AT-S7/AT-S9 Operations Manual
A complete discussion of the parameters on this screen is contained in
Chapter 3, Ethernet Administration, and will not, therefore, be presented
here. On the other hand, the following two parameters are required to initiate
a remote network or to download software to switches which have a password
Setting an IP Address for Telnet. Telnet requires a configured IP
Address! That is, remote communications with the switch require the use of
the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite. Please
refer to Chapter 3 for a discussion of the IP configuration process.
Download Password. Download password is used with TFTP commands
to download software from your switch to other switches in your network.
Download password is not associated with the password used for Omega
If you change the password, ensure that you configure the same download
password for all of the switches that are to be downloaded. That is, the switch
downloading the software and the switches receiving the software must use
the same password. In short, when you use TFTP, the file name for the switch
must be the same as the downloaded password.
The process is as follows: enter the password for the hubs to be downloaded.
For example, if the current download password is ATS7 (all uppercase) then,
upon entering the command
H, you will be asked “Please enter a new string,
or <RETURN> to retain the existing one.”
Please refer to Appendix A for a discussion of TFTP and how the download
password is used.