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User’s Guide
True Image 10.0
Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007. All rights reserved.
“Acronis”, "Acronis Compute with Confidence", “Acronis Snap Restore”, “Acronis Recovery Manager,
“Acronis Secure Zone” and the Acronis logo are trademarks of Acronis, Inc.
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2 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007
Acronis® True Image Home (the Software) is Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007. All rights are
reserved. The original purchaser is granted a license to use the software only, subject to the following
restrictions and limitations.
1. The license is to the original purchaser only, and is not transferable without prior written
permission from Acronis.
2. You can use the software on a single computer. You cannot use the software on more than a
single machine, even if you own or lease all of them, without the written consent of Acronis.
3. You cannot engage in, nor permit third parties to engage in, any of the following:
Providing or permitting use of by, or transferring the software to, third parties
Providing use of the software in a computer service business, network, timesharing or
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Making alterations or copies of any kind in the software (except as specifically permitted
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Making copies or verbal or media translations of the users guide
Making telecommunication data transmission of the software
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Illegal use and/or distribution of this software will be prosecuted.
Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007 3
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction...........................................................................................7
1.1 What is Acronis® True Image Home?.................................................................................7
1.2 New in Acronis True Image 10.0 Home...............................................................................7
1.3 System requirements and supported media.........................................................................8
1.3.1 Minimum system requirements ....................................................................................8
1.3.2 Suppor ed operating systems.......................................................................................8
1.3.3 Suppor ed file systems................................................................................................8
1.3.4 Suppor ed storage media ............................................................................................8
1.4 Technical support..............................................................................................................9
Chapter 2. Acronis True Image Home installation and startup ............................10
2.1 Installing Acronis True Image Home................................................................................. 10
2.2 Extracting Acronis True Image Home................................................................................ 11
2.3 Running Acronis True Image Home .................................................................................. 11
2.4 Upgrading Acronis True Image Home .............................................................................. 11
2.5 Removing Acronis True Image Home................................................................................ 11
Chapter 3. General information and proprietary Acronis technologies ................12
3.1 The difference between file archives and disk/partition images ...........................................12
3.2 Full, incremental and differential backups.......................................................................... 12
3.3 Acronis Secure Zone........................................................................................................13
3.4 Acronis Startup Recovery Manager ................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 How it works............................................................................................................14
3.4.2 How o use ..............................................................................................................14
3.5 Acronis backup locations..................................................................................................14
3.6 Acronis Snap Restore.......................................................................................................16
3.6.1 Limitations in using Acronis Snap Res ore ................................................................... 16
3.6.2 How it works............................................................................................................16
3.6.3 How o use ..............................................................................................................16
3.7 Viewing disk and partition information .............................................................................. 17
Chapter 4. Using Acronis True Image Home .........................................................18
4.1 Main program window..................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Available operations ........................................................................................................ 20
Chapter 5. Creating backup archives ....................................................................22
5.1 What data to back up? .................................................................................................... 22
5.2 The backup procedure..................................................................................................... 22
5.2.1 My Computer backup ................................................................................................ 22
5.2.2 My Da a backup........................................................................................................ 23
5.2.3 My Application Settings backup.................................................................................. 26
5.2.4 My E-mail backup ..................................................................................................... 27
5.2.5 Selecting the backup destina ion................................................................................ 28
5.2.6 Selecting the backup mode........................................................................................ 29
5.2.7 Selecting the backup options ..................................................................................... 30
5.2.8 Providing a commen ................................................................................................ 30
5.2.9 The operation summary and the backup process......................................................... 30
5.3 Setting backup options ....................................................................................................31
5.3.1 Archive protection..................................................................................................... 32
5.3.2 Source files exclusion................................................................................................ 32
5.3.3 Pre/post commands.................................................................................................. 32
5.3.4 Compression level..................................................................................................... 33
5.3.5 Backup priority .........................................................................................................33
5.3.6 Archive-splitting........................................................................................................33
4 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007
5.3.7 File-level security se ings.......................................................................................... 34
t r
t r
5.3.8 Media components.................................................................................................... 34
5.3.9 Additional settings .................................................................................................... 35
Chapter 6. Restoring the backup data ..................................................................36
6.1 Restore under Windows or boot from CD?......................................................................... 36
6.1.1 Ne work settings in rescue mode ............................................................................... 36
6.2 Restoring files and folders from file archives...................................................................... 37
6.3 Restoring disks/partitions or files from images................................................................... 39
6.3.1 Starting the Restore Data Wizard ............................................................................... 39
6.3.2 Archive selection.......................................................................................................39
6.3.3 Res oration type selection ......................................................................................... 40
6.3.4 Selecting a disk/partition to restore ............................................................................ 41
6.3.5 Selecting a target disk/partition.................................................................................. 42
6.3.6 Changing the restored partition type .......................................................................... 43
6.3.7 Changing the restored partition file sys em ................................................................. 43
6.3.8 Changing the restored partition size and location......................................................... 43
6.3.9 Assigning a letter to the res ored partition .................................................................. 44
6.3.10 Res o ing several disks or partitions at once.............................................................. 44
6.3.11 Setting restore options ............................................................................................ 44
6.3.12 Res o ation summary and executing restoration ........................................................ 45
6.4 Setting restore options ....................................................................................................45
6.4.1 Files overwriting mode.............................................................................................. 45
6.4.2 Pre/post commands.................................................................................................. 45
6.4.3 Res oration priority ................................................................................................... 46
6.4.4 File-level security se ings.......................................................................................... 46
6.4.5 Additional settings .................................................................................................... 46
Chapter 7. Backup location management .............................................................47
7.1 Creating backup locations................................................................................................ 47
7.1.1 Setting a path to the backup location ......................................................................... 47
7.1.2 Setting the backup rules............................................................................................ 48
7.2 Editing backup locations .................................................................................................. 48
7.3 Deleting a backup location............................................................................................... 49
Chapter 8. Scheduling tasks..................................................................................50
8.1 Creating scheduled tasks ................................................................................................. 50
8.1.1 Setting up daily execution ......................................................................................... 53
8.1.2 Setting up weekly execution ...................................................................................... 54
8.1.3 Setting up monthly execution..................................................................................... 55
8.1.4 Setting up one-time execution ................................................................................... 55
8.2 Managing scheduled tasks ............................................................................................... 56
Chapter 9. Managing Acronis Secure Zone ...........................................................57
9.1 Creating Acronis Secure Zone........................................................................................... 57
9.2 Resizing Acronis Secure Zone........................................................................................... 59
9.3 Changing the password for Acronis Secure Zone................................................................ 59
9.4 Deleting Acronis Secure Zone........................................................................................... 60
Chapter 10. Creating bootable media ...................................................................61
Chapter 11. Other operations................................................................................63
11.1 Validating backup archives............................................................................................. 63
11.2 Operation results notification.......................................................................................... 63
11.2.1 Email notification .................................................................................................... 63
11.2.2 WinPopup notification.............................................................................................. 64
11.3 Viewing logs ................................................................................................................. 65
11.4 Managing System Restore.............................................................................................. 66
Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007 5
Chapter 12. Exploring archives and mounting images .........................................67
12.1 Exploring an archive......................................................................................................67
12.2 Mounting an image........................................................................................................ 69
12.3 Unmounting an image ................................................................................................... 70
Chapter 13. Transferring the system to a new disk ..............................................71
13.1 General information.......................................................................................................71
13.2 Security........................................................................................................................ 72
13.3 Executing transfers........................................................................................................ 72
13.3.1 Selecting Clone mode.............................................................................................. 72
13.3.2 Selecting source disk............................................................................................... 72
13.3.3 Selecting destina ion disk ........................................................................................ 73
t ,
13.3.4 Partitioned des ination disk...................................................................................... 74
13.3.5 Old and new disk partition layout ............................................................................. 74
13.3.6 Old disk data..........................................................................................................74
13.3.7 Destroying the old disk data..................................................................................... 75
13.3.8 Selecting partition transfer method........................................................................... 76
13.3.9 Partitioning the old disk........................................................................................... 77
13.3.10 Old and new disk partition layouts.......................................................................... 77
13.3.11 Cloning summary .................................................................................................. 78
13.4 Cloning with manual partitioning..................................................................................... 78
13.4.1 Old and new disk partition layouts............................................................................ 78
Chapter 14. Adding a new hard disk .....................................................................80
14.1 Selecting a hard disk .....................................................................................................80
14.2 Creating new partitions.................................................................................................. 80
14.3 Disk add summary......................................................................................................... 81
Appendix A. Partitions and file systems................................................................82
A.1 Hard disk partitions.................................................................................................... 82
A.2 File systems.............................................................................................................. 82
FAT16............................................................................................................... 82
FAT32............................................................................................................... 83
NTFS ................................................................................................................ 83
Linux Ext2......................................................................................................... 83
Linux Ext3......................................................................................................... 83
Linux ReiserFS................................................................................................... 84
Appendix B. Hard disks and BIOS setup ...............................................................85
B.1 Installing hard disks in computers............................................................................... 85
Installing a hard disk, general scheme................................................................. 85
Motherboard socke s IDE cable, power cable....................................................... 85
Installation modes jumpers................................................................................ 86
B.2 BIOS ........................................................................................................................ 87
Setup utility....................................................................................................... 87
Standard CMOS setup menu............................................................................... 88
Arranging boot sequence, advanced CMOS setup menu ........................................ 89
AwardBIOS ....................................................................................................... 90
Hard disk initialization errors............................................................................... 93
6 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 What is Acronis® True Image Home?
Acronis True Image Home solves all backup problems, ensuring the safety of all information
on your PC. Using it, you can back up selected files and folders, Windows applications
settings, settings and messages of Microsoft e-mail clients or entire disks and partitions.
If failures occur that block access to information or affect system operation, or if you
accidentally delete necessary files, you'll be able to easily restore the system and lost data.
The unique technology developed by Acronis and implemented in Acronis True Image Home
allows you to create exact, sector-by-sector disk backups, including all operating systems,
applications and configuration files, software updates, personal settings and data.
You can store backups on almost any PC storage device: local hard drives, network drives or
a variety of IDE, SCSI, FireWire (IEEE-1394), USB (1.0, 1.1 and 2.0) and PC Card (formerly
called PCMCIA) removable media drives, as well as CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW,
magneto-optical, Iomega Zip and Jaz drives.
When performing scheduled backup tasks, Acronis True Image Home automatically selects a
backup mode (full, incremental, differential) in accordance with the backup policy set by the
If you are going to install a new hard disk drive, Acronis True Image Home will help you
transfer information from the old one in minutes, including operating systems, applications,
documents and personal settings.
Wizards and a Windows XP-style interface will make your work easier. Just answer a few
simple questions and let Acronis True Image Home take care of everything else! When a
system problem occurs, the software will get you up and running in no time.
1.2 New in Acronis True Image 10.0 Home
Backup locations – set up local or network backup storage locations with automatic
archives management
Backup policies – schedule tasks that will back up all data, data changes against the
previous backup or data changes against the initial backup (i.e. perform full, incremental
or differential backup) in a desired order
Direct backup to FTP servers
Windows applications backup – save a copy of your application settings
Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express backup – back up messages, user accounts
and settings
Data categories – back up categories of files: documents, finance, images, music,
video. You can add any number of custom categories containing any files and folders
Explore archives – easily search and recover particular files in archives just as in
Windows Explorer
One-click backup – launch the backup wizard by right-clicking on a disk, file or folder
icon and selecting Backup in the context menu. The program will automatically mark the
selected item for backup
Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007 7
Acronis Secure Zone password protection – restrict unauthorized access to data in
your Acronis Secure Zone backups and F11 boot
E-mail notifications and alerts confirm backup tasks and results.
1.3 System requirements and supported media
1.3.1 Minimum system requirements
Acronis True Image Home requires the following hardware:
Pentium processor or higher
128 MB RAM
FDD or CD-RW drive for bootable media creation
Mouse (recommended).
1.3.2 Supported operating systems
Windows® 2000 Professional SP 4
Windows® XP SP 2
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Windows Vista Ready (except for the Acronis Snap Restore feature)
Acronis True Image Home also enables creation of a bootable diskette or CD-R/W that can
back up and restore a disk/partition on a computer running any PC-based operating system
including Linux®.
1.3.3 Supported file systems
Linux SWAP
If a file system is not supported or is corrupted, Acronis True Image Home can copy data
using a sector-by-sector approach.
1.3.4 Supported storage media
Hard disk drives
Networked storage devices
FTP servers*
CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R (including double-layer DVD+R), DVD+RW, DVD-RAM**
USB 1.0 / 2.0, FireWire (IEEE-1394) and PC card storage devices
Floppy disks, ZIP®, Jaz® and other removable media
* An FTP server must allow passive mode for file transfers. Data recovery directly from FTP
server requires the archive to consist of files of no more than 2GB. It is recommended that
8 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007
you change the source computer firewall settings to open Ports 20 and 21 for both TCP and
UDP protocols and disable the Routing and Remote Access Windows service.
** Burned write-once discs cannot be read in Windows NT 4 without third-party software.
Burned rewritable discs cannot be read in Linux without kernel patch.
1.4 Technical support
Users of legally purchased copies of Acronis True Image Home are entitled to free technical
support. If you experience problems installing or using Acronis products that you can’t solve
yourself by using this guide, then please contact Acronis Technical Support.
More information about contacting Acronis Technical Support is available at the following
Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007 9
Chapter 2. Acronis True Image Home
installation and startup
2.1 Installing Acronis True Image Home
To install Acronis True Image Home:
Run the Acronis True Image Home setup file.
In the Install Menu, select the program to install: Acronis True Image Home.
Follow the install wizard instructions on the screen.
Typical, Custom and Complete installation is available. Having pressed Custom, you can
choose to install, besides Acronis True Image Home, Rescue Media Builder and Bart PE
With Rescue Media Builder you can create bootable rescue disks (see details in
10. Creating bootable media
). You might not need this tool if you purchased a boxed
product that contains a bootable CD. Installing the Bootable Rescue Media Builder will
allow you to create bootable media or its ISO image at any time from the main program
window or running Bootable Rescue Media Builder on its own.
The well-known Bart PE utility is used to boot into a Windows-like environment from CD.
Applications are installed into Bart PE in the form of plug-ins. Choosing Bart PE plug-in
installation (disabled by default) provides the ability to include Acronis True Image Home in
a Bart PE plug-in tab. The plug-in files will be placed to the installation folder along with
other program files.
When installed, Acronis True Image Home creates a new device in the Device Manager list
(Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Acronis Devices ->
Acronis TrueImage Backup Archive Explorer). Do not disable or uninstall this device,
as it is necessary for connecting image archives as virtual disks (see
Chapter 12. Exploring
archives and mounting images
10 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007
The hard disk with the jumper in master position is treated by the basic input/output
system (BIOS) as bootable.
The jumpers on hard disks that are connected to the same cable can be in the cable
select for master/slave position. In this case, BIOS will deem as «master» the disk
that is connected to the IDE cable closer to the motherboard than the other one.
Unfortunately, hard disk markin
s were never standardized. You mi
ht well find that
s on your hard disk differ from the ones described above. Moreover, for the old
types of hard disks, their purpose could be defined by two jumpers instead of one. You
should study the markings carefully before installing your hard disk in the computer.
It is not enough to physically connect the hard disk to the motherboard and set the
jumpers properly for the hard disk to function — hard disks have to be properly
configured with the motherboard BIOS.
When you turn on your computer, you often see a number of short text messages
before you see the splash screen of your operating system. These messages are
from the POST (power-on self test) program that belongs to BIOS and is executed
by the processor.
BIOS, or the basic input/output system, is a program that resides in the permanent
memory chip (ROM or flash BIOS) on the motherboard of your computer and is its
key element. The version of BIOS that you use «knows» all the peculiarities of all
the components of the motherboard: processor, memory, integrated devices. BIOS
versions are provided by the manufacturers of motherboards.
Main BIOS functions are:
POST checking of processor, memory and I/O devices
initial configuring of all software-manageable parts of the motherboard
initialization of operating system (OS) booting process
Among numerous components of the computer, initial configuration is necessary for
the external memory subsystem that controls hard disk drives, floppy disk drives,
CD-ROM drives, DVDs and other devices.
B.2.1 Setup utility
BIOS has a built-in setup utility for initial computer configuration. To enter it, you
have to press a certain combination of keys (Del, F1, Ctrl+Alt+Esc, Ctrl+Esc, or
some other, depending on your BIOS) during the POST sequence that starts right
after you turn your computer on. Usually the message with the required
combination of keys is displayed during the startup testing. Pressing this
combination takes you to the menu of the setup utility that is included in your BIOS.
The menu can differ in appearance and sets of items and their names, depending
on the BIOS manufacturer. The most widely known BIOS makers for PC
motherboards are Award/Phoenix and AMI. Moreover, while items in the standard
setup menu are mostly the same for various BIOSes, items of the extended setup
heavily depend on computer and BIOS version.
Below we describe the general principles of initial hard disk configuration, and then
configuration (sample) in AwardBIOS.
Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2007 87

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