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User Guide
2 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
Table of contents
1 Introducing Acronis vmProtect 7 ............................................................................................6
2 Acronis vmProtect 7 Overview ...............................................................................................7
2.1 Acronis vmProtect 7 Features.................................................................................................... 7
3 How Acronis vmProtect 7 Works ............................................................................................8
3.1 Virtual machines backup and restore ........................................................................................ 8
3.2 Backup archive structure ........................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Multiple files backup scheme (Legacy mode) ............................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Single file backup scheme (Always Incremental mode) ............................................................................... 9
4 Installation of Acronis vmProtect 7 ....................................................................................... 10
4.1 Requirements ..........................................................................................................................10
4.1.1 Supported operating systems ...................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.2 System requirements .................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1.3 How to install VMware Tools ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.1.4 Privileges for VM backup and recovery ....................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Installation options ..................................................................................................................14
4.2.1 Installing Acronis vmProtect 7 as Virtual Appliance on an ESX(i) host ...................................................... 15
4.2.2 Installing Acronis vmProtect 7 as Windows Agent ..................................................................................... 17
4.2.3 Extracting installation files ............................................................................................................................ 18
4.2.4 Configuring ESX(i) host connection settings ................................................................................................ 19
4.2.5 Using a locally attached storage ................................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Uninstalling Acronis vmProtect 7 ............................................................................................19
5 Getting started .................................................................................................................... 20
5.1 Dashboard Management .........................................................................................................21
5.2 Using Web Console ..................................................................................................................22
5.2.1 Ribbon tabs .................................................................................................................................................... 22
5.2.2 Logout link...................................................................................................................................................... 25
6 vCenter Integration .............................................................................................................. 26
7 Creating a Backup of Virtual Machines ................................................................................. 29
7.1 Select VM(s) to back up ...........................................................................................................29
7.2 Where to back up ....................................................................................................................30
7.3 When to back up ......................................................................................................................32
7.4 How to back up ........................................................................................................................33
7.4.1 Backup type ................................................................................................................................................... 33
7.4.2 Retention rules .............................................................................................................................................. 33
7.4.3 Other settings ................................................................................................................................................ 36
7.4.4 Backup validation .......................................................................................................................................... 36
7.4.5 Completing the Create backup task wizard................................................................................................. 36
7.5 Options ....................................................................................................................................36
7.5.1 Archive Protection ......................................................................................................................................... 36
7.5.2 Source Files Exclusion ................................................................................................................................... 37
7.5.3 Compression Level ........................................................................................................................................ 37
7.5.4 Error Handling................................................................................................................................................ 38
4 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
14.2.2 Failover ........................................................................................................................................................... 71
14.2.3 Failback VM from Replica ............................................................................................................................. 72
14.2.4 Deleting Replica VM ...................................................................................................................................... 74
15 Managing Tasks ................................................................................................................... 75
15.1 Running a task ..........................................................................................................................75
15.2 Cancelling a task ......................................................................................................................76
15.3 Editing a task ............................................................................................................................76
15.4 Deleting a task .........................................................................................................................76
15.5 Viewing task logs .....................................................................................................................76
15.6 Viewing task details .................................................................................................................76
15.6.1 Summary tab ................................................................................................................................................. 77
15.6.2 Source tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 77
15.6.3 Target tab ....................................................................................................................................................... 78
15.6.4 Options tab .................................................................................................................................................... 78
16 Managing Recovery Points ................................................................................................... 80
16.1 Adding a backup location ........................................................................................................81
16.2 Virtual Machines catalog .........................................................................................................82
16.3 Recovery Points list ..................................................................................................................83
16.4 Summary tab ............................................................................................................................83
16.5 Operations on selected items ..................................................................................................83
16.5.1 Restore ........................................................................................................................................................... 84
16.5.2 Run VM from backup .................................................................................................................................... 84
16.5.3 File recovery................................................................................................................................................... 84
16.5.4 Validate .......................................................................................................................................................... 84
16.5.5 Delete ............................................................................................................................................................. 84
17 Other Operations ................................................................................................................. 85
17.1 Validating backups (Actions -> Validate) .................................................................................85
17.1.1 What to validate ............................................................................................................................................ 85
17.2 Managing mounted VMs (View -> Mounted VMs) ..................................................................87
17.2.1 Mounted VMs list .......................................................................................................................................... 87
17.2.2 Mounted VMs details ................................................................................................................................... 87
17.2.3 Unmounting VMs .......................................................................................................................................... 88
17.3 Managing logs (View -> Show Logs) ........................................................................................88
17.3.1 Logs list ........................................................................................................................................................... 88
17.3.2 Log cleanup rules ........................................................................................................................................... 89
17.3.3 Clear logs ........................................................................................................................................................ 90
17.3.4 Save logs to file .............................................................................................................................................. 91
17.4 Managing licenses (Configure -> Licenses) ..............................................................................91
17.4.1 Adding license ................................................................................................................................................ 92
17.4.2 Adding license failure .................................................................................................................................... 93
17.4.3 Removing license/ESX(i) host ....................................................................................................................... 93
17.5 Managing ESX(i) hosts (Configure -> ESX(i) hosts) ...................................................................94
17.5.1 ESX(i) hosts list ............................................................................................................................................... 94
17.5.2 Adding ESX(i) host ......................................................................................................................................... 95
17.5.3 Adding an ESX(i) host which is a part of vCenter ........................................................................................ 95
17.5.4 Login credentials ........................................................................................................................................... 96
5 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
17.5.5 Removing ESX(i) host .................................................................................................................................... 96
17.6 Managing settings ....................................................................................................................97
17.6.1 Managing Online Backup Proxy ................................................................................................................... 97
17.6.2 Managing Agent Password ........................................................................................................................... 99
18 Best Practices .................................................................................................................... 100
18.1 Backing up virtual machines to a network share ...................................................................100
18.2 Restoring a backup of a virtual machine to a new location ..................................................100
18.3 File/folders recovery ..............................................................................................................101
19 Support ............................................................................................................................. 102
19.1 Technical Support ..................................................................................................................102
19.2 Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................................102
20 Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 103
6 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
1 Introducing Acronis vmProtect 7
Acronis believes that virtualization and transition to the cloud are not only a better way of doing
computing, but also allow for achieving less downtimes and faster recoveries while reducing costs.
Unfortunately, most of backup and recovery solutions are designed for physical systems and are
either not good enough for virtual environments or do not allow for all of the benefits and savings
that virtualization could potentially give.
Acronis is firmly committed to helping its customers and channel partners get most of virtualization,
and intend to set a new standard of backup and recovery in virtualized environments through:
Reducing IT operating and maintenance costs to help business performance by providing
technology that is easy to use and easy to implement.
Minimizing overhead and getting most benefits from VMware vSphere environments by
providing a backup and recovery solution specially designed for virtualized environments.
Minimize risk of data loss by storing backups offsite in Acronis Online Storage.
7 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
2 Acronis vmProtect 7 Overview
Acronis vmProtect 7 is a comprehensive backup and recovery solution designed for VMware
vSphere™ environments. It enables organizations to perform an agent-less backup of entire ESX(i)
virtual machines with the ability to recover entire machines or individual files and folders.
2.1 Acronis vmProtect 7 Features
Using Acronis award-winning imaging technology, Acronis vmProtect 7 creates an exact image
(backup) of the virtual machine, including guest operating system, configuration files and
applications, resource pool/vApp properties and datastore settings. It then provides you with the
ability to recover this backup to either the original ESX(i) host or to a new one. The ability to start a
virtual machine directly from a backup without performing an actual restore, making the VM
operational in a few seconds after a failure, is one of the key new features.
Other new features include:
An option to choose between virtual appliance or Windows-based installation.
Web-based easy-to-use user interface.
LAN-free backup with direct access to shared storage.
Instantly run a VM from a backup on an existing ESX(i) host for quick recovery.
New enhanced always incremental storage format for backups.
Simultaneously back up several virtual machines.
Support for vApp/resource pool settings backup/restore.
Change Block Tracking (CBT) support.
Disaster Recovery Plan.
Main advantages of using Acronis vmProtect 7 are:
1. Ease-of-use. Acronis vmProtect 7 can be deployed either as virtual appliance or installed on a
Windows machine and is managed via brand new web-based interface. Given Acronis experience
in designing intuitive GUIs and focused target on VMware the interface allows starting right
away without a need to investigate or read documentation, and avoids dangerous mistakes or
2. More functionality. In addition to standard backup and restore features, vmProtect 7 includes
unique functionality, such as: running virtual machine directly for backup; unlimited number of
P2V conversions; backup to cloud-based Acronis Online Storage; industry-standard 256-bit
encryption to protect backups.
3. Low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). vmProtect 7 is priced per CPU, and a list prices is quite
cheap. Virtual Appliance does not require a dedicated machine or Windows license to operate,
plus a reliable and intuitive solution saves administrator’s time and management cost.
4. Safe investments by working with established vendor.
9 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
3.2.2 Single file backup scheme (Always Incremental mode)
Usually, backups are kept only for a certain time period (retention time) or there is a policy to keep
only the last X backups in the backup chain. Backup archives are managed on a daily, weekly, etc.
basis. The main limitation of the Legacy mode backup archive is that you cannot delete a random
backup from the backup chain since it may have dependencies on it from subsequent backups. This is
where Always Incremental backup archive can help.
Always Incremental mode uses a new generation archive format which may contain several backups
from a number of virtual machines. After the first full backup, all other backups are saved to this
archive in incremental mode. Physically all data is located inside one file as opposed to the Legacy
archive format where each backup is stored in a separate .tib file. Therefore, unlike the Legacy mode
archive, it is possible to delete a random backup from Always Incremental archive even if it has
When a certain backup expires due to the pre-defined retention rules (for example to “delete the
backups if they are older than 2 days”), the backup algorithm just marks these outdated backup
blocks as “free” ones.
The blocks of expired backups with dependencies (which are needed to restore the newer backups)
are not marked as “free” to ensure the archive consistency. Everyday, the archive should contain
data that is not older than two days in order to restore the backup (retention time). This is the basic
rule of the Always Incremental archive. All excessive data in the archive is marked for deletion, i.e. as
“free” space. The initial archive still occupies the same space on the storage as before, however all
newer backups will be written to the “free” blocks first, and only if all the “free” blocks are filled, the
total size of the archive will be increased.
This approach allows keeping the archive size as small as possible and prevents it from excessive
growing. Also, the implementation of this backup scheme significantly saves time and resources for
managing the backups inside the archive because the “free” blocks marking is almost an instant
operation. Thus, the limitations of the Legacy archive mode are no longer true for Always
Incremental archive.
The Always Incremental archive total size includes the size of the “used” blocks and the size of the
“free” blocks. Usually, the size of the Always Incremental archive does not grow indefinitely and stays
within the total size of the backups you want to keep.
10 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
4 Installation of Acronis vmProtect 7
4.1 Requirements
4.1.1 Supported operating systems
Acronis vmProtect 7 supports the following operating systems:
Windows XP Professional SP2 (x64), SP3 (x86).
Windows Server 2003/2003 R2 - the Standard, Enterprise, Small Business Server editions (x86,
Windows Vista - all editions (x86, x64).
Windows 7 - all editions (x86, x64).
Windows Server 2008 - the Standard, Enterprise, Small Business Server, Foundation editions
(x86, x64).
Windows Server 2008 R2 - the Standard, Enterprise, Small Business Server, Datacenter,
Foundation editions.
4.1.2 System requirements
The components installed in Windows:
Edition name
Memory (above the OS and
running applications)
Disk space required during
installation or update
Disk space occupied by the
vmProtect 7
80 MB
1 GB
500 MB
To perform each task (Backup, Restore, RunVM, Validate, etc.) the Agent needs about 100Mb of
memory. Acronis vmProtect 7 could perform parallel tasks (such as parallel backup tasks, etc) of up
to 5 tasks at a time. If more than 5 tasks are run simultaneously, the Agent will process only the first
5 tasks, while the other tasks will remain in the queue with the "waiting" status.
Also, note that Acronis vmProtect 7 reserves and always uses the following system TCP ports: 111
(sunrpc), 9000 (WCS), 764 (nfs_server), 9876 (Remote Agent Service).
Here is a list of supported environments for Acronis vmProtect 7:
VMware vSphere (Virtual Infrastructure).
Server types: ESX and ESXi.
Versions: 4.1, 5.0.
VMware vSphere Standard (Hot-add is NOT supported).
VMware vSphere Advanced.
VMware vSphere Enterprise.
VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus.
VMware vSphere Essentials (Hot-add is NOT supported).
VMware vSphere Essentials Plus (Hot-add is NOT supported).
VMware vSphere Hypervisor (Free ESXi) is NOT supported.
11 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
ESX(i) version 4.0 environment is supported with exceptions, for example, Exchange Server Backup
Extraction (p. 51) and ESXi configuration backup (p. 62) features are not supported.
Acronis vmProtect 7 Exchange Server Backup Extraction (p. 51) feature supports Microsoft Exchange
2003 SP2 and higher.
Acronis vmProtect 7 supports the following file systems for the backed up virtual machines:
NTFS/FAT16/FAT32/ext2/ext3/ext4. For other VM file systems sector level backup mode is used,
which means that granular recovery from such archives is not possible (only entire VMs can be
restored). An example of unsupported file systems are Linux LVM volumes (or Windows Dynamic
Disks). They are backed up in sector-by-sector mode.
Please, note, that the following environments for the backup/restore operations are NOT supported:
RDM disks (Raw Device Mapping).
Fault tolerance VMs.
Also, independent virtual drives CANNOT be backed up when the virtual machine is turned on.
Please, power off such VMs before their back up.
For the smooth operation of the Acronis vmProtect 7 Web Console, you should have one of the
following versions of your web browser:
Mozilla Firefox 3.6 or higher.
Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher.
Opera 10.0 or higher.
Safari 5.0 or higher.
Google Chrome 10.0 or higher.
For proper Web Console operation with IE 8, please, check your internet settings. Tools -> Internet
Options -> Security tab -> Internet -> Security level shoud not be set to "High". Level of privacy at
the Privacy tab should be set to "Medium High" or lower.
4.1.3 How to install VMware Tools
Acronis vmProtect 7 requires the installation of VMware Tools inside the virtual machines that you
plan to back up. This is necessary to support proper quiescence of the file system (utilize VSS
support) and to enable files/folders exclusions capability. To install the VMware Tools:
Run the VMware Infrastructure/vSphere Client.
Connect to the ESX(i) server.
Select the virtual machine and run the guest operating system.
Right click the virtual machine and select Guest -> Install/Upgrade VMware Tools.
Follow the onscreen instructions.
Note that the Run VM from backup feature requires VMkernel networking to be configured on the
ESX(i) server. This can be done in vSphere client by going to Configuration->Networking and adding
VMkernel connection type to the vSwitch properties.
12 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
4.1.4 Privileges for VM backup and recovery
Once Acronis vmProtect 7 Agent is installed on a Windows machine or deployed to an ESX(i) host, the
first thing you do is the configuration of ESX(i) hosts/vCenter which will be managed by this Agent.
The scope of available operations depends on the privileges a user (that you have specified while
adding a ESX(i) host/vCenter in vmProtect 7 Agent web console: Configure->ESX(i) Hosts) has on the
vCenter Server. Only those actions are available that the user has permission to perform. The below
tables contain the privileges required for backup and recovery of ESX(i) virtual machines and,
additionally, for virtual appliance deployment.
Privileges on vCenter Server or ESX(i) host
Outlined in the below table are the privileges a vCenter Server user must have to perform operations
on all the vCenter hosts and clusters.
To enable a user to operate on a specific ESX host only, assign the user the same privileges on the
host. In addition, the Global->Licenses privilege is required to be able to back up virtual machines of
a specific ESX host.
Back up a
Back up a
VM's disk
Recover to a
new VM
Recover to
an existing
VA deployment
Allocate space
Browse datastore
Low level file
(required on
ESX host
(required on
ESX host
Assign network
Assign VM to
resource pool
Add existing disk
Add new disk
Add or remove
Change CPU count
Remove disk
13 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
Configure CD media
Console interaction
Power off
Power on
Create from existing
Create new
Allow disk access
Create snapshot
Remove snapshot
14 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
The roles privileges can be configured via the vSphere Client connected to a ESX(i) host/vCenter from
Administration->Roles. After that you can assign the specific user for connection to vCenter with
particular role from Permissions tab, as shown in the pictures below.
4.2 Installation options
The very first thing you have to do is to install Acronis vmProtect 7 software, configure your ESX(i)
host connection settings and set up your access credentials to Acronis vmProtect 7 web console.
15 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
When you run your Acronis vmProtect 7 installation package, the installation menu appears. Acronis
vmProtect 7 has three main installation options:
Install Acronis vmProtect 7 as Virtual Appliance on an ESX(i) host.
Install Acronis vmProtect 7 as Windows Agent.
Extract installation files.
The first option allows you to install the software on a remote ESX(i) host (see Installing Acronis
vmProtect 7 as Virtual Appliance on an ESX(i) Host (p. 15)).
The second option allows you to install Acronis vmProtect 7 software on your local PC (see Installing
Acronis vmProtect 7 as Windows Agent (p. 17)).
The third option allows you to extract the installation files (see Extracting installation files (p. 18))
and perform either Acronis vmProtect 7 remote deployment or local installation manually with the
help of standard installation tools. You can always choose this option, if you would need to manage
or troubleshoot your Virtual Appliance / Windows Agent installation without the default installer, or
if you would need to install only a certain component without carrying out the full installation
There are several reasons why Acronis vmProtect 7 Virtual Appliance deployment to an ESX(i) host is
preferable over Acronis vmProtect 7 Windows Agent installation. These reasons are:
1. Your backups will be LAN-free without additional setup effort (you don’t have to connect the
FC/iSCSI storage to the Windows machine where you run the Agent).
2. The hotadd method used by Virtual Appliance (attaching virtual drives to Virtual Appliance during
backup) is usually fastest possible to get access to the VM data for reading.
3. Virtual Appliance is free from possible software compatibility issues (such as 3rd party NFS
servers or other services which may block the ports).
4. It is easier to maintain Virtual Appliance and you don’t have to have a dedicated Windows
machine for it. Surely it is a better choice if your infrastructure is fully virtualized.
5. Virtual Appliance is easier and faster to install.
The disadvantage of Virtual Appliance is that the backup will consume CPU and memory resources
from the ESX(i) host, which may be a problem for highly loaded environments. In this case, if you
have a physical computer available to be used as a console for managing all vmProtect 7
functionality, you can choose to install the vmProtect 7 Windows Agent locally.
4.2.1 Installing Acronis vmProtect 7 as Virtual Appliance on an
ESX(i) host
Acronis vmProtect 7 software could be installed directly on an ESX(i) host. The process of remote
installation of Acronis vmProtect 7 Virtual Appliance to an ESX(i) host is called deployment. The
software for running all necessary Acronis services will be installed on a separate small virtual
machine under a specially customized OS (small Linux distribution).
1. First, read the Acronis vmProtect 7 license agreement, select the acceptance check box and then
click Next.
2. Specify the desired ESX(i) server or vCenter access credentials: IP address or hostname, your user
name and access password. When you click Next, the installer will automatically check the
connection and go through the authorization procedure.
17 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
4.2.2 Installing Acronis vmProtect 7 as Windows Agent
If your production ESX(i) hosts are so heavily loaded that running the virtual appliances is not
desirable, consider installing Acronis vmProtect 7 Windows Agent on a physical machine outside the
ESX(i) infrastructure.
If your ESX(i) uses a SAN attached storage, install the agent on a machine connected to the same
SAN. The agent will back up the virtual machines directly from the storage rather than via the ESX(i)
host and LAN. This capability is called a LAN-free backup.
The diagram below illustrates a LAN-based and a LAN-free backup. LAN-free access to virtual
machines is available if you have a fibre channel (FC) or iSCSI Storage Area Network. To completely
eliminate transferring the backed up data via LAN, store the backups on a local disk of the agent's
machine or on a SAN attached storage.
Acronis vmProtect 7 Windows Agent can be installed on any machine that runs Windows and meets
the system requirements. Here is a brief description of the steps you need to go through in order to
complete your Windows Agent installation.
1. First, read the Acronis vmProtect 7 license agreement, select the acceptance check box and then
click Next.
2. Specify credentials for the Acronis services. The Acronis Managed Machine Service component
(responsible for the core functionality of Acronis vmProtect 7) runs as a service. Specify the
account under which the component's service will run after the installation (this account will be
automatically granted with “Log on as service” permissions on the machine). Here you should
provide the credentials of any Windows user which has “Log on locally” permissions on the
machine with the Agent installed. Typically, this can be any user account from “Administrators”,
Power Users” or Users” group. Set the HTTPs port, e.g. the default 9877 port. For access to
Acronis web console page after Acronis vmProtect 7 Agent is installed, open your web browser
and enter “https://myserver:port” in the browser address bar.
Note that in order to successfully connect to your installed Agent through the browser (web
console), the name of your local PC where Acronis vmProtect 7 is installed should not contain
20 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
5 Getting started
Once you installed the Acronis vmProtect 7 or deployed your Acronis vmProtect 7 Virtual Appliance,
you can run the Acronis vmProtect 7 Web Console. The Web Console will be opened in the default
Internet browser.
Note that the Acronis vmProtect 7 web server (installed on the Agent side) which provides the user
interface uses self-signed certificates. As a result, you may receive the “There is a problem with this
website’s security certificate” error message when connecting to Acronis Agent via your Internet
Browser. To avoid this message, you should add this self-signed certificate to the list of trusted
certificates. The exact instructions depend on the type of Internet browser you are using. You can
refer to your browser’s help for further information.
Certificate error message
Once the Web Console opens in the Internet browser, you will get a login screen where you need to
provide user credentials for Acronis vmProtect 7. In case of Virtual Appliance-based installation, the
default login:password is admin:root. In case of Windows Agent-based installation, you should
provide the credentials of any Windows user who has Administrator” privileges on the machine
with the Agent installed. The user should also be granted with “Log on locally”, “Access this
computer from the network” and Log on as a batch job” privileges. These privileges can be checked
from Start->Run->secpol.msc->Security Settings->Local Policies->User Rights Assignment.
Login page
After logging in the Acronis vmProtect 7 you will see a welcome screen with the Dashbord's Quick
Start. The three buttons of this section will give you a hint of what to start with:
21 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
First of all, to be able to perform the first backup task of a Virtual Machines, you have to go to
the ESX(i) Host section (p. 94) and specify the IP address / hostname and credentials for the
vCenter or individual ESX(i) host where these machines are running.
Setting up an ESX(i) host will not bind the licenses to it automatically. Therefore, you have to
follow to the Licenses page (p. 91) to set up your licenses.
After setting up your ESX(i) hosts and licenses, you can run the New backup task wizard (p. 29),
which will guide you through all the steps of the backup process.
5.1 Dashboard Management
After installing and running Acronis vmProtect 7 (i.e. connecting to Acronis vmProtect 7 component
via web-based console), the default dashboard screen appears. Initially the dashboard contains 2
sections: the Quick Start section and the Virtual Machines section, which presents general
information about your vCenter, ESX(i) hosts, the number of machines managed on the ESX(i) hosts
and the number of mounted virtual machines. The Dashboard view will be changed from the initial
(Quick Start) view after there is a backup task created. As a result of this change, the Quick Start
section will disappear and the additional sections (described below) will be added.
The main workspace area of the Acronis vmProtect 7 dashboard shows an overview of all currently
running tasks or the last finished task details if there are no running tasks. The dashboard is designed
to be the most user-friendly environment for presenting summary information about the current
status of your backup, restore and other tasks. It does so by using color-coding for successful and
failed tasks. As the dashboard outlines all actions you can perform with Acronis vmProtect 7, it
presents a very useful tool for a quick operational decision making.
You can switch to the dashboard by clicking the main Acronis vmProtect 7 logo in the top left corner,
or by clicking the Home button in the main menu. Any group on the dashboard, except Alerts, can be
hidden into a tray with the respective minimize icon.
The Tasks section presents summary information about the current tasks that are running or about
the last completed task when there are no tasks running. The progress bar shows the completed
percentage of the backup/restore tasks, task name, starting time, remaining time and current speed.
From the dashboard Tasks block, you can directly open the task log, stop the task or switch to the
View Tasks page.
Virtual Machines
The Virtual Machines section shows the hosts and clusters (vCenter) names and gives the total
number of VMs running on the managed ESX(i) host(s) as well as the number of mounted virtual
machines (see the Mounted VMs (p. 87) section).
The Statistics section shows summary information about the backup/restore tasks executions. The
information on a diagram is presented visually for quick and easy perception and analysis. The
successful tasks are marked green. The failed tasks are marked red. The tasks finished with warnings
are marked yellow. You can see the tasks percentages and get the detailed statistics for a certain
22 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
date by pointing at the respective diagram. Also you can change the statistics view by clicking Hourly,
Daily or Weekly.
The Locations section shows the total statistics for your backup locations status. It shows the Total
backups number, information about the Occupied space, space Occupied by others, and Free space
(both in megabytes/gigabytes and percentages). Occupied space is the space occupied by Acronis
backups. Occupied by others is the space occupied by the data which is not a backup archive. The
Free space statistics is available only for locations which support the retrieval of its value (for
example there will be no such field for FTP locations). Also, from the Locations section you can
switch directly to the Recovery Points view by clicking the link below.
5.2 Using Web Console
5.2.1 Ribbon tabs
The ribbon menu on the top of the screen allows for managing of the software and performing all of
the operational functions. The basic Acronis vmProtect 7 functions available through the top menu
are described in the following sections below.
There are 3 main tabs in the Acronis vmProtect 7 ribbon menu: Actions tab, View tab and Configure
tab. The fourth additional Acronis tab appears dynamically depending on the current user-selected
View or Configure operation.
Dashboard view
The Home button which always appears on the ribbon bar leads to the Dashboard view. The
Dashboard configuration is described in the "Dashboard management" section (p. 21).
1) Actions tab
The first Actions tab contains the basic functions of Acronis vmProtect 7 and allows for starting of the
following basic tasks.
a. Backup task
This is the Backup button which runs the New Backup Task wizard. The wizard settings are described
in the "Creating a backup of virtual machines" section (p. 29).
b. Replication task
This is the Replication button which runs the New Replication Task wizard. The wizard settings are
described in the "New Replication Task" section (p. 67).
c. Restore task
This is the Restore button which runs the New Restore Task wizard. The wizard settings are
described in the "Restoring a backup of virtual machines" section (p. 42).
d. Extract Exchange task
This is the Exchange Recovery button which runs the Extract Exchange Server Items wizard. The
wizard settings are described in the "Exchange Server Backup Extration" section (p. 51).
23 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
e. Run VM from backup task
This is the Run VM from Backup task button which activates the run VM from backup wizard. The
wizard settings are described in the "Running VM from backup" section (p. 57).
f. File recovery task
This is the File Recovery button which runs the files recovery wizard. The wizard settings are
described in the "File recovery" section (p. 49).
g. Validation task
This is the Validate button which starts the new validation task. The task is described in the
"Validating backup" section (p. 85).
h. ESX(i) Configuration Backup task
This is the ESX(i) Configuration Backup button which runs the New ESX(i) Backup Task wizard. The
wizard settings are described in the "Bare Metal Recovery of ESX(i) Hosts" section (p. 62).
2) View tab
The second View tab contains the basic data views of Acronis vmProtect 7 and allows quick
navigation and switching between these basic views.
a. Tasks view
This is the link to the Tasks view. The Tasks management is described in the "Managing tasks" section
(p. 75).
b. Recovery Points view
This is the link to the Recovery Points view. The Recovery Points management is described in the
"Managing recovery points" section (p. 80).
c. Replicas view
This is the link to the Replicas view. The Replicated VM management is described in the "Managing
replicated VMs" section (p. 70).
d. Mounted VMs view
This is the link to Mounted VMs view. The Mounted virtual machines management is described in
the "Managing mounted VMs" section (p. 87).
e. Show Logs view
This is the link to the Show Logs view. The Logs management is described in the "Managing logs"
section" (p. 88).
3) Configure tab
The third Configure tab contains the basic tools for Acronis vmProtect 7 configuration and allows you
to specify the default settings for the basic backup/restore operations as well as other settings.
24 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
a. ESX(i) Hosts
This is the link to the ESX(i) hosts management page. Managing ESX(i) hosts is described in the
"Managing ESX(i) hosts" section (p. 94).
b. Licenses
This is the link to the Licenses management page. Managing licenses is described in the "Managing
licenses" section (p. 91).
c. Settings
Activate online backup subscription settings and Online backup proxy settings are available on the
ribbon. For example, if your internet connection uses a proxy server, you can make all the necessary
settings here.
Also there are two links to the default Backup settings and Restore settings on the Configure tab.
These backup/restore settings, as well as other settings, are described in detail in the "Managing
settings" section (p. 97).
Click the Backup settings or Restore settings button to open the backup/restore settings page where
you can set up the defaults for all the backup/restore tasks.
4) vmProtect 7 dynamic tab
This is the dynamic tab which appears in the ribbon and changes depending on the currently selected
action of the View or Configure tabs. This dynamic tab shows the buttons which are specific to the
current View or Configure tab actions.
a. View -> Tasks
When the Tasks view is selected, the Tasks tab appears in the ribbon menu. The Tasks management
page is described in the "Managing tasks" section (p. 75).
b. View -> Recovery Points
When the Recovery Points view is selected, the Recovery Points tab appears in the ribbon menu.
The Recovery Points management page is described in the "Managing recovery points" section (p.
c. View -> Replicas
When the Replicas view is selected, the Replicas tab appears in the ribbon menu. The Replicas
management page is described in the "Managing replicas" section (p. 67).
d. View -> Mounted VMs
When the Mounted VMs view is selected, the Mounted VMs tab appears in the ribbon menu. The
Mounted VMs page is described in the "Managing mounted VMs" section (p. 87).
e. View -> Show Logs
When the Show Logs view is selected, the Logs tab appears in the ribbon menu. The Logs
management page is described in the "Managing logs" section (p. 88).
25 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
f. Configure -> ESX(i) hosts
When Configure->ESX(i) Hosts is selected, the Hosts tab appears in the ribbon menu. The ESX(i)
Hosts management page is described in the "Managing ESX(i) hosts" section (p. 94).
g. Configure -> Licenses
When Configure->Licenses is selected, the Licenses tab appears in the ribbon menu. The Licenses
management page is described in the "Managing licenses" section (p. 91).
5.2.2 Logout link
In the top right corner of Acronis vmProtect 7 you can see your current user name and the Logout
button to exit the program or reenter it with another user name.
26 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
6 vCenter Integration
The main tool for managing the vSphere virtual infrastructure is the VMWare vSphere client.
Although the VMWare vSphere client does not provide native backup/restore functionality, it's not
always convenient to run another tool to manage these important operations. Acronis vmProtect 7
introduces vCenter integration which allows for basic backup and restore functionality directly from
the VMWare vSphere client without having to run Acronis vmProtect 7 Web interface.
Integration with vCenter is only possible if there is at least one vCenter registered in Acronis
vmProtect 7 Agent. If there are no registered vCenters, such integration is not possible. Also,
integration is automatically disabled when a vCenter is removed from the vmProtect 7 Agent
Acronis vmProtect 7 integration with vCenter can be manually enabled and disabled from both
vmProtect 7 Web interface and vCenter plug-in manager. In order to enable vCenter integration, go
to the Configure->ESX(i) Hosts and select the Enable vCenter Integration check box when adding a
new vCenter, or click Enable vCenter Integration button in the ribbon bar. To disable the function,
click Disable vCenter Integration in the ribbon bar.
The Acronis vmProtect 7 login screen shows the IP address of the Agent where integration was
How vCenter integration works
vCenter integration allows you to create backup and restore tasks and view their progress directly
within the VMWare vSphere interface.
Select any Virtual Machine, vApp/Resource Pool or ESX(i) host/Cluster in the VMWare vSphere tree
list. Right-click on the selected item to open the context menu. The context menu contains the
Acronis backup and Acronis restore options. Choosing one of these options results in opening the
Acronis pop-up and activating the backup/restore wizard which will help you create the
backup/restore task and implement it right away.
The appearance of the backup/restore wizards (including backup/restore settings) in VMWare
vSphere interface is exactly the same as in the Acronis vmProtect 7.
The standard New Backup Task wizard consists of 4 steps which are explained in detail in the
Creating a backup of Virtual Machines (p. 29) section. The first step of the wizard in VMWare vSphere
Acronis backup pop-up will be pre-filled with the VM you right-clicked on; however, you can change
the default selection.
27 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
vCenter Integration, New Backup Task, step 1
The standard New Restore Task wizard consists of 3 steps which are explained in detail in the
Restoring a Backup of Virtual Machines (p. 42) section. The first step of the wizard in VMWare
vSphere Acronis restore pop-up will be pre-filled with the VM you right-clicked on. The latest
available recovery point in the first discovered Recent Location will be selected.
vCenter Integration, New Restore Task, step 1
28 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
Note that with vCenter integration enabled there is Acronis vmProtect 7 tab for vCenter with the
basic dashboard information available.
vCenter Integration, Acronis vmProtect 7 tab
Note that it's not possible to operate with folders in the VMs and Templates view of vSphere client.
In this case you will get Acronis context menu items only for Virtual Machines.
Note that vCenter integration is managed by a particular vmProtect 7 Agent. Therefore if the Agent is
inaccessible from vCenter side, the functionality available from context menus will not work
VMWare vSphere and Acronis vmProtect 7 synchronization
With VCenter integration enabled, all operations performed in the VMWare vSphere client are
mirrored in the main Acronis vmProtect 7 interface. These synchronized operations are: new tasks
and the tasks' progress. The Recent Tasks section shows the progress of backup/restore tasks
executed through the context menu in the VMWare vSphere client. Also, when backing up to or
restoring from a new location via the context menu option in the VMWare vSphere client, the recent
locations in vmProtect 7 are also updated.
Similarly, all backup/restore tasks performed by Acronis vmProtect 7 are registered as Tasks in
VMWare vSphere client.
29 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
7 Creating a Backup of Virtual Machines
Click Create Backup Task in the dashboard’s Quick start or Backup in the Actions tab of the main
menu to create a new backup task. The New Backup Task wizard opens in the main workspace area
and asks you to provide the required information and make all necessary settings for the new create
backup task. The wizard consists of the four consecutive steps which appear in the same area:
What to backup.
Where to backup.
When to backup.
How to backup.
These four steps of the wizard and their possible options are described below.
7.1 Select VM(s) to back up
In the first step, you should select the virtual machines (or vApps) which you want to back up. The
left side shows all your ESX(i) host(s)/vCenter managed by Acronis vmProtect 7 Agent with the list of
their virtual machines. If you don’t see the exact virtual machine to back up that you are looking for
in this list, make sure that you have added the corresponding ESX(i) host from the Configure->ESX(i)
Hosts page.
Select the virtual machines (or vApps) by moving the machines from the left side of the butterfly
control to the right one, via the > and < buttons. The list on the right shows all the virtual machines
selected for backup. The > button is used to add the VM to the backup list, and the < button is used
to remove the VM from this list.
34 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
Create Backup wizard, Step 4 “How to back up”
2. Simple cleanup scheme
The selection of the simple cleanup scheme allows you to keep a certain number of backups inside
the archive or keep the backups for a certain time period.
Create Backup wizard, Step 4 “How to back up”, Simple cleanup scheme, delete the outdated backups
108 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2012
Dynamic disk
A hard disk managed by Logical Disk Manager (LDM) that is available in Windows starting with
Windows 2000. LDM helps flexibly allocate volumes on a storage device for better fault tolerance,
better performance or larger volume size.
A dynamic disk can use either the master boot record (MBR) or GUID partition table (GPT) partition
style. In addition to MBR or GPT, each dynamic disk has a hidden database where the LDM stores the
dynamic volumes' configuration. Each dynamic disk holds the complete information about all
dynamic volumes existing in the disk group which makes for better storage reliability. The database
occupies the last 1MB of an MBR disk. On a GPT disk, Windows creates the dedicated LDM Metadata
partition, taking space from the Microsoft Reserved Partition (MSR).
Disk 1
1 MB
Disk 2
Partition (MSR)
LDM Metadata
1 MB
Dynamic disks organized on MBR (Disk 1) and GPT (Disk 2) disks.
For more information about dynamic disks please refer to the following Microsoft knowledge base
Disk Management (Windows XP Professional Resource Kit) http://technet.microsoft.com/en-
816307 Best practices for using dynamic disks on Windows Server 2003-based computers
Dynamic volume
Any volume located on dynamic disks (p. 108), or more precisely, on a disk group (p. 107). Dynamic
volumes can span multiple disks. Dynamic volumes are usually configured depending on the desired
To increase the volume size (a spanned volume).

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