You can change independtly the transposition for part 1 and part 2 directly from your
KeyLab 88, by accesing the parameters of the EDIT/Global Menu
You can then select the parameters with the “PARAM KNOB” and change the values with
the “Value” knob.
Part1 Oct: You can choose to only transpose Part 1 by octaves, from a range of -2
octaves up to +2 octaves.
Part1Chro: You can choose to only transpose Part 1 by semitones, form a range
of -12 semitones uo to +12 semitones
Part2 Oct: You can choose to only traspose Part 2 by octaves, from a range of -2
octaves up to +2 octaves.
Part2Chro:You can choose to only transpose Part 2 by octaves, from a range of -2
octaves up to +2 octaves.
OctBtns: You can assign the Keylab 88 Octave Transpose buttons only to one
section of the Keybed (Part 1 or Part 2) so you can modify only the desired part.
You can also select the “Both” option so you can control octaves of both parts
3.5 Curve
This is where to set the various velocity curves for the current preset. For example, the
keyboard can have one setting and the pads can have another. But this also allows you