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ArcSoft MediaImpression
User Manual
Copyright © 2008, ArcSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. www.arcsoft.com
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... 0
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1
1.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................... 2
1.2 INSTALLATION .................................................................................... 3
1.3 LAUNCH/EXIT ARCSOFT MEDIAIMPRESSION ...................................... 4
1.4 KEY FEATURES .................................................................................... 5
2.1 START PAGE ........................................................................................ 6
2.2 MAIN SCREEN ..................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 MEDIA BROWSER .........................................................................10 VIEWS ...................................................................................10 PREVIEW AREA ......................................................................13
2.2.2 ACTIONS ......................................................................................23 IMPORT .................................................................................23 PHOTO VIEWER .....................................................................27 MEDIA PLAYER ......................................................................30 GEOTAG .................................................................................36 SLIDESHOW ..........................................................................37 PHOTO EDITING ....................................................................41 PHOTO EDITING TOOLS ..................................................41 COLOR EFFECTS ..............................................................51 PHOTO EFFECTS ..............................................................53 FRAMES AND EDGES ........................................................56 TEXT AND CLIP ART ........................................................59 EASY FIX .........................................................................62 MAKE MOVIE .........................................................................70 SHARE ...................................................................................73 UPLOAD .................................................................................80
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-2- ORDER PHOTO GIFTS & PRINTS ..........................................83 EASY ARCHIVE ....................................................................84 UPGRADE .............................................................................85
3. CUSTOMIZE ARCSOFT MEDIAIMPRESSION ..............................................86
3.1 CONFIGURE START PAGE ...................................................................86
3.2 CONFIGURE ACTIONS ........................................................................86
3.3 CONFIGURE USER ICON .....................................................................87
3.4 EXTRAS MENU ....................................................................................87
4. FAQS .......................................................................................................91
5. REFERENCE..............................................................................................96
5.1 ABOUT ARCSOFT CONNECT ................................................................96
5.2 CUSTOMER SUPPORT .........................................................................97
5.3 ARCSOFT ESTORE ...............................................................................97
5.4 CLUB ARCSOFT ...................................................................................97
5.5 REGIONAL OFFICES............................................................................98
5.6 ABOUT ARCSOFT ................................................................................99
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
1. Introduction
Welcome to ArcSoft MediaImpression, a desktop software program that combines
powerful media management and playback capabilities with tools for viewing,
enhancing, sharing, printing, archiving, and having fun with your media files.
This manual walks through the program’s main functions as well as how to use the
program to achieve certain goals in respect to managing and getting creative with your
media files.
Please do not forget about the built-in Help file. You can access it from the "Extras"
menu of the program. It explains each available button and option. This manual will
show you how to perform the most common operations and may not cover every
individual command. Use the manual and Help file together to get the most out of the
application and have fun!
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
1.1 System Requirements
- Windows: XP/Vista/7 (Windows XP with SP2 or Vista is
- Intel Pentium® 4 1.6 GHz or equivalent AMD Athlon
- 512 MB RAM (1GB recommended)
Hard disk space
- 300 MB free hard drive space for program
Graphics card
- NVIDIA Geforce MX440 or above, AMD(ATI)
Radeon 9200 or above
- 1024 x 768 pixels, 16-bit color monitor or higher
- Microsoft Windows Media Player 9 or above is required
for ASF/WMA/WMV full support (Windows Media Player
10 (or above) is recommended.)
- Apple QuickTime 7 or above is required for MOV files
- Microsoft DirectX 9.0c or above
- Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or above
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
1.2 Installation
1. Insert the CD into your optical drive.
2. The installer should start automatically.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
4. When prompted, enter the license key located on the sleeve in which your software
CD came in.
Take note as to where the program is installing, and where it can be found in the Start
Note: If the installer does not start automatically, you will need to run it manually:
1. Insert the CD into your optical drive.
2. Open the CD in Windows Explorer.
3. Run "Setup.exe".
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
1.3 Launch/Exit ArcSoft MediaImpression
There are several ways for you to launch ArcSoft MediaImpression:
Double-click the MediaImpression icon on the desktop or right-click the icon
and select "Open".
Click Start -> All Programs -> ArcSoft MediaImpression -> MediaImpression.
If you want to quit the program, simply click the "Close" button on the top right-hand
corner of the programs main window.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
1.4 Key Features
Powerful Media Management:
Organize files with ratings, tags, flags and calendar views.
Launch Google Earth, navigate to the location where you took your picture,
then "geotag" your picture for future reference.
XMP Support:
Add title, subject, IPTC, rating and tag information into pictures.
Share information with other applications like Vista Photo Gallery or Adobe
Retain photo information even if you copy, move or share it with other people.
MUI (Multilingual User Interface) Support:
Adjust text size for easier reading.
Choose your language preference.
Simple Creative Projects and Editing Tools:
Combine pictures, video, and music in just a few clicks.
Create your own movies or photo slide shows, complete with sound track.
Edit, enhance, and add fun creative effects to your photos.
Many Ways to Present, Publish, and Share:
View pictures and videos full screen.
Email pictures as attachments or photo pages, or inside colorful templates.
Save photos as screen savers or desktop wallpaper.
Transfer photos to ArcSoft Print Creations software for making greeting cards,
calendars, photo books, and more.
Easy File Import and Export:
Automatically detect plugging and unplugging of memory cards and DSCs.
Automatically fix red-eye, correct picture orientation, and tag files on import.
Capture images from video files.
Capture video from webcams.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
2. Main Functions of the ArcSoft MediaImpression
ArcSoft MediaImpression is a fun and powerful management tool for your media files.
Easily create and share projects featuring your photo, video, and music files. Edit,
enhance and add creative effects to your photos. Create your own movies or photo
slideshows, complete with soundtrack. Upload your files easily to YouTube™! Or share
them with friends or family through simple email attachments, photo sharing sites, or
archive to a CD/DVD disc.
2.1 Start Page
Once you have launched the program, the Start Page will be displayed, providing quick
access to certain functions. The Start page includes two tabs. The "Standard" tab lists
common starting points for the program. The "Order Photos Gifts & Prints" tab provides
a shortcut of the "Order Photo Gifts & Prints" module.
The "Standard" tab consists of two columns. Move over each option for an explanation.
New Packages
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
By Category
You can start by selecting the type of the media files you want to view and edit.
The program launches the Media Browser for this type of media file.
By Action
You can also start by selecting the task you want to work on. You can also
Configure Start Page to show the tasks that you want.
Note: Recommended new packages for downloading are listed on the bottom of the
"Standard" tab. You can click the package icon to view detailed information in the
following dialog box:
If you want to download the package, simply click the "Continue" button and the
package will be downloaded and installed automatically.
Order Photo Gifts & Prints
Products are categorized into three groupsPrints, Gifts, and Photo Books. Choose a
product and go directly to the "Order Photo Gifts & Prints" module. Click "View Price
List" to display the price list; click "View Shopping Cart" to go to your cart.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Note: Check the "Skip this page when you launch the program" option to go directly to
the Media Browser next time.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
2.2 Main Screen
Once you have selected a category or an action in the Start Page, the main screen will
be launched.
Views: provide tools and options for you to locate, examine, and organize your
media files.
Preview Area: displays media file thumbnails and detailed information about
the files contained in the selected folder.
Actions: shows the main functions of the program.
Preview Area
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
2.2.1 Media Browser
The Media Browser occupies the largest section of the main screen. It consists of two
sections: views and the preview area. Views
Views appear on the left side of the Media Browser. Views provide tools and options for
you to locate, examine, and organize your media files.
The types of media files you view are determined by the Categories drop-down list. To
change the type of the media files you want to view, select from the Categories
drop-down list.
The first time you use the program, Folders is the primary view. You can display other
views by selecting relevant icons below. If you want to close a certain view, you can
either click the "Close" button in that view or unselect its icon.
The Folders view is where you can browse for media files using a classic Windows
style folder tree view.
Selecting a folder displays its contents. Media files are displayed in the Preview
Area and sub-folders are shown in the Folders view.
Folders view options are available by clicking the Options icon or by
right-clicking within the Folders view. The options let you cut, copy, paste, delete,
or rename the selected folder. Options also include inserting a new folder into the
selected folder and adding the selected folder to your Favorite Folders.
You can move a folder by dragging and dropping it to another place within the
Folders view.
You can also move media files from the active folder by dragging thumbnails from
the Preview Area to another place within the Folders view.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Favorite Folders
The Favorite Folders view contains the media files that you like most. You can add
the folders in Folders view to your Favorite Folders by dragging and dropping or
using the "Add to Favorite Folders" in the right-click menu.
Selecting a folder displays its content. Media files are displayed in the Preview Area
and subfolders are shown in the Favorite Folders view.
The options of Favorite Folders view are available by clicking the Options icon
or by right-clicking the folder. The options include deleting the folder from Favorite
Folders, inserting a new folder, renaming the folder, relinking the folder if you
have moved it, and refreshing the folder content.
The Rating view provides you a unique way to manage and search your media files,
based on 5 levels of ratings.
To set the rating for a file, select it in the Preview Area. Click the Attach Rating
button , or right-click and select a rating from the Attach Rating sub-menu, or
even drag selected files to a rating or drag a rating to selected files.
In the Rating view, select to display the rated or unrated files in the active folder.
The Tags view provides a list of tags that you can use to categorize your media files.
By attaching tags to your media files, you can quickly and easily search for your
media files that pertain to specific events, people, or trips.
To set the tag for a file, select it in the Preview Area. Click the Attach Tags button
, or right-click and select a tag from the Attach Tags sub-menu, or even drag
selected files to a tag or drag a tag to selected files.
In the Tags view, select to display the files with specific tags in the active folder.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Tags view options are available by clicking the Options icon or by
right-clicking within the Tags view. The options let you create new tags and tag
categories. You can also edit the selected renaming it, deleting it, or changing its
Activity History
The Active History view actually is a database which can record the user's
operation history automatically. You can quickly and easily search for your media
files according to the operation date and type.
In the Activity History view, files are displayed based on the user's operations
The Calendars view uses the file's created date (shot time for EXIF images) to
organize your media files.
In the Calendars view, you can switch between "Year Mode", "Month Mode", "Day
Mode", and "Tree Mode" by using the options icon . Then select a year, a month,
or a day to display all media files that were created or last modified.
Import History
The Import History view gives you a convenient way to browse for media files
based on how and when you first copied them to your computer.
In the Import History view, select the date to view media files imported then.
Saved Selection Criteria
The Saved Selection Criteria view saves the set of conditions you have selected in
the other views. This way, the next time you use the program you can easily
recreate your selection. For example, you might use the Rating view to select
3-star files, and the Tags view to select files tagged "Vacation." You can use the
Saved Selection Criteria view to save this set of conditions.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Click the save icon to save the current selection criteria, and label with the
date and time (default) or a specific name (type in your own).
To view a saved selection, just select the saved selection in the Saved Selection
Criteria view.
To delete a saved selection, select it and click the Delete icon .
Note: MediaImpression allows you to sort files by a combination of different views. A
combination search lets you find specific media files based on criteria from multiple
views. Just put a check next to each view to include in the search and select the search
criteria for that view.
Note: The width of the Views can be adjusted by clicking and dragging on the bar that
divides the Views from the Preview Area. The Views can be hidden by clicking the
icon on the bar. Preview Area
The Preview Area occupies the center of the Media Browser and is made up of:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
The Preview Area Toolbar appears above the Display Area and includes the following
Rotate Left
Rotates the selected photos 90-degrees counterclockwise.
Rotate Right
Rotates the selected photos 90-degrees clockwise.
Display Area
Right-Click Menu
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Presents a dropdown menu that contains the following items:
Batch Convert
Launches the Batch Convert File dialog box which enables you to quickly
and easily change the file format for many photo files at once.
Batch Resize
Launches the Batch Resize dialog box which enables you to quickly and
easily resize many photo files at once.
Batch Rename
Launches the Batch Rename dialog box which enables you to quickly and
easily rename many media files at once.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Attach Rating
Attaches the chosen rating to the selected media files in the Preview Area.
Attach Tags
Attaches the chosen tag to the selected media files in the Preview Area.
Sends the selected media files to the recycle bin.
Group by
Organizes the media files into different categories in the Preview Area.
Sort by
Sets the sort criteria for the files and folders in the Preview Area.
View by
Selects the display mode for files and folders in the Preview Area; you can view the
file thumbnails only or together with their detailed information.
Quick Search
Sorts the displayed files by the characters you type in. Those files whose folder
name, file name, tags, etc. contain these characters will be sorted out and
displayed in the Display Area.
/ Select All/Deselect All
Selects/Deselects all the displayed files.
Resize Thumbnail Slider
Makes the thumbnails larger or smaller within the Display Area. Clicking the left
button fits as many thumbnails as possible into the Display Area. Clicking the right
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
button makes the thumbnails as large as possible. By moving the slider, you can
adjust the thumbnail size by hand.
Note: Not all the tools can be used with all the types of media files.
Display Area
The Display Area appears below the Toolbar. It occupies the largest part of the screen.
Media files are displayed here when they are in the chosen Media Browser category and
they meet the criteria selected in the active Views. For example, if the Media Browser
category is My Pictures and "Desktop" is selected in the Folders view, the pictures on
your desktop are displayed. Double-click files in the Display Area to open or play them.
To maximize the Display Area on the screen, hide the Views by clicking on the icon
that divides the two sections.
Note: Double clicking on thumbnails opens photo files in the Photo Viewer and music
and video files in the Media Player.
Right-Click Menu
The Right-Click menu provides quick access to useful and common commands and
actions. To access the Right-Click menu, simply click the right mouse button on a media
file thumbnail or group of selected thumbnails in the Display Area.
Rotate Left
Rotates the selected photos 90-degrees counterclockwise.
Rotate Right
Rotates the selected photos 90-degrees clockwise.
Presents a dropdown menu that contains the following items:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Batch Convert
Launches the Batch Convert File dialog box which enables you to quickly
and easily change the file format for many media files at once.
Batch Resize
Launches the Batch Resize dialog box which enables you to quickly and
easily resize many media files at once.
Batch Rename
Launches the Batch Rename dialog box which enables you to quickly and
easily rename many media files at once.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Exif Audio Control
Presents a dropdown menu that contains the following items:
Starts playing the attached audio.
Stops playing the attached audio.
Attach Audio...
Attaches a .WAV audio file to the selected photo file.
Record New Audio...
Launches the Record New Audio dialog box which enables you to record a
new .WAV audio file and attach it to the selected photo file.
Set Wallpaper
Sets the currently selected photo as the wallpaper image for your desktop.
Launches the Properties dialog box which contains information about the active
media file including: File Name, File Location, Modified Date, Resolution, File
Description (editable), Metadata (i.e. EXIF and Geography Info), Attached Tags
and Flags info. If there is an audio file attached, the playback controls and Save As
button are shown to help you work with the audio file. The EXIF information can be
exported as a text file in the Metadata tab.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Note: In the "Properties" dialog box, the following navigation buttons are provided
for you to flip through image files in the current display area.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Open With
Opens the selected file in the chosen application.
Cut (Ctrl+X)
Copies the selected media files to the clipboard so they can be moved to another
location by means of the Paste function (Ctrl+V). Pasting a cut file removes the file
from its original location.
Copy (Ctrl+C)
Copies the selected media files to the clipboard so they can be copied to another
location by means of the Paste function (Ctrl+V). Pasting a copied file does not
remove the file from its original location.
Paste (Ctrl+V)
Inserts the media files currently saved to the clipboard into the current location.
Copied files remain on the Clipboard after they have been pasted. Cut files are
removed from the Clipboard after they have been pasted.
Delete (DEL)
Sends the selected media files to the recycle bin.
Rename (F2)
Changes the name of the selected file(s). If a single file is selected, it can be
renamed in the Display Area; if multiple files are selected, the Batch Rename
dialog box will appear.
Select All (Ctrl+A)
Selects all of the media files in the Preview Area.
Select Folder
Selects all of the media files in the current folder.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Refreshes the content of the current Display Area.
Opens the selected file in Windows Explorer.
Attach Rating
Enables you to attach a rating to or unrate the selected media files.
Attach Tags
Enables you to attach a tag to the selected media files.
Remove Tags
Enables you to remove the tag icons from the selected media files.
Note: Not all the tools can be used with all the types of media files.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
2.2.2 Actions
The Program's Action buttons appear below the Media Browser. The available Actions
differ depending on the category of media file selected in the Media Browser.
Note: Not all actions can be displayed within one page; therefore, please use the
left/right arrows to navigate between actions. Import
ArcSoft MediaImpression allows you to import media files from compliant types of
This module makes it easy for you to capture still images and video directly from your
webcam. Before capturing, you may want to adjust the capture settings, webcam
settings, and snapshot/video resolution according to your requirements. The main
window is as follows:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Capture a still image by clicking the "Capture" button. Capture a group of images in
burst mode by clicking the "Burst" button. Capture a video clip by clicking "Record
Video" and then "Stop Recording."
Allows you to adjust your capture settings, such as video device, burst number, audio
device and audio input, etc.
WebCam Settings
Allows you to adjust your webcam related preferences, such as brightness, contrast,
hue and saturation, etc.
Connect your webcam. (This icon is displayed when your webcam is not connected.)
Disconnect your camera. (This icon is displayed when your webcam is connected.)
Here you can:
Acquire images from connected TWAIN compliant devices such as scanners and
some digital cameras.
Assign names to image files as they are acquired (using today's date or a
descriptive word).
The main window is as follows:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
How to acquire images from a TWAIN compliant device:
1. Select a scanner or other TWAIN device from the drop down list.
2. Choose the file format you want to use for the acquired images (JPG, BMP, TIF, PCX,
3. If you've selected JPG as the file format, select the image quality for the acquired
images (Highest, High, Normal, Low). The lower the quality selected, the higher the
level of compression applied.
4. Choose a destination folder for the photos by clicking "Browse" (folder icon) and
navigating to the folder.
5. Choose a naming method (today's date or description). Enter a description if
6. Click "Acquire."
The Import action allows you to import media files to your computer from a camera or
storage device. The Import window can be attached to the main window to let you
preview and select the imported media files in the preview area by clicking the "Attach"
button ; you can also click the "Detach" button to detach it. After importing, you
can delete the original files from your device. The main window is as follows:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
1. Select a camera or storage device from the drop-down list.
Note: By default, all the media files in the device will be imported to your computer.
If you just want to import some of them, please go to the Folders view and select
the files you want before importing.
2. Select a destination folder for the import media files by clicking the Browse button
and navigating to the folder.
3. Select a naming rule for the sub-folder.
4. Set the import options by checking the relevant checkboxes.
Exclude files that have already been imported - Do not import the files that
have been imported from the device.
Rotate photo automatically - Rotate imported photo files automatically during
the importing.
Fix red-eye automatically - Automatically find and fix all red-eyes.
Attach a tag - Tag each file as you import it. Select the tag from the list or
create a new tag.
5. Click "OK" to start importing.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-27- Photo Viewer
The Photo Viewer module is useful for browsing photos, playing full-screen slideshows
and making simple edits to your photos. The main window is this module is as follows:
The Photo Viewer controls include:
Best Fit (Ctrl+B)
Makes the photo fit in the preview screen.
Actual Size (Ctrl+A)
Shows the photo at 100%.
Zoom Out (-)
Reduces the size of the active photo within the Photo Viewer.
Zoom In (+)
Enlarges the active photo within the Photo Viewer.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Play (P)
Makes the photos in the current folder play as a slideshow in full screen.
Previous (Left Arrow, Up Arrow, Page Up)
Goes to the preceding photo file.
Next (Space Bar, Right Arrow, Down Arrow, Page Down)
Goes to the following photo file.
Attach Rating
Enables you to attach a rating to or unrate the selected media files. You can also press
a number (1-5) on the keyboard to apply a rating.
Rotate Left 90 (Ctrl+L)
Rotates the active photo 90-degrees counterclockwise.
Rotate Right 90 (Ctrl+R)
Rotates the active photo 90-degrees clockwise.
Automatically Remove Red-Eye
Automatically fixes red-eye. If red-eye is not fixed, use the Easy Fix.
Delete (Del)
Sends the selected photo file to the recycle bin.
Save As
Saves the edited photo as a new file.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Launches the Easy Print module and print your selected photo.
EXIF data for the active photo can be found by clicking on the EXIF button. EXIF
(Exchangeable Image File Format) information contains details about the image file,
camera and camera settings used when the photo was taken. Note: The actual
information available will vary according to your camera settings.
Full Screen (F)
Displays the file in full screen mode.
Exit Full Screen
Restores the Photo Viewer to standard size.
Note: The tools of the full screen mode may be different in icon from those in the
standard mode, but are the same in function.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-30- Media Player
The Media Player module enables you to enjoy music and video files without having to
launch another program. The main window of this module is as follows:
The Media Player controls include:
/ Play/Pause (P)
Plays and pauses the selected video or music file.
Stop (Esc)
Stops playing the selected video or music file.
Goes to the preceding video or music file.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Goes to the following video or music file.
Quiets the audio.
Volume Level
Enables you to adjust the volume level.
Captures the current frame of the selected video file and save it as a still image. This
button is not available for music files.
/ Turn Repeat On/Off
Turns on/off repetition.
Full Screen (F)
Displays the video or music file in full screen mode.
Exit Full Screen
Restores the Media Player to standard size.
Note: The tools of the full screen mode may be different in icon from those in the
standard mode, but are the same in function.
Goes to the Edit mode. You can edit the selected video file. This button is not available
for music files.
Next Frame
Goes to the next frame of the selected video file.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Mark In
Cuts the video clip on the left side of the current frame. You can also click and drag the
slider on the progress bar.
Mark Out
Cuts the video clip on the right side of the current frame. You can also click and drag the
slider on the progress bar.
Rotate Left 90 Degrees
Rotates the active video 90-degrees counterclockwise.
Rotate Right 90 Degrees
Rotates the active video 90-degrees clockwise.
Dynamic Lighting
Turns on Dynamic Lighting. Click again to turn it off.
Click and drag the slider to adjust the speed of video playback.
Discards all modifications and restore the selected video to the original file.
Loads the Save and Share module and save the modified video file.
The Save/Share module enables you to save and share your creativity.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Save and Share
With a few clicks, you can save your creativity to your local hard drive, email it to
your family and friends, upload it to websites such as YouTube, and burn it to a
Save to PC
Enter the name, format, and description for your file. Click "Browse" and select the
location to save the file. Click "Advanced" to set advanced parameters, such as
Resolution, Aspect Ratio, Video Encoding, etc. When done, click "OK" and the file
will be automatically converted and saved to your local hard drive.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Upload to YouTube
The file will be automatically converted to a YouTube compliant format. Then the
Upload to YouTube module will be launched.
Share via Email
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
The program will launch the Video Email module for you to convert and send the
file to your friends.
Burn to VCD/DVD
Choose the VCD/DVD tab according to your disc format. Select a device from the
"Device" drop-down list. Then, select a menu style from the menu style drop-down
list or click the navigation buttons to preview all the styles. Enter title and date for
your VCD/DVD and then click "Start."
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-36- Geotag
The Geotag module which works with Google Earth lets you locate the place where you
shot a photo, add it as a Geotag, view the photo and their shooting track in Google
Earth, or export it as the standard *.kmz file to share with your friends and family. Note
that you should install Google Earth before using this module, and please refer to its
help file for more information.
Export KMZ
Exports the current Google Earth information as a .kmz file.
View in Google Earth with Path
Connects a group of photos which have already been geotaged with red lines to show
your travel path.
Geotag with Google Earth
Geotags photos by navigating to the location where you shot it. Position the crosshairs
and click "Geotag", or click "Geotag All" to geotag all the selected photos. When you
finish, click "Done." Note that the function is just available for JPG or TIFF photos.
View in Google Earth
Views the selected photo which has already been geotaged in Google Earth. Google
Earth will locate the location where you shot it, and display the photo as a thumbnail.
Clicking the thumbnail lets you have a big view.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-37- Slideshow
The Slideshow action includes the following options:
Play Slideshow - Play slideshows.
Make Slideshow - Create and save slideshows using the selected photos.
Play Slideshow
The Play Slideshow module enables you to play all of the slideshow projects created
with the Make Slideshow feature, and to automatically play slideshows using the
selected photos (you do not need to create a slideshow project before playing). The
main window of this module is as follows:
The program provides the following controls:
Click the down arrow and select different transition themes.
Select Music
Selects a music file to be played with the slideshow in the following dialog box:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Click "Add Music" to select music in the popped up dialog box. All added music files are
listed below. Use the Up/Down arrows to adjust the sequence of these files; use the
"Remove" to delete any unwanted background music files. Then, click "OK" to finish.
Click the down arrow and select an interval for the pages of the slideshow.
/ Play/Pause
Plays and pauses the slideshow.
Goes to the previous page of the slideshow.
Goes to the next page of the slideshow.
/ Turn Repeat On/Off
Turns on/off repetition.
Quiets the audio.
Volume Level
Enables you to adjust the volume level.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Full Screen (F)
Plays the slideshow in full screen mode.
Exit Full Screen
Restores the Slideshow Player to standard size.
Make Slideshow
The Make Slideshow module enables you to create and save a photo slideshow using
the selected photos. The main window of this module is as follows:
1. Add
Click and drag selected photos onto the storyboard, or select photos from the Display
Area and click "Add Media." Within the storyboard, click and drag the files to arrange
them in the order you want. Title and credits are added automatically.
2. Edit
Select a theme from the panel and double-click it to mix with story board. You can also
click "Clear Theme" to cancel.
Double-click a page in the storyboard to preview it. Use the up/down arrow to adjust
the duration of that page. You can also select "Apply to all pictures" to apply the
duration to each page.
Click "Add Music" and then choose "Add Music" to select audio files and add background
music to your slideshow; you can also click and drag selected music files onto the
storyboard or select music files from the Display area and click "Add Media." Multiple
files can be added to the same slideshow. You can also manage the added music files.
Click "Add Music" to open the Add Background Music dialog box; click the Up button to
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
move up the music file; click the Down button to move down the music file; or click the
"Remove" button to delete it.
Click "Rotate Left" or "Rotate Right" to rotate the selected page in your slideshow.
Click "Title & Credits" to customize the title and credits with your own text.
To delete a page from the storyboard, select it and click "Delete."
3. Preview & Save
Click "Preview" to view the slideshow with the built-in player. Select a video quality for
your slideshow preview; check "Don't show this dialog box again." if you want the
program to remember your choice. Click "Save/Share" to load the Save and Share
module. Click "Screen Saver" to set this slideshow as the current screen saver.
5. Project
Slideshow project options include New, Open, Save, and Save As.
Note: You can go to Play Slideshow to play previously created slideshows.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-41- Photo Editing
The Photo Editing module includes a complete set of built-in applications for you to edit
your selected photos. Photo Editing Tools
The Photo Editing Tools module includes a complete set photo enhancement, editing
and retouching controls.
The window can be stretched to provide a large size view of the active photo. Double
click the module's tool bar to maximize the window to fill the computer screen.
In addition to the large photo workspace, the Photo Editing Tools module includes five
distinct sets of controls:
The Adjust controls are used to fix common photo problems quickly and without
difficulty. Many of the features can also be found in the Easy-Fix. The main window is as
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
The Enhance feature includes two types of controls:
Auto Enhance
Click "Auto Enhance" button to improve the overall quality of your pictures with a
single click.
Manual Fix
For precise image enhancement control, adjust the Brightness, Contrast,
Saturation, Hue, and Sharpen sliders.
How to enhance a photo manually:
1. Move the sliders to adjust the level of Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Hue,
and Sharpen.
2. Use the zoom slider to get a closer look at how the adjustment affects the
3. Click "Apply" if you like the result. Click "Cancel" if you do not.
This feature is designed to fix digital photos that have unnatural color or appear to dark.
It's also great for fixing scanned versions of old prints that have faded or whose colors
have changed after many years of neglect.
How to fix the color of a photo:
1. Drag the color balance sliders to make the photo color appear more natural. Add
red or yellow to make the photo warmer. Add blue or green to make the photo
2. Drag the Lighter/Darker slider to the left to reveal details hidden in a dark photo
or to the right to make a faded photo look new again.
3. Click "Apply" if you like the result. Click "Cancel" if you do not.
This feature makes it easy for you to fix all red eye - a common problem in flash
There are two ways to fix redeye:
Auto Fix
1. Simply click the "Fix Red-Eye" button to automatically find and fix all
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
2. If not all of the redeye is fixed, used the Manual Fix method.
Manual Fix
1. Use the zoom slider on the toolbar to zoom in on the photo.
2. Drag the small white box inside the zoom navigator to move over a red eye.
3. Place your cursor directly over the red eye and click.
4. Repeat the process until all red eyes are fixed.
5. Click "Undo" if you make a mistake or don't like the result.
This feature enables you to trim photos for dramatic effect or cut off the
ugly/distracting parts of a picture.
How to use crop:
1. Choose the crop orientation (portrait or landscape).
2. Select a fixed proportion for the crop rectangle (4:6, 5:7, 8:10) or choose
"Custom" if you want to use another proportion.
3. Resize the crop rectangle by clicking and dragging the red lines.
4. Move the crop rectangle into position by clicking and dragging inside the red
5. Click "Crop." The area inside the rectangle will be kept, the area outside will be
trimmed away.
6. Click "Undo" if you make a mistake or don't like the result.
This feature enables you to fix photos that appear to be tilted.
How to use Straighten:
1. Move the slider (or click the rotate buttons / / ) until the photo appears
2. Use the superimposed grid lines for vertical and horizontal reference.
3. Click "Apply" if you like the result. Click "Cancel" if you do not.
Blur Background
This feature can be used in a subtle way -- to tone down un-important background
details, or for dramatic effect -- by making the main subject of a photo pop out of the
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
How to use Blur Background:
1. With your cursor, trace a line around the person or object you want to stand out.
When you release the mouse button, the area outside the traced line will
become slightly blurred.
2. Drag the first slider to make the transition between the blurred and non-blurred
area sharp or smooth.
3. Drag the second slider to increase or decrease the amount of blur.
4. Click "Apply" if you like the result. Click "Cancel" if you do not.
Saving Your Results
When you're done editing a photo, click Save As to save your results. You can choose to
overwrite the original file or save a new one.
Click "Close" to exit the Photo Editing Module.
The main window is as follows:
The Retouch tools are divided into two groups:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Healing Brush
The Healing Brush is good for fixing dust, scratches and removing skin blemishes.
How to use the Healing Brush to fix a skin blemish:
1. Establish a source point for the Healing Brush by holding the Shift key and
clicking on an area of the skin that is close in color and texture to the area you
want to heal.
2. Use the zoom control to zoom in on the blemish.
3. Adjust the size of the healing brush so the cursor (circle) is only slightly larger
than the blemish.
4. Paint over the blemish. The area will be healed.
5. Click "Undo" if you make a mistake or don't like the result.
The Clone tool is good for removing unwanted elements from a photo. It can also be
used for fun effect, like moving a nose from one person to another. The selected
element can be also be cloned to another photo in the photo tray.
How to use the Clone tool to remove a telephone pole from the background of a photo:
1. Establish a source point for the Clone tool by holding the Shift key and clicking
on an area of the sky that you want to use to paint over the telephone pole.
2. Adjust the brush size so the cursor (circle) is only slightly larger than the widest
part of the telephone pole.
3. Click and hold your mouse button and carefully paint over the telephone pole.
Do not release the mouse button until the job is done. The sky will be cloned into
4. Click "Undo" if you make a mistake or don't like the result.
The Lighten/Darken tool is good for adjusting specific areas of a photo.
Simulate the smearing of wet paint. Please click and drag the sliders below to change
the brush size and hardness.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Sharpen blurry areas. Please click and drag the sliders below to change the brush size
and transparency.
Smooth out rough areas. Please click and drag the sliders below to change the brush
size and intensity.
Paint Brush
Let you "paint" on your image when you click and drag the mouse. Please click and drag
the sliders below to change the brush size and transparency.
Draw a straight line in the photo. Please click and drag the sliders below to change the
line width and transparency.
Simulate an eraser, removing the image painting by paintbrush and line tools from your
photo. Please click and drag the sliders below to change the eraser size and effect.
Color Palette
This color box shows current selected color. Click it to choose another color.
Saving You Results
When you're done, click "Save As" button to save your results. You can overwrite the
original file or save it as a new one. Or click "Cancel" to exit without saving.
Click "Close" to exit the Photo Editing Module.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
The Clipboard controls are used for selecting, copying and pasting elements from photo
to photo. The main window is as follows:
Rectangular Select
For making rectangle shaped selections. Simply click and drag cursor over photo to
create the selection.
Elliptical Select
For making elliptical shaped selections. Simply click and drag cursor over photo to
create the selection.
Freehand Select
For making custom shaped selections. Click and drag around an object to create a
freehand selection or click, click, click around an object to make a straight-edge
selection. Double-click to complete the selection.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Magic Wand
For making fast selections based on color similarity. Simply click on a color to create the
selection. Use "Add" mode and click again to add to the selection.
Magnetic Select
Unlike the other selection tools, Magnetic Select is partly automatic. It uses the edge of
an object as a guideline when making the selection. Simply click around the edge of an
object - allowing the magnet to help find the edge. Right-click the mouse to undo as you
go if necessary. When the entire object is traced, double-click to complete the
Selection Modes
Changing the selection mode affects the behavior of the selection tools above.
New - Makes a new selection each time.
Add - Adds new selections to the current selection.
Subtract - Subtracts new selections from the current selection.
Select All
Selects the entire photo.
Reverses the current selection by selecting the opposite pixels.
Select None
Removes the current selection.
The clipboard area contains controls for copying and pasting selections from one photo
to another.
Copy to Clipboard
Copies the current selection onto the clipboard so you can paste it to another photo.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Paste from Clipboard
Pastes the selected clipboard image onto the current photo. After the selection has
been pasted, you can move, resize and rotate the selection into position. Click Apply if
you like the result. Click Cancel if you do not.
Makes the pasted selection blend into the current photo when it is applied.
Removes the current selection from the clipboard.
Saving You Results
When you're done editing a photo, click Save As to save your results. You can choose to
overwrite the original file or save a new one.
Click "Close" to exit the Photo Editing Module.
Edit Toolbar
Rotate Left 90
Rotates the active photo 90-degrees counter-clockwise.
Rotate Right 90
Rotates the active photo 90-degrees clockwise.
Makes the selected object flip horizontally.
Launches the Resize dialog box which enables you to change the pixel size of the active
photo. Check the "Keep Aspect Ratio" check box to maintain the photo's current
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Undoes the last action.
Redoes the action that was just undone.
Enables you to zoom in on the photo. Drag the zoom slider or click the zoom buttons to
adjust the zoom level. Drag the small white box inside the zoom navigator to pan
around the photo.
Actual Size
Shows the photo at 100%.
Fit In
Makes the photo fit in the photo workspace.
Photo Tray
When multiple photos are selected for editing, their thumbnails are displayed in the
tray below the active photo.
Click a thumbnail to make the photo active.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to scroll through the tray.
Use the Clipboard to copy elements from one photo to another.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-51- Color Effects
The Color Effects module gives you three ways to apply fun and creative color effects to
your photos.
Color Tone
Click on one of the 9 thumbnails to apply the corresponding color effect to the active
Click "Restore to Original" to undo all effects.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Color Swap
1. Use your cursor to click on the color in the photo that you want to replace.
2. Select the replacement color by clicking on the color bar and/or clicking the color
wheel button and choosing a color from the palette.
3. Move the tolerance slider to expand or reduce the range of the color swap effect.
4. Uncheck the "Preview" checkbox to see the photo without the effect applied.
To apply the same effect to a different color, simply click on another area of the photo.
Click "Restore to Original" to undo all effects.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Color Tint
1. With your cursor, click the color in the photo that you want to use as the
highlight color. The rest of the photo will turn to black and white.
2. Move the Color Tolerance slider to expand or reduce the range of the color tint
3. Uncheck the "Preview" checkbox to see the photo without the effect applied.
To apply the same effect to a different color, simply click on another area of the photo.
Click "Restore to Original" to undo all effects. Photo Effects
The Photo Effects module includes a full set of special effects for photos.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Fine Art Effects
Most of the effect names give a good idea of how the command will affect the image.
You can also see a preview when you select a particular command before applying it to
the image.
The window can be stretched to provide a large size view of the active photo.
Double-click the module's tool bar to maximize the window.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
To apply an effect:
1. Select a photo.
2. Choose an effect from the effect list.
3. If controls appear, use the controls to change values.
4. The program lets you preview the effect before applying it. You can then choose
to apply the effect or cancel the operation.
5. Press "Esc" to abort the operation when you are in preview or apply mode.
In addition to the large photo workspace, the Photo Effects module includes two distinct
sets of controls:
Rotate Left 90
Rotates the active photo 90-degrees counter-clockwise.
Rotate Right 90
Rotates the active photo 90-degrees clockwise.
Launches the Resize dialog box which enables you to change the pixel size of the
active photo. Check the "Keep Aspect Ratio" check box to maintain the photo's
current proportion.
Undoes the last action.
Redoes the action that was just undone.
Enables you to zoom in/out on the photo. Drag the zoom slider or click the zoom
buttons to adjust the zoom level. Drag the small white box inside the zoom
navigator to pan around the photo.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Actual Size
Shows the photo at 100%.
Fit In
Makes the photo fit in the photo workspace.
Photo Tray
When multiple photos are selected for adding effects, their thumbnails are
displayed in the tray below the active photo.
Click a thumbnail to make the photo active.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to scroll through the tray. Frames and Edges
The Frames and Edges module includes several sets of fun and creative borders. The
main window of this module is as follows:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Begin by choosing a category from the drop-down list. Then, click a thumbnail to apply
it to your picture. Use the toolbar controls to resize, rotate and make other adjustments
before saving the results.
Here are additional tools in the Frames and Edges section:
Download More Frames and Edges
Visit the download section of arcsoft.com where you can get more frames and edges.
The website offers creative content for other areas of the program too.
Photo Tray
When multiple photos are selected, their thumbnails are displayed in the tray below the
active photo.
Click a thumbnail to make the photo active.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to scroll through the tray.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Frames and Edges Toolbar
Rotate Frame/Edge
Changes the orientation of the frame or edge by rotating it 90-degrees clockwise.
Makes the photo larger.
Makes the photo smaller.
Rotate Left
Turns the photo counterclockwise.
Rotate Right
Turns the photo clockwise.
Undoes the last action. Multiple levels of undo are supported.
Redoes the action that was just undone.
Removes the frame or edge and restores the photo to its original state.
Change Edge's/Tinted Frame's Color
Enables you to change the color of the active edge or tinted frame.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-59- Text and Clip Art
The Text and Clip Art module includes all the tools you need to add fun and creative clip
art and high-quality text to your photos.
As you type text into the box, it appears on the photo as an object. The text can be
resized, rotated, and repositioned on the photo by clicking and dragging the object box
or by clicking the buttons on the toolbar above. The main window is as follows:
Standard text options include size, style, color and alignment, etc. Other text controls
New Text
Add a new text layer to the photo.
Drag the slider to make the active text transparent.
Check the box to add a drop shadow to the active text. Click the Shadow button to
open the Text Shadow window where you can adjust the shadow's position,
transparency and blur.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Check the box to add a gradient to the active text. Click the Gradient button to
open to the Text Gradient window where you can select colors and a direction for
the gradient.
Clip Art
Drag and drop or double-click on a clip art thumbnail to move it to the photo. The clip
art can be resized, rotated and repositioned on the photo by clicking and dragging the
object box or by clicking the buttons on the toolbar above. The main window is as
To see more clip arts, select another category from the drop down list.
Check the box to add a drop shadow to the active clip art object. Click the Shadow
button to open the Clip Art Shadow window where you can adjust the shadow's
position, transparency and blur.
Download More Clip Arts
Visit the download section of arcsoft.com where you can get more clip art. The
website offers creative content for other areas of the program too.
Use the toolbar controls to resize, rotate and make other adjustments before saving the
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Text and Clip Art Toolbar
Enables you to zoom in on the picture. Drag the zoom slider or click the zoom buttons
to adjust the zoom level. If the picture is larger than the preview area, click and drag to
pan around the picture.
Fit In
Makes the picture fit into the preview area.
Makes the selected object larger. You can also drag the corners of the object box to
resize it.
Makes the selected object smaller. You can also drag the corners of the object box to
resize it.
Rotate Left
Turns the selected object counterclockwise. You can also turn the top handle of the
object box to rotate it.
Rotate Right
Turns the selected object clockwise. You can also turn the top handle of the object box
to rotate it.
Makes the selected object flip horizontally.
Move Up
Makes the selected object come in front of overlapping objects.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Move Down
Makes the selected object go behind overlapping objects.
Undoes the last action. Multiple levels of undo are supported.
Redoes the action that was just undone.
Removes all objects.
Removes the currently selected object.
Photo Tray
When multiple photos are selected, their thumbnails are displayed in the tray below the
active photo.
Click a thumbnail to make the photo active.
Use the left and right arrow buttons to scroll through the tray. Easy Fix
The Easy Fix module is a step-based image editor designed to help you fix common
photo problems quickly and easily. Simply add a check mark next to each enhancement
you want to use and click "Next."
Each page of the Easy Fix features Reset and Undo/Redo buttons, allowing you to test
different editing choices before moving to the next step.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
When you've reached the last page, click "Save As" to save your edited photo. You can
choose to overwrite the original file or save a new one. If you selected multiple photos
before launching the Easy Fix Wizard, a "Next Image" button lets you begin again using
the next photo. Edit features include:
This feature enables you to fix photos that appear to be tilted.
How to straighten a photo:
Move the slider (or click the rotate buttons / / ) until the photo
appears straight.
Use the superimposed grid lines for reference.
Click "Reset" if you don't like the result.
This feature enables you to trim photos.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
How to crop a photo:
Choose the crop orientation (landscape or portrait).
Select a fixed proportion for the crop rectangle (4:6, 5:7, 8:10, etc.) or choose
"Custom" if you want to use another proportion.
Click and drag to define the crop area. If you are using a Custom proportion,
resize the crop rectangle by clicking and dragging the red lines.
Click "Crop." The area inside the rectangle is kept, and the area outside is
trimmed away.
Click "Undo" if you make a mistake or don't like the result.
Fix Red-Eye
This feature makes it easy for you to remove red eyes. Red eyes are a common problem
in flash photography.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
There are two ways to fix red-eye:
Auto Fix
Click the "Fix Red-Eye" button to automatically find and fix all red-eyes.
If not all of the red-eyes are fixed, use the Manual Fix method.
Manual Fix
Use the zoom slider to zoom in on the photo.
Drag the small white box inside the zoom navigator to move over a red
Place your cursor directly over the red eye (in the big photo) and click.
Repeat the process until all red eyes are fixed.
Click Undo if you make a mistake or don't like the result.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
This feature helps bring out details in dark, low-contrast images. The feature includes
two types of controls:
Auto Enhance
Click the "Auto Enhance" button to improve the overall quality of your pictures with
a single click.
Adjust the brightness and contrast of a photo manually:
Choose a Brightness level setting (1 to 5).
Choose a Contrast level setting (1 to 5).
Use the zoom slider to get a closer look at how the adjustments affect the
Click "Reset" (or choose 0) if you don't like the result.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
This feature helps add detail to slightly blurred images.
How to sharpen a photo:
Choose a Sharpen level setting (1 to 5).
Use the zoom slider to get a closer look at how the adjustment affects the
Click "Reset" (or choose 0) if you don't like the result.
Adjust the Color
This feature is designed to fix photos that have unnatural color or appear too dark. It's
also great for fixing scanned versions of old prints that have faded or whose colors have
changed over the years.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
How to improve the color of a photo:
Drag the color sliders to change the photo color. Add red or yellow to make the
photo warmer. Add blue or green to make the photo cooler.
Drag the Lighter/Darker slider to the left to reveal details hidden in shadow or
to the right to deepen light colors.
Click "Reset" if you don't like the result.
Make the Subject Stand Out
This feature blurs all but the selected area of a photo. It can be used to tone down
unimportant background details or for dramatic effect by making the main subject of a
photo pop out of the picture.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
How to make the subject stand out:
With your cursor, trace a line around the person or object you want to stand out.
When you release the mouse button, the area outside the traced line will
become slightly blurred.
Drag the Edge slider to make the transition between the blurred and
non-blurred area sharp or smooth.
Drag the Blur slider to increase or decrease the amount of blur.
Click "Reset" if you don't like the result.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-70- Make Movie
In the Make Movie module, you can quickly and easily produce professional-looking
movies featuring your own photo and video files. The main window of this module is as
1. Add
Click and drag selected files onto the storyboard, or select files from the Display Area
and click "Add Media." Within the storyboard, click and drag the files to arrange them in
the order you want. Title and credits are added automatically.
2. Edit
Select a theme from the panel and double-click it to mix it with the storyboard.
You can also click "Clear Theme" to cancel.
Double-click a picture in the storyboard to preview it. Use the up/down arrow to
adjust the duration of that page. And you can also select "Apply to all pictures"
to apply the duration to each page. Double-click a video clip in the storyboard
to preview and edit it. The program provides the following controls for video
/ Play/Pause (P)
Plays and pauses the selected video or music file.
Stop (Esc)
Stops playing the selected video or music file.
Next Frame
Goes to the next frame of the selected video file.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Quiets the audio.
Volume Level
Enables you to adjust the volume level.
Mark In
Cuts the video clip on the left side of the current frame. You can also click and drag the
slider on the progress bar.
Mark Out
Cuts the video clip on the right side of the current frame. You can also click and drag the
slider on the progress bar.
Dynamic Lighting
Turns on Dynamic Lighting. Click again to turn it off.
Click and drag the slider to adjust the brightness/contrast/saturation of the current
video clip.
Discards all modifications and restore the selected video to its original state.
Click "Add Music" and then choose "Add Music" to select audio files and add
background music to your movie; you can also click and drag selected music
files onto the storyboard or select music files from the Display area and click
"Add Media." Multiple files can be added to the same movie. You can also
manage the added music files. Click "Add Music" to open the Add Background
Music dialog box; click the Up button to move up the music file; click the Down
button to move down the music file; or click the "Remove" button to delete it.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Click "Rotate Left" or "Rotate Right" to rotate the selected photo or video file in
your movie.
Click "Title & Credits" to customize the title and credits with your own text.
To delete a file from the storyboard, select it and click "Delete."
3. Preview & Save
Click "Preview" to view the movie with the built-in player. Select a video quality for your
preview; check "Don't show this dialog box again." if you want the program to
remember your choice. Click "Save/Share" to load the Save and Share module.
4. Project
Movie project options include New, Open, Save, and Save As.
You can go to Media Player to play previously created movies.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-73- Share
The Share module allows you to share your selected files with family and friends quickly
and easily.
Digital Picture Frame
The Digital Picture Frame module is designed for the Digital Picture Frame device, which
helps you crop the pictures, adjust the resolution, and export the edited pictures
quickly and easily to your connected device. The main window of this module is as
Once the device is connected, the related information will be listed, such as the device
manufacturer, model, and supported resolution. The information can be hidden or
shown by clicking the Hide Info/Show Info button. If there are multiple devices, you can
choose the device and its relevant settings and see the information for the selected
pictures. If there is no connected device, you can also export the pictures to a selected
Here's how it works:
1. Add
Click and drag selected files to the picture bin, or select files from the Display Area
and click the Add button. Within the picture bin, click and drag the files to arrange
them in the order you want. To delete a file from the picture bin, select it and click
the delete (trash) icon.
2. Edit
Launches the Edit window to help you select the fit type and apply it to different
group of pictures. When you are done, click OK to close the window, or cancel
without saving.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
3. Preview and Export
Click the Preview button to view the picture slideshow with the built-in player. Click
the Export button to export the pictures directly to your device or selected folder.
Video Email
The Video Email module lets you convert video files before emailing them to friends and
family. The main window of this module is as follows:
Here's how it works:
1. Select a video file in the Display Area and click Video Email.
2. The Video Email dialog box will appear. Choose your video attachment settings.
Select "Use Original" to leave the video file unconverted; select "Best for Email"
to let the program decide the best format, size, and video quality suitable for
your email; or select "Custom" and customize these settings. Information
about the file size and the estimated time to send the video email is listed on
the right side of the dialog box.
3. Choose your email application from the drop-down list and click "Attach to
Email." Your selected video file will be automatically converted and attached to
a new email.
4. Send your email as you normally would.
Note: Slow connection speeds may prevent the successful transmission of video email.
A broadband internet connection is recommended.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Photo Email
The Photo Email module lets you insert your photos into fun and colorful templates
before emailing them to friends and family. The main window of this module is as
Here's how it works:
1. Your selected photos are automatically added into a template.
2. Double-click on the window's toolbar (at the very top) to expand the window
3. To select a new template, click a thumbnail on the left.
4. To see more templates, select another category from the drop down list above
the thumbnails.
5. To change the text at the top of the email page and below each photo, use your
cursor to select the text then type your new message.
6. Click Send to launch your email application and insert your photo template into
the body of a new email. Note that you must have your email format set to
"HTML email."
7. Send your email as you normally would.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Note: Slow connection speeds may prevent the successful transmission of photo email.
A broadband internet connection is recommended.
In order for recipients to see your email with the background and photos, they must
have their email format set to "HTML email."
Note: Because this feature requires that the sender use HTML email format, not all
email applications/services are supported.
Download More Photo Email Templates
Takes you to the download section of arcsoft.com where you can get more HTML email
templates. The website offers creative content for other areas of the program too.
Easy Email
The Easy Email action lets you quickly and easily prepare and email many photos. The
main window of this module is as follows:
Regular Photos
Photo Pages
How to prepare and email photos:
1. Choose an attachment method:
Regular Photos Traditional method for emailing photos. Choose "Use
Original" if you want to email photos for printing.
Photo Pages Recipients receive photos in the form of photo page layouts
- with 2, 4, 8, or 18 photos on a page. This method is convenient for sharing
photos that don't need to be printed and is ideal for sending proof sheets.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
2. Confirm that the Estimated Time to Send seems reasonable.
3. Select the email program you want to use to send the attachment.
4. Click "Attach to Email" to generate an email with the attachment.
5. Type your message and click "Send."
Easy Print
The Easy Print action lets you quickly and easily print photos in a variety of standard
sizes using your desktop printer. The main window of this action is as follows:
How to print photos using your desktop printer:
1. Select the photos you want to print and click "Easy Print."
2. Choose a Page Template (photo size) from the scrollable list on the left.
3. Use the Easy Print Toolbar controls (explained below) and your cursor to zoom,
pan, rotate, flip and swap photos until they look perfect on the page.
4. Make sure Paper Size is correct by referring to the drop down list at the bottom
of the screen.
5. If you have more than one printer installed, please select the one you want to
use from the drop down list.
6. If you want to adjust the quality settings for your printer, click "Print Setup."
7. Click "Print."
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Easy Print Toolbar
Switch between horizontal and vertical page orientations.
Zoom In
Enlarges the selected photo within the print area.
Zoom Out
Reduces the size of the selected photo within the print area.
Auto Crop
Have the program automatically crop the photo in its current orientation so that it fills
its respective template.
Copies the current page.
Pastes the copied page as a new one.
Rotate Left 90
Rotates the selected photo 90 degrees counterclockwise within the print area.
Rotate Right 90
Rotates the selected photo 90 degrees clockwise within the print area.
Flips the selected photo horizontally within the print area.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Removes the selected photo from the print area.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-80- Upload
The Upload module enables you to upload your selected photo, music, and video files to
websites and share with your family and friends.
Upload to YouTube
The Upload to YouTube action allows you to upload files to your YouTube account. The
main window of this action is as follows:
If this is the first time you are uploading files, you will be prompted to authorize
MediaImpression to upload files to your YouTube account. YouTube requires this
authorization for security purposes. Follow the onscreen instructions for authorization.
Note: Please be aware that you must already have a YouTube account in order to use
this feature. If you do not have one yet, go to www.youtube.com to register.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Upload to Facebook
The Upload to Facebook action allows you to upload files to your Facebook account. The
main window of this action is as follows:
How to upload image files to your Facebook account:
1. Select the files you want to upload in the Display Area and click Upload to
2. Click Sign In to login into your Facebook account in the pop-up web browser. If
this is your first time to use the Upload to Facebook module, you need to click
Allow to give ArcSoft MediaImpression the permission to connect to your
account and upload files for you. Then, you can close your web browser and
click Continue to proceed to the following steps.
3. Selected image files are displayed on the left side of the dialog box. Select each
photo and enter its title, album, and tags. You can create a new album by
clicking the Create Album icon.
4. Click Upload to upload the files to your Facebook account.
Note: Please be aware that you must already have a Facebook account in order to use
this feature. If you do not have one yet, go to www.facebook.com to register.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Upload to Flickr
The Upload to Flickr action allows you to upload files to your Flickr account. The main
window of this action is as follows:
How to upload image files to your Flickr account:
1. Select the files you want to upload in the Display Area and click Upload to Flickr.
2. Click Sign In to login into your Flickr account in the pop-up web browser. If this
is your first time to use the Upload to Flickr module, you need to click Allow to
give ArcSoft MediaImpression the permission to connect to your account and
upload files for you. Then, you can close your web browser and click Continue to
proceed to the following steps.
3. Selected image files are displayed on the left side of the dialog box. Select each
photo and enter its title, album, and tags. You can create a new album by
clicking the Create Album icon. Also, you can set each file to be "Private" or
"Public" by selecting relevant options below "Who can see this photo?"
4. Click Upload to upload the files to your Flickr account.
Note: Please be aware that you must already have a Flickr account in order to use this
feature. If you do not have one yet, go to www.flickr.com to register.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-83- Order Photo Gifts & Prints
The Order Photo Gifts & Prints module lets you order and print a creative project quickly
and easily through online print service, and the ordered prints will be delivered to your
address directly. The main window of this module is as follows:
Here's how it works:
1. Select a product category and then select a product from that category.
2. Select the quantity you want to print and click Add to Cart.
3. In the shopping cart, the order will be listed with its related information. You
can also edit or remove your order. When the order is ready, click "Check Out."
4. Enter your billing information. Please carefully review the Terms of Service. And
before clicking "Next", make sure that you own the copyright of all the pictures
in your orders and accept the Terms of Service.
5. Enter your shipping information.
6. Select a shipping method for your ordered products.
7. Select a payment method and enter all relevant information. You can enter
your coupon code and click "Apply" to get a discount before proceeding to the
following steps.
8. The order summary and other info will be listed for your confirmation. Click
Submit if they are correct.
9. A progress bar will appear at the bottom-right of the screen with the order
number and progress percentage of the uploaded photos.
When the upload is complete, an email confirming your order will be sent to your email
on file with all of the required order information. Please check your inbox as soon as
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-84- Easy Archive
The Easy Archive action helps you quickly and easily burn a CD or DVD disc of the
selected media files. The main window of this module is as follows:
How to archive media files to disc:
1. Select the files and folders* you want to archive to disc and click Easy Archive.
2. Insert a blank CD or DVD disc into the selected drive.
3. Enter a disc label.
4. Enter a folder name. All files in the archive will be added to this folder.
5. Click "Burn."
Note: Although folders can be selected for archiving, only their contents are archived
to the disc - folder structures are not archived. All media files are added to one folder.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
-85- Upgrade
The Upgrade action enables you to download new packages from the ArcSoft website.
You can click the package icon to view detailed information in the following dialog box:
If you want to download the package, simply click the "Continue" button and the
package will be downloaded and installed automatically.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
3. Customize ArcSoft MediaImpression
You can customize your program in several ways. You can select to show or hide each
view and action in the start page and browser, and you can set the order of the
available actions.
3.1 Configure Start Page
Choose which actions to list on the Start Page. Right-click any action icon on the Start
Page to display the following options:
Move to the End
Move the action to the bottom of the list.
Remove from the List
Remove the current action from the Start Page.
Configure Start Page
Launch the Configure Start Page dialog box. Place a checkmark in front of the actions
you want to display on the Start Page. To move an action up or down in the list, select
it and then click the Down/Up button to the right of that action.
3.2 Configure Actions
You can customize the actions to be displayed below the Media Browser. You can click
and drag any action icon onto another one to regroup them. Right-click any action icon
below the Media Browser to display the following options:
Delete from Action Bar
Remove the current action from the Action Bar.
Edit Action
Set the group name and icon for the current action.
Configure Action
Place a checkmark in front of the actions you want to display below the Media Browser.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Restore to Default
Restore the action icons to the default order and availability.
3.3 Configure User Icon
User icon is displayed on the top left-hand corner of the Start Page. You can click it to
display the following dialog box:
Use the Default Icon
Use the default picture provided by the program as your user picture.
Use My Own Photo
Use a photo of your own. Click the "Get Photo" button and choose an image in the pop
up Windows Explorer window. Then, use the Zoom In/Out buttons and click and drag
the photo to adjust the frame of your photo icon. After that, click "Save".
3.4 Extras Menu
The Extras menu gives you access to some additional tools for the program. Click the
Extras button on the top right-hand corner of the program's main window to display the
following items:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Scan for Media Files...
Launches the Scan for Media Files dialog box and select the folders you want to search.
Backup Database...
Backups your database and save it to your computer.
Restore Database...
Restores the database to its previous status.
Click to display the following options for ArcSoft MediaImpression. Click Default to
resume these options to the default values.
The general options of ArcSoft MediaImpression are as follows:
Skip Start Page when you launch the program.
Skips the Start Page at program startup and go directly to the Media Browser.
Display category and modules on Start Page.
Displays the Standard tab on the Start Page.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Display Order Photo Gifts & Prints on Start Page.
Displays the Order Photo Gifts & Prints tab on the Start Page.
Always connect to the Internet to check for available upgrades.
Allows the program to connect to the Internet and check for upgrades.
Auto-launch action when the device is inserted.
Automatically launches the relevant action when a device is connected to the
Auto-backup the media database when exiting the application.
Automatically backups the database when the application exits.
Show shadow of the window.
Shows the shadow of the program's main window.
The display options of ArcSoft MediaImpression are listed here.
Select Video Quality
Selects a quality for your video preview.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Launches the programs built-in Help file.
View version number, copyright information, etc.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
4. FAQs
Q: How do you skip the Start Page on MediaImpression and go directly to the
A: Once you load the program, on the bottom left corner of the screen, Click on the box
"Skip this page when you launch the program". This will enable the function to skip
the Start Page and go directly to the program.
Q: How do I organize my files in MediaImpression using tags?
A: MediaImpression's powerful media browser will automatically separate your media
files based on tags attached to each media file. To enable tag view, click "Tags" icon
to enable it. In the Tags view, select to display the files with specific tags in the
active folder.
Q: How do I set a tag for a file?
A: To set the tag for a file, select it in the Display Area. Click the "Attach Tags" button,
or right-click and select a tag from the Attach Tags sub-menu, or even drag selected
files to a tag or drag a tag to selected files.
Q: Can I attach multiple tags to one file?
A: Yes, MediaImpression allows the user to set multiple tags to any media file.
Q: How do I make my own tags in MediaImpression?
A: To make your own tag, click the Options icon or right-click within the Tags view. You
can also press "Insert" key on your keyboard while in the Tags view on the left side
of your browser pane.
Q: How do I change a tag icon in MediaImpression?
A: Right-click on the tag or click the Options icon and choose "Change Icon". You can
select from list of existing default icons or use your own photo.
Q: Some tag categories in MediaImpression cannot be changed or deleted,
A: Media Impression comes with default tag categories such as Events, Holidays,
People, Photography, Places and Seasons, which cannot be deleted or renamed.
However any existing tag under these categories can be modified.
Q: How does Calendars view work in MediaImpression?
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
A: The Calendar view uses the file's created date (shot time for EXIF images) to
organize your media files. In the Calendars view, select a year, a month, or a day to
view all media files that were created or last modified on a given date.
Q: What does EXIF stand for?
A: EXIF stands for Exchangeable Image File Format and contains information about the
image file, camera, and camera settings used when the photo was taken.
*Note: The actual information available will vary according to your camera settings.
Q: What is Geotag in MediaImpression?
A: Geotagging in MediaImpression means that you can add latitude and longitude
coordinates to an image. Meaning its particular location where you took the image.
*Note: You need to install Google Earth to enable this feature.
Q: How do I add/remove action buttons on the Start Page?
A: You can choose which actions to list on the Start Page. By customizing action buttons,
you can choose to show or hide each button on the Start Page and you can set the
order of the available actions.
Right-click any action icon on the Start Page to display the following options:
Move to the End
Move the action to the bottom of the list.
Remove from the List
Remove the current action from the Start Page.
Configure Start Page
Launch the Configure Start Page dialog box. Place a checkmark in front of the
actions you want to display on the Start Page. To move an action up or down in the
list, select it, and then click the Down/Up button to the right of that action.
Q: How do I add/remove action buttons below the Media Browser?
A: You can customize the actions to be displayed below the Media Browser. The
available Actions differ depending on the category of media file selected in the Media
By customizing action buttons, you can choose to show or hide each button on the
browser and you can set the order of the available actions.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
You can click and drag any action icon onto another one to regroup them.
Right-click any action icon below the Media Browser to display the following
Delete from Action Bar
Remove the current action from the Action Bar.
Edit Action
Set the group name and icon for the current action.
Configure Action
Place a checkmark in front of the actions you want to display below the Media
Restore to Default
Restore the action icons to the default order and availability.
Q: How do I view photos in the full screen mode with MediaImpression?
A: If you wish to view your photos in full screen mode using the Media Browser, you
must first double-click on the photo thumbnail to open Media Impression Photo
Press the "F" key on your keyboard or use the "full screen" button in upper-right
corner to toggle to full screen. To exit full screen mode, press ESC key on your
keyboard or use the "Exit Full Screen" button in bottom-right corner to toggle off
the full screen mode.
Q: How do I add audio to my photos in MediaImpression?
A: MediaImpression allows users to attach audio commentary to a photo file. To do so,
right-click on photo file thumbnail and select "Exif Audio Control", then select
"Attach Audio" or "Record New Audio".
*Note: Only JPG files allow audio attachment and only WAV files can be attached.
Q: How do I upload files to my YouTube account?
A: Select the video files you want to upload in the Display Area and click Upload to
If this is the first time you are uploading files, you will be prompted to authorize
MediaImpression to upload files to your YouTube account. YouTube requires this
authorization for security purposes. Follow the onscreen instructions for
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
*Note: Please be aware that you must already have a YouTube account in order to
use this feature. If you do not have one yet, go to www.youtube.com to register.
Q: How do I upload files to my Facebook account?
A: 1. Select the image files you want to upload in the Display Area and click ―Upload to
2. Click ―Sign Into login into your Facebook account in the pop-up web browser. If
this is your first time using the Upload to Facebook module, you need to click
―Allow‖ to give ArcSoft MediaImpression the permission to connect to your
account and upload files for you. Then, you can close your web browser and click
―Continue‖ to proceed to the following steps.
3. Selected image files are displayed on the left side of the dialog box. Select each
photo and enter its title, album, and tags. You can create a new album by clicking
the Create Album icon.
4. Click ―Upload‖ to upload the files to your Facebook account.
*Note: Please be aware that you must already have a Facebook account in order to
use this feature. If you do not have one yet, go to www.facebook.com to register.
Q: How do I upload files to my Flickr account?
A: 1. Select the image files you want to upload in the Display Area and click ―Upload to
2. Click ―Sign In‖ to login into your Flickr account in the pop-up web browser. If this
is your first time using the Upload to Flickr module, you need to click ―Allow‖ to
give ArcSoft MediaImpression the permission to connect to your account and
upload files for you. Then, you can close your web browser and click ―Continue‖ to
proceed to the following steps.
3. Selected image files are displayed on the left side of the dialog box. Select each
photo and enter its title, album, and tags. You can create a new album by clicking
the Create Album icon. Also, you can set each file to be "Private" or "Public" by
selecting relevant options below "Who can see this photo?"
4. Click ―Upload‖ to upload the files to your Flickr account.
* Note: Please be aware that you must already have a Flickr account in order to use
this feature. If you do not have one yet, go to www.flickr.com to register.
Q: Why do my pictures (videos, musics) open in MediaImpression when I
double click on them?
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
A: During the installation of MediaImpression, you need to set the associated file
formats. The checked file formats will be open in the MediaImpression Photo Viewer
or the MediaImpression Media Player.
Q: How can I upgrade to MediaImpression 2.0?
A: Click the Extras‖ button on the top right-hand corner of the program's main window
and choose "Options...". Select the "Always connect to the Internet to check for
available upgrades." option in General options. When you open MediaImpression
next time, it will automatically prompt you to download if there is a new version
available. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the update.
Q: After upgrading to MediaImpression 2.0, when I try to use some of the
actions, why do I have to "activate"?
A: Some new features have been added to MediaImpression 2.0. Those actions are
trials and you need to pay for them after the trial period expires.
Q: How can I adjust the screen size of MediaImpression?
A: You can change the screen size through ArcSoft Connect. Please select "ArcSoft
Products UI Settings" from the ArcSoft Connect menu, drag the slider to adjust the
UI resolution in the Text Size section.
Q: Can I run MediaImpression in a different language?
A: Yes. Just select "ArcSoft Products UI Settings" from the ArcSoft Connect menu,
select a favorite language in the Language Preference section.
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
5. Reference
This chapter contains reference information related to ArcSoft MediaImpression.
5.1 About ArcSoft Connect
ArcSoft Connect provides product management and helpful updates for ArcSoft
applications, which enables a better user experience. ArcSoft Connect will be
automatically launched while running an ArcSoft product and its tray icon will display in
the system tray which is located at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. You can
click this icon to view the ArcSoft Connect menu. In order to access some of these
options, a live internet connection is required.
ArcSoft Information Center
The ArcSoft Information Center provides product instructions for users, as well as
the latest product & service information. Click "Check Info" to view the latest
news from ArcSoft, featuring new products, updates & patches, product
promotions, and special discounts. Click "Close" to quit.
HTTP Proxy Setting
Modify your HTTP proxy settings here.
Visit ArcSoft Home Page
Go to www.arcsoft.com to learn more about our company and products.
Check for Updates
Check to see if a free update or patch is currently available for the product.
ArcSoft Products UI Setting
Set a suitable UI resolution for your product in the Text Size section; and select a
favorite language in the Language Preference section if your product has been
customized with multiple languages.
View My ArcSoft Products Info
View information about the installed ArcSoft product(s) and customize your
ArcSoft product(s) with the full name you entered. Note: You may only customize
the product(s) once.
Register My ArcSoft Products
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Register your product(s) and receive better services from ArcSoft Company,
including high quality software, professional technical support, as well as the latest
ArcSoft software development or promotion information.
View the built-in Help file for ArcSoft Connect to learn more about it.
5.2 Customer Support
Service and support are always our top priorities. We provide an online knowledge base
in which you can find virtually every answer to your question.
To access our online knowledge base, please visit the following address:
5.3 ArcSoft eStore
ArcSoft’s eStore is designed to give you an enjoyable shopping experience. With eStore,
your software purchase is just a click away; this means no more waiting for a package
to arrive or standing in line to pay. In addition, the ArcSoft eStore offers you first-hand
information on new releases, so you can be sure that new products are within your
The ArcSoft eStore runs special offers from time to time, so come often and check out
our latest promotions!
Want to know more about eStore? Visit: http://www.arcsoft.com/estore
5.4 Club ArcSoft
Club ArcSoft is designed for registered ArcSoft club members; by joining Club ArcSoft,
you can enjoy many of the privileges reserved only to club members, like our exclusive
offers on new software releases or members-only downloads. Joining Club ArcSoft is
FREE and easy; all it takes is a valid email address with a few mouse clicks, it’s that
simple! Sign up now!
Here are just some of the benefits that our club members enjoy:
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Free FAQs
Free tutorials & manuals
Free email support
Discounts on product upgrades - Up to 60% Savings!
20% off coupon for the ArcSoft eStore
Complete access to ArcSoft forum - read and post messages
Free monthly automatic entry in ArcSoft monthly software sweepstakes (10
winners each month)
Optional subscription to ArcSoft's periodic email announcements featuring new
products, product promotions, and special discounts
For more details, visit: http://www.arcsoft.com/club
5.5 Regional Offices
ArcSoft is a company with a broad vision; we understand that a successful product
must be tailored to global customer demands. By adhering to our long-standing
philosophy of quality and customer dedication, we have established regional offices
across the globe with a staff committed to develop the best quality products that meet
the most diverse needs.
To reach us, please contact any one of the following offices within your geographic
USA Headquarter
46601 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94538
Phone No.: +1-510-440-9901
FAX No.: +1-510-440-1270
Korea Business Office
Rm302, DongMyung Bld., 165-7
Seokchon-dong, Songpa-gu,
Seoul , Korea , 138-844
Phone No.: +82-2-414-7077
FAX No.: +82-2-414-7079
Japan Business Office
ArcSoft K.K.
Sanyo Building, 6F
1-1-33 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 105-0012
Phone No.: +81-3-3432-7630
FAX No.: +81-3-5401-1757
Hangzhou Technology Center
23rd Floor, Tiantang Software Park
3 Xidoumen Road
Hangzhou 310012
Phone No.: +86-571-88210600
FAX No.: +86-571-88210350
ArcSoft MediaImpression User Manual
Taiwan/APAC Business Office
14F-3, No.207, Dunhua N., Rd.,
Taipei City, Taiwan 105
Phone No.: +886-2 2545 8811
FAX No.: +886-2 2545 1069
Shanghai Technology Center
20th floor, Suite (East) 2008
China Merchants Plaza
333 Chengdubei Road
Shanghai 200041
Phone No.: +86-21-5298-1600
FAX No.: +86-21-5298-0248
Europe Business Office
Phone No.: +44-203-004-2321
FAX No.: +49-308-187-8666
5.6 About ArcSoft
ArcSoft, Inc. is a leading developer and provider of multimedia software and firmware
solutions for personal computer, mobile device and consumer electronics
The company's extensive software line enables users of all levels to easily and
effectively edit, enhance, and manage their digital photos and videos. Available in
multiple languages, ArcSoft software is bundled with digital video and still cameras,
mobile phones, PDAs, printers, scanners, computers, and other consumer electronic
devices on a global scale.
It is our goal to establish value for both our licensing customers as well as their end
users. We do this by offering customized solutions that promote device adoption and
offer consumers fun, easy to use applications.
Established in 1994, ArcSoft is a privately held company headquartered in Fremont,
California, with regional commercial and development facilities in Europe and Asia.

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