Hoxton Stove User Guide
BK755 Page 27
12. Recycling
12.1 Packaging recycling
The majority of the packaging components can be recycled, by the material components:
• WOOD (Pallet) - Household quantities of wood can be taken to your local Household
Waste Recycling Centre.
• CARDBOARD (Outer packaging) - Most local councils will collect cardboard as part
of their kerbside collection; Otherwise, cardboard can be recycled at your local
Household Waste Recycling Centre.
• PLASTIC (Internal Bubble Packing / Bags / Outer Strapping) - Some district coun-
cils collect plastic packaging in their kerbside collections; Alternatively, most major
supermarkets have plastic bag collections. The outer strapping should be taken to
your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.
12.2 End of life product recycling
Again like the packaging the majority of the appliance components can be recycled, by
the material components:
• CAST IRON & STEEL - All metal components can be recycled at your local
Household Waste Recycling Centre.
• GLASS - Most local councils will collect glass as part of their household kerbside
collection; Otherwise, glass can be recycled at your local Household Waste
Recycling Centre.
• FIREBOX LINERS & GASKETS/SEALS - These components are currently not
recyclable and should be disposed of at your Household Waste Recycling Centre.
Your local Household Waste Recycling Centre can be located—