48 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2011
Click Browse to select the location and/or archive. In the pop-up window with the browsing options,
you can define the path and/or the archive name. Here you can also see the locations which were
used before under Recent Locations item. Note that for Run Vm from Backup locations, you can only
select Network folders or Local folders. Other locations, such as Online backup storage or FTP/sFTP
servers, are not available here.
There are two ways of selecting locations in the browsing window. First, you can select just a
location. In this case you will see the whole tree-list (under the selected locations) of all the virtual
machines and all their archives stored in the selected location. Second, you can select both a location
and an archive, in which case you will see just the contents of this archive.
If the selected location contains any password-protected archives or archives of physical machines,
then the VMs included in these archives cannot be shown, and you will be warned about it. In this
case, in order to restore your data from these archives, you have to specify its name directly in the
Browse pop-up.
You can select any of the virtual machines from the left side list and move them to the Selected
Virtual Machines section on the right. The selection of the virtual machines is done by moving the
machines from the left side of the butterfly control to the right one, via the “>” and “<” buttons. The
list on the right shows all the virtual machines selected for mounting. The “>” button is used to add
the VM to this list, and the “<” button is used to remove the VM from the list. This list contains the
selected virtual machines and their latest available recovery points, i.e. points in time you can go
back to.
For each virtual machine the latest recovery point is selected by default. This recovery point could be
changed by clicking on it. The pop-up window will appear where you can select a different recovery
In the Select Recovery Point pop-up you can see the list of all recovery points available for this virtual
machine and select the recovery point to be mounted. The list includes the timestamps of the
recovery points, the file name of the archive which includes this recovery point and its size.
Next to finish the first step of the wizard and continue
further on.
9.2 Where to Run the VM
In the second step you should define where to run the selected virtual machine(s).