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Instruction Manual
Instruction Manual
E40/ E60/ E80/ E125/ P40/ P60/ P80/ P125/ P150
E40/ E60/ E80/ E125/ P40/ P60/ P80/ P125/ P150
Manuale d’istruzioni
Manuale d’istruzioni
Manuel d’Instructions
Manuel d’Instructions
Copyright 2013 Airfree Produtos Electronicos Lda. All Rights Reserved
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, transmitted, transcribed,
stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the express
prior written consent of Airfree Produtos Electronicos Lda.
Congratulations for having purchased your Airfree.
Airfree air puriers are manufactured under license of US Patent 5,874,050, and many other patents pending
worldwide. Airfree was designed with most advanced American and German technologies, to drastically
destroy indoor airborne microorganisms and reduce ozone.
Different from other air purier manufacturers, Airfree does not spend much time in describing fancy
technologies with difcult words and theories. Airfree offers independent efciency tests instead.
For every Airfree claim there is one independent test to prove it!
Please carefully read this manual to achieve the best air purifying results.
Enjoy your Airfree.
Thank you,
Safety Instructions ....................................................................................................... 7
The Invisible Enemies ................................................................................................. 8
Applications ................................................................................................................. 8
Airfree and Mould ...................................................................................................... 10
Airfree Description ..................................................................................................... 10
Installing and Connecting ...........................................................................................11
How does Airfree Work? Maintenance ...................................................................... 12
Technical Characteristics ........................................................................................... 12
Airfree Independent and Efciency Tests .................................................................. 13
Frequently Asked Questions...................................................................................... 14
Warranty .................................................................................................................... 16
Copyright 2001-2013 Airfree
Produtos Electrónicos Lda.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil dieser Veröffentlichung darf ohne vorhergehende schriftliche Zustim-
mung der Airfree
. reproduziert, fotokopiert, übertragen, eine Durchschrift erstellt, in einem Abrufsystem
gespeichert oder in eine andere Sprache übersetzt werden, in jeder Form und auf jedem Übertragungsweg.
Sie haben ein Produkt von Airfree
erworben, das erstklassige Wirksamkeit mit umweltfreundlicher
Technologie vereint. Die Technologie von Airfree
wurde weltweit von unabhängigen Institutionen als
äußerst effektiv bei der Beseitigung von Mikroorganismen, Allergiestoffen und Ozon aus der Luft bewertet.
Die Produkte von Airfree
werden nach den aktuellen Normen von CE und anderen internationalen
Zertizierungen hergestellt. Die vorrangigen Ziele von Airfree
sind Qualität, Leistung und Zufriedenheit
des Kunden.
Inhaltsverzeichnis - Deutsch
Sicherheitshinweise ...................................................................................................17
Die unsichtbaren Feinde ...........................................................................................18
Anwendungsbereiche ................................................................................................18
und Schimmel ............................................................................................20
Eigenschaften des Airfree
Installation und Anschluß des Airfree
® ...................................................................... 21
Technische Spezikationen ....................................................................................... 22
Bedienung & Wartung ............................................................................................... 22
Unabhängige Leistungstests ..................................................................................... 23
Häug gestellte Fragen .............................................................................................24
Copyright 2001-2013 Airfree
Produtos Electrónicos Lda.
Tous droits reservés. Ce document ne peut être reproduit, copié, distribué,archivé ou traduit, en totalité ou
partie, sans l’accord écrit préalable de Policon Ltd.
Conçu à partir de technologies avancées, par exemple l’utilisation de céramiques spéciales élaborées en
Allemagne, votre Airfree va vous permettre de réduire drastiquement les micro-organismes présents dans
l’air. Pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats, nous vous prions de lire attentivement ce manuel. Il vous aidera à
améliorer l’environnement pour vous, votre famille ou vos collègues de travail.
Instructions de Sécurité .............................................................................................27
Les Ennemis Invisibles ..............................................................................................28
Utilisations .................................................................................................................28
Airfree et Moisissures ................................................................................................30
Description de Airfree ................................................................................................30
Installation et Branchement .......................................................................................31
Caractéristiques Techniques .....................................................................................32
Fonctionnement et Entretien .....................................................................................32
Tests d’ef cacité par des laboratoires indépendants ................................................ 33
Questions les plus fréquentes ...................................................................................34
Garantie ..................................................................................................................... 36
Copyright 2001-2013 Airfree® Produtos Electrónicos Lda.
Tutti i diritti riservati. E’ vietata la riproduzione, fotocopiatura, trasmissione, trascrizione, archivio con
qualsiasi metodo di reperimento o traduzione in qualunque altra lingua di questo manuale senza prima
ricevere il consenso scritto di Airfree® Produtos Electrónicos Lda. Lisbona (Portogallo).
Avete appena acquistato Airfree® che unisce efcacia e tecnologia ecologica. Airfree® è prodotto con una
tecnologia avanzata e sicura per l’eliminazione di microrganismi ambientali ed acari la cui estrema efcacia
è comprovata da istituzioni indipendenti di tutto il mondo. I prodotti Airfree® sono fabbricati in un moderno
stabilimento europeo certicato CE. Gli obiettivi primari di Airfree® sono la qualità, l’efcacia e la soddis-
fazione del cliente.
Istruzioni di sicurezza ............................................................................................... 37
I nostri nemici invisibili .............................................................................................. 38
Applicazioni .............................................................................................................. 38
Airfree® e la muffa ................................................................................................... 40
Descrizione di Airfree® ............................................................................................. 40
Installazione e collegamenti ...................................................................................... 41
Caratteristiche di Airfree® ....................................................................................... 42
Descrizione di Airfree® ............................................................................................ 42
Test indipendenti sull’efcacia di Airfree® ............................................................... 43
FAQ (Domande frequenti) ......................................................................................... 44
Garanzia Limitata ...................................................................................................... 46
Safety Instructions
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been
given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for
their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
Before plugging in Airfree slightly shake it to check for any loose parts in its interior caused by
unusual transportation event. If loose parts are noticed, please return the unit to the retailer.
Do not place your Airfree in direct contact with water and liquids which may pose electric shock
hazard and damage to the unit itself.
Do not obstruct Airfree air outlets with items such as towels, clothing, curtains, as they can
cause overheating and irreparable damage to the unit.
Airfree as any other electric equipment shall not be manipulated by children.
Always keep Airfree in its vertical position as shown in the picture. The anti-stress light will
start blinking if Airfree not in its vertical call, or if poor installed or with eventual malfunction-
Airfree shall not be placed near ammable and toxic products.
In the event of a return for repair, make sure Airfree is well protected preferably inside its
original box to avoid further damage. Airfree nearest dealer may be seen at www.airfree.com
Do not attempt to open Airfree or touch its internal components and/ or do not insert any
objects as it may pose electric shock.
Any attempt to open or tamper Airfree will void this warranty.
To clean Airfree, unplug it from the electric outlet and use a dry cloth to wipe off its surface.
Do not attempt to open Airfree to clean it inside. Only Airfree authorized dealers have the
expertise and authorization to repair your Airfree.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its ser-
vice agent or similarly qualied persons in order to avoid a hazard.
The Invisible Enemies
Most people spend around 90% of their time time indoors, at home or in the ofce.
The EPA – Environmental Protection Agency claims the quality of air indoors can be 100 times worse than
outdoors. Some factors contribute to indoor contamination:
- High concentration of people in rooms increase fungus, bacteria and virus development, and cross con-
- New building insulation techniques reduce outside air interchanges and consequently air conditioning run-
ning cost, but in turn drastically increase mould, and bacteria colonies
- Decient air conditioning duct cleaning
- Concentration of organic material such as books, carpeting, curtains, and sofas.
Good air quality indoors is a must for those affected by respiratory diseases and allergies. Contaminated
indoor air (fungus, airborne allergens, pollens, ozone) can trigger
- Asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis
- Fungal infections in immune depressed patients
- Eye, throat and nose irritation
- Headaches, lethargy, irritability
- Cough and difculty in concentration
Relation between microorganisms and related diseases.
Inocolums(*) X Virulency (**)
human Resistance
(*) Quantity of microorganisms (**) Microorganism aggressiveness
The higher “Inocolums” and “Virulency” and or the lower “Human resistance” results in greater contamina-
tion risk to people. The main contamination causes are several types of fungus, (some of them already
resistant to the most powerful chemicals and poisons), bacteria, viruses, the ne dust mite excrements and
skeletons containing powerful allergens and hazardous fungus, and the seasonal pollens.
Airfree can safely and silently destroy those allergens
Healthy rooms with pure clean air - The efcient and noiseless Airfree technology safely de-
stroys mould spores, bacteria, viruses and other airborne organic microorganisms.
Respiratory allergies and Asthma - Airfree drastically reduces airborne organic allergens and
ozone, providing cleaner and safer environment for allergic people. Airfree destroys mould spores,
bacteria, viruses, dust mite allergens, pet dander and reduces ozone, all kept to minimum levels.
Children and Newborns - Studies demonstrate that reducing dust mite allergen exposure to
young children will lessen the development of asthma.
Mould and Mildew - Airborne Mould spores that oat throughout the house potentially cause
allergic reactions. Those spores also start new mould colonies and expand existing ones. Airfree
destroys airborne mould and mildew spores, helping to prevent new contaminations.
Odours - Airfree can reduce some odours like “mildew smell” and other organic odours.
Kitchens and Pantries - The reduction of airborne fungi and spores in areas protected by Airfree
helps prevent mildew on food.
Video, lms, slides, sound and optical equipment - The reduction of airborne spores in rooms
protected by Airfree provides the best environment to store cameras, videos, pictures, slides,
negatives and any device potentially affected by fungi. Quietly and safely Airfree protects your
belongings and memories.
Yatches, Cruisers - Airfree safely eliminates fungi spores, mould, mildew, dust mites, bacteria,
and strange odours. Many of which contribute to many common problems to boat owners.
Ofces, Public Buildings - Populated rooms, corridors, and elevators offer a constant contami-
nation risk to employees and guests. This situation is aggravated by the ow of hazardous fungi
and other microbes entering through the A/C system, and the ozone generated by computers and
photocopiers. The spread of airborne transmittable diseases can accelerate in this environment.
Airfree is a powerful weapon in the reduction of airborne contamination by viruses, bacteria, fungi,
and a myriad of allergens.
Libraries and Museums - The fungi spores that become mould or mildew are always present.
When the temperature and moisture in the environment are suitable for germination, the spore
bursts and growth begins. This growth contaminates books, clothing, documents, and works of art.
Airfree destroys mould and mildew, providing a healthier environment for users and employees.
Pollens - Pollens are no exception and like other microorganims are totally destroyed when pass-
ing through Airfree patented sterilising core. After being destroyed the resulting harmless particles
are released back to the environment.
Ozone (O3) - Ozone is a very toxic gas that according to EPA can damage lung tissue, cause chest
pain, throat irritation and trigger asthma. The FDA, the US Food and Drug Administration, recom-
mends not to use any equipment directly or indirectly generating ozone in Hospitals or where the
patients are present. Airfree is proven to reduce ozone levels in 26%, every time air passes through
its ceramic core.
Schools, Kindergartens - Airborne transmittable diseases are a great concern for students, par-
ents, teachers, and principals. Inuenza, meningitis, rubeolla, and other nasty microbes ow freely
in the air. The use of Airfree in classrooms demonstrates the principal’s concern for their students
and staff well being. It also reduce school exposure to lawsuits, like with mould-affected diseases
so may common throughout the USA.
Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus and Germs - Airfree destroys all airborne microscopic threatening mi-
croorganisms cited above including the smallest microbes like those of meningitis, pneumonia and
scarlet fever, that can not be trapped in air lters or in other equipment using different technologies.
Scientists conrm that virus, fungus, and bacteria molecular structure (composed by proteins), can
not survive high temperatures as those seen inside Airfree patented ceramic core.
Hospitals, Clinics and Laboratories - Airborne contamination is quite a concern for most hos-
pitals. With Airfree, the hospital environment becomes safer. Airfree is indispensable in waiting
rooms, inrmaries, and recovery rooms due to its efciency in destroying airborne viruses bacteria,
and fungi. Airfree also reduces ozone that can affect patients with respiratory ailments. Laborato-
ries no longer need to stop all activities for chemical air desinfection, gaining working hours.
Restaurants - Airfree offers continuous air sterilisation. Silently, Airfree provides the
additional protection that patrons expect. All viruses and bacteria that pass through Airfree’s pat-
ented sterilising ceramic core are destroyed. Restaurants are recommended to submit their oor
plans to insure proper coverage inside their facilities.
Dust Mites - Many allergic reactions are caused by dust mites. The ne dust generated from
their skeletons and excrements contain hazardous fungus and allergens that when inhaled cause
allergic reactions. Those allergens and fungus are totally destroyed inside Airfree ceramic core.
Fungus reduction by Airfree in the indoor environment also reduces dust mite population as they
need certain types of fungus to survive.
Hotels and Retire Homes - The use of Airfree in guest rooms shows concern on behalf of the hotel
to its guests well being. The use of Airfree can contribute to a higher occupancy rate and may pro-
vide a good line of defense in case of lawsuits. Airfree has independent tests proving its efciency.
Guide for Airfree installation in mould contaminated rooms
1 - Install your Airfree unit in accordance with the user manual
2 - Allow your unit to run for at least one week to achieve signicant airborne mould spore reduction.
3 - Clean mould infected items and surfaces, since they are a continuous source of new spores.
It is important to stress that Airfree will not destroy or remove mould from an infected item or surface. Those
surfaces must be cleaned manually.
Airfree will prevent spores released by existing mould colonies from contaminating other areas, and will
inhibit the growth of existing and new colonies.
1- Top Lid with Air outlets
and Anti-Stress Light
2- Side Shells
3- On/Off Led
4- Base
5- Air Inlets
6- Power Cord
7- Anti-Stress Light
The Airfree’s anti-stress light has a esthetic effect and may be relaxing. It is possible to adjust the light
intensity using the dimmer at Airfree’s base. The light does not intervene or has any relation with Airfree’s
patented sterilisation core functioning. (*) Anti-stress lights not available in the Airfree E40/E60/E80/
Airfree Description
Airfree and Mould
llustration images based on Airfree Independent Test results. Results may vary depending on the room and
environment conditions.
Without Airfree With Airfree
Caratteristiche di Airfree®
Camera di raffreddamento
L’aria fresca e pulita viene emessa
nell’ambiente senza modicare
temperatura e umidità dell’aria.
TSS™ Nucleo ceramica
Il nucleo in ceramica sterilizzante
elimina il 99,99% dei microrganismi a
temperature elevate (200°C).
Aria puricata
Aria contaminata
Camera di aspirazione dell’aria
L’aria contaminata viene incanalata
nei condotti ceramici di trattamento
per convezione (l’aria riscaldata
sale richiamando aria fredda).
L’aria contaminata viene trattata all’interno del nucleo ceramico brevettato di Airfree®. Il nucleo ceramico
di Airfree® è provvisto di molteplici condotti riscaldati ad una temperatura di circa 200°C. I microrganismi
organici vengono distrutti (inceneriti) nel momento in cui passano attraverso i condotti ceramici riscaldati
di Airfree®, a prescindere dalla loro pericolosità o resistenza a sostanze chimiche.
Descrizione di Airfree®
Modello E40/P40
1.09 Kg
altezza: 26.5cm
Ø 21.5cm
1.09 Kg
altezza: 10.4cm
Ø 8.4cm
1.09 Kg
altezza: 10.4cm
Ø 8.4cm
1.27 Kg
altezza: 10.4cm
Ø 8.4cm
1.48 Kg
altezza: 10.4cm
Ø 8.4cm
220-240V 220-240V 220-240V 220-240V 220-240V

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Andere handleiding(en) van Airfree E125

Airfree E125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch - 40 pagina's

Airfree E125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 12 pagina's

Airfree E125 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 40 pagina's

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