Red LED 3x every 1,5 seconds with alarm; Smoke detected
4x every 5 seconds with alarm; Carbon monoxide detected
Yellow LED Every 40 seconds; Sensor problem. If cleaning with a soft, dry brush
will not resolve this, it means the sensor is defective.
2x every 40 seconds with beep: Battery almost empty.
The product needs to be replaced soon (Press the “TEST/SILENCE”
during the beep to silence this alert tone for about 9 hours
Green LED Normal functioning, flashes every 40 seconds
Faults can be caused by broken circuitry, a faulty sensor or faulty electronic parts. If cleaning the
sensor with a dry, soft brush does not stop the yellow light from flashing, this means the product
is defective.
When volatile chemical gases such as alcohol are the cause for error detection, this may be
corrected by pulling the detector off the ceiling plate and leave it in fresh air for 24 hours. This may
restore the CO sensor. If the error is not cleared after these 24 hours, the detector is faulty and
should be replaced. Don’t repair the detector yourself, but have it repaired by the importer.
When the alarm is contaminated and damaged by high concentrations of chemical gases, the
sensor could be affected. This will lead to a temporary error or permanent damage. When the
alarm sounds and you can smell a chemical gas, this could be the reason. Carbon monoxide is a
colourless and odourless gas. Chemical gases do have an odour.
The following substances and gases can cause false alarms or permanently damage the detector:
Methane, propane, iso-butane, ethylene, ethanol, alcohol, iso-propanol, benzene, toluene, acid,
ether, hydrogen, hepatic gas, sulphur dioxide, aerosol, propellant, alcohol preparation, paint,
thinner, dissolvent, bonding agents, shampoo, aftershave balm, perfume, car exhaust (cold start)
and certain cleaning agents.
To keep your detector in proper working order, please follow these steps:
• Check whether the alarm is working properly by pressing the test button every week.
• Clean the detector with a soft cloth or brush once every month to remove excess dust.
• Explain to children that they should not play with the detector.
• Ensure children are aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning and fire.
• Never use cleaning agents or other solutions to clean the detector.
• Never use air fresheners, hair spray or other aerosols near the detector.
• Don’t paint the detector. Paint covers the vents preventing the sensor from detecting CO or
• Never disassemble, repair or modify the product yourself; there’s a high risk that it will no
longer function correctly or reliably.