1 General I nformati on
Please read t hese operat ing instruc tions caref ully . If
you should have any ques tions, please contact our
Servic e Departm ent on the Hot line number 0180 5 00
13 88 (T elekom cost at the tim e of print ing 12
cents /min). Under no circumst ances open the unit
yourself and do not try t o carry out your own repairs.
For any claims under t he warrant y , please refer t o your
dealer .
Int ended use - T his telephone has been designed f or
use on an analogue t elephone line (PSTN) wit hin
Germany . However , n o guarantee can be ac cepted f or
trouble- free operat ion on all telecom municat ions
term inal equipment connec tions due t o the dif f erences
between t he dif ferent t elecom municat ions network
operator s. The telephone r equires a T AE s ocket with
F/N coding in c ommon wit h other plug- in units s uch as
fax m achines, ans wering machines or m odems .
Connect t he telephone cable t o the phone soc ket
intended f or the purpos e only . Do not change the plug
on the connec ting cable.
Privat e exchang es - The telephone can also b e
connect ed to a privat e exchange. Y ou can f ind out
from t he dealer f rom whom t he equipment was
purchased whet her your t elephone will work on your
privat e exchange without any problems. Due t o the
large number of diff erent priv ate exchanges , it is not
possible t o guarantee t his funct ion.
Position - Do not set u p telephone in t he immediat e
vicinity of other elect rical equipment s uch as
microwav es or hi-f i syst ems, as this may r esult in
mut ual interfer ence. The locat ion has a decisiv e
influence on t he trouble-f ree operat ion of the
telephone. P lace the t elephone on a flat and non- slip
surf ace. The feet of the telephone do not nor mally
leave any mar ks on the s urface. However , due t o the
large number of varnishes and sur faces in us e, it m ay
not be poss ible to prevent m arks o ccurring on t he
surf ace due to t he feet of t he unit. Do not use the
telephone in areas wher e there is a r isk of ex plosion.
Exce ssive expos ure to sm oke, dus t, v ibrations,
chemic als, m oisture, heat or the direc t ray s of t he sun
must be av oided.
Disposal - I f your dev ice has com e to t he end of its
servic e life, br ing it t o a collect ion point provided by
your local public was te aut horities ( e.g. r ecyc ling
center ). The adjacent s ymbol indic ates t hat th e old
device m ust be dispos ed of separat e from dom est ic
waste. According to laws o n the disposal of elec tr onic
and electr ical devices, owners are obliged to dispos e
of old el ectronic and electrical devi ces in a separat e
waste c ontainer. Batteries must be dis posed of at the
point of s ale or at appr opriate collec tion point s
provided by t he public wast e authorit ies. P ackaging
material s must be dis posed of ac cording to loc al
regulations .
Tempe ratur e and Am bient Conditi ons -T h e
telephone is des igned for us e in protect ed rooms w ith
a temper ature range of 10 °C to 30 °C. The telephone
must not be installed in damp room s such as a
bathroom or laundry room. A v oid proximit y to s ources
of heat s uch as radiat ors and do not ex pose the unit t o
direct s unlight.
Cleaning and care - The surface of t he case c an be
cleaned with a s oft, dry , lint -free c loth. Nev er use
cleaning agents , part icularly aggress ive solvent s. No
att ention is neces sary apart from cleaning t he case
occasionally . The rubber feet of the base st ation are
not res istant t o all cleaning agents . The manuf acturer
can ther efore not ac cept any liability for poss ible
damage t o furnit ure or the lik e.
2 Operating El ements
1. Disconnect button/r eceiver res t
2. Redial
3. Flash time s election 100/ 300ms
4. R signal butt on
5. Mu te b utto n
6. Connection t o base unit
7. V isual call indicat or
8. Ringer adjust ment Norm al - “T or T or T or”
100 300
9. Fixing for wall mount ing
10. Connection f or telephone cable
1 1. Batt erie compar tment
12. Fixing for wall mount ing
13. cable duct f or wall mount ing
14. connect ion for spir al receiver c able
Unders ide o f base uni t
3 Commissi oning
3.1 Safety i nformation
NOTE! Befor e comm issioning, it is essential t hat you
read the gener al informat ion at t he beginning of this
3.2 Check conten ts o f p ack
The following item s are s upplied:
one telephone base one telephone receiv er
one spiral cable one connect ion cable
one Operating Manual three A A batt eries
3.3 Connecti ng the te lephone recei ver
Aft er unpacking y our telephone, y ou must f irs t connect
the t elephone receiver t o the bas e unit. First take one
end of t he spiral cable and plug it int o the s ocket ( 6) at
the bot tom of t he receiv er . T ake t he other end of t he
spiral cable int o the soc ket (14) at the telephone base.
3.4 F itting th e ba ttery
Befor e connecting y our new telephone t o the
telephone net work, t he batt eries should be f itted.
Please always u se ty pe AA alkaline bat teries . The
batt eries are required f or the ” T or T or T or” noise ringer .
Befor e installing or c hanging the bat teries, make sure
that t he telephone is not connected t o the telephone
network .
1. Make s ure that t he telephone is not
connect ed to the t elephone network .
2. The batter y compart ment is to be found
on the unders ide of your t elephone.
3. Open the batt ery com partm ent with a
small sc rewdriver or a point ed object .
4. Inser t the bat teries, ensuring that t he
polarity i s correc t.
5. Close the bat tery c ompart ment.
The batter ies should be changed when you don’t hear
the noise “ T or T or T or”.
3. 5 Connect ing t he tel ephone
Connect t he telephone cable s upplied to t he
telephone soc ket and t he telephone jack ( 10) on the
underside of t he telephone. Then f eed the cable out of
the t elephone housing either upwar ds or downwards
through t he cable guide. Clip t he cable f irmly in t he
cable channel. The t elephone works us ing the tone
dialling system.
3. 6 Wall mounti ng
Y our telephone is als o suitable f or wall mount ing. Use
two sc rews f or fixing. Dr ill two holes v ertically s ide by
side, 133 m m apart, and leave the screws p rotruding
from t he wall by 5m m. Now place t he telephone ov er
the sc rews and push it s lightly downwar ds.
When the telephone is us ed on a table, the receiver
hanging hook mus t be in the f lush posit ion as shown
in diagram A ( fact ory set ting). W hen mounting on t he
wall, t he telephone rec eiver hanging hook is pulled out
and rotat ed. See diagr am B.
If y ou are using t he telephone f itted t o the wall, y ou
can hang the r eceiver on t he telephone without
hanging up. Y ou will find a s mall hook f or this pur pose
at t he upper end of the r eceiver res t.
4 Operation
4.1 Making a call
Y our telephone ca n be used like any conv entional
telephone. Lif t t he receiv er and wait unt il you hear the
dialling tone. Now d ial the required t elephone number .
T o end the call, replac e the rec eiver on t he rest. Y o u
can end the c urrent c all by using the dis connect but ton
and you will imm ediately obt ain a new dialling tone.
4.2 Receivi ng calls
When a call comes t hrough, y ou will hear the r inging
tone and t he V isual call indicat or is f lashing slowly .
The call can now be accept ed using the r eceiver .
4.3 Re dia l fa cilit y
If a c onnection t hat you hav e dialled is engaged or you
were unable to get through to anybody , simply r eplace
the rec eiver . T he last number dialled rem ains st ored in
the t elephone automat ically . T o use the redial f acility ,
proceed as f ollows: Lif t t he receiver and pr ess t he
redial butt on å . The st ored redial number will now
be dialled.
4. 4 Adjus tabl e ri ng tone
By m eans of t he slide swit ch l
on the rec eiver
you can choos e the set tings l (loud) or
(so ft) to
matc h the volum e of t he ringing tone t o your
requirement s. I f at any time you do want t o use the
”T or T or T or” noise r inger , u se the
setti ng ..
4. 5 Muti ng the m i crophone
Y ou can swit ch of f t he microphone dur ing a call using
the mut e butt on, ç I t is t hus possible t o speak wit hout
the ot her party hear ing you. The loudspeaker r emains
switc hed on and you can cont inue to hear t he other
party . T o mute the m icrophone, pres s and hold the
mute butto n ç once while a call is being made. T o
switc h the mic rophone on again, r elease the m ute
bu tton ç and you will be able t o continue y our call
as norma l.
5 Using T-NET / Pri vate exchanges
5.1 “R” Button on private exchang es
If y ou have connect ed your t elephone to a privat e
exchange, y ou can use all t he fac ilities suc h as call
trans fer , automat ic recall, et c. T he “R” signal butt on
gives y ou access t o thes e facilit ies. The FLAS H time
“100ms” will be r equired on a privat e exchange. For
this pur pose, set the “R” swit ch to t he “100ms” s ett ing.
Y ou can find out f rom t he dealer from whom the
equipment was pur chased whet her your t elephone will
work on your pr ivate ex change without any problems
and what f urther f acilit ies you will rec eive fr om this .
5.2 “R” Button and th e DEUTSCHE TELEKOM
T-NE T func ti ons
Y our telephone suppor ts t he most im portant
DEUTSCHE TELE KOM added value func tions (e. g.
brokering, call waiting, thr ee-way conf erence, et c. ).
The T-NET works using the ” FLASH 300ms” s ett ing.
For this purpos e, set t he “R” s witch t o the “300m s”
sett ing. Please c ontact D EUTSCHE TELE KOM to gain
access t o the T-NE T functions ( some of w hich are
subject t o charge) .
5.3 Dia lling t elephone number s when usi ng on
private exchanges
The pause funct ion between the c ode for t he outside
line (usually 0 o r 9) and the dialling t one descr ibed in
this c hapter is only nec essar y on older privat e
exchanges. W ith some privat e exchanges, there is a
short paus e between t he code for t he outside line
(usually 0 o r 9) and the dialling t one. This paus e can
be entered when dialling m anually so t hat the
following num bers are not dialled t oo quick ly .
En ter in g th e p a u se wh e n d iallin g ma n ua lly
Press t he redial butt on å once between t he code for
the out side line and the act ual telephone number .
Aft er an outs ide line has been obtained, y ou
telephone will wait f or 3 sec onds befor e dialling the
actual t elephone number .
6 Important Informatio n
6. 1 Fault f i nding
Remove all ext ra telephone equipm ent and connec t
only the t elephone direct ly to t he telephone s ocket.
If t he fault is still present , connect another telephone (if
available) t o the t elephone socket . The result s will
show you whet her the f ault lies w ith the unit or with the
telephone line.
In t he case of t echnical pr oblems you c an also contac t
our Serv ice Departm ent on t he Hotline number 0180 5
00 13 88 (T elekom cost at the tim e of print ing 12
cents /min).
6. 2 Repl aci ng the t el ephone ca ble
If y ou have to r eplace your t elephonecable, you c an
locate t he appropriat e cable at y our dealer’s wit h the
help of t he following diagram .
F- Codier ung - IM POR T S t andard
T A E -F Rj1 1 6/2
4 3
2 1
6.3 Warranty
AUDIOLI NE units ar e manufac tured and t ested in
accordanc e with the m ost up- to-date m anufact uring
procedures . Select ed mat erials and highly dev eloped
technologies ens ure tr ouble-free oper ation and long
life. The s ituat ion, where t he cOf fe of a m alfunc tion of
the unit is due t o t he telephone networ k provider or
any privat e exchanges t hat m ay be connect ed in
between, is not covered by t he warranty . The warranty
is not applic able to t he batter ies used in t he various
product s. The warrant y period is 24 m onths calc ulated
from t he day of pur chase.
All defec ts, w hich are the r esult of m ater ial or
manufac turing f aults, will be rectified f ree of c harge
within t he warranty per iod. Claim s under the war ranty
shall not be c onsidered if t he equipment has been
tamper ed with by t he purchaser or t hird part ies.
Damage, whic h result s from im proper handling or u se,
incorrec t posit ioning or st orage, inappropriat e
connect ion or Inst allation and thr ough Act of G od or
other ex ternal influenc es are not cov ered by the
warrant y . I n the c ase of com plaints, we r eserv e the
right t o repair or t o replace the def ective par ts or t o
exchange t he unit. P arts or unit s t hat have been
exchanged shall bec ome our propert y . Claims for
damages shall not be entertained unless t hey relat e to
intent ion or gross negligenc e on the part o f the
manufac turer .
If , however , your unit s hould develop a fault within the
warranty per iod, please c ontact t he shop where y ou
bought your A UDIOLINE unit , t aking with y ou your
purchase r eceipt. I n accor dance with t hese condit ions,
all claims under t he warrant y shall be m ade
exclusiv ely to your dealer . Right s under the war ranty
can no longer be enfor ced aft er the expir y of t wo years
from t he purchas e and handing over of our pr oducts.
6.4 Declarati on o f Co n formity/CE m ark
This unit f ulfils t he requirem ents of the EU Direct ive
1999/5/ EC relating t o Radio Equipment and
T elecommunicat ions T erminal Equipment , and the
mutual r ecognition of c onform ity . Conformity wit h the
above-ment ioned Direct ive is conf irmed by t he CE
mark on t he unit.
For the com plete Declarat ion of Conf ormity , please
use the f ree download fr om our web sit e
www . audioline.de.