7. If you have insufcient UBS connections, you may choose to use a USB hub. Howev-
er, keep in mind that the USB connection must supply enough power. Otherwise, use
an active USB hub with its own power.
8. Images and sound are recorded provided this function is supported by the camera.
Via the NVR it’s only possible to play audio when using a HDMI cable. Make sure that
the audio is set to HDMI for sound via the HDMI connection.
9. The recorded les on the connected USB hard drive cannot be connected to a PC
one by one. To do this, export the recorded data to another USB hard drive or USB
stick and then connect that storage device to the PC to save or play the les.
10. When the alert settings are set to have the NVR emit a beep tone upon an alert
event, it’s recommended to also activate the alert monitor. After a beep tone, you can
then determine which alert is active.
11. Sending mail from DVB-100 is not possible. The DVB-100 does not have an email