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Hesdo, Australiëlaan 1
5232 BB, ‘s-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
Hesdo, Australiëlaan 1, 5232 BB,
The Netherlands
I t is v er y impor tant to install and operat e this product according t o the f ollowing instructions.
F ailure to do so ma y render y our guaran tee v oid.
A cc essories List
The door chime kit comes with:
● 1 x Receiv er ● 1 x T ransmitter
● 1 x 3 volts CR2032 ba tter y f or transmitt er ● 1 x Double-sided adhesive tape
● 1 x Instruction M anual
Pic tures for A ccessories
Model NO: QH-840A
A uto-learning C ode D oor Chime
Names for P ar ts
(1) Melody S elector (2) V olume Button (3) Hanging Hole
(4) Speaker (5) Batter y C o ver (6) P ush Button
(7) Nameplat e C ov er
(8) Silica gel stopper and screw
(9) F ront c ov er and back cov er hook (10) Standb y holes f or screws
(11) Inter face
Notes before Installation
1. Befor e installation and oper ation, you will r equire a drill, a cross-headed scr ew driver , a flat head
screw driver , fixing screws and wall plugs . All of these ar e not supplied with this k it.
2. A void the T ransmitter positioning on Metal F rames.
3. A void positioning abov e heat sources such as r adiat ors , or in damp areas such as a kitchen or
How t o use the door chime kit?
P ressing the T ransmitter , a wireless signal will be sent to the Receiv er . The Rec eiver will be activ ated
and sound . The operating range is 100m ( in the open air ) and y ou can use the R eceiv er vir tually
an ywhere at home (only indoor use). How ev er , the transmission range will be reduc ed if the signal
is transmitt ed through a number of walls or c eilings and Metal or UPVC door frames can also reduce
the operating r ange .
Batter y Installation
T r ansmitter Unit
1. Remov e the nameplate co v er .
2. T ake out the silica gel stopper with thin-tipped tweez ers or needle .
3. Screw off the scr ew by using a scr ew driver .
4. Inser t a flat screw driver in to the slot on the bott om of the transmitt er and turn to open the
front c o ver .
5. Install a 3V CR2032 batt er y matching the polarity (+ side up).
6. Close the fron t co ver .
7. L ock the screw and silica gel st opper back into the hole .
8. P ut the nameplat e co ver back.
Receiv er Unit
Remov e the batt er y co ver and inser t 2×1.5V AA batt eries; Ensure batter y polarit y macth the
internal mark ings.
Auto-learning Code S et Up
The door chime kit is equipp ed with an aut o-learning code ability . Please see detailed opera tion
A uto-learning C ode Set Up in the manual.
Ther e is a nameplate position on each T ransmitter . It is for user ’ s signature on it as identification.
User needs t o remo v e the nameplate c o v er and put a suitable size label with his / her name or other
inf ormation. Then co ver it. (Label is not included .)
Impor tant
1. Receiv er is designed f or indoor use only .
2. Do not mount the T ransmitter on to an y metal sur face or UPVC door frames, as this will r educe the
operation r ange .
3. Do not expose either unit directly to rain or immerse in wat er .
4. Do not mount either unit close to fir eplace or expose t o high temper ature .
5. If leaving the chime f or long per iods , remo v e the batt er y from compar tment t o prev ent leak age.
6. Dispose of old batteries in accor dance with the r elev ant legislation.
User Hints
If the Receiver does not sound , please check the follo wing:
● F lat ba tteries in either T ransmitt er or Receiv ers-change the batteries .
● W rong ba tter y polarity in either T ransmitter or Receiv ers-reinser t the batt eries.
● Units are out of r ange-Operat e the Receiv er within the op era tion range .
A. T r ansmitter unit
P ower: 1×3volts CR2032 batt er y
B . Rec eiv er unit
P ower: 2x1.5 volts AA alk aline batt eries
Operating T emperatur e: -20°C to +40°C
Operating Distanc e: 100 meters in the open field (328ft approx.-in open field and suitable c onditions)
Selec table T one: T otal 36 melodies a v ailable
Digital Code T ype: A uto-learning
What is Aut o-learning Code?
The T ransmitter sends wireless signal t o the Receiv er . The Receiv er w ould automatically r egister and
memorize the signal as an opera tion code . So the T ransmitter can w or k with the Receiv er by this code .
Aut o-learning Code Set Up
The Door Chime Kit is equipped with auto-learning operation code ability .
1. Operation f or 1 transmitter and 1 rec eiver
After batt er y installation on both T ransmitter and Receiv er , press the T ransmitter onc e to gener at e
a new operation c ode . The Receiv er will sound , which indicates tha t a new operation c o de is
regist ered and memorized .
2. Operation f or 2 transmitters and 1 rec eiver
After batt er y installation on the two T ransmitters firstly and then Receiv er , press the push butt on
on each T ransmitter onc e within 15 seconds t o genera te new oper ation codes . The Receiver will
sound , which indicates that two new oper ation c odes are r egister ed and memorized . This is the
only wa y f or the 2 T ransmitt ers to w ork with the Receiv er .
(If user press the push button on each T ransmitter after 15 seconds , only the first T ransmitter will
generat e a new opera tion code and the Receiv er will sound to indicate the first opera tion code is
regist ered and memorized .)
3. Int er ferenc e from another door chime opera ting nearby (F or example , Receiv er sounds f or no
Remov e the batt eries from the Receiv er and rest for 30 sec onds , this will erase the memor y . Inser t
the batteries , and then the T ransmitters and the Receiv er are r eady f or the new code r egistra tion.
4. Operation f or the 3rd / 4th / 5th T ransmitters and the r eceiv er ( Ther e is 2 T ransmitters included):
(a) Remov e the batt eries from the Receiv er and rest for 30 sec onds , this will erase the memor y .
(b) L oad the batt eries into the T ransmitters and Receiv er , and the R eceiv er is ready f or the new code
registr ation.
(c) P ress the T ransmitters onc e per each within 15 seconds , they will individually generate new
operation c odes randomly and send wir eless signals to the Receiv er which will sound to indicate
that new opera tion codes ar e register ed and memor ized . ( The Receiv er has 15 seconds to learn
maximum 5 operation c odes after batteries are installed . If there is no operation c ode sent fr om
T ransmitter within 15 seconds , the R eceiv er would be only ready f or 1 new code registration. I t
means , only the 1st T ransmitter can w ork with 1 Receiv er after 15 seconds .)
(d) I t is impor tant to r emember that when y ou replac e the run-out batt eries with new ones that you
will need to f ollow the same procedur e of the auto-learning code set-up as abo v e .
(a) If the Receiver sounds f or no reason during the digital code setting , it is indicated that it has been
inter fer ed b y other similar Door Chime nearby , reset the aut o-learning code as per point 3 abov e.
(b) 1 Receiv er can only work with maximum 5 T ransmitters at the same time . I f the T ransmitter is
missing , terminal user can buy the only T ransmitter from st ore and set up the aut o-learning code
as instruction ab o v e .
1 2 3
4 5 6
T ransmitter Double-side
Instruction M anual CR2032
Batter y
Receiv er fron t side Receiv er back side
Receiv er
2x1.5V AA
Alk aline Batt er y
T r ansmitter Unit
1. Op en the T ransmitter with screw driv er and separa te the fr ont c ov er from back cov ers, as
mentioned bef ore . P enetrate the two standb y holes at the back cov er with t w o screws . Then fix
the screws on the w all at suitable height. Mounting on UPVC or metal door frame sur faces will
reduc e the transmitting r ange. (As picture 1)
2. Or you can stick the T ransmitter with the double-sided adhesiv e tape. (As pic ture 2)
Receiv er Unit
F ix a screw on the wall. Then hang the Receiv er by the hole a t the
back of the unit. A void positioning on UPVC F rames, abov e heat
sourc es (e .g . radiator) or in damp ar eas such as a k itchen or ba throom.
Impor tant: T est the Receiver bef ore drilling any holes t o ensure it
is within operating r ange .
Note: As an alternativ e , the Receiv er can also be placed on the fla t sur face , such as table.
F unc tions Instruc tion
D oor Chime Operation
P ress the push butt on on the T ransmitter unit once , it sends a wireless signal to the Receiv er which
will sound . The sound will stop as soon as the melody ends. F or repeat sound , press the butt on again.
Hold the button in will NO T repeat the sound .
Melody S election
Ther e is a melody selec t or located a t right side of the door chime. P ress the selector to change
diff erent melody .
V olume Adjustment
Ther e is a v olume button at right side of the door chime . Pr ess it to adjust the sound v olume to be
high, medium and low .
Receiv er
T ransmitter front
co v er outside
T ransmitter back
co v er inside
CR2032 Batter y
W all Mount
T o install you will requir e a drill and cross-headed screw dr iv er .
IMPORT ANT : Before y ou drill an y hole in the wall, please mak e sure ther e are not cables or pipes
that y ou ma y accidentally damage .
I t is v er y impor tant to install and operat e this product according t o the f ollowing instructions.
F ailure to do so ma y render y our guaran tee v oid.
A cc essories List
The door chime kit comes with:
● 1 x Receiv er ● 1 x T ransmitter
● 1 x 3 volts CR2032 ba tter y f or transmitt er ● 1 x Double-sided adhesive tape
● 1 x Instruction M anual
Pic tures for A ccessories
Model NO: QH-840A
A uto-learning C ode D oor Chime
Names for P ar ts
(1) Melody S elector (2) V olume Button (3) Hanging Hole
(4) Speaker (5) Batter y C o ver (6) P ush Button
(7) Nameplat e C ov er
(8) Silica gel stopper and screw
(9) F ront c ov er and back cov er hook (10) Standb y holes f or screws
(11) Inter face
Notes before Installation
1. B ef ore installa tion and operation, you will requir e a drill, a cross-headed screw dr iv er , a flat head
screw driver , fixing screws and wall plugs . All of these are not supplied with this k it.
2. A void the T ransmitter positioning on Metal F rames.
3. A void positioning abo ve hea t sourc es such as radia tors , or in damp areas such as a k itchen or
How t o use the door chime kit?
P ressing the T ransmitter , a wireless signal will be sent to the Receiv er . The Rec eiver will be activ ated
and sound . The operating range is 100m ( in the open air ) and y ou can use the R eceiv er vir tually
an ywhere at home (only indoor use). H o we ver , the transmission range will be r educed if the signal
is transmitt ed through a number of walls or c eilings and Metal or UPVC door frames can also reduce
the operating r ange .
Batter y Installation
T r ansmitter Unit
1. R emo v e the nameplate c o v er .
2. T ak e out the silica gel stopper with thin-tipped tweez ers or needle.
3. Screw off the screw by using a scr ewdriv er .
4. Inser t a flat screw driver in to the slot on the bott om of the transmitt er and turn to open the
front c o ver .
5. Install a 3V CR2032 batter y matching the polarity (+ side up).
6. Close the front co v er .
7. Lock the screw and silica gel st opper back into the hole .
8. Put the nameplat e co v er back.
Receiv er Unit
Remov e the batt er y co ver and inser t 2×1.5V AA batt eries; Ensure batter y polarit y macth the
internal mark ings.
Auto-learning Code S et Up
The door chime kit is equipp ed with an aut o-learning code ability . Please see detailed opera tion
A uto-learning C ode Set Up in the manual.
Ther e is a nameplate position on each T ransmitter . I t is for user ’ s signature on it as identifica tion.
User needs t o remo v e the nameplate c o v er and put a suitable size label with his / her name or other
inf ormation. Then c ov er it. (Label is not included .)
Impor tant
1. R eceiv er is designed for indoor use only .
2. D o not mount the T ransmitter ont o an y metal sur face or UPVC door frames , as this will reduce the
operation r ange .
3. D o not expose either unit directly to rain or immerse in w ater .
4. D o not mount either unit close to fir eplace or expose to high temper ature .
5. I f lea ving the chime f or long periods, remov e the batter y from compar tment t o prev ent leak age.
6. D ispose of old batt eries in accordanc e with the rele v ant legislation.
User Hints
If the Receiver does not sound , please check the follo wing:
● F lat ba tteries in either T ransmitt er or Receiv ers-change the batteries .
● W rong ba tter y polarity in either T ransmitter or Receiv ers-reinser t the batt eries.
● Units are out of r ange-Operat e the Receiv er within the op era tion range .
A. T r ansmitter unit
P ower: 1×3volts CR2032 batt er y
B . Rec eiv er unit
P ower: 2x1.5 volts AA alk aline batt eries
Operating T emperatur e: -20°C to +40°C
Operating Distanc e: 100 meters in the open field (328ft approx.-in open field and suitable c onditions)
Selec table T one: T otal 36 melodies a v ailable
Digital Code T ype: A uto-learning
What is Aut o-learning Code?
The T ransmitter sends wireless signal t o the Receiv er . The Receiv er w ould automatically r egister and
memorize the signal as an opera tion code . So the T ransmitter can work with the Receiv er by this code .
Aut o-learning Code Set Up
The Door Chime Kit is equipped with auto-learning operation code ability .
1. Op er ation f or 1 transmitt er and 1 rec eiv er
After batt er y installation on both T ransmitter and Receiv er , press the T ransmitter onc e to gener ate
a new operation c ode . The Rec eiver will sound , which indic at es that a new oper ation code is
regist ered and memorized .
2. Op er ation f or 2 transmitt ers and 1 rec eiv er
After batt er y installation on the two T ransmitters firstly and then Receiv er , press the push butt on
on each T ransmitter onc e within 15 seconds t o genera te new oper ation codes . The Receiver will
sound , which indicates that two new oper ation c odes are r egister ed and memorized . This is the
only wa y f or the 2 T ransmitt ers to w ork with the Receiv er .
(If user press the push button on each T ransmitter after 15 seconds , only the first T ransmitter will
generat e a new opera tion code and the Receiv er will sound to indicate the first opera tion code is
regist ered and memorized .)
3. Inter f erenc e from another door chime opera ting nearby (F or example , Receiv er sounds f or no
Remov e the batt eries from the Receiv er and rest for 30 sec onds , this will erase the memor y . Inser t
the batteries , and then the T ransmitters and the Receiv er are r eady f or the new code r egistra tion.
4. Op er ation f or the 3rd / 4th / 5th T ransmitters and the r eceiv er ( There is 2 T ransmitters included):
(a) Remov e the batt eries from the Receiv er and rest for 30 sec onds , this will erase the memor y .
(b) L oad the batt eries into the T ransmitters and Receiv er , and the R eceiv er is ready f or the new code
registr ation.
(c) P ress the T ransmitters onc e per each within 15 seconds , they will individually generate new
operation c odes randomly and send wir eless signals to the Receiv er which will sound to indicate
that new opera tion codes ar e register ed and memor ized . ( The Receiv er has 15 seconds to learn
maximum 5 operation c odes after batteries are installed . I f there is no oper ation code sen t from
T ransmitter within 15 seconds , the R eceiv er would be only ready f or 1 new code registration. I t
means , only the 1st T ransmitter can w ork with 1 Receiv er after 15 seconds .)
(d) I t is impor tant to r emember that when y ou replac e the run-out batt eries with new ones that you
will need to f ollow the same procedur e of the auto-learning code set-up as abo v e .
(a) If the Receiver sounds f or no reason during the digital code setting , it is indicated that it has been
inter fer ed b y other similar Door Chime nearby , reset the aut o-learning code as per point 3 abov e.
(b) 1 Receiv er can only work with maximum 5 T ransmitters at the same time . I f the T ransmitter is
missing , terminal user can buy the only T ransmitter from st ore and set up the aut o-learning code
as instruction ab o v e .
1 2 3
4 5 6
T ransmitter Double-side
Instruction M anual CR2032
Batter y
Receiv er fron t side Receiv er back side
Receiv er
2x1.5V AA
Alk aline Batt er y
T r ansmitter Unit
1. Op en the T ransmitter with screw driv er and separa te the fr ont c ov er from back cov ers, as
mentioned bef ore . P enetrate the two standb y holes at the back cov er with t w o screws . Then fix
the screws on the w all at suitable height. Mounting on UPVC or metal door frame sur faces will
reduc e the transmitting r ange. (As picture 1)
2. Or you can stick the T ransmitter with the double-sided adhesiv e tape. (As pic ture 2)
Receiv er Unit
F ix a screw on the wall. Then hang the Receiv er by the hole a t the
back of the unit. A void positioning on UPVC F rames, abov e heat
sourc es (e .g . radiator) or in damp ar eas such as a k itchen or ba throom.
Impor tant: T est the Receiver bef ore drilling any holes t o ensure it
is within operating r ange .
Note: As an alternativ e , the Receiv er can also be placed on the fla t sur face , such as table.
F unc tions Instruc tion
D oor Chime Operation
P ress the push butt on on the T ransmitter unit once , it sends a wireless signal to the Receiv er which
will sound . The sound will stop as soon as the melody ends. F or repeat sound , press the butt on again.
Hold the button in will NO T repeat the sound .
Melody S election
Ther e is a melody selec t or located a t right side of the door chime. P ress the selector to change
diff erent melody .
V olume Adjustment
Ther e is a v olume button at right side of the door chime . Pr ess it to adjust the sound v olume to be
high, medium and low .
Receiv er
T ransmitter front
co v er outside
T ransmitter back
co v er inside
CR2032 Batter y
W all Mount
T o install you will requir e a drill and cross-headed screw dr iv er .
IMPORT ANT : Before y ou drill an y hole in the wall, please mak e sure ther e are not cables or pipes
that y ou ma y accidentally damage .
V olume H
V olume M
V olume L
Frequency: 433MHz ASK
T ransmission power: <10mW
Declaration of conformity: 1-DOC.pdf