Wireless Internet & FM Radio
Click on the ‘My Prole’ link to view your account’s current information. This information will
include various details such as your address, user name, password etc. Edit your details
and then click on the ‘Update’ button to save them.
Conguring ‘My Stations’
1. It is possible to search for radio stations that are available in Reciva’s stations’ database
from Argon iNet’s website. Whenever stations are searched for on the website, they will be
displayed in a list of search results together with a link to ‘Add to My Stations’.
2. Clicking on the ‘Add to My Stations’ link, will add the station to your account’s ‘My
Stations’ list. Clicking on ‘My Stations’ and then selecting the station will allow you to edit
this list.
Once you have Internet stations available in your ‘My Stations’ list, you may play these
stations from your Argon iNet1. These stations will be available on your Argon iNet1 from
the menu item: ‘Stations > My Stuff > My Stations’. Please note, the stations will only be
available to your Ar
gon iNet1 once your radio has downloaded a new stations’ list. To cause
the Argon iNet1 to download a new stations’ list immediately, please remove and reconnect
the power to your Argon iNet1.