n ths programme. Before washng,
garment tags should be checked (recommended for cotton shrts, trousers,
shorts, t-shrts, baby clothes, pyjamas, aprons, table clothes, bed sheets,
duvet covers, pllowcases, bath-beach towels, towels, socks, cotton
underwear that are sutable for washng at hgh temperature and long
tme). You can use automatc stan programme to wash 24 types of stans
dvded nto three dfferent groups that can be selected wth the “Quck
Wash” settng button. Below you can fnd the sol groups that can be
selected wth the “Quck Wash” settng button. Dependng on the selected
stan group, a specal washng programme for whch duraton of rnse hold,
washng acton, washng and rnsng duraton are modfed.
Below you can fnd the sol groups that can be selected wth the “Quck
Wash” settng button:
When "Quck Wash" s not
Collar sol
Salad dressng
Machne ol
Baby food
When the "Quck Wash" button
s pressed once
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When the "Quck Wash" button
s pressed twce
Frut juce
Red wne
• Select the stan programme.
• Select the stan you want to clean by locatng t n the groups above and usng the "Quck
Wash" settng button. For detaled nformaton, see the Programme settngs secton.
• Read the garment tag carefully and ensure that correct temperature and spn speed are
• Donsjas (Down Wear)
Use ths programme to wash your coats, vest, jackets etc. contanng
feathers wth a "machne-washable" label on them. Thanks to specal
spnnng profles, t s ensured that the water reaches the ar gaps amongst
the feathers.
• Lingerie
You can use ths programme to wash delcate garments that are sutable
for hand wash and delcate women's underwear. Small amount of garments
must be washed n a washng net. Hooks, buttons etc. must be done up and
zps must be zpped up.
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9.3 Programme table
: Selectable.
* : Automatcally selected, cannot be cancelled.
** : Eco 40-60 ( ) s the test program n accordance wth EN 60456:2016 and energy label
wth Commsson Delegated Regulaton (EU) 1061/2010)
*** : Eco 40-60 wth 40 °C temperature selecton s the test program n accordance wth
EN 60456:2016/prA:2020 and energy label wth Commsson Delegated Regulaton (EU)
See the programme descrpton for maxmum load.
EN 2Auxiliary functions
Max. Load (kg)
Water Consumption (l)
Energy Consumption (kWh)
Max. Speed
Nacht Modus
Extra Spoelen
range °C
90 8 94 2,4 1400 Cold-90
60 8 94 1,7 1400 Cold-90
40 8 92 0,85 1400 Cold-90
20 8 92 0,55 1400 Cold-90
Eco 40-60
40 *** 8 50 0,720 1400 40-60
40 **,*** 4 32 0,420 1400 40-60
40 *** 2 26,8 0,233 1400 40-60
60 ** 8 50 0,990 1400 40-60
60 ** 4 33 0,515 1400 40-60
Synthetisch 60 3 65 1,2 1200 Cold-60
40 3 63 0,78 1200 Cold-60
Xpress Super Xpress
90 8 69 2,1 1400 Cold-90
60 8 69 1,05 1400 Cold-90
30 8 66 0,15 1400 Cold-90
Xpress Super Xpress + Fast+ 30 2 36 0,15 1400 Cold-90
Mix 40 40 3,5 71 0,8 800 Cold-40
Wol 40 1,5 52 0,46 1200 Cold-40
Delicaat 40 3,5 52 0,58 800 Cold-40
Donker textile 40 3,5 83 0,85 1200 * Cold-40
Sportkledij 40 3,5 52 0,4 1200 Cold-40
Donsjas 60 2 84 0,8 1000 Cold-60
StainExpert 60 4 85 1,5 1400 30-60
Hemden 60 3 59 1,1 800 Cold-60
Lingerie 30 1 68 0,3 600 * Cold-30
Hygiene+ 90 8 110 2,3 1400 * 20-90
Drum Clean+ 70 - 72 2,15 600 70
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Water and power consumpton may vary from the above
table subject to the changes n water pressure, water
hardness and temperature, ambent temperature, type and
amount of laundry, selecton of auxlary functons and spn
speed, and changes n electrc voltage.
You can see the washng duraton on the dsplay of your
machne whle selectng a programme. Dependng on the
amount of laundry you have loaded nto your machne,
there may be a dfference of 1-1.5 hours between the
duraton shown on the dsplay and the actual duraton of
the wash cycle. Duraton wll be automatcally updated
soon after the washng starts.
Auxlary functon selecton modes can be changed by the
manufacturng company. Exstng selecton modes can be
removed or new selecton modes can be added.
The manufacturer reserves the rght to make modfcatons
n the programmes and auxlary functons gven n the
table. Whle these modfcatons wll not change the product
performance, programme steps and duratons can change.
The spn speed of your machne may vary accordng to the
programme. If maxmum spn speed of the product s lower then
ths value, you can only select up to the maxmum spn speed.
Always select the lowest approprate temperature. The
most effcent programmes n terms of energy consumpton
are generally those that perform at lower temperatures
and longer duraton.
Nose and remanng mosture content are nfluenced by
the spnnng speed: the hgher the spnnng speed n the
spnnng phase, the hgher the nose and the lower the
remanng mosture content.
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9.4 Auxiliary function selection
When you try to change an auxlary functon that s not
allowed to be selected wth the current programme, ndcator
lght of the relevant auxlary functon wll not flash, only an
audo warnng s gven. Frames of avalable optons wll be lt.
If a second auxlary functon conflctng wth the frst one s
selected before startng the product, the functon selected
frst wll be canceled and the second auxlary functon
selecton wll reman actve.
An auxlary functon that s not compatble wth the
programme cannot be selected. (See "Programme and
consumpton table")
Some programmes have auxlary functons that must
be operated smultaneously. Those functons cannot be
cancelled. The frame of the auxlary functon wll not be
llumnated, only nner area wll be llumnated.
a) Select the desred auxlary functons before startng the programme.
b) LED lght of the selected auxlary functon turns on.
Consumption Values (EN)
Selecton (°C)
Spn Speed (rpm)
Capacty (kg)
Programme Duraton
Energy Consumpton
Water Consumpton
Temperature (°C)
Remanng Mosture
Content (%)
Eco 40-60
1400 8 03:38 0,720 50,0 34 53
1400 4 02:47 0,420 32,0 28 53
1400 2 02:47 0,233 26,8 24 54
1400 8 03:40 0,550 92,0 20 53
1400 8 03:40 1,700 94,0 60 53
1200 3 02:25 0,780 63,0 40 40
Xpress / Super Xpress
1400 8 00:28 0,150 66,0 23 62
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You may select or cancel auxlary functons sutable for the
current programme after the washng has started. If the
wash cycle has reached a pont where no auxlary functon
can be selected, an audo warnng wll be gven.
9.4.1 Auxiliary functions
• Extra Spoelen (Extra Rinse)
Ths functon enables the product to make another rnsng n addton to
the one already made after the man wash. Thus, the rsk for senstve
skns (babes, allergc skns, etc.) to be effected by the mnmal detergent
remnants on the laundry can be reduced.
• NachtModus (Night Mode)
Use to wash the cottons wth lesser energy consumpton and slently. Spn
steps are cancelled for a slent washng and the cycle ends wth the Rnse
Hold step. After completon of the programme, run Spn cycle to spn the
• Auto Dose
Wth ths auxlary functon key, you can change your detergent and dose
preferences. For detaled nformaton, see 8.4.4 “Dose selecton and
cancellaton or powder detergent use”
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9.4.2 "Functions/Programmes Selected by
Pressing the Function Buttons for 3 Seconds"
• Drum Clean
Ths s not a Laundry washng programme. It s a
mantenance programme.
Do not run ths programme when there are any objects n
the machne. If you try to do so, the machne detects that
there s a load nsde and aborts the programme.
Press and hold the auxlary functon button 1 for 3 seconds to select the
programme. Use regularly (once n every 1-2 months) to clean the drum and
provde the requred hygene. Steam s appled before the programme to
soften the resdues n the drum. Operate the programme whle the machne s
completely empty. To obtan better results, put powder lme-scale remover for
washng machnes nto the detergent compartment no. “2”. When the programme
s over, leave the loadng door ajar so that the nsde of the machne gets dry.
• Anti-Crease+
Ths functon s selected by pressng the Quck Wash+ (Fast+) button for
3 seconds and after selectng, the related programme follow-up lght wll
become on. When the functon s selected, the drum rotates for up to 8 hours
for preventng the laundry from creasng at the end of the programme. You
can cancel the programme and take your laundry out at any tme durng the
8-hour duraton. Press the functon selecton key or the machne on/off
key to cancel the functon. The programme follow-up lght wll reman on
untl the functon s canceled or the step s complete. If the functon s not
cancelled, t wll be actve n the subsequent washng cycles as well.
• Auto Dose Setting
You can enable ths functon by pressng the auxlary functon key 3 for 3
seconds. Wth ths functon, the dosng amounts of the Lqud Detergent
and Softener are changed.
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Changing the dosing amounts of Liquid Detergent and
a) Press and hold Auxiliary Function
button 3 for 3 seconds.
b) You can press the “Temperature”
selection button to change the
liquid detergent dosing levels as
1: Low
2: Medium
3: High
c) You can press the “Spin” selection
button to change the softener
dosing levels as below.
1: Low
2: Medium
3: High
d) After setting the dosing amounts, you can press the auto dosing key to return to the
main menu. For all programmes, dosing will be performed based on the latest settings
you have selected until you select a new setting.
• Child Lock
Use Chld Lock functon to prevent chldren from tamperng wth the
product. Thus you can avod any changes n a runnng programme.
You can swtch on and off the product wth On / Off button
when the Chld Lock s actve. When you swtch on the product
agan, programme wll resume from where t has stopped.
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To activate the Child Lock:
a) Press and hold 2nd Auxlary Functon button for 3 seconds.
b) Programme selecton dsplay on the panel wll count down as “3, 2, 1”.
c) The "symbol" on programme selecton dsplay on the panel wll appear.
To deactivate the Child Lock:
a) Press and hold 2nd Auxlary Functon button for 3 seconds.
b) Programme selecton dsplay on the panel wll count down as “3, 2, 1”.
c) The "symbol" on programme selecton dsplay on the panel wll dsappear.
2 45
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10. Programme setting
10.1 Temperature selection
a) Whenever a new programme s selected, the recommended
temperature for the selected programme appears on the
temperature ndcator.
b) To decrease the temperature, press the Temperature Adjustment
button. Temperature wll decrease gradually.
c) It turns back to the begnnng after "Cold" opton and arrves at the
hghest temperature selectable accordng to the programme.
2 30
10.2 Spin speed selection
a) Whenever a new programme s selected, the recommended spn
speed of the selected programme s dsplayed on the spn speed
b) To decrease the spn speed, press the Spn Speed Adjustment
button. Spn speed decreases gradually.
c) Maxmum speed allowed for the relevant programme appears after
pressng agan.
2 25
d) "Rnse Hold" and "No Spn" optons are shown after speed levels.
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• Rinse Hold
If you are not gong to unload your clothes mmedately after the
programme completes, you can use rnse hold functon to keep your laundry
n the fnal rnsng water n order to prevent them from gettng wrnkled
when there s no water n the machne. Press Start / Pause button after
ths process f you want to dran the water wthout spnnng your laundry.
Programme wll resume and completes after dranng the water.
If you want to spn the laundry held n water, adjust the spn speed and
press Start / Pause button. The programme resumes. Water s draned,
laundry s spun and the programme s completed.
• No Spin
Use ths functon f you do not want your clothes be spun at the end of the
10.3 Quick Wash Setting (Fast+)
2 45
After selectng a programme, you can press the Quck Wash settng key to
shorten the programme duraton. For some programmes, the duraton can
shorten by over 50%. Despte ths, the washng performance s good thanks
to the changed algorthm.
Although t vares n each programme, when you press the Quck Wash key
once, the programme duraton decreases to a certan level, and when you
press the same key for the second tme, t drops to the mnmum level.
For a better washng performance, do not use the Quck Wash settng key
when washng heavly soled laundry.
Shorten the programme duraton by usng the Quck Wash key for
Moderately and Slghtly soled laundry.
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10.4 Starting the programme
a) Press Start / Pause button to start the programme.
b) Programme follow-up lght showng the startup of the programme
wll turn on.
2 45
10.5 Programme steps
a) The symbols below appear on programme follow-up ndcator after
the programme starts.
- Wash
- Rnse
- Spn
- End
- Ant-creasng+ (Once the relevant functon has been
selected, ths symbol becomes on and remans on untl
t s cancelled. See "Functons/Programmes Selected by
Pressng the Functon Buttons for 3 Seconds")
2 45
2 45
"No Water" symbol appears f water s not
suppled to the product. Programme steps do
not contnue.
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10.6 End of programme
a) "End" symbol appears on the dsplay when the programme s
2 45
If you do not press any button for 10 mnutes, the product
wll turn off automatcally. Dsplay and all ndcators are
turned off.
Completed programme steps wll be dsplayed f you press
On / Off button.
b) Remove your laundry.
c) Swtch off the product by pressng and holdng the On/Off button
for 3 seconds.
d) Close the tap connected to the product.
e) Unplug the product.
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11. Programme options
11.1 Setting the end time
Do not use lqud detergents wthout a lqud cup when you
actvate End Tme functon. There s the rsk of stanng of
the clothes.
When the End Tme selecton s completed, the tme
appears on the dsplay s the end tme chosen plus the
duraton of the selected programme.
a) Wth the End Tme functon, the startup of the programme can
be delayed up to 24 hours. After pressng End Tme button, the
programme's estmated endng tme s dsplayed. If the End Tme s
adjusted, End Tme ndcator s llumnated.
9 30
9 30
b) Open the loadng door, place the laundry and put detergent, etc.
c) Select the washng programme, temperature, spn speed and, f
requred, the auxlary functons.
d) Set the end tme of your choce by pressng the End Tme button.
End Tme ndcator llumnates.
e) Close the loadng door.
f) Press the Start / Pause button. Tme countdown starts. “:” symbol
n the mddle of the end tme on the dsplay starts flashng and the
loadng door locks down.
The product enters standby mode 10 sec after pressng
Start / Pause button f the loadng door s not closed and
End Tme Settng Symbol ndcator and Start / Pause lght
starts flashng.
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Adding laundry during End Time countdown.
a) Press the Start / Pause button.
b) The loadng door wll open and the door symbol on the dsplay wll go
c) Open the loadng door and add laundry.
d) Close the loadng door.
f) Press the Start / Pause button.
9 30
11.1.1 Cancelling the end time setting
a) If you want to cancel End Tme functon, press On / Off button for 3
sec. to turn off and on the product.
9 30
11.2 Switching the machine to standby mode and
adding laundry
2 45
a) Press the Start/Pause button to swtch the machne to pause mode
whle a programme s runnng.
b) Start/Pause lght and the programme step lght n the programme
follow-up ndcator wll start flashng.
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c) If the water level n the machne s sutable, the door lock wll be
deactvated and the door wll open, allowng you to add garments.
The door lock con on the dsplay goes off when the door lock s
d) After addng garments, close the door and press Start/Pause button
once agan to resume the washng cycle.
e) If the water level n the machne s not sutable when you press
Start/Pause button, the door lock cannot be deactvated and the
door lock con on the dsplay remans on.
If the temperature of the water nsde the machne s
above 50°C, you cannot deactvate the door lock for safety
reasons, even f the water level s sutable.
11.3 Cancelling the programme
a) Press and hold On / Off button for 3 seconds.
If you press On / Off button when the Chld Lock s enabled,
the programme wll not be cancelled. You should cancel the
chld lock frst. See To deactvate the chld lock.
If you want to open the loadng door after you have
cancelled the programme but t s not possble to open
the loadng door snce the water level n the product s
above the loadng door openng, then turn the Programme
Selecton knob to Pump+Spn programme and dscharge
the water n the product.
b) Programme selecton dsplay on the panel wll count down as “3, 2,
c) The programme s cancelled.
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12. Additional features
12.1 Activating and deactivating the audio warning
a) Press and hold 1st and 2nd auxlary functon buttons for 3 seconds
to actvate and deactvate the audo warnng.
b) Programme selecton dsplay on the panel wll count down as “3, 2, 1”.
c) If the audo warnng s actve t wll be deactvated and vce versa.
12.2 Loading door lock
a) Press Start / Pause button to lock the loadng door for safety
purposes after startng any process.
b) The door wll not unlock f the product contans enough water to
spll out when the door s opened.
c) "Door Locked" symbol appears when the loadng door s locked.
12.2.1 Opening the loading door in case of power failure:
In case of power falure, you can use the loadng door
emergency handle under the pump flter cap to open the
loadng door manually.
To avod any water overflow before openng the loadng
door, make sure there s no water left nsde the machne.
a) Turn off and unplug the applance.
b) Open the pump flter ld.
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c) Remove the loadng door emergency handle
behnd the flter cover wth a tool.
d) Open the loadng door by pullng the loadng
door emergency handle downwards.
e) Try to pull the handle downwards agan f the
loadng door s not opened.
f) Brng the loadng door emergency handle to ts
orgnal poston after openng the loadng door.
13. Maintenance and cleaning
13.1 Cleaning the detergent drawer
13.1.1 When to clean
a) If you see hardened, vscous detergent or softener when you open
the dosng contaner ld,
b) If you are not satsfed wth the washng results (the detergent
or softener may not be taken nto the washng medum snce t s
c) If the lquds n the compartment do not decrease for a long tme even
though you do not add detergent or softener and dosng s selected,
d) If you want to change the washng agents you have added to the
compartment (for example, f you are not satsfed wth the detergent
and do not want to use t) or f you have made a mstake when addng
the agents (for example, f you have added detergent to the softener
compartment or softener to the detergent compartment),
e) If you are gong to add a detergent or softener from a dfferent
brand than the one you normally use,
f) If you are addng a washng agent of a dfferent nature (for
example, f you are addng detergent for coloured laundry when
there s detergent for whte laundry n the compartment),
g) If you are addng a washng agent wth a dfferent concentraton
(To not waste the old detergent, you can add t to the powder
detergent compartment n the next wash and select «powder
detergent actve» on the dsplay.),
h) If the new softener to be added has the same characterstcs but
has a dfferent scent (please keep n mnd that f you add the new
softener wthout cleanng the remnants of the prevous one, ths
mxture wll gve a dfferent smell),
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) If you are not gong to use the product for a long tme (for example,
when gong to the summer house and when returnng - 3 months
or more) (the washng agent may ncreasngly thcken and get
hardened n the end, and thus the system may not perform dosng
even f t shows that the compartments are full.)
13.1.2. Cleaning:
Before cleanng, press the On/Off button to swtch of the product and unplug t.
It s recommended for you to wear a glove to avod
contactng the detergent you wll take out of the
detergent drawer and other washng agents.
a) Press the blue part n the mddle of the detergent drawer and then
pull the drawer towards yourself to take t out.
b) Take out the dscharge bar that s located at the back of the drawer.
c) The hole behnd the detergent compartment that wll be empted s
placed over a contaner.
d) Slghtly push the dscharge bar nto the slot at the back of the
detergent compartment.
e) The detergent starts to flow to the contaner.
f) Repeat the same process for softener.
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g) Use a flat screwdrver to remove the tabs holdng the upper cover of
the detergent drawer (there are 6 tabs n total: two on the rght sde
of the drawer, two on the left and two at the back) and wash the
nsde of the drawer.
h) After washng t, place the cover back to ts locaton. Make sure that
all tabs are ftted. If the tabs do not seat properly, lquds may leak or
the detergent drawer may get stuck or dffcultly move on the drawer
slde. For ths reason, please ensure that the tabs are ftted n place.
) Ft the dscharge bar to ts slot at the back of the drawer.
j) Payng attenton to ts slot and sldes, ft the drawer back n place
and push t to close. After addng detergent and softener, t wll be
ready to be used n programmes wth dosng functon.
13.2 Cleaning the loading door
a) After every washng make sure that no foregn substance s left n
the product.
b) If the holes on the bellow shown n the fgure s blocked, open the
holes usng a toothpck.
c) Foregn metal substances wll cause rust stans n the drum. Clean the
stans on the drum surface by usng cleanng agents for stanless steel.
d) Never use steel wool or wre wool. These wll damage the panted,
chromated and plastc surfaces.
13.3 Cleaning the body and control panel
a) Wpe the body of the product wth soapy water or non-corrosve
mld gel detergents as necessary, and dry wth a soft cloth.
b) Use only a soft and damp cloth to clean the control panel.
13.4 Cleaning the water intake filters
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There s a flter at the end of each water ntake valve at the rear of the
product and also at the end of each water ntake hose where they are
connected to the tap. These flters prevent foregn substances and drt n
the water to enter the product. Flters should be cleaned f they are drty.
a) Close the taps.
b) Remove the nuts of the water ntake
hoses to access the flters on the water
ntake valves. Clean them wth an
approprate brush. If the flters are too
drty, remove them from ther places wth
a plers and clean n ths way.
c) Take out the flters on the flat ends of
the water ntake hoses together wth
the gaskets and clean thoroughly under
runnng water.
d) Replace the gaskets and flters carefully n
ther places and tghten the hose nuts by
13.5 Cleaning the pump filter
Foregn substances left n the pump flter may damage
your product or may cause nose problem.
In regons where freezng s possble, the tap must be
closed, system hose must be removed and the water nsde
the product must be draned when the product s not n use.
After each use, turn off the tap to whch the mans hose s
The flter system n your product prevents sold tems such as buttons, cons
and fabrc fbers cloggng the pump mpeller durng dranng of washng
water. Thus, the water wll be draned wthout any problem and the servce
lfe of the pump wll extend.
If the product fals to dran water nsde t, the pump flter s clogged. Flter
must be cleaned whenever t s clogged or n every 3 months. Water must be
draned off frst to clean the pump flter.
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13.5.1 Cleaning dirty filters
Temperature of the water nsde the product may rse up
to 90ºC. To avod the rsk of scaldng, clean the flter after
the water nsde the product has cooled down.
a) Unplug the product.
b) Open the flter cap.
c) Proceed as follows for dranng water.
- Pull the emergency dranng hose out from ts seat.
- Place a large contaner at the end of the hose. Dran the
water nto the contaner by pullng out the plug at the
end of the hose. When the contaner s full, block the nlet
of the hose by replacng the plug. After the contaner s
empted, repeat the above procedure to dran the water
n the product completely.
- When dranng of water s fnshed, close the end by the
plug agan and fx the hose n ts place.
- Turn the pump flter to take t out.
d) Clean any resdues nsde the flter as well as fbers, f any, around
the pump mpeller regon.
e) Install the flter.
f) Close the flter cover.
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14. Troubleshooting
Problem Cause Solution
Programs do not
start after the
loading door is
Start / Pause / Cancel button s
not pressed.
Press Start / Pause / Cancel button.
It may be dffcult to close
the loadng door n case of
excessve loadng.
Reduce the amount of laundry and make
sure that the loadng door s closed
Programme cannot
be started or
The product has swtched to
self protecton mode due to a
supply problem (lne voltage,
water pressure, etc.).
The programme s cancelled when the
product s turned off and on agan. Press
and hold On / Off button for 3 seconds.
Water inside the
Some water has remaned n the
product due to the qualty control
processes n the producton.
Ths s not a falure; water s not harmful
to the product.
The product does
not take water in.
Tap s turned off.
Turn on the taps.
Water nlet hose s bent.
Flatten the hose.
Water nlet flter s clogged.
Clean the flter.
Loadng door s not closed.
Close the door.
The product does
not drain water.
Water dran hose s clogged or
Clean or flatten the hose.
Pump flter s clogged.
Clean the pump flter.
Product vibrates or
makes noise.
Product s standng
Stable the product by adjustng the feet.
A hard substance has entered
nto the pump flter.
Clean the pump flter.
Transportaton safety bolts are
not removed.
Remove the transportaton safety bolts.
Laundry quantty n the
product s too lttle.
Add more laundry to the product.
Excessve laundry s loaded n
the product.
Take out some of the laundry from the
product or dstrbute the load by hand to
balance t homogeneously n the product.
Product s leanng on a rgd
Make sure that the product s not leanng
on anythng.
There is water
leaking from the
bottom of the
Water dran hose s clogged or
Clean or flatten the hose.
Pump flter s clogged.
Clean the pump flter.
Product stopped
shortly after the
programme started.
Machne has stopped
temporarly due to low voltage.
Product wll resume runnng when the
voltage restores to the normal level.
Product directly
drains the water it
takes in.
Dranng hose s not at
adequate heght.
Connect the water dranng hose as
descrbed n the user manual.
No water can be
seen in the product
during washing.
Water s nsde the nvsble
part of the product.
Ths s not a falure.
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Problem Cause Solution
Loading door cannot
be opened.
Loadng door lock s actvated
because of the water level n
the product.
Dran the water by runnng the Pump or
Spn programme.
Product s heatng up the water
or t s at the spnnng cycle.
Wat untl the programme completes.
Loadng door may be stuck
because of the pressure t s
subjected to.
Grab the handle and push and pull the
loadng door to release and open t.
If there s no power, loadng
door of the product wll not
To open the loadng door, open the pump
flter cap and pull down the emergency
handle postoned at the rear sde of the
sad cap. See “Openng the loadng door n
case of power falure”
Washing takes
longer than
specified in the user
Water pressure s low.
Product wats untl takng n adequate
amount of water to prevent poor washng
qualty due to the decreased amount of
water. Therefore, the washng tme extends.
Voltage s low.
Washng tme s prolonged to avod poor
washng results when the supply voltage
s low.
Input temperature of water
s low.
Requred tme to heat up the water
extends n cold seasons. Also, washng
tme can be lengthened to avod poor
washng results.
Number of rnses and/or
amount of rnse water have
Product ncreases the amount of rnse
water when good rnsng s needed and
adds an extra rnsng step f necessary.
Excessve foam has occurred
and automatc foam absorpton
system has been actvated due
to too much detergent usage.
Use recommended amount of detergent.
time does not
countdown. (On
models with display)
Tmer may stop durng water
Tmer ndcator wll not countdown untl
the product takes n adequate amount of
water. The product wll wat untl there s
suffcent amount of water to avod poor
washng results due to lack of water. Tmer
ndcator wll resume countdown after ths.
Tmer may stop durng heatng
Tmer ndcator wll not countdown
untl the product reaches the selected
Tmer may stop durng
spnnng step.
Automatc unbalanced load detecton
system s actvated due to the
unbalanced dstrbuton of the laundry n
the product.
time does not
countdown. (*)
There s unbalanced load n the
Automatc unbalanced load detecton
system s actvated due to the
unbalanced dstrbuton of the laundry n
the product.
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Problem Cause Solution
Product does not
switch to spinning
step. (*)
There s unbalanced load n the
Automatc unbalanced load detecton
system s actvated due to the unbalanced
dstrbuton of the laundry n the product.
The product wll not spn f
water s not draned completely.
Check the flter and the dranng hose.
Excessve foam has occurred
and automatc foam absorpton
system has been actvated due
to too much detergent usage.
Use recommended amount of detergent.
performance is poor:
Laundry turns gray.
Insuffcent amount of
detergent has been used over
a long perod of tme.
Use the recommended amount of
detergent approprate for water
hardness and the laundry.
Washng has been made at low
temperatures for a long tme.
Select the proper temperature for the
laundry to be washed.
Insuffcent amount of
detergent s used wth hard
Usng nsuffcent amount of detergent
wth hard water causes the sol to stck on
the cloth and ths turns the cloth nto gray
n tme. It s dffcult to elmnate grayng
once t happens. Use the recommended
amount of detergent approprate for
water hardness and the laundry.
Excessve amount of
detergent s used.
Use the recommended amount of
detergent approprate for water
hardness and the laundry.
performance is poor:
Stains persist or
the laundry is not
whitened. (**)
Insuffcent amount of
detergent s used.
Use the recommended amount of
detergent approprate for water
hardness and the laundry.
Excessve laundry s loaded n.
Do not load the product n excess. Load
wth amounts recommended n the "9.3
Programme and consumpton table".
Wrong programme and
temperature were selected.
Select the proper programme and
temperature for the laundry to be washed.
Wrong type of detergent s
Use orgnal detergent approprate for
the product.
Excessve amount of
detergent s used.
Put the detergent n the correct
compartment. Do not mx the bleachng
agent and the detergent wth each other.
performance is poor:
Oily stains appeared
on the laundry. (**)
Regular drum cleanng s not
Clean the drum regularly.
performance is
poor: Clothes smell
unpleasantly. (**)
Odours and bactera layers
are formed on the drum as a
result of contnuous washng
at lower temperatures and/or
n short programmes.
Leave the detergent drawer as well
as the loadng door of the product ajar
after each washng. Thus, a humd
envronment favorable for bactera
cannot occur n the machne.
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Problem Cause Solution
Colour of the clothes
faded. (**)
Excessve laundry was loaded n.
Do not load the product n excess.
Detergent n use s damp.
Keep detergents closed n an
envronment free of humdty and do not
expose them to excessve temperatures.
A hgher temperature was
Select the proper programme and
temperature accordng to the type and
solng degree of the laundry.
Washing machine
does not rinse well.
The amount, brand and
storage condtons of
the detergent used are
Use a detergent approprate for the
washng machne and your laundry. Keep
detergents closed n an envronment free
of humdty and do not expose them to
excessve temperatures.
Detergent was put n the
wrong compartment.
Add the detergent and the softener to
the rght compartment.
Pump flter s clogged.
Check the flter.
Dran hose s folded.
Check the dran hose.
Laundry became
stiff after washing.
Insuffcent amount of
detergent s used.
Usng nsuffcent amount of detergent
for the water hardness can cause the
laundry to become stff n tme. Use
approprate amount of detergent
accordng to the water hardness.
Detergent was put n the
wrong compartment.
Add the detergent and the softener to
the rght compartment.
Detergent was mxed wth the
Do not mx the softener wth detergent.
Wash and clean the drawer wth hot water.
Laundry does
not smell like the
softener. (**)
Detergent was put n the
wrong compartment.
Add the detergent and the softener to
the rght compartment.
Detergent was mxed wth the
Do not mx the softener wth detergent.
Wash and clean the drawer wth hot water.
Softener dosng settng level
s low.
Increase the softener dosng amount by
one level. See “Auto Dosng Settng”
Detergent residue
in the detergent
drawer. (**)
Detergent was put n wet
Dry the detergent drawer before puttng
n detergent.
Detergent has gotten damp.
Keep detergents closed n an
envronment free of humdty and do not
expose them to excessve temperatures.
Water pressure s low.
Check the water pressure.
The detergent n the man
wash compartment got wet
whle takng n the prewash
water. Holes of the detergent
compartment are blocked.
Check the holes and clean f they are
There s a problem wth the
detergent drawer valves.
Call the Authorsed Servce Agent.
Detergent was mxed wth the
Do not mx the softener wth detergent.
Wash and clean the drawer wth hot water.
Regular drum cleanng s not
Clean the drum regularly.
EN / 60
Washing Machine / User’s Manual
Problem Cause Solution
Too much foam
forms inside the
product. (**)
Improper detergents for the
washng machne s used.
Use detergents approprate for the
washng machne.
Excessve amount of
detergent s used.
Use only suffcent amount of detergent.
Detergent was stored under
mproper condtons.
Store detergent n a closed and dry
locaton. Do not store n excessvely hot
Some meshed laundry such
as tulle may foam too much
because of ther texture.
Use smaller amounts of detergent for
ths type of tem.
Detergent was put n the
wrong compartment.
Put the detergent n the correct
Foam is overflowing
from the detergent
Too much detergent s used.
Mx 1 tablespoonful softener and ½
l water and pour nto the man wash
compartment of the detergent drawer.
Put detergent nto the product sutable
for the programmes and maxmum loads
ndcated n the “Programme table”.
When you use addtonal chemcals (stan
removers, bleaches and etc), reduce the
amount of detergent.
Laundry remains
wet at the end of
the programme. (*)
Excessve foam has occurred
and automatc foam
absorpton system has been
actvated due to too much
detergent usage.
Use recommended amount of detergent.
(*) The product does not switch to spinning step when the laundry is not evenly
distributed in the drum to prevent any damage to the product and to its surrounding
environment. Laundry should be rearranged and re-spun.
(**) Regular drum cleaning is not applied. Clean the drum regularly.
If you cannot elmnate the problem although you follow
the nstructons n ths secton, consult your dealer
or the Authorzed Servce Agent. Never try to repar a
nonfunctonal product yourself.
Some (smple) falures can be adequately handled by the end-user wthout any safety ssue or
unsafe use arsng, provded that they are carred out wthn the lmts and n accordance wth
the followng nstructons (see the “Self-Repar” secton).
Therefore, unless otherwse authorzed n the “Self-Repar” secton below, repars shall be
addressed to regstered professonal reparers n order to avod safety ssues. A regstered
professonal reparer s a professonal reparer that has been granted access to the nstructons
and spare parts lst of ths product by the manufacturer accordng to the methods descrbed n
legslatve acts pursuant to Drectve 2009/125/EC.
However, only the service agent (i.e. authorized professional repairers) that you can
reach through the phone number given in the user manual/warranty card or through
your authorized dealer may provide service under the guarantee terms. Therefore,
please be advised that repairs by professional repairers (who are not authorized by
Beko) shall void the guarantee.
Self-repar can be done by the end-user wth regard to the followng spare parts: door, door
hnge and seals, other seals, door lockng assembly and plastc perpherals such as detergent
dspensers (an updated lst s also avalable n support.beko.com as of 1st of March 2021).
Moreover, to ensure product safety and to prevent rsk of serous njury, the mentoned self-
repar shall be done followng the nstructons n the user manual for self-repar or whch are
avalable n support.beko.com. For your safety, unplug the product before attemptng any self-
Repar and repar attempts by end-users for parts not ncluded n such lst and/or not followng
the nstructons n the user manuals for self-repar or whch are avalable n support.beko.com,
mght gve rase to safety ssues not attrbutable to Beko, and wll vod the warranty of the
Therefore, t s hghly recommended that end-users refran from the attempt to carry out
repars fallng outsde the mentoned lst of spare parts, contactng n such cases authorzed
professonal reparers or regstered professonal reparers. On the contrary, such attempts by
end-users may cause safety ssues and damage the product and subsequently cause fre, flood,
electrocuton and serous personal njury to occur.
By way of example, but not lmted to, the followng repars must be addressed to authorzed
professonal reparers or regstered professonal reparers: motor, pump assembly, man board,
motor board, dsplay board, heaters etc.
The manufacturer/seller cannot be held lable n any case where end-users do not comply wth
the above.
The spare part avalablty of the washng machne or washer-dryer that you purchased s 10
years. Durng ths perod, orgnal spare parts wll be avalable to operate the washng machne or
washer-dryer properly.

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BEKO WTV8746XDOS1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 64 pagina's

BEKO WTV8746XDOS1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 64 pagina's

BEKO WTV8746XDOS1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 64 pagina's

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