Long press an item and drag it to the desired position
and then release. You can move items both on the
Home screen and the Favourite tray. Hold the icon on
the left or right edge of the screen to drag the item to
another Home screen.
Long press an item and drag it up to the top of the
Remove icon, then release.
Create folders
To improve the organisation of shortcuts or applications
on the Home screen and the Favourite tray, you can add
them to a folder by stacking one item on top of another.
To rename a folder, open it and touch the folder’s title
bar to input the new name.
Wallpaper customisation
Long press an empty area on the Home screen, then
touch Wallpapers to customise wallpaper.
1.3.5 Widgets and recently used applications
Consult widgets
Long press the empty area on the Home screen, then
touch Widgets to display all widgets.