PPrriivvaaccyy//PPrrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt BBaarrggee--iinn
To set protection against barge-in (prior to your call):
Dial the code for the "Privacy/Protection against barge-in" feature, then dial
your call. This protection is only in effect until you hang up.
CCaalllliinngg aa ppaarrttyy tthhrroouugghh tthhee ssttaattiioonn ssppeeaakkeerr
If your internal party does not answer, you may (if you have the authority to do so)
enable his or her phone remotely, and announce yourself through the station
To call through a partys station speaker
(1) Dial the code for the
""CCaallll aannnnoouunncceemmeenntt""
This connects you directly to that stations speaker.
(2) Announce yourself to your party
(3) To speak with you, your party can lift the handset or use hands-free.
HHuunntt ggrroouuppss
Your terminal may be a member of a hunt group. Hunt groups allow incoming
calls to be answered by the next available terminal in the hunt group sequence.
Note: You can always contact a specific terminal within the group directly by dialing its
individual number.