current SMS to [Drafts] and [Contact] to choose destinations (up to 9
Save:to save the current SMS to [Drafts]
Text Template:to choose one text template to insert into current
Smiley:to choose one smiley to insert into current SMS.
Domain:to choose one net symbol to insert into current SMS
Contact:to choose one contact name from [Contact] to insert into
current SMS.
5.2 Inbox
In the [Inbox], read and unread messages are shown with different
icons. Press the left softkey to access the following list:
View: to check the detailed information about current SMS and then,
by pressing left softkey, the following functions are available:[Reply],
[Delete], [Forward], [Extract number], and [Call].
Reply:to reply SMS to the sender
Delete:to delete the current SMS
Delete all:to delete all the SMS in [Inbox]