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IP Office
4610 User’s Guide
40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005)
Page ii - Contents
Page ii - Contents IP Office 4610 User’s Guide
40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005)
The 4610 Telephone ............................................................................. 6
Overview of the 4610......................................................................................................... 6
Call Appearance Keys ............................................................................................................. 8
System Features...................................................................................................................... 8
Call Appearance/Function Key Icons....................................................................................... 9
Basic Call Handling Features ............................................................ 10
Answer a Call ..................................................................................................................10
Making a Call...................................................................................................................10
Clearing a Call .................................................................................................................10
Headset Working .............................................................................................................11
Speakerphone ................................................................................................................. 11
Speed Dial ....................................................................................................................... 12
Redial .............................................................................................................................. 12
Mute................................................................................................................................. 12
Hold ................................................................................................................................. 12
Transfer ........................................................................................................................... 13
Conference ......................................................................................................................13
Speed Dials.......................................................................................... 14
Overview of Speed Dials ................................................................................................. 14
Using Speed Dials ........................................................................................................... 15
Dialing a Speed Dial .............................................................................................................. 15
Adding a Speed Dial from the Call Log.................................................................................. 15
Editing a Speed Dial .............................................................................................................. 15
Deleting a Speed Dial ............................................................................................................ 15
Adding a New Speed Dial ...................................................................................................... 16
Adding a New Speed Dial............................................................................................................. 16
Using the Call Log .............................................................................. 18
Overview of the Call Log ................................................................................................. 18
Using the Call Logs ......................................................................................................... 19
To Access the Call Logs ........................................................................................................ 19
To Display an Individual Log Entry ........................................................................................ 19
To Make a Call from an Individual Log entry.......................................................................... 19
To Turn a Log Entry into a Speed Dial................................................................................... 20
To Delete an Individual Log Entry.......................................................................................... 20
To Delete All Entries from a Log ............................................................................................ 20
To Exit the Call Logs.............................................................................................................. 20
Contents - Page iii
IP Office 4610 User’s Guide Contents - Page iii
40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005)
Changing the 4610 Options ............................................................... 21
Telephone Options Overview .......................................................................................... 21
Application Options.......................................................................................................... 22
Redial .................................................................................................................................... 22
Phone Screen on Answer ...................................................................................................... 22
Phone Screen on Calling ....................................................................................................... 22
Display Call Timers................................................................................................................ 23
Message Display Rate........................................................................................................... 23
Visual Alerting........................................................................................................................ 23
Personal Ringing ............................................................................................................. 24
View IP Settings .............................................................................................................. 24
IP Address Settings ...................................................................................................................... 24
Quality of Service (QoS) Information ............................................................................................24
Phone Interface ............................................................................................................................ 24
Miscellaneous Information ............................................................................................................ 24
Adjusting the Display Contrast ........................................................................................ 25
Logging off the 4610 IP Telephone ................................................................................. 25
Backup/Restore Options.................................................................................................. 25
Changing Feature Key Labels......................................................................................... 26
Language Selection......................................................................................................... 26
Function Keys ..................................................................................... 27
Overview of the Function Keys........................................................................................ 27
Function Key Programming............................................................................................. 28
Shorthand Programming Mode.............................................................................................. 29
Longhand Programming ........................................................................................................ 30
Function Key Features...........................................................................................................31
Dial (#) .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Group (#) ...................................................................................................................................... 31
User (#)......................................................................................................................................... 31
Absnt - Set Absent Text................................................................................................................ 32
Acct - Account Code Entry (!) ....................................................................................................... 32
AD - Abbreviated Dial (!)............................................................................................................... 32
Admin - Self-Administer (!)............................................................................................................ 32
Apear - Appearance...................................................................................................................... 33
AutCB - Automatic Callback (!) ..................................................................................................... 33
Busy - Busy................................................................................................................................... 33
BusyH - Busy On Held.................................................................................................................. 33
CFrwd - Call Forwarding All (!)...................................................................................................... 34
ClrCW - Clear CW ........................................................................................................................ 34
CnfRV - Conference Meet Me....................................................................................................... 34
Conf+ - Conference Add ............................................................................................................... 34
CPark - Call Park (!)...................................................................................................................... 35
CPkUp - Call Pickup (!)................................................................................................................. 35
CWOff - Call Waiting Off............................................................................................................... 35
CWOn - Call Waiting On............................................................................................................... 36
CWSus - Call Waiting Suspend ....................................................................................................36
Page iv - Contents
Contents - Page iv IP Office 4610 User’s Guide
40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005)
DCW - Dial CW............................................................................................................................. 36
Dir - Directory (!) ........................................................................................................................... 36
Dirct - Dial Direct........................................................................................................................... 37
DNDOn - Do Not Disturb On......................................................................................................... 37
DNDOf - Do Not Disturb Off.......................................................................................................... 37
DNDX+ - Do Not Disturb Exception Add....................................................................................... 37
DNDX- - Do Not Disturb Exception Delete.................................................................................... 37
DPkUp - Directed Call Pickup (!)................................................................................................... 38
Drop - Drop (!)............................................................................................................................... 38
DTone - Secondary Dial Tone ...................................................................................................... 38
Emrgy - Dial Emergency............................................................................................................... 38
Flash - Flash Hook (#) .................................................................................................................. 38
FolTo - Follow Me To.................................................................................................................... 38
FwBNo - Forward On Busy Number ............................................................................................. 39
FwBOn - Forward On Busy On ..................................................................................................... 39
FwBOf - Forward On Busy Off ...................................................................................................... 39
FwdH+ - Forward Hunt Group Calls On........................................................................................ 39
FwdH- - Forward Hunt Group Calls Off......................................................................................... 40
FwdNo - Forward Number ............................................................................................................ 40
FwdOf - Cancel All Forwarding..................................................................................................... 40
FwNOn - Forward On No Answer On ........................................................................................... 40
FwNOf - Forward On No Answer Off ............................................................................................ 40
FwUOn - Forward Unconditional On............................................................................................. 41
FwUOf - Forward Unconditional Off.............................................................................................. 41
GrpPg - Group Paging (!).............................................................................................................. 41
HdSet - Headset Toggle (!)........................................................................................................... 41
Here- - Follow Me Here Cancel .................................................................................................... 41
Here+ - Follow Me Here................................................................................................................ 42
HfAns - Internal Auto-Answer (!)................................................................................................... 42
HGEna - Hunt Group Enable ........................................................................................................ 42
HGDis - Hunt Group Disable......................................................................................................... 42
HGNS+ - Set Hunt Group Night Service (!) .................................................................................. 43
HGNS- - Clear Hunt Group Night Service..................................................................................... 43
HGOS+ - Set Hunt Group Out of Service ..................................................................................... 43
HGOS- - Clear Hunt Group Out of Service ................................................................................... 43
Hold - Hold Call............................................................................................................................. 43
HoldCW - Hold Call Waiting.......................................................................................................... 44
IAuto - Automatic Intercom ........................................................................................................... 44
ICSeq - Set Inside Call Sequence ................................................................................................44
IDial - Dial Intercom ...................................................................................................................... 44
Inclu - Dial Inclusion...................................................................................................................... 44
Intru - Call Intrude ......................................................................................................................... 44
Listn - Call Listen .......................................................................................................................... 45
Login - Extn Login......................................................................................................................... 45
Logof - Extn Logout ...................................................................................................................... 45
Music - Hold Music ....................................................................................................................... 45
NATim - Set No Answer Time....................................................................................................... 45
OCSeq - Set Outside Call Sequence............................................................................................ 46
Page - Page.................................................................................................................................. 46
Park - Park (#) .............................................................................................................................. 46
Park - Call Park to Other Extension (!).......................................................................................... 46
Page 8 - Overview of the 4610 The 4610 Telephone
Page 8 - The 4610 Telephone IP Office 4610 User’s Guide
Overview of the 4610 40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005)
Call Appearance Keys
Normally, the first page of the main call handling screen contains three keys set as 'call
appearance' keys. These are allocated to you by your System Administrator and are
indicated as a=, b= and c=.
Your System Administrator can change a call appearance key with:
A Bridged Appearance
A bridged appearance key matches the status and operation of the Call Appearance
Key on a pre-defined colleague’s telephone. Hence, you can pick-up, make and
receive calls on behalf of your colleague.
A Line Appearance
An IP Office exchange line (but not IP lines) can be allocated to you such that the
status of that line is displayed and you can use the line appearance key to make and
receive calls.
Call Coverage Appearance
A call coverage appearance key alerts you when a pre-defined colleague is
receiving a call. The covered user does not need to be using call appearance keys.
Hence, you can pick-up calls on behalf of your colleague.
All of the above can only be allocated to you by your System Administrator.
For details of Bridged, Line and Call Coverage Appearance Keys set-up and their
operation, refer the IP Office Key and Lamp Operation manual.
1. Having more than two Call Appearance keys is very useful. When holding a call
you can answer/make another call and then switch between calls or transfer or
conference. If you are set to receive call waiting indication, the waiting call is
shown against the next call appearance key.
2. Although the System Administrator can replace the Call Appearance Keys with:
A Bridged Appearance
A Line Appearance
Call Coverage Appearance
System Features
This would severely restrict the use of features such as conference and transfer.
It is for these reasons that it is strongly recommended that all Call
Appearance keys remain at their default settings.
System Features
System Features can only be set against soft Function Keys by your System
Administrator. However, your System Administrator may allocate you two ‘self
administrator’ features that will enable you to add System Features to your soft
Function Keys. Refer to Function Keys on page 27 for details of the System Feature
that can only be allocated to you by your System Administrator.
In addition, there are a number of System Features that you can always access
yourself by the use of short codes. Refer to System Features on page 55 for details of
System Features that you can always access yourself by dialing short codes, e.g. *17
to listen to your VoiceMail messages.
Transfer Basic Call Handling Features - Page 13
IP Office 4610 User’s Guide Basic Call Handling Features - Page 13
40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005) Transfer
The Transfer feature allows you to transfer a call from your telephone to another
extension or outside number.
To transfer the current call to another extension
1. With a call in progress, press
2. When you hear dial tone, dial the number to which the call is to be transferred.
3. Do one of the following:
To transfer the call without announcing it, either hang up or press
Transfer again. The transfer is complete. If the transferred call is not answered
within a preset time, it is returned to you.
To announce the call before transferring it, wait for the called party to answer.
If the called party is willing to accept the call, press
Transfer again to
complete the transfer.
If the called party does not wish to accept the call, press
You can return to the held call by pressing its call appearance button.
If the line is busy or if there is no answer, press
You can return to the held call by pressing its call appearance button.
To transfer a new call to a held call using Conference:
1. With a call in progress and you wish to make an enquiry call or another call arrives,
Hold. Make or answer the second call.
The new call requires to be transferred to the first held call.
2. To transfer the new call to the held call, press
Conference and then
Drop. The transfer is complete.
The Conference feature allows you to conference other parties (including yourself) into
a call.
Notes: 1. The number of parties allowed in a conference is controlled by your
telephone system.
2. Two Call Appearance keys are required for the conference feature.
To add another party to a call:
1. With a call in progress press
Conference. The existing call is put on hold.
2. Dial the number of the person you want to add to the call.
3. Wait for an answer.
If the called party does not answer or does not want to join the conference, press
Drop. You can return to the held call by pressing its call appearance button.
4. To add the person to the call, press
Conference again.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for additional conference connections.
To add a held call(s) to an active call:
1. Press
2. All held calls are added to the conference.
To leave a conference call:
1. To leave a conference, press
Using Speed Dials Speed Dials - Page 17
IP Office 4610 User’s Guide Speed Dials - Page 17
40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005) Using Speed Dials
6. The Number menu is displayed. Enter the required number, including any external
line access digit (9 say):
If you make a mistake, use or to move the cursor to the right of the
incorrect character and then use
Backspace to delete it.
7. As you enter Number characters you can use other controls.
Note: The controls on this screen are context sensitive, i.e. they only appear
when applicable. For example Save only appears when both a name and
number have been entered.
- Moves the cursor right one character.
- Moves the cursor left one character.
Clear - Delete the whole number.
Backspace - Delete the character to the left of the cursor.
Symbol provides access to the following symbols:
Period (.), Pause (a 1.5 second pause for each press), Hyphen (-), Space
(inserts a space between characters), Left or Right parenthesis ( ).
Save - Save the speed dial changes.
Cancel - Return back to the speed dial directory without making any
8. When the Number has been entered, press
Page 18 - Overview of the Call Log Using the Call Log
Page 18 - Using the Call Log IP Office 4610 User’s Guide
Overview of the Call Log 40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005)
Using the Call Log
Overview of the Call Log
The 4610 maintains a call log, accessed by selecting Log on the display.
The call logs keeps logs of missed calls, outgoing calls made and incoming calls
answered. Each of these logs includes the 15 most recent calls in its category. The
details shown are:
The name of the called or calling party if available.
The number of the called or calling party.
The time of the call.
The date of the call if prior to the current day.
symbol indicates that the log contain more pages of entries. You can more
between pages using the
Page Left and Page Right keys.
Note: Only outgoing calls made using the dial pad or a SpDial entry are logged.
Pressing the
or key adjacent to a log entry displays full details of that log entry:
Each individual log entry includes:
The number of the called or calling party.
The time of the call.
The date of the call.
The duration of the call for outgoing and answered calls (not shown above for
missed calls).
Page 20 - Using the Call Logs Using the Call Log
Page 20 - Using the Call Log IP Office 4610 User’s Guide
Using the Call Logs 40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005)
To Turn a Log Entry into a Speed Dial
1. Locate the log entry in which you are interested from Missed, InAns or
2. Press the
or key adjacent to it.
3. Press
Add to SD.
4. The screens for editing and adding speed dials will appear, pre-filled with the
information from the log entry. Edit the details if required (see Editing a Speed Dial
on page 15).
5. Press
Save or Cancel.
6. You will be returned to the speed dials selection menu.
To Delete an Individual Log Entry
1. Locate the log entry in which you are interested from Missed, InAns or
2. Press the
or key adjacent to it.
3. Press
Delete twice. Or:
Cancel to return to the call log without deleting the log entry.
4. You will be returned to the call log.
To Delete All Entries from a Log
1. Press Log.
2. Press
Missed, InAns or Outgo to select the log.
3. Press
4. Select
Delete to delete the log entries. Press Cancel to return to the call
log without deleting the log entries.
To Exit the Call Logs
1. Press Exit.
Page 28 - Function Key Programming Function Keys
Page 28 - Function Keys IP Office 4610 User’s Guide
Function Key Programming 40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005)
Function Key Programming
If any one of the keys on the telephone is programmed with an Admin or Admin 1
feature, it allows you to program further features against other function keys. Both
Admin and Admin1 are allocated to your function keys by your System Administrator
and would appear on a menu screen that is similar to the following:
The two tables below list the user programmable features available for Admin and
Admin1 respectively. For full details of how each feature works see Function Key
Features on page 31.
Admin: The programmable functions available via an Admin key.
Name Description Toggles Data
Acct Account Code Entry No Optional
AD Abbreviated Dial No Yes
Admin Self-Administer No No
AutCB Automatic Callback Yes No
CFrwd Call Forwarding All Yes Optional
CPark Call Park Yes Optional
CPkUp Call Pickup No No
Dir Directory No No
DPkUp Directed Call Pickup No Yes
Drop Drop No No
GrpPg Group Paging No Yes
HdSet Headset Toggle Yes No
HfAns Internal Auto-Answer Yes No
HGNS+ Set Hunt Group Night Service No Yes
Park Call Park to Other Extension No Yes
Prog Abbreviate Dial Program No Yes
RngOf Ringer Off Yes No
SAC Send All Calls Yes No
Spres AD Suppress Yes No
Timer Timer Yes No
TmDay Time of Day Yes No
In addition to the above, there is a key labeled Exlp? This key enables you to change
the display from the shorthand version displayed at default to a longhand version of
your own. See Shorthand Programming Mode on page 29 and Longhand Programming
on page 30 respectively.
Admin1: The programmable functions available via an Admin 1 key.
Name Description Toggles Data
Park Park No Yes
Use User No Yes
Group Group No Yes
Number Dial No Yes
Flash Hook Flash No No
Page 48 - Function Key Programming Function Keys
Page 48 - Function Keys IP Office 4610 User’s Guide
Function Key Programming 40DHB0002USFA – Issue 1 (9th February 2005)
PickM - Call Pickup Members
Pickup any call ringing an extension that is a member of the specified group.
This function requires entry of the target group number when programmed or the group
name in quotation marks. This function cannot be programmed through the phone by
the user.
PickM answers any call currently ringing a member of the specified
group. The call does not have to be a call to the group number.
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Call | Call Pickup Members]
See also:
CPkUp - Call Pickup (!) on page 35.
DPkUp - Directed Call Pickup (!) on page 38.
Prog - Abbreviated Dial Program (!)
Select and program numbers against display keys.
This function can be programmed through the phone by the user using an
[User | Digital Telephony | Emulation | Abbreviated Dial Program]
See also:
Dial (#)on page 31.
AD - Abbreviated Dial (!) on page 32.
Quota - Clear Quota
Clears (resets) the time quota for connections to a specified external data service (eg.
the internet).
This function requires entry of the service name when programmed. If left blank then
the quotas for all services are cleared (reset). This function cannot be programmed
through the phone by the user.
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Call | Clear Quota]
Queue - Call Queue
Places a current call into the call queue of a specified extension. Allows calls to be
transferred to extensions that return busy tone. This feature is not applicable when
working with multiple Call Appearance lines.
This function requires entry of a target extension number when programmed. This
function cannot be programmed through the phone by the user.
During a call, pressing
Queue places that call in the target extensions call queue. If
the target extension is free, it rings immediately. If the target extension is busy, it rings
when it becomes free again.
[User | Digital Telephony | Advanced | Call | Call Queue]
See also:
DCW - Dial CW on page 36.

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