259 Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2014
Fixed a problem where selecting the "Reindex all volumes" button in the mobilEcho Administrator
would generate an invalid error message.
Fixed a problem where filtering on a Unicode string in the Client Management Administrator could
generate an "incompatible character encodings" error.
SharePoint "Wiki Page Gallery" libraries are now removed from site enumerations because they are
not supported by mobilEcho.
Fixed a problem where new profile settings could become corrupted on upgrade.
Fixed a problem where a SharePoint document library volume would fail to work if the document
library name was URL encoded, e.g. "My%20Library".
mobilEcho 4.0.3 (Release: October 2012)
Added support for SharePoint custom document libraries.
Fixed a problem accessing SharePoint sites and document libraries whose paths are multiple levels
below their parent site.
Fixed a problem accessing SharePoint sites that use Claims Based Authentication.
mobilEcho 4.0.2 (Released: September 2012)
Added support for Android clients.
Added settings to the mobilEcho Administrator for restricting access by iOS and/or Android clients.
Added support for sending enrollment instructions for iOS, Android and Good clients.
Fixed a problem where exporting the devices list to a .csv file could result in a server error, or could
result in some fields displaying as "Not found in AD".
Fixed a problem where non-Good clients could enroll with a management server that was configured
to require clients be enrolled with Good Dynamics. Previously, clients could enroll, but would
receive an error when contacting the server to access data. Clients are now disallowed from
enrolling in the first place.
mobilEcho 4.0.1 (Released: August 2012)