250 Copyright © Acronis International GmbH, 2002-2015
Fixed an issue where the client would fail to show an error or would show an incorrect error message
if the user's AD account password had expired, or the account was locked out or disabled.
Fixed an issue where the server upgrade process could fail if mobilEcho had been installed to a
non-system drive.
Fixed an issue where a JavaScript error would occur each time a user or group profile was added via
the mobilEcho Client Management web console when using IE8.
mobilEcho 4.2 (Released: February 2013)
mobilEcho 4.2 servers now support mobilEcho 4.2 clients localized in German, French and Japanese.
The 4.2 server will ensure that these clients receive server error messages in their local language. In
addition, the mobilecho_manager_intl.cfg file contains settings to configure the client enrollment
invitation email subjects in these three languages.
The mobilEcho Client Management service will now automatically detect crashes in the client
management web application and stop the service so that administrators can properly detect these
errors. Additional error information will be written to the ManagementUI\log folder.
Fixed a problem where the user could repeatedly be asked to enter proxy credentials when accessing
the mobilEcho server through an HTTPS reverse proxy server.
Fixed a problem where the mobilEcho Client Management Server web UI could fail to restart because
the client management database schema was not updated properly on upgrade. This would occur if
the database was configured to be stored on a disk that was not available at upgrade time.
Sorting devices by "Last Contact" now sorts newest to oldest by default.
Fixed a problem where whitelists and blacklists could not be assigned when adding or editing a user
or group profile.
Fixed a problem where files that were already on the device could sync again unnecessarily if the
sync source was within an activEcho volume.
The password field on the login page of the client management web UI now has auto-complete
Removing a user or group profile now causes the name information for that user/group to be
removed from cache. This ensures that re-adding a profile for that user/group will always force the
management UI to retrieve the latest name from Active Directory.
Fixed a problem where "set the default file action" and "cache recently accessed files on this device"
could be enabled in profiles after upgrading mobilEcho server.
Fixed a problem where the app password reset functionality in the management server UI might not
work properly in Firefox.
Fixed a problem on the Invitations page of the client management server web UI where users within
distribution subgroups could fail to be found in LDAP searches.