3 Chapter 1: About iPod shue
4 Chapter 2: iPodshue Basics
4 iPodshueataglance
5 UsetheiPodshuecontrols
5 ConnectanddisconnectiPodshue
7 AbouttheiPodshuebattery
9 Chapter 3: Setting up iPodshue
9 AboutiTunes
10 SetupyouriTuneslibrary
10 Organizeyourmusic
11 ConnectiPodshuetoacomputerforthersttime
12 AddcontenttoiPodshue
17 Chapter 4: Listening to Music
17 Playmusic
18 UseVoiceOver
20 Settrackstoplayatthesamevolume
20 Setavolumelimit
21 LockandunlocktheiPodshuebuttons
22 Chapter 5: Tips and Troubleshooting
24 UpdateandrestoreiPodshuesoftware
25 Chapter 6: Safety and Handling
25 Importantsafetyinformation
26 Importanthandlinginformation
27 Chapter 7: Learning More, Service, andSupport
28 RegulatoryComplianceInformation