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User Manual
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 2
Thank you for purchasing the tracker. This manual shows how to operate
the device smoothly and correctly. Make sure to read this manual carefully
before using this product. Please note that specification and information are
subject to changes without prior notice in this manual. Any change will be
integrated in the latest release. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility
for any errors or omissions in this document.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 3
1. Summary ............................................................................................................ 5
2. Applications ........................................................................................................ 5
3. Hardware Description ........................................................................................ 6
4. Specifications ..................................................................................................... 7
5. Usage ................................................................................................................. 8
5.1 SIM Card Installation ................................................................................... 8
5.2 Battery and charger ..................................................................................... 8
5.3 Startup .......................................................................................................... 8
5.4 Initialization .................................................................................................. 9
5.5 Change the password .................................................................................. 9
5.6 Authorization ................................................................................................ 9
5.7 Set the contacts ......................................................................................... 10
5.8 The function of buttons ............................................................................... 11
5.9 Single Locating ........................................................................................... 11
5.10 Auto track continuously ............................................................................ 12
5.11. Location based service (LBS) ................................................................. 13
5.12 Absolute street address by SMS ............................................................. 13
5.13 GPS drift suppression .............................................................................. 14
5.14 Track mode .............................................................................................. 14
5.15 Monitor ..................................................................................................... 14
5.16 Call ........................................................................................................... 14
5.17 Speak ....................................................................................................... 14
5.18 Data logging ............................................................................................. 15
5.19 Data load .................................................................................................. 15
5.20. SOS Alert ................................................................................................ 16
5.21. Shock Sensor Alarm ............................................................................... 16
5.22. Geo-fence ............................................................................................... 17
5.23. Multi-area management .......................................................................... 17
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 4
5.24 Movement alarm ...................................................................................... 18
5.25 Over speed alarm .................................................................................... 19
5.26 Low battery alert ...................................................................................... 19
5.27.GPS blind Spot alert ................................................................................ 19
5.28 Sleep Mode .............................................................................................. 20
5.29. Forward the third parties’ message ........................................................ 20
5.30 Charges Inquiry........................................................................................ 21
5.31 Check the Vehicle State. ......................................................................... 21
5.32 Check IMEI .............................................................................................. 21
5.33 Terminal (local) Time Setting ................................................................... 22
5.34 TCP/UDP Switch ...................................................................................... 22
5.35 Reset ........................................................................................................ 22
5.36 Configure parameters by USB................................................................. 22
5.37 GPRS setting ........................................................................................... 22
5.38 Less GPRS traffic .................................................................................... 24
5.39 Modes switch between “SMS” and “GPRS” ............................................ 24
5.40 Setup monitor center number .................................................................. 25
5.41 Web platform and APP tracking ............................................................... 25
6. Cautions ........................................................................................................... 25
7. Faults & The solutions ..................................................................................... 26
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 5
1. Summary
Working Based on existing GSM/GPRS network and GPS satellites, this
product can locate and monitor any remote targets by SMS or internet.
2. Applications
for children, seniors and
dependent family members,
pets, horses and farm animals
vehicles and sports equipment
perfect travel companion for luggage, valuables, etc
mobile alarm system for hotel rooms, cottages, tents, etc.
Am Lindbruch 107
41470 Neuss
Telefon: +49 (0) 2137.7960487
Telefax: +49 (0) 2137.7960488
Email: kontakt@amparos.de
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 6
3. Hardware Description
3.1 Side 3.2 Front
3.3 Side
USB Port
Power indicator
SOS Button
SIM Card
Call contact
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 7
4. Specifications
GPS sensitivity
GPS accuracy
Time To First Fix
Cold status 45s
Warm status 35s
Hot status 1s
Charging Voltage
110220V input
5V output
Charging Voltage
Chargeable changeable 3.7V 1000mAh Polymer
Battery Standby
Storage Temp.
-40°C to +85°C
Operation Temp.
-20°C to +70°C
EN 55022:2010
EN 61000-3-2:2006
EN 61000-3-3:2008
EN 55024:2010
Certificate NO.: BST13110411Y-1EC-1
Test Report No.: BST13110411Y-1ER-1
Made in China
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 8
5. Usage
5.1 SIM Card Installation
5.1.1 Make sure that there is no call transfer and call display is on, and PIN
code off. The SMS message must in Text format, can’t be identified for PDU
5.1.2 Lift the soft plastic buckle of the SIM Card slot, the SIM card is placed
correctly if heard the sound of lock, and then put the buckle back. The SIM
will automatically pop up if press it gently.
5.2 Battery and charger
Do charge the battery to capacity in 8 -12 hours for first time. Please use the
battery and charger provided by the manufacturer. Polymer battery is the
standard batter, and it can normally standby 240 hours after fully charged.
AFor its Li-ion battery, which contains harmful chemicals and may burst,
please don’t bump, puncture it violently and keep it off fire.
BPlease charge the battery in time to keep it working normally.
5.3 Startup
5.3.1 Load the SIM card and take it outdoors to turn it on.
5.3.2 For first use, please initialize the unit and restore it to default setting.
5.3.3 In 10 or 40 seconds, the unit will begin to work after acquire the GSM
signals as well as the GPS signals.
5.3.4 When this unit receives GPS signals normally, you can use it and do
any setting as the instructions of this manual.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 9
5.3.5 Status indicator: The green indicator keep flashing 1 time every
second after acquire GSM signal; and every 3 seconds under GPRS state.
The red indicator keeps on when charging and turn off after fully charged. It
is off if voltage of battery is normal.
The blue indicator keep flashing 1 time every second after acquire GPS
5.4 Initialization
Send “begin+password” in SMS to the unit, it will reply “begin ok” and
initialize all the settings. (Default password: 123456)
For example, send SMS “begin123456” to the tracker via a cell phone, if
succeeded, if will reply “begin ok”.
5.5 Change the password
5.5.1 Set Password: Send sms: “password+old password+space+new
password” to the unit to change the password.
For Example, pls send sms: “password123456 888888” to terminal device, it
will reply sms: “password OK”. New password 888888 changed in success.
5.5.2 Be sure to keep the new password in mind, you have to upload the
software to restore the original setting in case of losing the new password.
5.5.2 Attention: Make sure the new password is in 6 digits Arabic numbers,
or else the tracker cannot recognize the password.
5.5.3 The “+” in the command, please don’t type “+”, space means press the
space keyboard on your cell phone.
5.6 Authorization
There are 5 numbers to be allowed to authorize in the tracker at most. Be
sure to set the authorization phone number before use. Only after setting the
authorization phone number can receive SMS alarm and call the
authorization phone number by SOS button on tracker.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 10
5.6.1 Call the tracker for 10 times continuously and get position correctly,
then it will make the cell phone number as the authorized number
5.6.2 Send SMS“admin+password+space+cell phone number” to set up a
authorized number. The other authorized numbers should be set by the first
authorized number. If the number is successfully authorized, the unit will
reply “admin ok!” in SMS.
5.6.3 Send SMSnoadmin+password+space+authorized number” to delete
the authorized number.
5.6.4 For roaming purpose, you have to add your country code ahead of the
cell phone number, for example, please send “admin123456
+4913322221111” to tracker to set 13322221111 as an authorized number.
5.7 Set the contacts
5.7.1 There are these three button on the device and use to call
the contacts phone number, before that must set the contacts phone
number by SMS.
5.7.2 Set the first contact person correspond the button
Send SMS “contact one+password+space+phone number”,the device will
reply “contact one ok”.
5.7.3 Set the second contact person correspond the button
Send SMS “contact two+password+space+phone number”,the device will
reply “contact two ok”.
5.7.4 Set the third contact person correspond the button
Send SMS “contact three+password+space+phone number”,the device will
reply “contact three ok”.
5.7.5 Send SMS “nocontact +password”to delete the three phone number in
the meantime. If need to modify the three phone number can resend the
correspond command to replace directly.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 11
5.8 The function of buttons
Press 3 seconds to send SOS message to the
authorized number and call circularly.
Short press SOS under call state.
Short press any button to answer
Press 2 seconds,call the first contact phone number
Press 2 seconds,call the second contact phone
Press 2 seconds,call the third contact phone number
Press to turn up the volume,press to turn down
the volume
Short press twice vibration mode,again Short press
twice to ESC
5.9 Single Locating
5.9.1 If there is no authorized number, when any number dials up the unit, it
will report a Geo-info; If there is already an authorized number, then it will
not respond when an unauthorized number calls it up.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 12
5.9.2 When an authorized number dials up the unit, it will hang up and report
a real-time Geo-info as below:
*Tracking location, when no GPS signal, the SMS includes the last valid
latitude & longitude as well as the LAC code of current position, the LAC
code can be input in the column of “manual track” menu of web platform.
5.10 Auto track continuously
5.10.1Track with limited times upon time interval:
Send SMS command “fix030s005n +password” to the tracker device, it will
report the latitude & longitude at intervals of 30 seconds for 5 times.
(s:second, m:minute, h:hour). This command set must be in 3 digits and the
maximum value is 255.
5.10.2 Track with unlimited times upon time interval:
Send SMS “fix030s***n+password” to the tracker device, it will reply the
latitude & longitude continuously at interval of30 seconds.
Note: the interval must not less than 20s.
5.10.3 Smart track upon time and distance interval: Please set "track with unlimited times upon time interval" before this
function, and send "distance+password+space+distance", tracker will reply
"Distance ok", and then tracker will locate upon both the pre-set time and
E.G: Send "distance123456 0050", it means distance is 50 meters; the
number must be 4 digits Arabic numbers.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 13 Set this function on web server: Set time interval first and then
distance interval, tracker will locate upon the time and distance.
5.10.4 Cancel: Send SMS “nofix+password” to the tracker device to cancel
the “auto track”.
5.11. Location based service (LBS)
When the tracker device doesn’t received valid GPS signals, tracker will
positioning by location based service(LBS), the messages includes the GPS
coordinates of the last position in SMS mode, but the LAC in message is the
current new position, the location can be seen by input the LAC code in the
menu Manual Track” of web platform www.AMPAROS.de, you can also
send command “address+password” to tracker to get the newest absolute
address and GPS coordinates as well; tracker will automatically switch to
track by location based service in GPRS mode, and actualized on the map
of web server with LBS mark. And there may be some inaccuracy with
actual location by LBS tracking; the bias depends on GSM reception.
Note: This feature can be used normally in most areas according to the
signal of GSM network. It may not be available in some areas.
5.12 Absolute street address by SMS
5.12.1 You must set up the APN of your local GSM network for the SIM card
in tracker first before using this function, if there is user name and password
for GPRS login, please refer to 5.31.1and 5.31.2 to configure the APN, user
name and password for GPRS login)
5.12.2 After configure the APN, send "address+password" to device, it will
reply SMS including real street/address name. For example: Unter den
Linden 7, Berlin, Deutschland.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 14
5.13 GPS drift suppression
5.13.1 This function is activated as default,activate this function by Sending
"suppress+password" to tracker, it will reply" suppress drift ok". The GPS
data stop updating if vehicle is not moving and latitude and longitude always
keep same, and GPS data updates automatically when vehicle is moving.
5.13.2 Cancel this function by sending "nosuppress+password" to tracker, it
will reply" nosuppress ok ".
5.14 Track mode
Send SMS “tracker+password” to the unit, and it will reply “tracker ok!” and
switch to “track” mode. The default mode is “track
5.15 Monitor
Send SMS “monitor+password” to the unit, and it will reply “monitor ok!,
Show that switch to “monitor” mode. Call the device again, you can monitor.
5.16 Call
Send SMS “call+password” to the unit, and it will reply “call ok!”. Call the
device again, the device will have ringtones notification, short press answer
button of the device, can talk now.
5.17 Speak
Send SMS “speak+password” to the unit, and it will reply “speak ok!”. Call
the device again, it will pick up automatically without pressing any button of
the device, can speak now.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 15
5.18 Data logging
5.18.1 Auto loggingWhen the tracker device lost GSM signals or fall offline
from GPRS, tracker will log the tracking position and alerts automatically in
the SD card on the basis of the pre-set condition, when GSM signals get
back, all the event alerts will be auto-sent to the authorized numbers or
monitoring platform (server), but the logged tracking data should be loaded
to the monitoring platform via SMS command.
5.18.2 Store upon times: Send SMS: “save030s005n+password” to the
tracker unit, it will reply “save ok”, and will store the lat, long locations every
30 seconds for 5 times. (S: second, m: minute; h: hour).
5.18.3 Unlimited times storageSend sms:”save030s***n+ password” to
tracker device, it will reply “save ok”.
5.18.4 Storage Clearance: Send SMS: “clear+ password” to tracker device,
it will reply “clear ok”.
5.18.5 Storage Volume: Built in flash which can store about 16,000 positions
5.18.6 The stored data can be copied to computer by USB cable. The route
of the stored data can be enquired by importing data in the “Data Import”
menu of web platform www.AMPAROS.de.
5.19 Data load
5.19.1 Current date Load: Send SMS: “load+ password” to tracker device, it
will reply: “load ok”. If it reply “load fail! Please check gprs” that means
device does not work under GPRS mode. Data can be load to monitor
platform only by GPRS.
5.19.2 Specified date Load: Send SMS: “load+ password+ space+ year
month date” to tracker device, it will reply: “load ok” and load the tracking
data to the monitoring platform upon the valid time you choose. For Example:
send SMS: “load123456 20110425” to the tracker device, means to load the
tracking data of 25th April 2011 to monitoring platform.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 16
5.20. SOS Alert
Press the SOS for 3 seconds, it will send SMS “help me!+ Geo-info” to all
the authorized numbers and dial all the authorized numbers in turn . It will
stop alert when any authorized number answer the call or reply SMS “help
me” to the tracker. Sound will close in the process, entry voice monitor mode
after the authorized number answer the call.
5.21. Shock Sensor Alarm
5.21.1 Setup: Shock sensor alarm is deactivated in default settings. If
needed, please send SMS “shock+password to tracker device, and it will
reply “Shock is activated!”, it means shock sensor alarm has set up
successfully. When the tracker detect vibration, it will send SMS “Sensor
alarm+Geo-info” to authorized numbers.
Note: Shock sensor detect vibration one time for each 3 minutes, it will start
to detect the second shock sensor alarm in 3 minutes after the first alarm.
5.21.2 Cancel: Send "noshock+password" to cancel the shock sensor
5.21.3 Shock sensor sensitivity configuration:
The sensitivity of the built-in shock sensor has three different level:
First level: Alarm will be triggered after detect slight vibration, send
command" sensitivity+password+space+1" .
Second level: Alarm will be triggered after detect 8 times vibration in 2
seconds, send command" sensitivity+password+space+2".
Third level: Alarm will be triggered after detect 25 times vibration in 5
seconds, send command" sensitivity+password+space+3".
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 17
5.22. Geo-fence
Set up a geo-fence for the unit to restrict its movements within a district. The
unit will send the message to the authorized numbers when it breaches the
5.22.1 Set up: When the unit stays immobile in a place for 3-10 minutes, the
user can Send SMS: “stockade+password+space+latitude,longitude;
latitude,longitude” to unit to set the restricted district. In case of breach, it will
send SMS “stockade!+geo-info” to the authorized numbers
Note: The first latitude&longitude is coordinate of the top left corner of the
Geo-fence, while the second latitude&longitude is the coordinate of the
bottom right corner.
5.22.2 Cancel: Send SMS:” nostockade+password” to deactivate this
5.23. Multi-area management
5.23.1 Set Area
Send SMS command
"area+password+space+latitude,longitude+space+areaname,distanceM" to
tracker(distance unit: M for meter, K for kilometer), it will reply "area01 ok".
Fox example: Send "area123456 22.353648,113.543678 school,800M".
Note: 5 areas at most and the distance between two points can't be less
than the total distance in the 2 commands, and different areas can't cover
each other.
5.23.2. Delete areas
Send SMS command:"noarea+password+space+area name", tracker will
reply:"noarea ok".
5.23.3 Rename and set distance
Send SMS command "rename+password+space+old name;new name,
distanceM" to tracker, if name is not repeated and area doesn't cover others,
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 18
it will reply "rename ok!" for successful configuration.
Example: Send "area123456 22.353648,113.543678 school,800M".
it means the new area name is "school", and covers area of a radius of 800
5.23.4 Activate multi-area management
Send SMS command "area+password+space+on" to tracker, it will reply
"Area on ok!", when tracker enter the pre set area, it will send SMS "area
name+latitude & longitude" to all the authorized phone number, and send
same SMS when goes out of the area.
5.23.5 Deactivate Multi-area management
Send SMS command "area+password+space+off" to tracker, it will
reply"area off ok!"
5.24 Movement alarm
5.24.1 Set up: when the unit stays immobile in a place for 3-10 minutes with
GPS signal reception, the user can send
SMS“move+password+space+0200” to the tracker (Suppose area of a
radius of 200 meters, it supports 4 digits at most. Unit: Meter). It will reply
“move OK”. In case of such a movement (the default distance is 200m), it
will send SMS Move+ latitude & longitude” to the authorized numbers at
interval of 3 minutes.
5.24.2 Cancel: Send SMS “nomove+password” to deactivate the movement
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 19
5.25 Over speed alarm
5.25.1 Set up: Send SMS “speed+password+space+080” to the unit
(suppose the speed is 80km/h), and it will reply “speed OK!”. When the
target moves exceeding 80km/h, the unit will send SMS “speed+080!+
latitude & longitude” to the authorized numbers at interval of 3 minutes.
5.25.2 Cancel: Send SMS “nospeed+password” to deactivate the overspeed
Remark: The recommended speed should be not less than 30km/h. For
below that rate, it will be effected the accuracy by GPS signals drift etc.
5.26 Low battery alert
5.26.1 Send SMS “lowbattery+password+space+on”, it will send SMS “low
battery+latitude/longitude” to authorized numbers 2 times in total in 15
minutes interval when voltage of battery is going to be about 3.55V.
5.26.2 This function activates as default, send SMS
“lowbattery+password+space+off” to deactivate.
5.27.GPS blind Spot alert
This function deactivates as default, send SMS
“gpssignal+password+space+on”, it will send alert SMS “no gps+last valid
latitude/longitude before lost signal” to authorized phone numbers.
Send SMS “gpssignal+password+space+off” to deactivate.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 20
5.28 Sleep Mode
5.28.1 Sleep by time
Send "sleep+password+space+time", tracker will reply "sleep time ok" if
none of the alarms/alerts has been set and no operations in 5 minutes,
tracker will fall asleep, GPS module shut off, and LED will be off too. Calling
or SMS can awake the tracker. If alarms have been set, tracker will enter
sleep by detecting shock sensor.
5.28.2 Sleep by shock sensor
Send "sleep+password+space+shock", tracker will reply "sleep shock ok", it
will enter sleep mode if doesn’t detect any vibration, GPS module shut off,
and LED will be off too. Vibration or any operations can awake it.
5.28.3. No sleep mode
Send SMS “sleep+password+space+off”, it will reply “sleep off ok”. Tracker
won’t sleep and GSM, GPS, LED always work. No sleep mode is the default
5.29. Forward the third parties’ message
5.29.1 Send SMS "forward+password+space+third parties phone number"
from authorized phone number, tracker will reply "forward ok", and supports
1 third parties phone numbers at most.
For example, set the phone number of the service provider of the simcard in
the tracker, when charge remind message coming in, tracker will forward it
to authorized phone number.
5.29.2 Cancel: Send SMS command "noforward+password"
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 21
5.30 Charges Inquiry
Function: Send SMS command "balance+password+space+phone
number+space+content" to tracker , it will forward the content to the
specified phone number and return the content from the specified phone
Realization: When gps device receives balance command,it will extract the
sim card number,"phone number" and "content" in the command;then
forward the "content" to the "phone number " and forward the reply to the
sim card number which sends the balance command.
5.31 Check the Vehicle State.
Send SMS command “check+password” to the tracker device in the vehicle.
For example: Send SMS “check123456” to the tracker device in the vehicle,
It will reply the current status of vehicle as below :
GSM :100%
Battery: 100%
5.32 Check IMEI
Send SMS command "imei+password" to the unit. E.g. Send SMS
command "imei123456" to the tracker device, an IMEI number in 15 digits
will reply to your cell phone.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 22
5.33 Terminal (local) Time Setting
Send SMS command “time+space+zone+password+space+time” to the
tracker unit, If succeed, It will reply “time OK” For example: Send SMS “time
zone123456 8”, 8 is Chinese time zone, If your country time zone is minus,
send SMS “time zone123456 -8”.
5.34 TCP/UDP Switch
Command: "gprs+password,0,0" TCP with keep alive data, this is the default
Command: "gprs+password,1,0" TCP without keep alive data
Command: "gprs+password,0,1" UDP with keep alive data
Command: "gprs+password,1,1" UDP without keep alive data
5.35 Reset
Send SMS “reset+password” to tracker, it will reply “reset ok”, the GSM and
GPS module of the tracker will be reset.
5.36 Configure parameters by USB
Find the USB cable in the package to connect tracker with computer, open
the memory of the tracker, find and open the initial configuration file with
notepad , operate according the instructions.
Note: Correct password is needed every time you configure the tracker.
5.37 GPRS setting
User must send SMS via cell phone to set up APN,IP and port before
starting GPRS.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 23
5.37.1 Setting up APN APN standards for Access Point Name and differs from country to
country. For more information about the local APN, inquire with your local
GPRS network operator. Text the tracker a SMS “APN+password + Space + your local APN
via a cell phone and if succeeded in setup, the tracker will return the
message “APN OK”. e.g. send SMS command “APN123456 internet.t-mobile”. If
succeeded, “APN OK” is returned by the tracker in SMS.
Notes: 123456 refer to password of tracker and internet.t-mobile is the APN
of T-Mobile (One of GSM Operator in Germany).
5. 37.2 GPRS User ID and password Setup In most countries, the user name and password involving GPRS
login are not compulsorily necessary, therefore, the entry can be skipped.
For those countries requiring user name and password, please configure as
following: Send SMS “up+password+space+user+space+password”If
“user,password ok” is returned by the tracker in SMS. For instance, send SMS “up123456 t-mobile tm” to the tracker, and
if succeeded, the tracker returns “user, password OK”
Note: 123456 is tracker device password, t-mobile is the user name for
GPRS login, tm is the password for GPRS login.
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5. 37.3 IP and port setup Send SMS as below via a cell phone: adminip +password + Space
+ IP Address + Space + Port Number. If succeeded, “adminip OK” is
returned by the device in SMS. e.g, Send SMS command “adminip123456 1167to
the tracker device, If succeeded, “adminip OK” is returned by the device in
SMS.( 123456 is default password85.214.34.86 is IP1167 is port
AMPAROS tracking).
Note: The IP and port information are on our website: www.AMPAROS.de
5.38 Less GPRS traffic
5.38.1 Tracker will change to less GPRS traffic mode after parking 5 minutes,
GPRS disconnect and connect again when alarm being triggered or detect
5.38.2 Activate this function: Send "less gprs+password on", tracker will
reply "less gprs on ok".
5.38.3 Deactivate this function: Send "less gprs+password off", tracker will
reply" less gprs off ok".
Note: 123456 is the password of tracker, and replace it with the new if you
have changed.
5.39 Modes switch between “SMS” and “GPRS”
5.39.1 The default mode is “SMS”
5.39.2 Send SMS “GPRS+password” to the unit, and it will reply “GPRS ok!
and switch to “GPRS” mode.
5.39.3 Send SMS “SMS+password” to the unit, it will reply “SMS ok!” and
restore to “SMS” mode.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 25
5.40 Setup monitor center number
5.40.1 Setup: send command “centernum+password+space+number” to
tracker, it will reply“centernum ok”, for example, send centernum123456
5.40.2 Cancel: Send “nocenternum+password”.
Note: If monitor center number doesn’t setup, auto track messages will be
sent to the cell phone which send this command.
5.41 Web platform and APP tracking
5.41.1 Web based platform www.gps.AMPAROS.de.
5.41.2 APP tracking is included in our service.
6. Cautions
Please comply with the instructions to extend the unit life:
1.Keep the unit dry. Any liquid, i.e. rain, moisture, may destroy or damage
the inside circuitry.
2. Don’t use & store the unit in dusty places.
3. Don’t put the unit in overheated or overcooled places.
4. Handle carefully. Don’t vibrate or shake it violently.
5. Don’t disassemble or refit the unit.
6. Please read the user manual carefully before using the device.
GPS-M5 / Free and Save 052014 Copyright by AMPAROS 26
7. Faults & The solutions
Fail to turn on
Check the battery and see if it is charged.
No GSM Signal
Please make sure SIM Card is GSM Net and
installed correctly, also call display should be on;
but no call transfer and PIN code off. Check
whether the normal power supply voltage.
No GPS Signal
A more open view of the sky is recommended to
make sure the device can receive the GPS signal
SMS reply fail
Password incorrect or wrong sms commands
Call without SMS reply or
cannot receive alarm SMS
Authorized number is wrong or without setting any
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Bijvoorbeeld antisemitische inhoud, racistische inhoud, of materiaal dat gewelddadige fysieke handelingen tot gevolg kan hebben.

Bijvoorbeeld een creditcardnummer, een persoonlijk identificatienummer, of een geheim adres. E-mailadressen en volledige namen worden niet als privégegevens beschouwd.

Spelregels forum

Om tot zinvolle vragen te komen hanteren wij de volgende spelregels:

Belangrijk! Als er een antwoord wordt gegeven op uw vraag, dan is het voor de gever van het antwoord nuttig om te weten als u er wel (of niet) mee geholpen bent! Wij vragen u dus ook te reageren op een antwoord.

Belangrijk! Antwoorden worden ook per e-mail naar abonnees gestuurd. Laat uw emailadres achter op deze site, zodat u op de hoogte blijft. U krijgt dan ook andere vragen en antwoorden te zien.


Abonneer u voor het ontvangen van emails voor uw Amparos M5-Tracker bij:

U ontvangt een email met instructies om u voor één of beide opties in te schrijven.

Ontvang uw handleiding per email

Vul uw emailadres in en ontvang de handleiding van Amparos M5-Tracker in de taal/talen: Engels als bijlage per email.

De handleiding is 0,65 mb groot.


U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Amparos M5-Tracker

Amparos M5-Tracker Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Amparos M5-Tracker Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 29 pagina's

Amparos M5-Tracker Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 28 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

Als u niet binnen een kwartier uw email met handleiding ontvangen heeft, kan het zijn dat u een verkeerd emailadres heeft ingevuld of dat uw emailprovider een maximum grootte per email heeft ingesteld die kleiner is dan de grootte van de handleiding.

Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

Controleer uw email en volg de aanwijzingen op om uw inschrijving definitief te maken

U heeft geen emailadres opgegeven

Als u de handleiding per email wilt ontvangen, vul dan een geldig emailadres in.

Uw vraag is op deze pagina toegevoegd

Wilt u een email ontvangen bij een antwoord en/of nieuwe vragen? Vul dan hier uw emailadres in.
