connection assistance/issues from a smartphone, or assistance
with actually connecting any of these devices.
Classic Arctic Engineering
25 years of Engineering Excellence
built into every Classic Series
Classic Series
North America
A = actual / B = breaker
Mustang93’’ x 93’’
235 x 235 cm
98 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
370 Gallons
1400 Liters
973 Lbs
441 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A32amp / B40amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
Upgraded Classic
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
McKinley93’’ x 93’’
235 x 235 cm
98 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
449 Gallons
1700 Liters
951 Lbs
431 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A32amp / B40amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
Upgraded Classic
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1Øx32 Amp
3Øx16 Amp
Totem85’’ x 85’’
217 x 217 cm
104 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
360 Gallons
1360 Liters
735 Lbs
333 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A32amp / B40amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
Upgraded Classic
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Eagle85’’ x 85’’
217 x 217 cm
104 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
313 Gallons
1885 Liters
741 Lbs
336 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A32amp / B40amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
Upgraded Classic
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Timberwolf69’’ x 85’’
174 x 217 cm
98 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
234 Gallons
884 Liters
611 Lbs
277 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A32amp / B40amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
Upgraded Classic
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Athabascan172’’ x 93’’
436 x 236 cm
129 cm
NA / Euro
5500 / 2x3600
1347 Gal-
5100 Liters
1910 Lbs
866 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A32amp / B40amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
Upgraded Classic
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Hudson172’’ x 93’’
436 x 236 cm
129 cm
NA / Euro
5500 / 2x3600
1347 Gal-
5100 Liters
1910 Lbs
866 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A32amp / B40amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
Upgraded Classic
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Kingsher172’’ x 93’’
436 x 236 cm
129 cm
NA / Euro
5500 / 2x3600
1347 Gal-
5100 Liters
1910 Lbs
866 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
2 Pumps / A48amp / B60amp
Upgraded Classic
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1Øx32 Amp
3Øx16 Amp
Wolverine172’’ x 93’’
436 x 236 cm
129 cm
NA / Euro
5500 / 2x3600
1347 Gal-
5100 Liters
1910 Lbs
866 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
3 Pumps / A48amp / B60amp
Upgraded Classic
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1Øx32 Amp
3Øx16 Amp
Owners Manual - Classic Series
Owners Manual - Classic Series
Spa Overview
A: Topside Control | See Topside Control Overview section in this manual.
B: Waterspouts | Control by an ON/OFF valve.
C: Monsoon Jet
D: Jets | All jets are adjustable and can be turned ON/OFF and can also be locked in the fully ON position,
simply by rotating the Jet face.
E: Diverter | If your spa is equipped with a Diverter, its purpose is to distribute water pressure to varying
jets or provide water pressure to the Monsoon Jet or both.
F: Venturi | Allows air into jets to boost jet performance when Pump 1 is on. Leave in the “closed” position
when spa is not in use.
Three Inch (3”) Jets
The Turbo Single jets give a wide circular massage. The 3-inch jets are designed for a thorough massage
of the muscles in your upper back, shoulders and neck. These jets are adjustable by turning the face of
the jet clockwise for a stronger ow and counter-clockwise for a softer ow and eventually o. The Jet can
also be locked in the fully ON (open) position by turning the face of the jet clockwise until it does not go any
further. Then rotate again to allow the jet to override the lock stop.
Five Inch (5”) Jets
The ve-inch Hydro-massage jets give a wide circular massage. These jets are adjustable by turning the
face of the jet clockwise for a stronger ow and counter-clockwise for a softer ow and eventually o. The
Jet can also be locked in the fully ON (open) position by turning the face of the jet clockwise until it does not
go any further. Then rotate again to allow the jet to override the lock stop.
Monsoon Jet
The Monsoon Jet is a large hydro-massage jet designed to maximize massaging action on a specic area
of the body. It is located in the lower part of the spa to allow easy access for massaging feet, legs, hips and
lower back. The intensity of the Monsoon Jet can be altered using the Diverter (the location varies depend-
ing on spa model). Consult your local dealer regarding which diverter lever or just jump in and experiment for
Owners Manual - Classic Series
Owners Manual - Classic Series
Topside Control Panel
Owners Manual - Classic Series
Power Up
The in.k500 topside does not store the time and date. When the in.k500 starts up after a power loss a mes-
sage will prompt the user to reprogram the date and time.
NOTE: With the in.k500 equipped with a real time clock (RTC): If the power was lost for a few hours, this mes-
sage will not appear.
Setting Key
One press gives you access to a menu to manage the setting of your spa. Refer to the setting section for
details about the settings menu.
Audio Key (controls stereo)
The in.k500 can be used with the in.tune, or 2 audio systems. The Audio section in the
Settings menu of an gives you the option to disconnect or unpair your Bluetooth enabled device
when using the With version 7.00 and higher, it is also possible to select Source to use a device
connected by auxiliary cable or Bluetooth wireless connection. The 2 Settings menu gives you a
Source selector, a Bluetooth disconnect option, an On/O switch and an audio control on fader, balance and
subwoofer. For more information on audio functions, see the in.tune, or 2 operation sec-
tion. The Audio option will only appear in the menu for keypads that are set up for an connection.
The 2 is automatically detected at power-up.
Press any button to turn on the keypad. After 30 minutes without activity it will shut o.
Main Screen
The main screen gives you access to your accessories and water temperature. At the bottom of the screen,
you will see any error or maintain messages that are present.
Start or Stop Accessories
To start or stop an accessory, press the associated button. Icons will be animated when their accessory is
turned on, and inanimate when turned o. Icons on the screen will reect the speed or state of the devices
running on your spa. When an accessory has more than two states, press the button until it reaches the de-
sired state.
Water Temperature
The temperature shown at the top of the screen is the current wa-
ter temperature. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to set the desired
temperature. The set point will appear in blue at the bottom. After
3 seconds without any change to the set temperature value, the
keypad will resume the normal display of messages. When the set
value is lower than the current temperature Cooling to xx.x will ap-
pear. When the set value is higher than the current temperature.
Heating to xx.x will be indicated. Normally there is a short delay
before the heating starts, during which Heating Suspended is in-
Owners Manual - Classic Series
Water Care Modes
From the home page you can access the settings where you will
Use the arrow buttons to move UP and Down in the list. To select
an option, press the light beside it. At any point, you can press the
settings button to return to the home screen.
• Water Care
• Audio (if installed)
• Maintenance
• Wi-Fi
• Restore
• Standby
• Date & Time
• Conguration
• About
Water Care
The water care section will help you set up your idea ltration and
heating settings. Choose a mode depending on your need.
Use the Light button to choose your setting. A checkmark will ap-
pear on the selected icon to conrm. In Economy Mode, the set
point will be reduced by 20F which means that the heating system
not be engaged unless the temperature falls to 20F below the spas
set temperature.
Owners Manual - Classic Series
In this mode the Spa will always be in economy;
the set point will be reduced by 20º F.
The Spa will never be in economy mode and will be
ltering according to the pack’s low level conguration.
Energy Savings
The Spa will be in economy mode during the peak hours
of the day and resume norma; moede on the weekend.
The Spa will be in economy mode from Monday
to Friday, and will run normally on the weekend.
Onzen Settings with k500 topside
Set desired Start time, Duration, and Frequency of Onzen™ cycles.
Press the Settings button to enter the settings menu.
Use the Up / Down arrows to navigate to Onzen™ tab.
Press the light key to enter the Onzen™ menu.
Use the light key (to go forward), Pump 1 key (to go back), and the
up/Down keys to change the desired setting.
Press the Pump 1 key to exit out of the Onzen™ menu.
Owners Manual - Classic Series
Filtration Settings
To access the ltration settings from your topside control panel select the settings button . Using the light
button , select water care. Use the button to scroll down to standard, press the light button to select
then the Pump 1 button to enter you ltration settings. From here you can adjust your “Day Settings” from
everyday, weekday, weekends or specic days only. Once you have adjusted your Day Setting you can move
to the start time setting using the light key. Choose the start time for your ltration to begin. Once desired start
time is selected, use the light key to the duration category where you can choose how long your spa will lter
for. Use the and buttons to choose how long your ltration cycles will last. After all three parameters are
set, press the light button, then the button to go to the ltration 2 settings. Adjust the Day, start and duration
settings as desired and save your settings pressing the pump 1 button.
The Audio section in the settings menu of gives you the
option to disconnect or un-pair your Bluetooth enabled device
when using the
The 2 settings menu gives you a source selector, a Blue-
tooth disconnect option, an On/O switch and an audio control on
fader, balance and subwoofer.
From the settings page you can access the Maintenance menu,
which gives you the following options:
• Maintenance Reminders
• Standby
Use the Up and Down buttons to make a selection, and the Light
button to conrm.
Maintenance Reminders
The In.k500 keypad will remind you of maintenance required on
your spa, like rinsing or cleaning the lter. Each task has its own
duration, based on normal use.
The maintenance reminders menu allows you to verify the time left
before maintenance is required, as well as to reset the time once a
task is completed. Use the Up and Down button to move through
the list. To reset a task select it by pressing the Light button, then
conrm when prompted. Once you have conrmed the task will be
The standby mode allows you to service your spa. Pumps will stop
for 30 minutes, and automatically restart after this time.
Once Standby Mode has been activated a screen will appear to
show that pumps are stopped. The normal spa page will return at
the end of Maintenance.
Press Button 1 to leave standby mode and restart the spa.
Owners Manual - Classic Series
WiFi (in.touch only)
For the WiFi menu to appear in the Settings menu your in.touch
module must be equipped with software version 11.00 or higher.
This menu allows you to connect your in.touch module to a WiFi
network or to change ts network.
For more details about other in.touch connection methods please
see the in.touch techbook. To connect your in.touch module to a
wireless network, use the Up/Down keys to go to the WiFi option
in the Settings menu and Light key to select it.
After a few seconds the available networks will appear on the
screen, as well as their signal strength.
Use the Up/Down keys to move through the list. Select your net-
work by pressing on Light key.
If the WiFi network is password protected enter it when
• Use the arrow keys to choose your letters and
change the type of character (uppercase, lowercase,
number, symbol).
• Use Key 2 to move the curser forward
• Use Key 1 to backspace
• Use Light key to conm
If no password is required the in.touch will connect
Once the in.touch module is connected to a WiFi network a check
mark in a green circle will appear in the WiFi menu, and the net-
work logo will change to green in Settings menu.
WiFi logo color in Settings menu corresponds to the in.touch con-
nection state.
Yellow = not connected
Green = connected to a network
Yellow with wait icon = connection attempt to a network
Red with wait icon = in.touch no longer detected
(in.touch must be reset before next connection attempt)
Owners Manual - Classic Series
AudioPlay / PauseLast Track
Next TrackVolume Up
Volume Down
Play / Pause audio
Press the Play/Pause button to start or pause the au-
dio. This button is available for Bluetooth and USB
Changing tracks
Use the Last Track and Next Track keys to change
tracks or FM stations. This is not available with Aux
Adjusting the volume
Press the Up or the Down key to increase or decrease
the volume.
This option can be found under the Audio section
in the Settings menu.
Turn power On / Off
This option can be found under the Audio section in
the Settings menu.
Fader, Balance and Subwoofer
These options can be found under the Audio section
in the Settings menu.
Press the Audio key to access your 2.
If you are using a device with Bluetooth technology, it must be connected
for functions to work.
Owners Manual - Classic Series
IN.K500 Error Codes
The following is a list of references at your disposal
Upon connecting the in.k500 topside to the spa pack you may see one of these messages. Please follow the
instructions in the message or contact your dealer for more information.
Owners Manual - Classic Series
Warning! HL error
Warning! HL Error
No ow condition
or no ow for more
than 2 hours
No Flow Condition
Danger! Relay stuck
Danger! Relay
Spa temperature is
too high
Spa Temp. High
Flow switch is closed
Flow Switch
SP in
Input voltage issue
Input Voltage
Comm. error
between in.xm2 and
Comm. Error
Elevated internal
Internal Pack
Temp. High
Heat Pump error 1-99
Heat Pump Error
in.xm2 and in.therm
Warning! Temperature
probes defective
Warning! Temp.
Probes Defective
Spa Shell ~ 10 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the spa shell to the customer against water loss due to structural failure for a period of 10 years.
Forever Floor ~ 3 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the Forever Floor against rotting and structure cracking for a period of 3 years to the original customer from the original
date of delivery. Includes parts and onsite labor necessary to repair.
Arctic Spas® extends this limited warranty solely to the original customer of any Arctic self-contained spa installed by an approved Arctic Spas
Dealer, for 3 years of delivery date or 4 years from manufacture ship original purchaser of the spa.
Equipment & Plumbing ~ 3 years parts and 3 year labor
Arctic Spas® warrants the spa’s electrical equipment components ~ specically the pump(s) *(please refer to detailed pump warranty below),
factory installed ozone system, heater (including the Tru-Guard™ Heater) and control system against malfunctions due to defects in materials
and workmanship for a period of 3 years to the original purchaser from the original date of delivery. Includes parts and labor necessary to repair.
Other Components ~ 3 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the fuses, lights, jet inserts, topside control overlays, cabinet material, lter baskets and weir assemblies, diverter handles
and caps, air control handles and caps, plastic cover clips, chrome trim, Intouch 2 and all other unmentioned components to be free of defects
in workmanship and materials for a period of 3 years to the original purchaser from the original date of delivery. Includes only parts necessary
to repair, not labor.
Shell Surface Acrylic ~ 4 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the shell surface to the customer against water loss due to material failure including cracks, blisters, peeling and
delaminating for a period of four years to the original customer from the original date of delivery. Includes parts and on site labour necessary to
Mylovac Cover ~ 3 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the upgraded MYLOVAC™ cover against malfunctions due to defects in materials and workmanship for three years to the
original owner from the original date of delivery. Includes parts necessary to repair. (Normal wear and tear is not included in this warranty, when
used with a cover lifter seam damage will be considered normal wear and tear.
Onzen™ ~ 2 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the factory installed Onzen system against malfunction due to defects in materials and workmanship for 2 year labor to
the original customer from original delivery date.
WetTunes™ ~ 1 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the factory installed WetTunes system against malfunction due to defects in materials and workmanship for 1 year labor
to the original customer from original delivery date.
Pump(s) are warranted against material and component failure. The pump shaft seal is covered under warranty. Damage resulting from a
neglected leaking shaft seal is not covered under warranty. This includes but is not limited to bearing seizure, end bell failure, start switch failure,
impeller failure and capacitor failure. It is the responsibility of the customer to report shaft seal failure before further damage can occur. Any pump
component failure determined to be the result of defective material will be replaced under warranty. Arctic Spas® reserves the right to replace
pump components, rather than the complete pump assembly. Vibration noise associated with normal pump operation is excluded under this
To obtain service in the event of a defect or malfunction covered by this Limited Warranty, notify your Arctic Spa dealer as soon as possible
and use all reasonable means to protect the spa from further damage. Upon proof of purchase, Arctic Spas®’ agent or its designated service
representative will correct the defect subject to the terms and conditions continued in this Limited Warranty. Preapproved claims must be
executed within 60 days of Pre-approval. All existing claims expire upon expiration of warranty. *Please note that union connection leaks are
considered to be user serviceable and are expressly excluded from the Limited Warranty. Damage resulting from union connection leaks are
expressly excluded from the Limited Warranty. There will be no charge for on-site labor to the customer for a period of one year from the date of
original delivery or 2 years from manufacturer’s ship date, whichever comes rst. Specically equipment, plumbing and shell surfaces against
malfunctions due to any defect in the material and workmanship within the Limited Warranty. Travel costs are the responsibility of the customer.
Your limited warranty will cover a maximum of $60 towards on-site labor per each approved warranty claim. Service and/or travel costs are
covered within the rst 30 days of ownership to a maximum distance of 100KM from dealership or designated service outlet. If Arctic Spas®
determines that repair of the covered defect is not feasible we reserve the right to instead provide a replacement spa equal in value to the original
purchase price of the defective spa. Spa replacement is done only at the discretion of Arctic Spas®.
Reasonable costs for the removal of the defective spa, and delivery and installation will be the responsibility of the spa customer. Freight will be
paid to the nearest Arctic Spas® distribution center.
All warranties provided hereunder extend only to the original customer of the spa if purchased by an authorized Arctic spas dealer and originally
installed within the boundaries of the country where it was originally purchased. All warranties hereunder terminate upon transfer of ownership of
a spa from the original customer. This warranty only applies within the service area where the spa was originally installed. Your limited warranty
does not include repair travel mileage or for shipping cost assessed by your Factory Authorized Dealer or service agents. All events covered by
this Limited Warranty hereunder must be repaired by a Factory Authorized.
Dealer of Arctic Spas®. The warranties will not include any costs of repair incurred by a non-factory authorized agent. To obtain service, the
customer must contact the Factory Authorized Dealer in his area. In the event that a spa or component thereof must be returned to Arctic Spas®
distribution center, all freight costs are the responsibility of the spa customer. In all cases Arctic Spas® has sole responsibility for determining the
cause and nature of failure of the spa and Arctic Spas® determination with regard thereto shall be nal.
Classic Warranty
Owners Manual - Classic Series
All warranties hereunder are void if the spa has been subject to alterations (including aftermarket accessories), misuse
or abuse or any repair of the spa has been attempted by anyone other than a Factory Authorized Dealer of Arctic
Spas®. Alterations include but not limited to, any change to the components, replacement of components or addition
of components without the written authorization from Arctic Spas®. Misuse includes careless handling of the spa,
damages caused by improper and/or non-certied electrical hook- ups, failure to operate the spa in accordance with
the instructions contained in the owner’s manual provided with the spa, including incorrect start-up procedures or
dry ring of the spa, any use of the spa or any of its components in an application for which it was not designed, and
damage caused by improper chemical balance (including any damage to spa components caused by scale build up to
due to poor water chemistry), ice in the spa, overheating the spa or spa water, damage to the spa surface by allowing
undissolved sanitizing chemicals to lie on he surface or if our spa has been used for commercial purposes. Spa covers
are not warranted against chemical burn or discoloration. Spa covers are not warranted against water absorption or
any damage resulting from water absorption. Any damage resulting from the mishandling of the spa cover in any way is
not covered under warranty. Any damage caused by moving of the spa or improper installation (including insuciently
prepared or uneven ground) is considered abuse and any damage to the material or workmanship of the spa cabinetry
and oor in shipping or handling are expressly excluded from the Limited Warranty.
Arctic Spas will not be responsible for power company issues or improper electrical installations, damage and/or lack
of performance resulting from high or low voltages outside operating parameters. Arctic Spas will not be responsible
for software and product upgrades throughout the life of the spa.
Arctic Spas® expressly excludes warranty coverage on any of the following: Acts of nature including but not limited
to damage resulting from lightning, storm, ooding, freezing, re and any other acts of nature. Any spa installed in a
commercial application. Any failure caused by improper cover use or damage to the spa surface by leaving the spa
outdoors without the hot tub cover in place. The heat created by leaving the spa in direct UV light without a cover may
cause surface issues with the acrylic and may also cause plastic parts to warp, some ttings will leak or cease working
as a result. These occurrences are not covered under warranty. The hot tub cover must be kept on the hot tub when
not being used.
Scratches or micro-crazing in the spa shell reported after the day of installation are not covered under warranty. Micro-
crazing is dened as an area of tiny shiny lines visible in areas on the surface of some thermoplastic sheets. This
phenomena, although rare, is known to occur in many types of plastic sheet materials. The surfaces of thermoformed
acrylic hot tubs are not immune to this possibility.
Damaged caused by unapproved sanitizers such as tri-chlor, acids, calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite, peroxides,
any sanitizing chemical that may remain undissolved on the spa surface. Any and all sanitation systems or chemicals used in
your spa must be factory approved by Arctic Spas or your warranty is void. You can check for a list of approved systems and
chemicals at Installation of not factory approved salt systems will void the warranty related to pump seals,
metal part, jets, etc. Damage caused by any item(s) attached to or installed onto the spa, including but not limited to gazebos,
cover lifters and cedar accessories. Any options or additional components that are not factory installed are not covered under
warranty. Any damage or failure due to improper preparation for winter storage is not covered under warranty.
Any damage resulting from the use of cover removing mechanisms is not covered under
Damage to pillows reported beyond the day of delivery will not be covered under warranty. Pillows are to be removed from the
spa when not in use.
Arctic Spas® will not be liable for loss of use of the spa or other incidental or consequential costs, expenses or
damages that may include but not limited to, the removal of a permanent sun deck, sunroom, gazebo, or other custom
xture, any crane costs associated with the removal of the spa for service or replacement. Arctic Spas® shall not be
liable for costs arising from water, lter cartridges and chemical loss. Under no circumstances shall Arctic Spas® or
any of its representatives be liable for any injury to any person or damage to any property, howsoever arising from the
spa. Arctic Spas® warranties are limited to a maximum amount of moneys received by Arctic Spas® with respect to
the sale of the spa.
The warranties contained herein are all of the warranties provided by Arctic Spas® to the customer, and to the extent
permitted by law. Warranty registration (within 30 days of delivery) is the responsibility of the customer and is a
condition of warranty coverage. This Warranty is oered as an extra benet and does not aect your statutory rights.
All warranties herein require that any claim must be submitted to Arctic Spas® within ten days of the time the defect is
discovered, and must be accompanied by the original customer’s receipt conrming purchase of the spa, which shows
the date of purchase. All warranty claims must be submitted
within the warranty period. Failure to provide such notice and information invalidates all warranties provided hereunder.
Arctic Spas® reserves the right to repair or replace components or materials at its option. In certain cases, photographs
may be required for proper evaluation before warranty coverage is determined. In the event a customer is unable to
either obtain parts or satisfactory service from a Factory Authorized Dealer of Arctic Spas®, notice should be given
immediately to the service department of the agent where the spa was purchased and to Arctic Spas®.
Arctic Spas® expressly excludes warranty coverage on splitting, fading or warping of the cedar cabinet beyond the
date of delivery. Any damage resulting from handling of the cedar cabinet is excluded from this warranty. This warranty
will not cover any labor for Bluetooth connection assistance/issues, InTouch Internet Control initialization & connection
assistance/issues from a smartphone, or assistance with actually connecting any of these devices.
Classic Warranty
Owners Manual - Classic Series
Our Core Values
The foundation of our construction techniques
built into every spa to t nearly any budget
Core Series
North America
A = actual / B = breaker
Grizzly91’’ x 91’’
231 x 231 cm
99 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
375 Gallons
1420 Liters
1001 Lbs
454 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Orca91’’ x 91’’
231 x 231 cm
99 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
400 Gallons
1514 Liters
1001 Lbs
454 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
2 Pumps / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Aurora81’’ x 80’’
206 x 204 cm
99 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
315 Gallons
1193 Liters
702 Lbs
318 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Husky84’’ x 73’’
206 x 204 cm
99 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
272 Gallons
1030 Liters
631 Lbs
286 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Ellesmere86’’ x 62’’
218 x 157 cm
99 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
230 Gallons
871 Liters
560 Lbs
254 Kg
240 Volts / 6 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A40amp / B50amp
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Otter86’’ x 46’’
218 x 117 cm
75 cm
NA / Euro
4000 W
150 Gallons
568 Liters
400 Lbs
181 Kg
115 Volts / 14 Gauge Wire
1 Pump / A12amp / B15amp
1 phase x 32 Amp
3 phase x 16 Amp
Owners Manual - Core Series
Owners Manual - Core Series
Spa Overview
A: Topside Control | See Topside Control Overview section in this manual.
B: Waterspouts | Control by an ON/OFF valve.
C: Jets | All jets are adjustable and can be turned ON/OFF and can also be locked in the fully ON position,
simply by rotating the Jet face.
D: Venturi | Allows air into jets to boost jet performance when Pump 1 is on. Leave in the “closed” position
when spa is not in use.
Two and a half Inch (2.5”) Jets
The Turbo Single jets give a wide circular massage. The 2.5 inch jets are designed for a thorough mas-
sage of the muscles in your upper back, shoulders and neck. These jets are adjustable by turning the face
of the jet clockwise for a stronger ow and counter-clockwise for a softer ow and eventually o. The Jet can
also be locked in the fully ON (open) position by turning the face of the jet clockwise until it does not go any
further. Then rotate again to allow the jet to override the lock stop.
Four Inch (4”) Jets
The four-inch Hydro-massage jets give a wide circular massage. These jets are adjustable by turning the
face of the jet clockwise for a stronger ow and counter-clockwise for a softer ow and eventually o. The
Jet can also be locked in the fully ON (open) position by turning the face of the jet clockwise until it does not
go any further. Then rotate again to allow the jet to override the lock stop.
Owners Manual - Core Series
Owners Manual - Core Series
Topside Control Panel
Owners Manual - Core Series
Spa Functions
Off Mode
Pressing Pump 1 for 5 seconds will enable the O Mode. This
mode allows you to stop all outouts including automatic functions
such as lter cycle, heat request and smart winter mode for 30
minutes to perform quick spa maintance. When O Mode is active,
the display will toggle between the “OFF” message, the clock and
the water temperature. The spa light will ash for a few seconds
before the end of the 30 minutes to warn you that the system is
about to resume its normal operation.
Press Pump 1 or Pump 2 (if available) to restart the system before the expiration of the 30 minutes delay. When the
system resume its normal operation, the display shows “ON” for 3 seconds.
Pump 1
Press Pump 1 key to turn Pump 1 on at low speed. Press second
time to turn pump to high speed. A third time turns pump o. A
built-in timer automatically turns pump o after 20 minutes, unless
pump has been manually deactivated rst.
The “Pump 1” indicator lights up when Pump 1 in on. The indicator
will ash when pump 1 is on at low speed.
Pump 2 (Not available on all models)
Press Pump 2 key to turn Pump 2 on at high speed. Press a sec-
ond time turns pump o. A built-in timer automatically turns pump
o after 20 minutes, unless pump has been manually deactivated
The “Pump 2” indicator lights up when Pump 2 in on.
Owners Manual - Core Series
Startup Programming
Water Temperature Regulation
In a regulation cycle, the system rst generates water ow
through the heater housing and the plumbing, in order to
ensure accurate water temperature readings as well as
avoiding heater activation in dry conditions.
After verifying pump activation and taking a water temper-
ature reading if required, the system automatically turns
the heater on to reach and maintain water temperature at
Set Point.
The “Heater” indicator lights up when the heater is
on. It ashes when there is a request for more heat
but the heater has not yet started.
While performing this task, the heater is not allowed to
turn on and its icon ashes.
Smart Winter Mode
Our Smart Winter Mode protects your system from the
cold by turning pumps on several times a day to prevent
water from freezing in pipes.
The “Smart Winter Mode” indicator lights up when
the Smart Winter Mode is on.
Light Key
Press Light Key to turn lights on. A second press turns lights o. A
built-in timer automatically turns light o after 2 hours, unless it has
been manually deactivated rst.
The “Light” indicator lights up when light is on
Up / Down Keys
Use Up or Down key to set desired water temperature. The tem-
perature setting will be displayed for 2 seconds to conrm your
new selection.
2 pump spas have a combined Up/Down Key. Hold the button to
increase the parameter and release the button to stop. Hold the
button again to decrease the parameter.
The “Set Point” icon indicates that the display shows the
desired temperature, NOT the current water temperature!
Program Menu
Press Light Key to turn lights on. A second press turns lights o.
The program menu is accessible by holding down the Light key for
5 seconds. In the program menu the following parameters can be
set: clock, lter or purge cycles, economy mode and temperature
units. While in the program menu, use the Up or Down key to
adjust the parameters and use the Light key to jump to the next
parameter. The changes will be saved after the conrmation of the
last parameter only. If there is no action taken for 10 seconds, the
system will exit the program menu without saving any changes.
Owners Manual - Core Series
Startup Programming
Setting the Clock
Enter the program menu by holding down the Light key for 5
seconds. The display will show the current clock setting with
the hour ashing.
Depending on factory settings your system may be set
to 24-hour time or 12-hour time.
Setting the hour: Use the arrow keys to adjust the hour. Press the Light key to jump to the next parameter, the
minutes. Setting the minutes: Use the arrow keys to adjust the minutes. Press the Light key to jump to the next
parameter, the lter or purge start time (FS).
Programming the lter
The lter cycle menu consists of the following parameters: the start time (FS), the duration (Fd) and the frequency
(FF). A lter cycle consists of starting all the pumps in high speed for 1 minute (purge step) then, the pump associ-
ated with the lter will run in low speed for the remaining duration of the lter cycle (clean step).
Owners Manual - Core Series
Filtration Settings
Setting Filter Cycle Start Time
The display will show FSxx, “xx” representing the starting hour
of the cycle. Use the arrow keys to adjust the hours. Use the
Light key to jump to the next parameter, lter duration (Fd).
Setting Filter Cycle Duration
The display will show Fdxx, “xx” representing the duration in
hours of the lter cycle. Use the arrow keys to adjust the dura-
tion. Use the Light key to jump to the next parameter, lter or
purge frequency (FF).
• 0 = no ltration (It is not recommended to set this to “0”)
• 24 = continuous ltration
Setting Filter Cycle Frequency
The display will show FFxx, “xx” representing the number of
cycles per day. Use the arrow keys to adjust the frequency.
Use the Light key to jump to the next parameter, Onzen Cycles
• The “Filter” indicator lights up when lter is on and ashes
when suspended.
Owners Manual - Core Series
Setting Onzen Cycle Start Time
The display will show oSxx, “xx” representing the starting hour of
the cycle. Use the arrow keys to adjust the hours. Use the Light
key to jump to the next parameter, lter duration (Fd).
Setting Onzen Cycle Duration
The display will show odxx, “xx” representing the duration in hours
of the lter cycle. Use the arrow keys to adjust the duration. Use
the Light key to jump to the next parameter, lter or purge fre-
quency (FF).
• 0 = no ltration (It is not recommended to set this to “0”)
• 24 = continuous ltration
Setting Onzen Cycle Frequency
The display will show oFxx, “xx” representing the number of cycles
per day. Use the arrow keys to adjust the frequency. Use the Light
key to jump to the next parameter, economy mode (EP).
Setting Economy Mode*
This mode allows you to lower the temperature set point of the spa
by 20 °F (11 °C) during a certain period of the day. The display will
show EPx, “x” representing the state of the programmed economy
(0 = disabled, 1 = enabled). Use the arrow keys to enable or dis-
able economy mode. Use the Light key to jump to the next param-
eter, economy start time (ES). When the Economy mode is ON,
the display will toggle between the “Eco” message, the time, and
the water temperature.
Filtration Settings
Owners Manual - Core Series
Setting Economy Mode
Setting Economy Start Time*
The display will show ESxx, “xx” representing the hour at which
the economy mode will become active. Use the arrow keys to ad-
just the hour. Use the Light key to jump to the next parameter,
economy duration (Ed).
* Note that the parameters for the economy mode settings are as-
sociated to specic low level conguration of the system that are
not present in all software revisions.
Setting Economy Duration*
TThe display will show Edxx, “xx” representing the duration in
hours of the economy mode. Use the arrow keys to adjust the
hour. Use the Light key to jump to the next parameter, temperature
• 24 = continuous economy
Setting Temperature Unit
Water temperature can be displayed in either Fahrenheit (°F) or
Celsius (°C). The display will show °F or °C. Use the arrow keys
to change the setting. Use the Program or Light key to save all the
Owners Manual - Core Series
An international error has been
detected in in.xe. Contact dealer
or service supplier.
The system has shut the heater
down because the temperature
at the heater has reached 119ºF
(48ºC). Do not enter the water!
Remove the spa cover and allow
the water to cool down, then the
shut power o and power your
spa up again to reset the system.
The temperature inside the spa
skirt is too high, causing the in-
ternal temperature in the in.xe to
increase above the normal lim-
its. Open skirt and wait until error
The system does not detect any
water ow while the primary
pump is running. Check and
open water valves. Check for
water level. Clean lter. If the
problem persists, call your deal-
er or service supplier.
A problem is detected with the
temperature probe. Call your
dealer or service supplier.
The water temperature in the spa
has reached 108ºF (42ºC). Do
not enter the water! Remove the
spa cover and allow the water to
cool down to alower tempera-
ture. Call your dealer or service
supplier if the problem persists.
Error Codes
Owners Manual - Core Series
Core Warranty
Spa Shell ~ 7 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the Core Series shell to the customer against water loss due to structural failure for a period of 7
Arctic Spas® extends this limited warranty solely to the original customer of any Arctic self-contained spa installed by an
approved Arctic Spas Dealer, for 3 years of delivery date or 4 years from manufacture ship date witch ever comes rst
to the original purchaser of the spa.
Equipment & Plumbing ~ 3 years parts and 1 year labor
Arctic Spas® warrants the Core Series electrical equipment components ~ specically the pump(s) *(please refer to
detailed pump warranty below), factory installed aquanova ozone system, heater (including the Tru-Guard™ Heater) and
control system against malfunctions due to defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 3 years to the original
purchaser from the original date of delivery. Includes parts necessary to repair. Labor is included for a period of 1 year.
Other Components ~ 3 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the Core Series fuses, lights, jet inserts, topside control overlays, cabinet material, lter baskets
and weir assemblies, diverter handles, in.touch 2 internet control and caps, air control handles and caps, plastic cover
clips, chrome trim and all other unmentioned components to be free of defects in workmanship and materials for a period
of 3 years to the original purchaser from the original date of delivery. Includes only parts necessary to repair, not labor.
Aqua Nova ~ 1 year
AquaNova limited warranty one (1) year on sanitizer, check valve assembly & UV-C.
Shell Surface ~ 3 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the Core Series interior surface to the customer against water loss due to material failure including
cracks, blisters, peeling and delaminating for a period of 3 years to the original purchaser from the original date of
delivery. Includes parts and labor necessary to repair.
Cover (4” - 2”) ~ 1 years
Arctic spas® warrants the standard Core Series cover against malfunctions due to defects in materials and workmanship
for one year to the original owner from the original date of delivery. Includes parts necessary to repair.
Upgraded Cover (5”-4”) ~ 3 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the upgraded VACSEAL™ cover against malfunctions due to defects in materials and workmanship
for three years to the original owner from the original date of delivery. Includes parts necessary to repair. (Normal wear
and tear is not included in this warranty, when used with a cover lifter seam damage will be considered normal wear and
Core Sound ~ 1 year
Arctic Spas® warrants the factory installed Core sound stereo system against malfunction due to defects in materials
and workmanship for one year to the original customer from original delivery date. Includes parts and onsite labor and
parts necessary to repair.
Everlast Floor ~ 3 years
Arctic Spas® warrants the Everlast Floor against structure cracking for a period of 3 years to the original customer from
the original date of delivery. Includes parts necessary to repair.
Pump(s) are warranted against material and component failure. The pump shaft seal is covered under warranty. Dam-
age resulting from a neglected leaking shaft seal is not covered under warranty. This includes but is not limited to bearing
seizure, end bell failure, start switch failure, impeller failure and capacitor failure. It is the responsibility of the customer
to report shaft seal failure before further damage can occur. Any pump component failure determined to be the result of
defective material will be replaced under warranty. Arctic Spas® reserves the right to replace pump components, rather
than the complete pump assembly. Vibration noise associated with normal pump operation is excluded under this war-
To obtain service in the event of a defect or malfunction covered by this Limited Warranty, notify your Arctic Spa dealer as
soon as possible and use all reasonable means to protect the spa from further damage. Upon proof of purchase, Arctic
Spas®’ agent or its designated service representative will correct the defect subject to the terms and conditions continued
in this Limited Warranty. Preapproved claims must be executed within 60 days of Pre-approval, All existing claims expire
upon expiration of warranty. *Please note that union connection leaks are considered to be user serviceable and are
expressly excluded from the Limited Warranty. Damage resulting from union connection leaks are expressly excluded
from the Limited.
Owners Manual - Core Series
Core Warranty
Warranty. There will be no charge for onsite labor to the customer for a period of one year from the date of original deliv-
ery or 2 years from manufacturer’s ship date, whichever comes rst. Specically equipment, plumbing and shell surfaces
against malfunctions due to any defect in the material and workmanship within the Limited Warranty. Travel costs are the
responsibility of the customer. Your limited warranty will cover a maximum of $60 towards onsite labor per each approved
warranty claim. Service and/or travel costs are covered within the rst 30 days of ownership to a maximum distance of
100KM from dealership or designated service outlet. If Arctic Spas® determines that repair of the covered defect is not
feasible we reserve the right to instead provide a replacement spa equal in value to the original purchase price of the
defective spa. Spa replacement is done only at the discretion of Arctic Spas®.
Reasonable costs for the removal of the defective spa, and delivery and installation will be the responsibility of the spa
customer. Freight will be paid to the nearest Arctic Spas® distribution center.
All warranties provided hereunder extend only to the original customer of the spa if purchased by an authorized Arctic
Spas dealer and originally installed within the boundaries of the country where it was originally purchased. All warranties
hereunder terminate upon transfer of ownership of a spa from the original customer. This warranty only applies within
the service area where the spa was originally installed. Your limited warranty does not include repair travel mileage or for
shipping cost assessed by your Factory Authorized Dealer or service agents. All events covered by this Limited Warranty
hereunder must be repaired by a Factory Authorized Dealer of Arctic Spas®. The warranties will not include any costs of
repair incurred by a non-factory authorized agent. To obtain service, the customer must contact the Factory Authorized
Dealer in his area. In the event that a spa or component thereof must be returned to Arctic Spas® distribution center, all
freight costs are the responsibility of the spa customer. After 30 days from delivery, a deductible or “excess“ fee will be
applied to all warranty costs. This fee will be a maximum of $75 CAD or equivalent local currency, and may be applied
to the parts or labor component costs associated with each separate job covered by the warranty. Charges not covered
by the warranty or after the warranty period expires are not aected by this condition. To obtain this Limited Warranty
hereunder the spa must be purchased from a Factory Authorized Dealer of Arctic Spas®.
All warranties hereunder are void if the spa has been subject to alterations (including after-market accessories), mis-
use or abuse or any repair of the spa has been attempted by anyone other than a Factory Authorized Dealer of Arctic
Spas®. Alterations include but not limited to, any change to the components, replacement of components or addition of
components without the written authorization from Arctic Spas®. Misuse includes careless handling of the spa, damages
caused by improper and/or non-certied electrical hook- ups, failure to operate the spa in accordance with the instruc-
tions contained in the owner’s manual provided with the spa, including incorrect start-up procedures or dry ring of the
spa, any use of the spa or any of its components in an application for which it was not designed, and damage caused
by improper chemical balance (including any damage to spa components caused by scale build up to due to poor water
chemistry), ice in the spa, overheating the spa or spa water, damage to the spa surface by allowing undissolved sanitiz-
ing chemicals to lie on the surface or if our spa has been used for commercial purposes. Spa covers are not warranted
against chemical burn or discoloration. Spa covers are not warranted against water absorption or any damage resulting
from water absorption. Any damage resulting from the mishandling of the spa cover in any way is not covered under
warranty. Any damage caused by moving of the spa or improper installation (including insuciently prepared or uneven
ground) is considered abuse and any damage to the material or workmanship of the spa cabinetry and oor in shipping
or handling are expressly excluded from the Limited Warranty. Arctic Spas will not be responsible for power company
issues or improper electrical installations, damage and/or lack of performance resulting from high or low voltages outside
operating parameters. Arctic Spas will not be responsible for software and product upgrades throughout the life of the
spa. Arctic Spas® expressly excludes warranty coverage on any of the following: Acts of nature including but not limited
to damage resulting from lightning, storm, ooding, freezing, re and any other acts of nature. Any spa installed in a com-
mercial application. Any failure caused by improper cover use or damage to the spa surface by leaving the spa outdoors
without the hot tub cover in place. The heat created by leaving the spa in direct UV light without a cover may cause
surface issues with the acrylic and may also cause plastic parts to warp, some ttings will leak or cease working as a
result. These occurrences are not covered under warranty. The hot tub cover must be kept on the hot tub when not being
used. Scratches or micro-crazing in the spa shell reported after the day of installation are not covered under warranty.
Micro-crazing is dened as an area of tiny shiny lines visible in areas on the surface of some thermoplastic sheets. This
phenomena, although rare, is known to occur in many types of plastic sheet materials. The surfaces of thermoformed
acrylic hot tubs are not immune to this possibility.
Damaged caused by unapproved sanitizers such as tri-chlor, acids, calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite, perox-
ides, any sanitizing chemical that may remain undissolved on the spa surface. Any and all sanitation systems or chemi-
cals used in your spa must be factory approved by Arctic Spas or your warranty is void.
Owners Manual - Core Series
Our automated water care system, Spa Boy® represents the most important advancement to hot tubs in many
years. Rather than solely relying on inconvenient and imprecise manual testing and addition of sanitizer to
your spa, Spa Boy® monitors, and helps maintain ideal spa water conditions. Spa Boy® simply, accurately
and eortlessly helps to maintain perfect clear and safe spa water for you. This incredible technology uses
medical-grade sensors to constantly analyze key water cleanliness parameters and from this data, the Spa
Boy® system precisely controls the output of our integrated salt water system, ensuring that sanitizer levels
are kept in the absolute optimum range. Should your spa’s pH value come slightly out of balance, Spa Boy®
alerts the spa owner (via the topside control panel, the app and the portal) to correct this
Spa Boy®, has also completely changed the bathing experience. Relax in a soft and silky high sodium low
saline bath that feels absolutely amazing on your skin with no chemical smell. Enjoy your Arctic Spa to its
fullest potential, and leave water maintenance to your own, personal Spa Boy®!
Spa Boy®
1.1 Obtaining Technical Data For Your Spa
To ensure you have the current appropriate technical data for your spa it is recommended that you obtain such data from
your authorised retailer or from the Arctic Spas Web Site
1.2 What is Spa Boy?
Spa Boy is an advanced salt water maintenance system designed to data log pH and ORP readings and self
manage the ORP level within the specied range.
1.3 What Does Spa Boy Do?
• Data log spa water pH and ORP readings.
• Maintains ORP within the specied range by automatically producing sanitizer (Chlorine) agents.
• Displays current ORP and pH levels of your spa water.
• Softens water.
• Claries water.
1.4 What Are The Benets of Spa Boy?
• Automatically maintains sanitizer (Chlorine) within the specied ORP range.
• Displays current ORP and pH levels of your spa water.
• Takes the guess work out of calculating how much Arctic Pure, Salt Water Balance is required to add to
your spa water to lower the pH level within the required range.
• Makes skin feel soft and smooth.
• Makes water look sparkling clean.
• Reduces contact with harsh chemicals.
• Dramatically reduces time and money needed to maintain spa water.
• Reduces impact to the environment:
1. Fewer trips to the spa store for supplies and having your water tested.
2. Less packaging wasted on chemical containers.
3. Less industrial waste produced making spa chemicals.
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
Understanding Spa Boy®
1.5 How Does Spa Boy Work?
• Consumer registers their spa on the My Arctic Spa web based after sales support system.
• Arctic Pure Natural Mineral Sea Salt Blend is added to the spas water when the spa has been lled with
water and water balanced.
• An ORP/pH probe is xed into the foot well area of your spa, which sends a signal to the Spa Boy Generator
and through the Spa Boy Communication Cable connects to the Global Eco PAK. The Global Eco PAK can
then establish a two-way communication channel between the Global Eco PAK and
• Spa Boy data logs the spa water pH and ORP levels for the Technician to view.
• Spa Boy automatically produces and maintains sanitizer (Chlorine) within the specied ORP range (545-
• Spa Boy displays current ORP and pH levels of your spa water within My Arctic Spa.
• As required the consumer adds the required amount of Arctic Pure Salt Water Balance to keep the pH
within the required range.
1.5.1 Spa Boy System Interface
The following diagram reects the Spa Boy System interface:
2020 Global EcoPak
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
Understanding Spa Boy®
1.5.2 Spa Boy Main Components
The following table depicts the Spa Boy components referenced in this manual.
2020 Global Eco PAK
Spa Boy Generator with datacommunication cable
Spa Boy Output Electrode
Spa Boy Sensor
Spa Boy Niche
(Two piece the front section unscrews from the body section)
Spa Boy Sensor Housing
(Also known as Lippert Walltting Threaded)
Spa Boy Housing Grate
(Also known as Lippert Grate Threaded)
Spa Boy Housing Plug
Spa Boy Communication Cable
Spa Boy Owners Manual
Spa Boy Owners ManualVersion 1 Revision 1 (R1)
Page6of 35Issued 20 Nov 2014
The following table depicts the Spa Boy components referenced in thismanual.
2011 GlobalEco PAK
Spa Boy Generator
Spa Boy Output Electrode
Spa BoySensor
Spa Boy Niche
(Two piece the front section unscrews
from the body section)
Spa Boy Electrode Housing
(Alsoknown asLippert Wallfitting
Spa Boy Housing Grate
(Also known as Lippert Grate Threaded)
Spa Boy Housing Plug
Spa Boy Communication Cable
Spa Boy Owners Manual
Spa Boy Owners ManualVersion 1 Revision 1 (R1)
Page6of 35Issued 20 Nov 2014
The following table depicts the Spa Boy components referenced in thismanual.
2011 GlobalEco PAK
Spa Boy Generator
Spa Boy Output Electrode
Spa BoySensor
Spa Boy Niche
(Two piece the front section unscrews
from the body section)
Spa Boy Electrode Housing
(Alsoknown asLippert Wallfitting
Spa Boy Housing Grate
(Also known as Lippert Grate Threaded)
Spa Boy Housing Plug
Spa Boy Communication Cable
Spa Boy Owners Manual
Spa Boy Owners ManualVersion 1 Revision 1 (R1)
Page6of 35Issued 20 Nov 2014
The following table depicts the Spa Boy components referenced in thismanual.
2011 GlobalEco PAK
Spa Boy Generator
Spa Boy Output Electrode
Spa BoySensor
Spa Boy Niche
(Two piece the front section unscrews
from the body section)
Spa Boy Electrode Housing
(Alsoknown asLippert Wallfitting
Spa Boy Housing Grate
(Also known as Lippert Grate Threaded)
Spa Boy Housing Plug
Spa Boy Communication Cable
Spa Boy Owners Manual
Spa Boy OwnersManualVersion 1 Revision 1 (R1)
Page6of 35Issued 20 Nov 2014
The following table depicts the Spa Boy components referenced in thismanual.
2011 GlobalEco PAK
Spa Boy Generator
Spa Boy Output Electrode
Spa BoySensor
Spa Boy Niche
(Two piece the front section unscrews
from the body section)
Spa Boy Electrode Housing
(Alsoknown asLippert Wallfitting
Spa Boy Housing Grate
(Also known as Lippert Grate Threaded)
Spa Boy Housing Plug
Spa Boy Communication Cable
Spa Boy Owners Manual
Spa Boy Owners ManualVersion 1 Revision 1 (R1)
Page6of 35Issued 20 Nov 2014
The following table depicts the Spa Boy components referenced in thismanual.
2011 GlobalEco PAK
Spa Boy Generator
Spa Boy Output Electrode
Spa BoySensor
Spa Boy Niche
(Two piece the front section unscrews
from the body section)
Spa Boy Electrode Housing
(Alsoknown asLippert Wallfitting
Spa Boy Housing Grate
(Also known as Lippert Grate Threaded)
Spa Boy Housing Plug
Spa Boy Communication Cable
Spa Boy Owners Manual
Spa Boy Owners ManualVersion 1 Revision 1 (R1)
Page6of 35Issued 20 Nov 2014
The following table depicts the Spa Boy components referenced in thismanual.
2011 GlobalEco PAK
Spa Boy Generator
Spa Boy Output Electrode
Spa BoySensor
Spa Boy Niche
(Two piece the front section unscrews
from the body section)
Spa Boy Electrode Housing
(Alsoknown asLippert Wallfitting
Spa Boy Housing Grate
(Also known as Lippert Grate Threaded)
Spa Boy Housing Plug
Spa Boy Communication Cable
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
Understanding Spa Boy®
1.6 Spa Boy Version Summary
Spa Boy Version 1 Revision 1 (R1)
When Arctic Spas rst released their Onzen system back in 2009 the Arctic Spas vision was to provide the
consumer with a spa that can self-manage water balance and sanitizer levels.
With the release of Spa Boy Version 1 R1, Arctic Spas have achieved their next milestone in realizing their
vision. Spa Boy Version 1 R1 can be easily upgraded (retrotted) into a spa that currently does not have Spa
Boy installed, providing the spa is equipped with a Global Eco PAK. The Global Eco PAK was released in 2011.
Spas built prior to 2011 that are not equipped with the Global Eco PAK can also be upgraded with Spa Boy
by replacing your Spa PAK with the 2011 Global Eco PAK. For upgrade details, consult with your Arctic Spas
1.7 How to Determine Spa Production Date
The Spa production date can be determined from the Spa Serial Number recorded on the Spa Identication
Plate mounted on the cabinet usually under the topside controller.
Example : Spa Serial No. A10H131112
• The two digits following the rst letter represent the year that the Spa was built 10 = 2010.
• The letter following the rst two digits represent the month that the Spa was built H = August.
*The 6 digit number represents the Spas Serial Number. 131112 = Serial Number.
Understanding Spa Boy®
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
1.8 Denitions of Terms
Spa BoySpa Boy is an advanced salt water maintenance system designed to data log pH
and ORP readings and self manage the ORP level within the specied range (545-
Spa Boy Output Elec-
Five plate platinum-iridium Titanium electrode - equipped salt cell converts the salt-
water solution to sanitizer, and as this solution reverts back to its natural form (salt)
after sanitizing. Unless large volumes of water are added to the spa you never
have to add more salt. The ve plate electrode plastic outer casing is grey in color.
Note: When the Spa Boy System has activated the Output Electrode to generate
sanitizer, the electrode gives o smoke eect.
Spa Boy Output Elec-
trode Version
Modication status of the electrode tted to the spa.
Spa Boy SensorpH and ORP sensor (probe) used to measure pH and chlorine (ORP) readings
along with many other reading and transfer the readings to the My Arctic Spa web
The Sensor is connected to the Spa Boy Generator and the Spa Boy Communica-
tion Cable from the generator is connected to the Global Eco PAK.
Spa Boy Communication
Cable that connects the Spa Boy Generator to the Global Eco PAK. The commu-
nication cable is used to establish continous two-way communication between the
Spa Boy System and
Arctic PureArctic Spas range of products developed especially for maintaining your spas
My Arctic SpaMy Arctic Spa is a Web based after sales support system designed and built by
Arctic Spas especially for Arctic Spas owners that have Spa Boy installed in their
My Arctic Spa has been designed to receive data from your spa over the internet
through the spas Wi-Fi system. The data is logged and saved by My Arctic Spa on
a continual basis.
Calcium Hardness (CH)Calcium Hardness is a measure of the total amount of dissolved calcium salts in
the water.
CH helps determine how scaling or corrosive the water is. It is believed that cal-
cium helps control the corrosive nature of water.
Calcium has two major problems in Hot Water Chemistry:
1. CH has a tendency to precipitate (fall out of suspension in high temperatures,
where pH is above 7.8ppm)
2. High pH will cause calcium to precipitate. The problem with calcium falling out
of suspension is that it collects on the heater and pump, and shortens their life.
High pH also reduces the life of the Spa Boy Output Electrode.
Any natural corrosiveness in the water can be combated by maintaining a slightly
higher Total Alkalinity Level.
Understanding Spa Boy®
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
1.8 Denitions of Terms
Total Alkalinity (TA)
A measure of how stable the pH is (a measure of the total levels of carbon-
ates, bicarbonates, hydroxides, and other alkaline substances in the water).
TA is referred to as the water’s “”pH buer””. In other words, it’s a measure of
the ability of the water to resist changes in pH level.
If the TA is too low, the pH level will uctuate widely from high to low. Fluc-
tuations in pH can cause corrosion or scaling of the spa components.
Low TA can be corrected by adding Arctic Pure, Perfect Balance to the spa
If the Total Alkalinity is too high, the water will be more susceptible to scale
and high pH. High pH may be dicult to bring down.
Note: Salt systems naturally drive pH levels to increase.
High TA can be lowered by adding Arctic Pure, Adjust Down to the spa water.
Once the TA is Balanced, it normally remains stable, although some sanitiz-
ers, and the addition of more water with a high or low alkalinity will raise or
lower the TA reading of the water.
Potential Hydrogen
The pH level is the measure of alkalinity.
pH is measured between 0 and 14 denoting various degrees of acidity or
Neutral water has a pH of 7.0 Water below 7.0 is acidic and becomes more
acidic as it approaches zero.
Water above 7.0 is alkaline and alkalinity increases as it approaches 14.
When the pH of water is 7.0 or below, chlorine will act primarily as a sani-
tizer. At this level, it is very eective at killing bacteria.
At 7.4, chlorine will act equally as a sanitizer and oxidizer.
Above 7.8, chlorine will act principally as an oxidizer.
The pH of chlorine is 11.7.
Spa water is considered balanced if the pH level is within the target range,
between 7.2pH to 7.6pH.
Adding chlorine either automatically through a salt system or manually, into
spa water with high pH, above 7.6pH, will further increase the pH level and
dramatically reduce the eectiveness of the chlorine as a sanitizer. This must
be avoided by rst reducing the pH level into the target range 7.2pH - 7.6pH.
The chart below reects the loss of sanitizer eectiveness/sanitizer eective-
ness based on the spas water pH level:
pH LevelSanitizer (Chlorine)
Loss of Eectiveness
based on pH Level
Sanitizer (Chlorine)
based on pH Level
6.0 pH4%96%
6.5 pH10%90%
Understanding Spa Boy®
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
1.8 Denitions of Terms
Potential Hydrogen
pH LevelSanitizer (Chlorine)
Loss of Eectiveness
based on pH Level
Sanitizer (Chlorine)
based on pH Level
7.0 pH27%73%
7.2 pH38%62%
7.5 pH50%50%
8.0 pH78%21%
8.5 pH90%10%
Maintaining a Balanced pH level between 7.2pH and 7.6pH is extremely
important for:
• Optimizing the eectiveness of the sanitizer.
• Maintaining water that is comfortable for the user.
• Preventing equipment deterioration.
• Note: Salt systems naturally drive pH levels to increase, strive to achieve a
balanced pH level.
If the spa water’s pH level is too low, the following may result:
• The sanitizer will dissipate rapidly.
• The water may become irritation to spa users.
• The spa’s equipment may corrode reducing life expectancy.
Low pH can be raised by adding Arctic Pure, Adjust Up to the spa water.
If the pH level is too high, the following may result:
• The sanitizer is less eective.
• Scale will form on the spa shell surface and the equipment.
• High pH will cause calcium to precipitate (fall out of suspension).
• The water may become cloudy.
High pH can be lowered by adding Arctic Pure, Salt Water Balance to the spa
It is important to check the pH on a regular basis. The pH will be aected by
the bather load, the addition of new water, the addition of various chemicals,
and the type of
sanitizer used.
ORPOxidation–Reduction Potential.
This is simply a measurement of the water’s ability to cleanse itself. ORP is
measured in millivolts (mV). Also refer FCL
Free Chlorine (FCL)FCL is the active form of chlorine that actually kills bacteria and algae (It is
a Sanitizer).
Sanitizer is extremely important for killing algae, bacteria and viruses, and
preventing unwanted organisms for growing in the spa. At the same time,
you don’t want too high a sanitizer level, or it can irritate your skin, lungs
and eyes.
Always maintain the sanitizer level in your spa within the recommended
Also refer ORP
Chlorine ResidualThe actual level of chlorine in the water after the chlorine demand has
been satised.
Understanding Spa Boy®
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
1.8 Denitions of Terms
SanitizerChemical used to kill bacteria.
Generic names: Chlorine, Bromine and Biguanide.
Arctic Pure, Boost
Adding Arctic Pure BOOST should be avoided unless the ORP level is very
Also Refer Section 1.15 Caring for your Spa Boy System, Question 3 If
the Spa Boy System is not working, what should I do if I need to add Arctic
Pure BOOST or other sanitizer to the spas water?
Note; resetting the spas breaker could speed up sensor recovery.
RefreshOxidiser that is pH Neautral
An oxidizer that “burns o” the organic wastes which cause cloudiness and
algae. It is a generic term for a chemical used to oxidize organic wastes.
If your spa is equiped with an Arctic Spas OZONE System such as Peak
1 or Peak 2 in most cases there should be a reduced need to add Arctic
Pure, Refresh to your spas water. This is dependent on bather load and
OZONE run time. But weekly maintenance is required.
Parts Per Million (ppm)ppm: parts per million, a standard measure of chemical or mineral concen-
Organic wasteDebris such as microorganisms, perspiration, urine, etc. which needs to be
burned up or “oxidized” regularly to prevent haze, algae, chloramines, etc.
ShockAn oxidizer that “burns o” the organic wastes which cause cloudiness and
algae. It is a generic term for a chemical used to oxidize organic wastes.
Arctic Pure, Boost.
Warning Adding a Chlorine agent such as Boost to the spas water should
be avioded as this will aect the Spa Boy Sensor Probe which will cause
inacurate ORP and pH readings to be sent to My Arctic Spa and registered
with My Arctic Spa. If chlorine is added to the spas water it will take at least
three days for the Spa Boy Sensor Probe to clense itself and start sending
accurate readings to My Arctic Spa.
Also Refer Section 1.15 Caring for your Spa Boy System, Question 3 If the
Spa Boy System is not working, what should I do if I need to add Arctic Pure
BOOST or other sanitizer to the spas water?
Note; resetting the spas breaker could speed up sensor recovery.
Salt Water BalanceArctic pure product specially formulated by Arctic Spas to lower pH without
causing any damage to the Spa Boy Output Electrode.
Drop Test KitTest kit for testing spa water sample using additives instead of test
stips. This type of test method is more eective at measuring the
0.5ppm residual amount of chlorine generated through Spa Boy.
0.5ppm Chlorine reading = approximately 550mV
Understanding Spa Boy®
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
1.8 Water Chemistry Abbreviations / Acronyms & Ranges
CHCalcium Hardness50 - 150 ppm
TATotal Alkalinity80-100 ppm
pHPotential Hydrogen7.2 – 7.6 ppm
ORPOxidation–Reduction Po-
545 – 550 mV Spa Boy Optimum Range.
(Optimum Range is the default factory
setting, the user may adjust higher if
preferred by contacting their dealer to
have it adjusted. )
Depending on the water chemistry which
will be eected by bather load and spa
usage, at times the ORP value will
overshoot or undershoot the Optimum
Note: Using a Drop Test Kit, a 0.5ppm
Chlorine reading = approximately 550mV
1.9 Spa Boy Warranty
Refer to your Arctic Spas Owners Manual for the Spa Boy warranty details.
Understanding Spa Boy®
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
1.10 Spa Boy® SP Guide
1.10.1 Spa Boy® SP Overview Flowchart
This owchart provides an
overview of the Spa Boy start-up
The detailed support procedures
are contained in this document.
All checks and test should be
carried out in accordance with
the Arctic Spas Spa Boy Owners
Spa has been positioned in accor-
dance with the Arctic Spas Owners
Program Filtration Cycles/Filtration
Relax and Enjoy Your Spa
Arctic Spas Spa Boy Version 1 R1 Maintenance Schedule.
Refer: Arctic Spas Spa Boy Version 1 R1 Maintenance Schedule QRC
Stabilize Spa Water.
Establishing Correct Water
Connect Your Spa to the
Home Network.
Sanitizer and pH Settings
Maintain Correct Water
Register Spa With My
Arctic Spa.
Fill Spa With Water, Power Up Spa
and Set Water Temperature
Note: Spa Boy Sensor Probe Should
have been installed.
Have electrical power to
Spa connected in accor-
dance with
Arctic Spas Owners Manual
Arctic Spas Spa Boy
Salt Dose
Guidance Table.
Caring For Your Spa
Boy System.
Understanding Spa Boy®
Owners Manual - Spa Boy®
1.10.2 Fill Spa With Water Power Up Spa and Set Water Temperature
The following steps provide guidance to help establish correct chemically balanced water. To help ensure
chemicals dissolve appropriately it is good practice to rst mix/dissolve the chemical in an uncontaminated
container of hot water before carefully adding to the spa water.
Note: The following steps take into account that the Spa Technician has lled your spa with water to above the
Spa Boy Sensor Housing, removed the Spa Boy Sensor Plug, installed the Spa Boy Sensor Housing Grate and
installed the Spa Boy Sensor.
Warning: Do not proceed until the Spa Technician has lled your spa with water to above the Spa Boy Sensor
Housing, removed the Spa Boy Housing Plug, installed the Spa Boy Sensor Housing Grate and installed the
Spa Boy Sensor or you have obtained further direction from your Dealer. neemt misbruik van zijn services uitermate serieus. U kunt hieronder aangeven waarom deze vraag ongepast is. Wij controleren de vraag en zonodig wordt deze verwijderd.
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