FFoorrwwaarrddiinngg ccaallllss ttoo aannootthheerr nnuummbbeerr ((FFoorrwwaarrddiinngg -- iimmmmeeddiiaattee))
You may forward your calls to another internal terminal or (if allowed in your
system) to an external number.
To forward your calls:
(1) Enter the
""FFoorrwwaarrddiinngg -- iimmmmeeddiiaattee""
feature code (see Table of Codes).
(2) Dial the number of the telephone receiving the forwarded calls.
The display shows that the forward has been accepted (
PPrrooggrraammmmiinngg OOKK
(3) Press .
The display will show that calls are being forwarded and to what number.
Note: While in call forwarding condition, you can continue to make outgoing calls, but only
the forwarded number can contact you.
OOvveerrfflloowwiinngg ccaallllss ttoo aann aassssoocciiaattee nnuummbbeerr
If you have already defined an associate number (see
""CChhaannggiinngg tthhee aassssoocciiaattee
), you can overflow your calls to this (extension, voice mail, or other)
number. You can forward calls to your associate to reflect any one of the available
To forward calls to an associate number:
Enter the appropriate feature code (see
TTaabbllee ooff CCooddeess
Forward if you do not answer within a specified time (Overflow on no answer),
Immediate forwarding when your station is busy (Overflow on busy - immediate),