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AVM ISDN-Controller
AVM ISDN- Controller C2
M anual
2 Controller C2
AVM ISDN-Controller C2
This manual and the software it describes are protected by copyright. The manual and
software as presented are the object of a license agreement and may be used only in
accordance with the license conditions. The licensee bears all risk in regard to hazards
and impairments of quality which may arise in connection with the use of this product.
This manual and the software it describes may not be transmitted, reproduced or altered
in whole or in part, in any form, by any means, nor may they be translated into any other
natural or computer language. The creation of a backup copy for personal use is excepted.
The information hereby made available to the licensee may be communicated to third
parties only with the written permission of AVM.
This software and documentation have been produced with all due care and checked for
correctness in accordance with the best available technology. AVM disclaims all liability
and warranties, whether express or implied, relating to this product’s quality, performance
or suitability for any given purpose which deviates from the performance specifications
contained in the product description.
AVM will not be liable for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of the manual
or related software, nor for incidental or consequential damages, except in case of intent
or gross negligence. AVM expressly disclaims all liability for loss of or damage to
hardware, software or data as a result of direct or indirect errors or destruction and for any
costs, including
ISDN, GSM and ADSL connection charges, related to the software and
manual supplied and due to incorrect installations not performed by AVM itself.
The information in this manual and the software it describes are subject to change without
notice for the purpose of technical improvement.
© AVM GmbH 2002. All rights reserved.
Documentation release 11/2002
AVM ISDN-Controller C2 Support by Fax: + 49/ (0) 30/390 04 405
AVM in the Internet: www.avm.de/en
Trademarks: AVM is a registered trademark of AVM GmbH. Windows is a registered
trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are trademarks or registered
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AVM Audiovisuelles Marketing
und Computersysteme GmbH
Alt-Moabit 95
AVM Computersysteme
Vertriebs GmbH
Alt-Moabit 95
10559 Berlin 10559 Berlin
c2-e.book Seite 2 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Controller C2 – Contents 3
1Introduction 6
1.1 The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 The Driver Software for the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 Package Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2 Hardware Installation 11
3 Installing the Driver Software in Windows XP 12
3.1 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.3 Installing Additional Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4 Installing the Driver Software in Windows 2000 15
4.1 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.3 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5 Installing the Driver Software in Windows NT 4.0 19
5.1 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.3 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare 23
6.1 Preparing the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.3 Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.4 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.5 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
c2-e.book Seite 3 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
4 Controller C2 – Contents
7 Installation in Linux 34
7.1 Installing CAPI4Linux in SuSE Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
7.2 Testing the Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
7.3 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
7.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
7.5 Updating the Driver Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8 AVM System Architecture 42
8.1 The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
8.2 The IDM Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
8.3 The AVM System Drivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
8.4 CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
8.5 CAPI SoftFax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
8.6 CAPI SoftModem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
9 Technical Summary 49
9.1 Connector Pin Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
9.2 The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 on Point-to-Point Lines . . . . . . . . . . .49
9.3 Technical Specifications and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
10 Troubleshooting 52
10.1 General Malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
10.2 Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
11 Technical Support from AVM 57
11.1 Information and Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
11.2 AVM Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Index 60
Declaration of CE Conformity 62
c2-e.book Seite 4 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Controller C2 5
Typographical Conventions
The following typographic conventions and symbols have
been used to make the contents of this guide clearer and to
emphasize important information:
The following table provides a quick overview of the
highlighting conventions used in this manual.
The following graphic symbols are used in the guide. These
always appear in connection with text printed in gray italics.
This symbol indicates useful tips and supplementary
The exclamation mark designates sections which contain
important information.
This symbol indicates important instructions that must be
observed to avoid malfunctions.
Highlighting Function Example
Keys, buttons, icons,
tabs, menus, com-
„Start / Programs“ or
Capital letters Path and file names in
running text
Pointed brackets Variables <CD-ROM drive>
Typewriter font Information to be typed
in using the keyboard
Gray italics Hints, instructions and
warnings, always ac-
companied by a symbol
in the margin
... For more informa-
tion, see ...
c2-e.book Seite 5 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
6 ISDN-Controller C2 – 1 Introduction
The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 is the ideal solution for all those
who need more than one ISDN BRI line. Equipped with a
high-performance CPU and on-board memory, the ISDN-Con-
troller C2 can be used for all kinds of communication tasks.
All commonly used digital communication protocols are pro-
vided. Analog connections with modems and fax machines
are also supported. Incoming or outgoing telefax connec-
tions can be processed over all four channels simultaneous-
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers can be used in one
PC, so that you can meet your company’s growing communi-
cation needs by adding more ISDN-Controllers. This means
long-term security for your investments in ISDN hardware.
Mixed configurations with other active AVM ISDN-Controllers
for the PCI or ISA bus in the same computer are also support-
1.1 The AVM ISDN-Controller C2
The ISDN-Controller C2 is an active ISDN-Controller with its
own high-performance CPU and on-board memory. The archi-
tecture and technologies used are especially well suited to
the operating conditions found in server environments.
The driver software for the ISDN-Controller C2 supports all
important communication protocols. Smooth communica-
tion is thus ensured with systems in ISDN, GSM mobile and
analog telephone networks as well as other digital networks.
The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 allows you to connect a comput-
er to two basic-rate ISDN lines. You no longer need two bus
slots and twice the system resources to use four ISDN B
channels. The ISDN-Controller C2 requires only one slot and
the system resources for one card.
Each of the S
interfaces can be configured independently.
Please note the order of the S
lines during installation and
c2-e.book Seite 6 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
The Driver Software for the AVM ISDN-Controller C2
ISDN-Controller C2 – 1 Introduction 7
The following illustration shows a schematic illustration of
ISDN-Controller C2 showing the numbering of the S
Numbering of the AVM ISDN-Controller C2’s S
1.2 The Driver Software for the AVM
ISDN-Controller C2
The ISDN-Controller’s driver software controls the communi-
cation processes and the data transfer.
The driver software is loaded to the ISDN-Controller from the
PC's hard disk. This procedure ensures that the driver soft-
ware can be updated quickly and easily at any time, so that
new features can be added or adapted without manipulating
the ISDN-Controller C2 hardware.
The driver software can compress data according to the V.42
standard. For more information on automatic data compres-
sion, see the section “CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis”
on page 47.
Furthermore, the driver software also supports analog servic-
es such as Group 3 fax and modem communication. For de-
tails, see the sections “CAPI SoftFax” on page 47 and “CAPI
SoftModem” on page 48.
c2-e.book Seite 7 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
System Requirements
8 ISDN-Controller C2 – 1 Introduction
The driver software for the ISDN-Controller C2 provides the
industry standard CAPI applications interface on your com-
puter. This interface specified by the international standard-
ization organization ETSI guarantees the universal exchange-
ability of ISDN applications for the use of fax and speech
transmission. This interface allows the ISDN-Controller C2 to
be used with a wide range of CAPI 2.0-based ISDN applica-
For more information about CAPI 2.0, see the section “The
Applications Interface CAPI 2.0” on page 42.
Supported Protocols
The ISDN-Controller C2’s driver software supports the inter-
national D-channel protocol DSS1 (Euro-ISDN).
The driver for the D-channel protocol is included in the soft-
ware package. It is also available from the AVM Data Call
Center or over the Internet (see the section “Information and
Updates” on page 57). The driver software supports a wide
range of B-channel protocols, including the data protocols
X.75, X.25, HDLC transparent, V.110 and V.120.
Supported Operating Systems
Driver software for the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 is available
for the following operating systems: Windows XP, Windows
2000, Windows NT 4.0, Novell NetWare 4.11 or higher and
1.3 System Requirements
The following hardware and software requirements must be
met in order to use the AVM ISDN-Controller C2:
a computer with a Pentium or Pentium-compatible pro-
cessor (CPU)
an available PCI slot that conforms to the specification
PCI 2.1 or higher
c2-e.book Seite 8 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Package Contents
ISDN-Controller C2 – 1 Introduction 9
operating system: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Win-
dows NT 4.0, Linux or Novell NetWare 4.11 or higher
one or two basic-rate (S
) ISDN lines
1.4 Package Contents
The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 package contains:
AVM ISDN-Controller C2 (plug-in card for the PCI bus)
two S
cables with RJ45 connectors, 6 m
AVM ISDN-Controller C2 manual
1 compact disk (CD-ROM) with all installation programs
and the AVM ISDN-Tools
The CD contains:
driver software for Windows XP, Windows 2000, Win-
dows NT 4.0, Novell NetWare 4.11 or higher and Linux
Configuration and diagnostic software (C2Setup,
C2Test, Connect32)
AVM system drivers
The AVM ISDN-Tools are a collection of ISDN applica-
tions based on CAPI 2.0. They include such programs as
“Connect 32” for convenient ISDN data transfer. See the
ISDN-Tools manual on the CD for installation and oper-
ating instructions.
AVM ISDN-Tools manual in PDF format
Other CAPI-based applications, such as the AVM ISDN Ac-
cess Server or third-party products, are available from your
c2-e.book Seite 9 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Package Contents
10 ISDN-Controller C2 – 1 Introduction
If you need to install the driver software from a floppy disk,
you may copy the installation files from the CD to disks for
this purpose, or you may order the necessary installation
disks from AVM (see the address inside the cover of this
manual). Specify the operating system in which you are in-
stalling the ISDN-Controller and the disks will be sent to you
free of charge.
c2-e.book Seite 10 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Hardware Installation
ISDN-Controller C2 – 2 Hardware Installation 11
2 Hardware Installation
The ISDN-Controller C2 hardware is built in to the PC first, be-
fore its driver software is installed.
The ISDN-Controller C2 has two S
lines, each of which can
be configured independently. Please note the order of the S
lines during installation and configuration (see the figure
page 7).
To install the AVM ISDN-Controller C2, proceed as follows:
1. Switch off your computer and any connected devices
and then unplug the power plug.
2. Open the cover of the PC. Touch the metal of the PC
housing to discharge any static electricity.
3. Choose a PCI slot, unscrew and remove the slot blank-
ing plate at the back of the PC, and insert the ISDN-
Controller C2 in the slot.
If installing the ISDN-Controller in a Novell NetWare
system: note the number of the slot in which you have
inserted the ISDN-Controller C2 for use in the configu-
ration procedure.
4. Screw the back plate of the ISDN-Controller C2 on to the
back panel of the PC.
5. Close the computer housing and plug the power cord
back in to the socket.
6. Connect the S
lines to the ISDN socket. The ISDN ca-
bles have an RJ45 plug at each end. Insert one end in
your ISDN socket and the other end in the socket on the
back plate of your ISDN-Controller C2.
This completes the hardware installation.
The individual steps taken to install the driver software differ
among the operating systems. Read the section that de-
scribes the driver installation for your operating system.
c2-e.book Seite 11 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing the Driver Software in Windows XP
12 ISDN-Controller C2 – 3 Installing the Driver Software in Windows XP
3 Installing the Driver
Software in Windows XP
Changing of presentation of menus and folders is a feature
of Windows XP. The following instructions are based on a
standard Windows XP installation.
The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 is shipped with drivers that are
especially developed for use in Microsoft Windows XP. The
driver architecture conforms to the Microsoft Win 32 Driver
Model (WDM). This true 32-bit device driver offers full sup-
port for all features of Windows XP.
The CAPI 2.0 supplied with the controller supports Windows
applications and applications in DOS windows simulta-
neously. Information on CAPI can found in the section “The
Applications Interface CAPI 2.0” on page 42.
3.1 Installing the Driver Software
Once the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 has been inserted in your
computer, proceed as follows:
1. Switch on your computer.
2. The driver software for the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 is al-
ready contained in the Windows XP operating system
and is installed automatically when the computer is
A status message task bar indicates that the AVM ISDN-
Controller C2 has been detected and installed. This message
disappears after a few seconds.
This concludes the installation of the ISDN-Controller C2 in
Windows XP. ISDN-Controller is now ready for immediate op-
c2-e.book Seite 12 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2
ISDN-Controller C2 – 3 Installing the Driver Software in Windows XP 13
After installation the CAPI 2.0 and the AVM NDIS WAN CAPI
Driver are available on your system. For details about the
AVM NDIS WAN CAPI Driver and the other two AVM system
drivers, see the section “The AVM System Drivers” on
page 45.
3.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2
The default settings for the two S
interfaces of the ISDN-
Controller C2 are as follows:
After the installation has been completed, you can change
the configuration of the ISDN-Controllers's S
lines. To con-
figure the ISDN-Controller C2, proceed as follows:
1. Select “Start / Control Panel / (in “Category View”: Per-
formance and Maintenance) / System”. On theHard-
ware” dialog page, click the “Device Manager” button.
2. Click on the plus sign “+” next to “Network adapters” to
expand the node.
3. Double-click the entry “AVM ISDN-Controller C2” to
open the “Properties” window.
4. On the “S0 connection” dialog page, you can select the
appropriate line configuration for each of the ISDN-
Controller C2's S
lines: point-to-multipoint (“ISDN Ba-
sic Rate Access”), point-to-point (“PBX Line with DDI
(Direct Dial-in)”) or leased line (“Leased line”).
Line type Point-to-multipoint
D-channel protocol DSS1
c2-e.book Seite 13 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing Additional Controllers
14 ISDN-Controller C2 – 3 Installing the Driver Software in Windows XP
3.3 Installing Additional Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers can be installed in
your computer. Active AVM ISDN-Controllers for the ISA, PCI,
PCMCIA buses and USB can also be combined in the same
If you want to add another active ISDN-Controller, carry out
the controller installation procedure as described in the ap-
propriate manual. The driver software for all installed ISDN-
Controllers is loaded automatically when Windows XP starts.
3.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2
Only one ISDN-Controller can be removed at a time. If you
have installed several ISDN-Controllers and want to remove
them all, then perform the procedure described here several
times, without restarting Windows between each operation.
Proceed as follows to remove the AVM ISDN-Controller C2
driver software in Windows XP:
1. Open the “System Properties” of Windows XP by click-
ing through “Start / Control Panel / (in “Category View”:
Performance and Maintenance) / System” and select
the “Device Manager” button on the “Hardware” set-
tings page.
2. In the “Network adapters” section of the “Device Man-
ager”, select the “AVM ISDN-Controller C2” entry.
3. In the “Action” menu, select the “Uninstall” command.
4. Confirm the uninstallation in the following security
prompt. The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 is then removed
from the system.
5. Now switch off the computer and unplug it, then re-
move the ISDN-Controller card.
This concludes the uninstallation of the AVM ISDN-
Controller C2 in Windows XP.
c2-e.book Seite 14 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing the Driver Software in Windows 2000
ISDN-Controller C2 – 4 Installing the Driver Software in Windows 2000 15
4 Installing the Driver
Software in Windows 2000
In Windows 2000, the ISDN-Controller is integrated as a net-
work adapter via the NDIS WAN CAPI Driver and included in
the list of network adapters listed in the Device Manager.
After installation, the CAPI 2.0 interface and the NDIS WAN
interface are available to the entire system; no separate driv-
er installation is required. You can then use CAPI 2.0-based
applications alongside Microsoft's Remote Access Service
(RAS) or Internet access with Dial-Up Networking.
The CAPI 2.0 interface supplied supports both 16-bit and 32-
bit applications. Applications in DOS windows are not sup-
ported. Information on CAPI can found in the section “The
Applications Interface CAPI 2.0” on page 42.
4.1 Installing the Driver Software
To configure the ISDN-Controller C2, proceed as follows:
1. Start the computer.
The “Found New Hardware Wizard” recognizes a new
device to be installed. Click “Next”.
2. In the next window, select the option “Search for a suit-
able driver for my device (recommended)” and confirm
your selection with “Next”.
3. Insert the C2 CD-ROM.
4. In the next window, select the option “CD-ROM drives”
and confirm by clicking “Next”.
5. The program reports that a driver was found. Click
“Next” to install the driver.
6. Enter the multiple subscriber numbers in the “ISDN
MultiSubscriber Number (MSN)” window.
c2-e.book Seite 15 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2
16 ISDN-Controller C2 – 4 Installing the Driver Software in Windows 2000
7. Conclude the installation by clicking “Finish”.
This concludes the ISDN-Controller C2 installation. ISDN-
Controller is now ready for immediate operation.
After installation the CAPI 2.0 and the AVM NDIS WAN CAPI
Driver are available on your system. For details about the
AVM NDIS WAN CAPI Driver and the other two AVM system
drivers, see the section “The AVM System Drivers” on
page 45.
4.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2
The default settings for the two S
interfaces of the ISDN-
Controller C2 are as follows:
After the installation has been completed, you can change
the configuration of the ISDN-Controllers's S
lines. To con-
figure the ISDN-Controller C2, proceed as follows:
1. Select “Start / Settings / Control Panel / System”. On
the “Hardware” dialog page, click the “Device Manag-
er...” button.
2. Click on the plus sign “+” next to “Network adapters” to
expand the node.
3. Double-click the entry “AVM ISDN-Controller C2” to
open the “Properties” window.
4. On the “S
connection” dialog page, you can select the
appropriate line configuration for each of the ISDN-
Controller C2's S
lines: point-to-multipoint (“ISDN Ba-
sic Rate Access”), point-to-point (“PBX Line with DDI
(Direct Dial-in)”) or leased line (“Leased line”).
Line type Point-to-multipoint
D-channel protocol DSS1
c2-e.book Seite 16 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers
ISDN-Controller C2 – 4 Installing the Driver Software in Windows 2000 17
4.3 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers can be installed in
your computer. Active AVM ISDN-Controllers for the ISA, PCI,
PCMCIA buses and USB can also be combined in the same
system. If you want to add another active ISDN-Controller,
carry out the controller installation procedure as described in
the appropriate manual, using the installation program on
the original disk or CD-ROM supplied with it.
If you would like to add another AVM ISDN-Controller C2, re-
peat the entire installation procedure described above. Be-
gin by installing the hardware. Then switch on your comput-
er. The “Found New Hardware Wizard” recognizes the new
device. Follow the instructions on the screen.
4.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2
Only one ISDN-Controller can be removed at a time. If you
have installed several ISDN-Controllers and want to remove
them all, then perform the procedure described here several
times, without restarting Windows between each operation.
Proceed as follows to remove the AVM ISDN-Controller C2
driver software in Windows 2000:
1. Open the Windows 2000 “Control Panel” (“Start / Set-
tings”) and double-click the “Add/Remove Hardware”
2. The “Add/Remove Hardware Wizard” is started. Click
3. Select the “Uninstall/Unplug a device” option in the fol-
lowing dialog and click “Next”.
4. Then select the “Uninstall a device” option. Confirm by
clicking “Next”.
5. Select the entry “AVM ISDN-Controller C2” in the follow-
ing list and confirm with “Next”.
6. Confirm the uninstallation by activating the “Yes, I want
to uninstall this deviceoption and click “Next”.
c2-e.book Seite 17 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Removing the ISDN-Controller C2
18 ISDN-Controller C2 – 4 Installing the Driver Software in Windows 2000
7. As a final step, click “Finish”. The ISDN-Controller is
then removed from the system.
8. Now switch off the computer and unplug it, then re-
move the ISDN-Controller card.
This concludes the uninstallation of the AVM ISDN-
Controller C2 in Windows 2000.
c2-e.book Seite 18 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing the Driver Software in Windows NT 4.0
ISDN-Controller C2 – 5 Installing the Driver Software in Windows NT 4.0 19
5 Installing the Driver
Software in Windows NT 4.0
Specially developed driver software for Windows NT 4.0 is
supplied with the AVM ISDN-Controller C2. The applications
interface supplied, COMMON-ISDN-API (CAPI) version 2.0,
supports both 16-bit and 32-bit applications. Applications in
DOS windows are not supported. Information on CAPI can
found in the section “The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0” on
page 42.
5.1 Installing the Driver Software
The default settings for the two S
lines of the ISDN-
Controller C2 are as follows::
During installation you will have the opportunity to change
the settings for each S
interface, or for both S
interfaces at
To install the driver software, proceed as follows:
1. Start the computer.
2. Insert the installation CD in your CD-ROM drive.
3. Select “Runin the Windows NT 4.0 “Start” menu. In
the command line, enter the path to the setup files for
Windows NT:
<CD-ROM drive>:\cardware\c2\windows.nt\
You may also click theBrowse button to search for
the path in the directory list. Confirm by clicking “OK”.
Line type Point-to-multipoint
D-channel protocol DSS1
CAPI SoftCompression active
c2-e.book Seite 19 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing the Driver Software
20 ISDN-Controller C2 – 5 Installing the Driver Software in Windows NT 4.0
4. The welcome window of the installation program ap-
pears. From this window you can view the AVM README
file for the AVM ISDN-Controller C2. Click “Continue”.
To display a help text on any step in the installation
program, press the “F1” key.
5. In the next window, select “New” in the area labelled
“To add a controller”. Click “Continue”.
6. Enter the name of the folder in which the driver soft-
ware is to be installed and click “Continue”.
7. In the next dialog, select an S
line to configure, or
choose to configure both lines at once. Click “Contin-
8. In the subsequent dialogs, set the line type and the D-
channel protocol for the selected S
9. The next window displays the settings for both S
any changes made to the configured line are shown
here along with the default settings for the other inter-
10. To change the settings for the other S
lines, click the
button “Configure other S
interfaces”. You are then
prompted once more to choose which S
line you want
to configure. Go back to step 7 and follow the instruc-
tions until both S
lines have been configured as need-
11. When the configuration is complete, click “Continue”.
The installation program then copies all files to the
specified folder.
12. Finally, a message box displays the current configura-
tion of the ISDN-Controller C2 and its two S
lines. Click
”Continue“ to acknowledge and close the window.
This completes the driver software installation for Windows
NT 4.0. The ISDN-Controller C2 is now ready to use.
In the “Start / Programs” menu, you will find a new program
group named “AVM”. This group contains the entries “AVM
Internet Home Page” (link to AVM’s WWW server), “C2
Readme”, “C2 Setup” and “C2 Test”.
c2-e.book Seite 20 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2
ISDN-Controller C2 – 5 Installing the Driver Software in Windows NT 4.0 21
By default the ISDN-Controller C2 is loaded automatically
every time Windows NT 4.0 is started. Because the controller
is loaded before the items in the “Startup” program group, it
is no problem to include communications programs based
on CAPI in the “Startup” group.
5.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2
To change the settings for the D-channel protocol and line
type on the S
lines, and to activate or deactivate data com-
pression, start the program “C2 Setup” in the “AVM” pro-
gram group. Select the ISDN-Controller C2 and follow the in-
structions displayed.
5.3 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers
If you would like to add another AVM ISDN-Controller C2, re-
peat the entire installation procedure described above.
1. Begin by installing the hardware (see the chapter
“Hardware Installation” on page 11).
2. Then run the program “C2 Setup” in the “AVM” program
group and select “New (Add an ISDN-Controller)”.
3. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
Active AVM ISDN-Controllers for the ISA, PCI and PCMCIA
buses may also be combined in one computer. If you want to
add another active ISDN-Controllers, carry out the controller
installation procedure as described in the appropriate manu-
al, using the installation program on the original disk or
CD-ROM supplied with it.
5.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2
Only one ISDN-Controller can be removed at a time. If you
have installed several ISDN-Controllers and want to remove
them all, repeat the above procedure several times. It is not
necessary to restart Windows NT 4.0 between uninstalla-
c2-e.book Seite 21 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Removing the ISDN-Controller C2
22 ISDN-Controller C2 – 5 Installing the Driver Software in Windows NT 4.0
Proceed as follows to remove the ISDN-Controller C2 driver
software in Windows NT 4.0:
1. Open the Windows NT 4.0 “Control Panel” with “Start /
2. Double-click the “Add/Remove Software” icon.
3. The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 appears in the list of in-
stalled programs. Select this entry.
4. Click the “Add/Remove” button. The deinstallation pro-
gram is started.
5. First select the ISDN-Controller you want to remove and
click “Continue”.
6. The next window displays the folder which contains the
corresponding driver software. Confirm once again with
7. To conclude the deinstallation you will be prompted to
restart Windows NT 4.0 so that the changes can take ef-
8. Now switch off the computer and unplug it, then re-
move the ISDN-Controller card.
This concludes the uninstallation of the AVM ISDN-
Controller C2 in Windows NT 4.0.
c2-e.book Seite 22 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare
ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare 23
6 Installing the Driver
Software in Novell NetWare
Two different drivers are provided for installation in Novell
NetWare 4.11 or higher: a Stand-Alone CAPI and a version for
Novell CAPI Manager. If you would like to use Novell’s CAPI
Manager, the program NIAS (Novell Internet Access Server) is
also required. Make sure that both the CAPI Manager and
NIAS is installed before beginning the AVM ISDN-
Controller C2 installation. Also be sure to observe the differ-
ences in the installation, configuration and removal proce-
dures for the two drivers.
6.1 Preparing the System
Before the driver software installation begins, the server
must be started and the CD-ROM drive mounted. If this is not
the case, proceed as follows:
1. To start the server, go to the installation folder of the
server. Enter the following commands at the command
cd nwserver
2. To verify whether the CD-ROM drive is installed, insert
the CD and enter the following command at the system
All mounted volumes are listed.
3. If the volume label of the CD does not appear in the list,
enter the following command at the system console:
This mounts the CD-ROM drive. The computer is now ready
for the driver software installation.
c2-e.book Seite 23 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing the Driver Software
24 ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare
6.2 Installing the Driver Software
The only difference between the installation procedures for
the Stand-Alone CAPI and the version for CAPI Manager is
the path that must be entered to locate the installation files.
In order to install the driver software, carry out the following
1. Insert the installation CD in your CD-ROM drive.
2. Enter the following command at the system console and
confirm by pressing “Return”:
3. This loads the Novell NetWare server's configuration
program. The “Configuration Options” menu of the con-
figuration program appears.
4. Select the “Product Options” item from the menu and
press “Return”.
The “Other Installation Actions” menu appears.
5. Select the “Install a product not listed” item from the
menu and press “Return”.
An input box appears in which the directory path to the
installation files may be entered. The disk drive A:\ is
suggested by default.
6. To specify the path to the CD-ROM, press “F3”.
7. For the Stand-Alone CAPI driver installation, enter the
path as follows:
<CD-ROM name>:\cardware\c2\netware\
To install the driver version for Novell CAPI Manager,
enter the path:
<CD-ROM name>:\cardware\c2\netware\
8. In the next step, select “Install on this serverand
press “Return”.
c2-e.book Seite 24 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2
ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare 25
The files for the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 are now copied
to the SYS:SYSTEM directory.
9. At the end of the installation process, the file
C2 README for the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 is dis-
Press “ESC” to close the display and confirm by select-
ing “Yes”.
10. Press Esc” as often as necessary to close all sub-
menus and return to the “Configuration Options” menu.
11. Select “Exit” to close the configuration program.
Once the ISDN-Controller C2 has been installed, it must be
configured before it is ready for operation. Follow the config-
uration instructions in the following section.
6.3 Configuring the ISDN-Controller C2
The ISDN-Controller C2 configuration consists of setting the
D-channel protocol and the line types for each S
Configuration of Novell NetWare with Stand-
Alone CAPI
1. Enter the following command at the system console:
load c2setup
2. The “List of ISDN-Controllers to load” shows the avail-
able ISDN-Controllers with their settings for I/O ad-
dress, interrupt, D-channel protocol and PCI slot.
3. Use the arrow keys to select the ISDN-Controller C2
which was just installed and press “Return”.
c2-e.book Seite 25 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Loading the Driver Software
26 ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare
The configuration dialog that appears shows the cur-
rent settings of the ISDN-Controller C2 and its S
4. Move the selection to the entry you want to change and
press “Return”.
5. Select the new value for the given parameter and con-
firm with “Return”.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all of the settings are correct.
7. Close the configuration program by pressing the “Esc”
key twice.
8. Answer “Yes” to save your settings.
This concludes the configuration.
Loading the Driver Software
The ISDN-Controller C2 cannot be used until the driver soft-
ware is loaded. The driver software can be loaded either au-
tomatically or manually.
Automatic Loading
The SYS:\SYSTEM folder contains the AUTOEXEC.NCF file.
Add the following entry to this file:
load capi20
Now the driver software will be loaded every time the Net-
Ware Server is started.
Configuration of Controller-2: AVM C2 PCI
I/O Base d400
Interrupt Level 7
D-channel Protocol DSS1
Port 1 Point to Point: yes
Port 2 Point to Point: yes
Data Compression no
c2-e.book Seite 26 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Unloading the Driver Software
ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare 27
Manual Loading
Enter the following command at the NetWare system con-
load capi20
Press “Return”. A message appears reporting that the ISDN-
Controller C2 has been loaded and the CAPI interface is
Unloading the Driver Software
To unload the driver software, enter the following command
at the NetWare system console and press “Return”:
load capi20 -d
Configuring and Starting ISDN-Controller C2
Operation with the Novell CAPI Manager
To configure the AVM ISDN-Controller C2, proceed as follows:
1. Enter the following command at the system console:
load inetcfg
The “Internetworking Configuration” window appears.
2. Select the itemBoards in this menu and pressEn-
The “Configured Boards” list appears. This list contains
all of the network adapters that have already been con-
figured, including the ISDN-Controller.
3. Press the “Ins” key.
4. In the “Select A Driver” dialog, select the “WHSMCAPI”
entry and press “Return”.
5. In the “Board Name” text field, enter a name for the
new ISDN-Controller C2 and press “Return”.
This is the name under which the ISDN-Controller will be
registered in the “Configured Boards” list after configu-
c2-e.book Seite 27 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Configuring and Starting ISDN-Controller C2 Operation with the Novell CAPI Manager
28 ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare
6. Configure the ISDN-Controller C2 in the “WHSMCAPI
Board Configuration” window. Move the highlight to
“Select to View” and press “Return”.
7. When prompted to choose whether the ISDN-Controller
should be loaded automatically, select “Yes”.
8. In the next dialog, select the ISDN-Controller “AVMC2”
and press “Return”.
9. Then enter your parameters:
PCI slot (number of the PCI slot in which the ISDN-
Controller C2 hardware has been installed; for more
information, see your PC manual)
Switch Type (D-channel protocol)
Line Config (MTP = multipoint or PPT = point-to-
point) for each S
10. Exit the configuration dialog by pressing “Esc” and se-
lect “Yes to confirm that you want to save the new set-
11. The final step in the configuration process is to update
the system and load the ISDN-Controller C2. In the “In-
ternetworking Configuration” window, select the “Reini-
tialize System” command and confirm it by selecting
12. After the system is re-initialized, the system console re-
appears. Press “Alt+Esc” or “Alt+Crtl” to return to the
“Internetworking Configuration” window.
13. Exit the configuration by pressing “Esc”.
The ISDN-Controller C2 is now configured for CAPI Manager
and loaded.
c2-e.book Seite 28 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers
ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare 29
6.4 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers
To install another ISDN-Controller C2, first insert the ISDN-
Controller C2 into the computer, then configure the driver
software. Note the number of the PCI slot in which you install
the ISDN-Controller C2: this number is required in the driver
Each subsequent ISDN-Controller C2 must be configured
with the same driver version as the first ISDN-Controller C2
installed (Stand-Alone CAPI or CAPI for Novell CAPI Manag-
Configure the new ISDN-Controller C2 as described in the
section “Configuration of Novell NetWare with Stand-Alone
CAPI” on page 25 or “Configuring and Starting ISDN-
Controller C2 Operation with the Novell CAPI Manager” on
page 27.
Active AVM ISDN-Controllers for the ISA and PCI buses may
also be combined in one computer. If you want to add anoth-
er active ISDN-Controller, carry out the controller installation
procedure as described in the appropriate manual, using the
installation program on the original disk or CD-ROM supplied
with it.
6.5 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2
There are a number of procedures for removing the ISDN-
Controller C2. The amount of ISDN-Controller C2 installed
and the amount of ISDN-Controller C2 to be removed deter-
mine which procedure should be used in each case. It also
makes a difference whether the ISDN-Controller C2 is used
with Stand-Alone CAPI or with the Novell CAPI Manager.
Removing One of Multiple ISDN-Controllers
Select this uninstallation program when multiple ISDN-
Controller C2s are installed in your computer and you want to
remove only one of them. The method of uninstallation from
the Stand-Alone CAPI version is different from that for the
Novell CAPI Manager.
c2-e.book Seite 29 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Removing One of Multiple ISDN-Controllers
30 ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare
In both versions, start uninstallation by following the instruc-
tions below:
1. Switch off the computer and disconnect it from its pow-
er supply, then remove the ISDN-Controller card.
2. Plug in the power cable again and restart the computer.
3. Switch to the installation folder and enter the following
command at the system console:
cd nwserver
4. Load the server with the following command:
5. Continue with the instructions in the section “Removing
the ISDN-Controller C2 with Stand-Alone CAPI” on
page 30 or “Removing the ISDN-Controller C2 with Novell
CAPI Manager” on page 31.
Removing the ISDN-Controller C2 with Stand-Alone CAPI
1. Enter the following command at the system console:
load c2setup
The “List of ISDN-Controllers to load” appears. The
ISDN-Controller you have just removed is already miss-
ing from this list.
2. Press the “Esc” key.
3. When prompted to confirm that you want to save the
changes, select “Yes”.
4. Exit the menu by selecting “Exit.
The ISDN-Controller C2 is no longer available to the system.
c2-e.book Seite 30 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Removing One of Multiple ISDN-Controllers
ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare 31
Removing the ISDN-Controller C2 with Novell CAPI Manager
1. Enter the following command at the system console:
load inetcfg
The “Internetworking Configuration” window appears.
2. Select the itemBoards in this menu and pressEn-
A list of all of the network adapters configured appears.
The ISDN-Controller is included in this list.
3. Select the ISDN-Controller to be removed and press
4. Confirm that you want to remove the selected compo-
nent by clicking on “Yes” at the safety prompt. The se-
lected ISDN-Controller is removed from the list and is no
longer available to the system.
5. Exit the list of boards configured with “Esc” to return to
the “Internetworking Configuration” window.
6. Select the “Reinitialize System” command to imple-
ment the changed configuration.
After the system is re-initialized, the system console re-
7. Press “Alt+Esc” or “Alt+Ctrl” to return to the “Internet-
working Configuration” window.
8. Exit the “Internetworking Configuration” window by se-
lecting “Esc” and confirm with “Yes”.
The ISDN-Controller C2 is no longer available to the system.
c2-e.book Seite 31 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Removing All ISDN-Controllers and Their Driver Software
32 ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare
Removing All ISDN-Controllers and Their Driver
If you want to remove the only ISDN-Controller C2 installed
in your computer, also proceed as described below.
To remove all of the installed C2 ISDN-Controllers and their
drivers at once, proceed as follows:
The uninstallation sequence for the driver version with
Stand-Alone CAPI is slightly different from that for the
version for the Novell CAPI Manager. The steps which
differ between versions are marked accordingly.
1. Stand-Alone CAPI only: When the driver software is
loaded automatically by the AUTOEXEC.NCF file, delete
the entry “load capi20” from the AUTOEXEC.NCF file in
the SYS:\SYSTEM folder.
2. Switch off the computer and disconnect it from its pow-
er supply, then remove all ISDN-Controller cards.
3. Plug in the power cable again and restart the computer.
4. Switch to the installation folder. Enter the following
commands at the command line:
cd nwserver
5. Load the server with the following command:
6. Stand-Alone CAPI only: Enter the following command at
the system console:
load inetcfg
The “Internetworking Configuration” window appears.
7. Stand-Alone CAPI only: Select the item “Boards” in this
menu and press “Enter”.
The “Configured Boards” list appears. This list contains
all of the network adapters that have already been con-
figured, including the ISDN-Controller.
8. Stand-Alone CAPI only: Select an ISDN-Controller C2
and press “Del”.
c2-e.book Seite 32 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Removing All ISDN-Controllers and Their Driver Software
ISDN-Controller C2 – 6 Installing the Driver Software in Novell NetWare 33
9. Stand-Alone CAPI only: Repeat the previous step as of-
ten as necessary to remove all ISDN-Controller C2s from
the “Configured Boards” list.
10. Stand-Alone CAPI only: Press “Esc” to close the board
overview and save your entries when prompted by click-
ing “Yes”.
11. Enter the following command at the system console and
confirm by pressing “Return”:
The “Configuration Options” menu appears.
12. Select the “Product Options” item from the menu and
press “Return”.
The “Other Installation Actions” menu appears.
13. Select here the entry “View/Configure/Remove in-
stalled products” and press “Return”. A list of the pro-
grams already installed is displayed.
14. Move the highlight to the “AVM ISDN-Controller C2” en-
try and press “Del”. Confirm with “Yes”.
15. Press Esc” as often as necessary to close all sub-
menus and return to the “Configuration Options” menu.
This completes the uninstallation of all ISDN-Controller C2s
and their driver software.
c2-e.book Seite 33 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installation in Linux
34 ISDN-Controller C2 – 7 Installation in Linux
7 Installation in Linux
The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 can be used with all current
Linux distributions. AVM supplies pre-compiled driver ar-
chives for the distributions SuSE Linux 8.0, 7.1-7.3, 7.0, 6.4
and 6.3. The installation for these distributions is described
The pre-compiled driver software directly supports the INTEL
i386 platform. The drivers must be re-translated and com-
piled to be used in other distributions or kernel versions, on
other CPU platforms or on a multi-processor system. Tips
about generating the source code are included in the “src”
directory created by extracting the respective “tararchive.
The driver software supports up to four active AVM ISDN-
Controllers installed in one system. For details, see the sec-
tion “Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers” on page 40.
The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 is designed for operation on a
point-to-multipoint line, but can also be used on a point-to-
point line.
The CAPI 2.0 standard for Linux makes it possible to develop
applications and drivers that can run on any ISDN-Controller
with a compatible CAPI 2.0 driver. The CAPI4Linux software
package is based on this standard.
Information on CAPI can be found in the section “The Appli-
cations Interface CAPI 2.0” on page 42.
CAPI4Linux allows the entire range of ISDN services such as
Internet access, Remote Access Service, telephony, G3 fax
and file transfer to be used with ISDN applications over the
standardized CAPI interface.
c2-e.book Seite 34 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
ISDN-Controller C2 – 7 Installation in Linux 35
The CAPI4Linux software package consists of:
1 CAPI 2.0 driver
1 CAPI plug-in: 1 adaptation of the Generic PPP stack
(pppd = Point-to-Point Daemon) for the use of Internet
applications like web browsers and FTP clients
1 CAPI 2.0 interface for the popular Fax G3 application
“HylaFAX” (CAPI4HylaFAX)
1 AVM Software Development Kit (SDK), including tips
and the resources for generating CAPI 2.0-compatible
The following diagram shows a schematic illustration of
Architecture of CAPI4Linux
For more information about the CAPI plug-in for the Generic
PPP stack (pppd), see the “install_active.de” file after ex-
tracting the archive and the relevant Unix manual page.
Open the manual page by entering “man capiplugin” at the
system console.
Fax G3
Software Development
Kit (SDK)
IP-based Applications
FTP-Client, etc.)
HylaFAX Interface
incl. CAPI 2.0
CAPI 2.0
B-channel Protocols: X.75, HDLC, transparent, V.110, V.120, T.90,
ISO 8208 (X.25)
D-channel Protocols: DSS1, 1TR6, NI-1, 5ESS
Layer 1 / S
Fax G3
Analog Services
ISDN Supplementary Services
Generic PPP Stack
incl. CAPI 2.0
CAPI SoftFax G3
CAPI SoftCompression
X.75 / V.42bis
CAPI SoftModem
c2-e.book Seite 35 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
SuSE Linux
36 ISDN-Controller C2 – 7 Installation in Linux
Documentation on the supplementary components of the
CAPI4Linux package like CAPI4HylaFAX and the AVM Soft-
ware Development Kit (SDK) are located as Readme files in
the corresponding “tar” archives on the installation CD.
SuSE Linux
AVM supplies pre-compiled driver archives for simple instal-
lation in the following distributions:
SuSE Linux 7.3 (Kernel 2.2.18 / 2.4.0)
SuSE Linux 7.2 (Kernel 2.4.4)
SuSE Linux 7.1 (Kernel 2.4.10)
SuSE Linux 7.0 (Kernel 2.2.16)
SuSE Linux 6.4 (Kernel 2.2.14)
SuSE Linux 6.3 (Kernel 2.2.13)
Other Distributions
The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 can be used with all current
Linux distributions.
Installation in other distributions or kernel versions must be
adapted individually depending on the components used.
All driver components required for integration into other soft-
ware distributions or kernel versions, including the source
code and short instructions, are supplied in the “src” direc-
tory of the corresponding “tar” archive. The binary-only mod-
ules contained in the drivers are kernel-independent. They
cannot perform any direct kernel calls. This means that they
can be integrated into any Linux kernel.
The ISDN4Linux package is not required for the installation
of CAPI4Linux.
AVM plans to support further distributions with pre-compiled
driver archives. For the latest information on such support,
see the AVM Internet pages or contact the AVM Data Call
Center (ADC).
c2-e.book Seite 36 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing CAPI4Linux in SuSE Linux
ISDN-Controller C2 – 7 Installation in Linux 37
7.1 Installing CAPI4Linux in SuSE Linux
Make sure to perform the installation as a “root user! That
means you must have write rights as a superuser in the
“root” directory.
Once the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 has been physically in-
stalled in your computer, the next step is to install the driver
Once installation has been completed, CAPI 2.0 applications
can be started immediately. The first step we recommend is
to use the CAPI Plug-in for the Generic PPP-Stack (pppd) to
establish a test connection to the AVM Data Call Center
To install the software, proceed as follows:
1. Start a console (command prompt).
2. Insert the installation CD and switch to the following di-
<CD-ROM drive>:/Cardware/C2/Linux
3. Copy the archive “c2-suse<SuSE version>-<driver ver-
sion>.tar.gz” to your computer.
4. Extract the archive with the following command:
tar -xzvf c2-suse<SuSE version>-<driver
Example for SuSE 7.3:
tar -xzvf c2-suse7.3-03.09.10.tar.gz
A directory called “active” is created.
5. Switch to the new “active” directory.
6. Start installation by entering the following:
./install c2
c2-e.book Seite 37 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing CAPI4Linux in SuSE Linux
38 ISDN-Controller C2 – 7 Installation in Linux
7. In the following selection menus, enter the line type
(only for DSS1: point-to-multipoint or point-to-point
line) for each of the S
lines of your ISDN-Controller C2.
By default, both S
lines are configured as point-to-
point lines.
Confirm your entries.
The resources required for the ISDN-Controller C2 are
determined by the PCI BIOS of the computer.
Your entries are automatically registered under the rele-
vant controller type “c2” in the “/etc/capi.conf” file.
8. Restart your computer. The CAPI 2.0 driver is initialized
9. Use the following command to determine whether the
CAPI driver software is present in the system:
The “lsmod” command is available only if you are
logged on as “root”.
The screen output should now contain the following
loaded modules:
This concludes the installation of CAPI4Linux.
c2-e.book Seite 38 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Testing the Installation
ISDN-Controller C2 – 7 Installation in Linux 39
7.2 Testing the Installation
At the end of the installation, perform a PING test to check
whether the software has been installed correctly. For this
purpose a test connection to the AVM Data Call Center (ADC)
in Berlin is established over the “pppd” module. This simu-
lates dialing in to any ISP (Internet Service Provider) using
PPP sync in accordance with RFC1618 over HDLC. The neces-
sary parameters for the test connection are pre-defined in
the “AVM” dialing script.
Version ppp-2.3.11-24 or higher of the Generic PPP Stack
(pppd) is required for Internet access
. These versions are in-
cluded in all operating system packages from SuSE 6.4 on-
Proceed as follows to establish a test connection:
1. Start a console (command prompt).
2. Establish a pppd connection with the following com-
pppd call isdn/avm usepeerdns
For extensions with outside dialing access “0”, use the
following command:
pppd call isdn/avm numberprefix 0
Once the test connection has been established, the output
window contains the PING transit time to the AVM server over
your ISDN-Controller. This means that installation was suc-
Now you can start a web browser and access the AVM home
page. Enter www.avm.de/en.
Pre-defined scripts for dialing into different Internet Service
Providers are included in the AVM software package.
c2-e.book Seite 39 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers
40 ISDN-Controller C2 – 7 Installation in Linux
7.3 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers can be installed in
your computer. Active AVM ISDN-Controllers for the ISA, PCI
and PCMCIA buses can also be combined in the same sys-
tem. It is not possible to use active and passive AVM ISDN-
Controllers (like FRITZ!Card) at the same time.
To install an additional active AVM ISDN-Controller, simply
perform the installation routine for the desired controller
again. An individual configuration (D-channel protocol and
line type) can be assigned to each ISDN-Controller.
If a mixed installation of an ISDN-Controller C2 together with
an AVM ISDN-Controller C4 is intended, please install the
Controller C4 first to ensure the correct S
interface assign-
Only CAPI applications which can be configured for multiple
ISDN-Controllers can be used. The CAPI4HylaFAX module
and the CAPI plug-in allow the configuration of multiple con-
7.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller C2
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller C2, proceed as follows:
1. Exit all CAPI applications.
2. Open a console and enter the following command:
capiinit stop
3. Delete the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 entry in the
“/etc/capi.conf” file.
4. Shut down the computer and remove the ISDN-
Controller C2.
5. Restart your computer.
This completes the removal of your AVM ISDN-Controller C2.
c2-e.book Seite 40 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Updating the Driver Software
ISDN-Controller C2 – 7 Installation in Linux 41
7.5 Updating the Driver Software
The latest driver software is available at the ADC and from
the AVM Internet pages. See the associated information
Remove the existing driver software from your computer be-
fore installing a newer version of the CAPI 2.0 driver!
Proceed as follows:
1. Exit all CAPI applications.
2. Open a console and enter the following command:
capiinit stop
3. Remove the entry for the AVM ISDN-Controller in the
“/etc/capi.conf” file.
4. Restart your computer.
5. Start the installation of the new driver software as de-
scribed in section “Installing CAPI4Linux in SuSE Linux”
from page 37.
This completes the update operation for the driver software.
c2-e.book Seite 41 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
AVM System Architecture
42 ISDN-Controller C2 – 8 AVM System Architecture
8 AVM System Architecture
This chapter presents information about the ISDN interface
CAPI 2.0, the IDM architecture, the AVM system drivers in-
cluded in the package, and about special CAPI features of
the AVM ISDN-Controller C2.
8.1 The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0
After the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 has been installed, the
ISDN interface CAPI 2.0 is available to the computer. This in-
terface allows you to use all features of ISDN.
What Is CAPI?
CAPI (COMMON-ISDN-API) is a standardized software inter-
face that provides applications with access to ISDN-Control-
lers on basic-rate and primary-rate lines. Applications that
build on this standard interface use uniform mechanisms for
communication over ISDN connections, and thus do not
need to adapt to the peculiarities of particular manufactur-
ers’ hardware. This means that such applications are also
unaffected by future extensions or hardware modifications:
CAPI makes such changes transparent to the application.
ISDN hardware manufacturers benefit from this standard
too, since it makes all kinds of applications compatible with
their products.
CAPI contains an abstract definition of ISDN services which
is not dependent on the specifics of underlying telecommu-
nications networks or the adapters used to connect comput-
ers to ISDN. The specification provides an interface that is
easy for application programmers to use, and thus offers
uniform access to the various ISDN services, such as data,
voice and fax transmission, video conferencing and telepho-
c2-e.book Seite 42 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Benefits of CAPI
ISDN-Controller C2 – 8 AVM System Architecture 43
Benefits of CAPI
CAPI has evolved into an internationally recognized stan-
dard. The key factor in this development has been the nu-
merous advantages offered by this uniform interface: inde-
pendence from specific manufacturers and resulting high in-
vestment security, a wide variety of compatible applications
for all kinds of operating systems and ISDN protocols, etc.
ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) is becoming at-
tractive for more and more telecommunications users since
it affords fast and reliable transfer of information in many dif-
ferent forms.
CAPI 2.0 has all the advantages of an open interface, and
covers most of the ISDN features. Since the CAPI interface
handles most ISDN subscriber interface control functions,
these no longer have to be programmed. This simplifies the
development of ISDN applications. Furthermore, applica-
tions no longer have to be tailored to national or manufactur-
er-specific systems, so that a greater variety of applications
is available.
For more information about the CAPI applications interface,
see the CAPI Association's Internet site:
Features of CAPI
CAPI offers a number of important features:
Support for basic call features such as establishing and
clearing a connection
Multiple B channels for data and/or voice connections
Supports multiple logical data connections within a sin-
gle physical connection
Selection of specific services and protocols on dialing
and in answering incoming calls
Transparent interface for protocols above OSI Layer 3
Support for one or several BRIs and PRIs through one or
several ISDN-Controllers
c2-e.book Seite 43 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
The IDM Architecture
44 ISDN-Controller C2 – 8 AVM System Architecture
Support for multiple concurrent applications
Message definitions independent of the operating sys-
A message-passing mechanism tailored to specific op-
erating systems for optimum system integration
High throughput through an asynchronous, event-driv-
en mechanism
8.2 The IDM Architecture
The ISDN Driver Model (ISDN Driver Model - IDM) illustrated
below shows how ISDN is integrated in Microsoft operating
IDM Architecture
The ISDN Driver Model is the framework for all driver compo-
nents of AVM ISDN products. The IDM describes how ISDN
services are integrated and how they are accessed by appli-
cations. It also defines the transparent integration of ISDN
hardware resources in the operating system.
CAPI 2.0
ISDN Application
Microsoft Application
Layer 1 / S
Data channel: X.75, HDLC transparent,
V.110, V.120, T.90, ISO 8208 (X.25)
Signaling: DSS1, NI 1, 5ESS
H.320 content viewer
On-line Services/E-mail
CAPI SoftFax G3
CAPI SoftModem
CAPI SoftCompression
c2-e.book Seite 44 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
The AVM System Drivers
ISDN-Controller C2 – 8 AVM System Architecture 45
One of the most important features the IDM enables is the
coupling of existing communication components such as
RAS with CAPI-based hardware. This connection is realized
by the AVM system drivers such as the AVM CAPI Port Driver
or the AVM NDIS WAN CAPI Driver.
This architecture permits the simultaneous use of CAPI, mo-
dem and networking applications over ISDN. Most impor-
tantly, it also permits the definition and implementation of
new, extended capabilities. Examples to date include the in-
corporation of V.42bis data compression and Group 3 Fax.
8.3 The AVM System Drivers
AVM provides two system drivers for Windows with similar
capabilities: the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver and the AVM
NDIS WAN CAPI Driver. Both drivers are controlled over Dial-
Up Networking, although they use different interfaces and
protocols in the operating system. These drivers achieve the
same transfer speeds in data communications.
The ISDN CAPI Port Driver and the NDIS WAN CAPI Driver can
be installed and operated on the same computer if desired.
The AVM system drivers make it possible to use CAPI-based
ISDN applications, such as Windows’ Dial-Up Networking,
alongside communications programs that do not have built-
in CAPI support.
The third AVM system driver, AVM ISDN TAPI Services for CA-
PI, permits the use of telephony applications with the AVM
ISDN-Controller C2 in the Windows operating system.
The AVM system drivers are located on the installation CD in
er. The latest versions are also available for downloading
from the AVM Data Call Center or from AVMs FTP server on
the Internet.
For a detailed description of each driver’s functions, please
see the Help file in the corresponding folder. The Help file al-
so contains complete installation instructions.
c2-e.book Seite 45 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
46 ISDN-Controller C2 – 8 AVM System Architecture
The AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver allows you to use the AVM
ISDN-Controller C2 as if it were a modem.
The AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver makes it possible for even
programs designed for analog modems to communicate over
the ISDN interface. This means that the various communica-
tion functions of Windows can be used with the AVM ISDN-
Controller C2.
The AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver generates a number of virtual
modems in your system. The various modems are pre-config-
ured for different types of connections. Virtual modems al-
low you to dial up ISDN connections to the Internet or to BBS
services, for example, or to set up RAS (Remote Access Ser-
vice) connections to other computers over ISDN.
The AVM NDIS WAN CAPI Driver for Windows allows use of
RAS (Remote Access Service) and dialing into Internet Ser-
vice Providers over ISDN.
NDIS (Network Device Interface Specification) is a standard
for connecting network adapters (hardware) to network pro-
tocols (software). NDIS WAN is a Microsoft extension of this
standard for wide-area networking (WAN). The AVM NDIS
WAN CAPI Driver thus allows the ISDN-Controller C2 to be
used as a network adapter, mediating between network pro-
tocols and the AVM ISDN-Controller C2's applications inter-
face CAPI 2.0.
Unlike the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver, the AVM NDIS WAN CA-
PI driver cannot be controlled by AT commands. It uses the
standard protocols for network connections over ISDN
(“HDLC” and “PPP over ISDN”).
AVM ISDN TAPI Services for CAPI are universal drivers which
can be used to implement TAPI applications with AVM ISDN-
Controllers in Windows.
c2-e.book Seite 46 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis
ISDN-Controller C2 – 8 AVM System Architecture 47
TAPI (Telephony Application Programming Interface) is a te-
lephony interface by Microsoft that allows telephony appli-
cations to be controlled from Windows. Using AVM ISDN TAPI
Services for CAPI, phone calls can be made or voice-mail sys-
tems controlled on the computer. For instance, Windows's
“Phone Dialer” can be used to establish connections to ana-
log or ISDN phones. The conversation then takes place using
a sound card and a headset or speakers and a microphone.
With the appropriate TAPI applications, a variety of other fea-
tures are available, including direct dialing of contacts listed
in Microsoft Outlook.
TAPI applications based on the Microsoft standard TAPI 2.1
or higher can be used in combination with AVM ISDN-Con-
trollers and the AVM ISDN TAPI Services for CAPI.
8.4 CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis
CAPI SoftCompression X.75/V.42bis is a feature of the ISDN-
Controller C2’s driver software. For data connections using
the X.75 protocol, the controller can perform data compres-
sion in accordance with the V.42bis standard. This reduces
transfer times and connection costs.
When the driver software is installed, CAPI SoftCompression
X.75/V.42bis is activated by default. Upon request by CAPI
applications that support the V.42bis standard, data com-
pression is negotiated with the remote system for the dura-
tion of a connection.
8.5 CAPI SoftFax
The CAPI SoftFax feature allows to send and receive faxes on
all four B channels simultaneously. The ISDN-Controller C2
sends and receives like a standard Group 3 fax device and
supports the following fax protocols:
V.17 (14.4 kbit/s)
G3 Annex F (14.4 kbit/s)
G3 Annex A (color fax)
c2-e.book Seite 47 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
CAPI SoftModem
48 ISDN-Controller C2 – 8 AVM System Architecture
8.6 CAPI SoftModem
The CAPI SoftModem feature permits connections to remote
systems that are connected to the telephone network by an
analog modem. This modem emulation allows connections
at up to 14.4 kbit/s.
c2-e.book Seite 48 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Technical Summary
ISDN-Controller C2 – 9 Technical Summary 49
9 Technical Summary
This chapter contains a summary of the AVM ISDN-
Controller C2’s features and technical specifications.
9.1 Connector Pin Assignments
The ISDN-Controller C2 is connected to the ISDN socket by an
RJ45 plug. The pin assignments of this connector are shown
in the following table.
9.2 The AVM ISDN-Controller C2 on Point-
to-Point Lines
By default, the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 is installed with set-
tings for BRI lines in point-to-multipoint configuration. How-
ever, it also can be operated with point-to-point lines (also
called Direct Dial-In or DDI lines).
When using the ISDN-Controller C2 on point-to-point BRIs,
please observe the following guidelines:
Only one terminal device can be connected to a point-
to-point BRI.
Configure the ISDN-Controller C2 for operation on point-
to-point lines. See the corresponding section in the in-
stallation chapter for your operating system.
Pin assignments of the ISDN cable
RJ45 Function
- 5 (b1) transmit
- 4 (a1) transmit
- 3 (a2) receive
- 6 (b2) receive
c2-e.book Seite 49 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Technical Specifications and Features
50 ISDN-Controller C2 – 9 Technical Summary
Your CAPI application, such as a fax server, also must
support operation on point-to-point lines.
The CAPI application also must be configured to inter-
pret the DDI (Direct Dial-In) ISDN numbers correctly.
Consult your application software documentation for
more information.
9.3 Technical Specifications and Features
ISDN-Controller for ISDN BRI lines and the PCI bus
One or two BRI lines
Active ISDN-Controller with its own CPU and on-board
High-performance StrongARM SA-110 processor with
270 MIPS at 233 MHz
16 MB of SDRAM
State-of-the-art technologies, including BGA devices,
SDRAM, 3.3 V supply voltage, etc.
Low power consumption: approx. 3 W
PCI Bus Mastering DMA: minimum system load and
maximum throughput
Suitable for all ISDN services:
Internet access, internetworking, remote access, file
transfer, fax, voice, video, digital data communication
with other networks
COMMON-ISDN-API 2.0 applications interface
CAPI SoftCompression V.42bis and channel bundling in
accordance with the CAPI specification
CAPI SoftFax for fax communication at 2,400, 4,800,
9,600 and 14,400 bit/s
CAPI SoftModem for analog modem connections at
1200/75, 2,400, 4,800, 9,600 and 14,400 bit/s
c2-e.book Seite 50 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Technical Specifications and Features
ISDN-Controller C2 – 9 Technical Summary 51
Digital protocols:
X.75, HDLC transparent, bit-transparent, X.25, ISO 8208
(X.25 DTE-DTE), X.31 Cases A and B, T.70, T.90, Mobile
ISDN (ISO 3309) including HSCSD, V.110, V.120, DTMF
Analog protocols:
Fax G3 (T.30, V.17, V.29, V.27ter), Fax G3 Annex A (Error
Correction Mode) and Group 3 fax Annex F (faxing with
two-dimensional data compression)
Modem emulation: V.21, V.22, V.22bis, V.32, V.32bis
Support for point-to-point and leased lines
Supplementary Services, including Hold & Retrieve,
Suspend & Resume (TP), 3PTY, ECT,...
All protocol software loadable on the ISDN-Controller
AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver Installation
AVM NDIS WAN Driver for Windows XP, Windows 2000
and Windows NT 4.0
AVM ISDN TAPI Services for CAPI for Windows XP, Win-
dows 2000 and Windows NT 4.0
Designed for use with the operation systems Windows
XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Novell NetWare
4.11 or higher and Linux
Up to four ISDN-Controller C2s installable in one com-
puter, or combined operation with other active AVM
International certification
c2-e.book Seite 51 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
52 ISDN-Controller C2 – 10 Troubleshooting
10 Troubleshooting
This chapter describes the general malfunctions and specific
error message with their most likely causes and remedies.
The error messages are grouped according to the operating
systems in which the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 can be operat-
10.1 General Malfunctions
The AVM ISDN-Controller is not detected or not initialized.
Have you installed new hardware components or changed
the configuration of existing hardware?
If you combine adapters without Plug-and-Play support (Leg-
acy) and PCI or ISA Plug-and-Play cards in one system, then
the resources (I/O addresses and IRQ levels) used by the
hardware without Plug-and-Play support should be so desig-
nated in the computer’s BIOS. Otherwise, system resources
may be allocated to more than one adapter, resulting in mal-
functions. Please see your PC or mainboard manual.
You are unable to establish an ISDN connection.
If the ISDN-Controller C2 is correctly installed but you are un-
able to establish a connection, check for the following condi-
Is the ISDN-Controller C2 firmly inserted in the PCI slot?
Is its slot plate screwed down?
Are the ISDN cable connectors firmly connected to the
AVM ISDN-Controller C2 and the ISDN socket?
Is your ISDN line active? Use another terminal device,
such as an ISDN telephone, to check it.
Is your network terminator (NT) installed correctly?
Some NTs must be connected to an electricity supply as
well as to the incoming ISDN line.
c2-e.book Seite 52 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
General Malfunctions
ISDN-Controller C2 – 10 Troubleshooting 53
If your ISDN-Controller is connected to a point-to-point
line, have you included the outside dialing prefix (usu-
ally “0”) in the numbers dialed?
Are all the pertinent services (for data connections)
available and enabled at your PBX?
Problems arise during operation of your ISDN-Controller C2:
If problems occur regularly during operation of the ISDN-
Controller C2, open the “Device Manager” to verify if the AVM
ISDN-Controller C2 is listed with an error message.
If the “Device Managerreports no malfunctions in the ISDN-
Controller hardware, attempt a test connection to the AVM
Data Call Center (ISDN file transfer server). You may do so us-
ing the program “Connect32” (Windows NT 4.0), which is
among the AVM ISDN-Tools included with your ISDN-Control-
No connection to analog remote sites.
To connect to analog systems, you need appropriate commu-
nication software in addition to the AVM ISDN-Controller C2.
With fax software, for example, you can dial connections to
Group 3 (analog) fax machines.
No connection charge information is displayed.
The drivers for the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 allow CAPI-based
applications to display charge information. This information
is only available if the corresponding ISDN service has been
enabled by your ISDN service provider. Contact your ISDN
service provider to request charge information on each of
your S
lines individually.
c2-e.book Seite 53 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Error Messages
54 ISDN-Controller C2 – 10 Troubleshooting
Using dual-boot systems:
To use the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 in a dual-boot system, in-
stall the drivers for each of the relevant operating systems in
a separate directory, such as IDRIVER.WNT.
Upgrade from Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000
Before you switch your computer over from Windows NT 4.0
to Windows 2000, both the hardware and the software of the
ISDN-Controller must be removed. Once the computer has
been updated, the ISDN-Controller hardware and software
have to be re-installed and configured as described.
10.2 Error Messages
Error Messages in Windows NT 4.0
Error Message on loading the ISDN-Controller with “C2
Load: Installation Error. Interrupt <xx> not available.”
Possible cause: There are no IRQs available to the PCI bus.
Remedy: Run your BIOS setup and release at least one free
IRQ for use by PCI adapters. Please see your PC or mainboard
Example (Award BIOS): in the BIOS main menu, select
“PM/PCI Configuration”, then set “IRQ x assigned to: PCI/ISA
If you combine adapters without Plug-and-Play support (Leg-
acy) and PCI or ISA Plug-and-Play cards in one system, then
the resources (I/O addresses and IRQ levels) used by the
hardware without Plug-and-Play support should be so desig-
nated in the computer’s BIOS. Otherwise, system resources
may be allocated to more than one adapter, resulting in mal-
functions. Please see your PC or mainboard manual.
c2-e.book Seite 54 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Error Messages in Novell NetWare
ISDN-Controller C2 – 10 Troubleshooting 55
Error Messages in Novell NetWare
Error message on loading the controller: “Installation Error.
Interrupt <xx> not available.
Possible cause: There are no IRQs available to the PCI bus.
Remedy: Run your BIOS setup and release at least one free
IRQ for use by PCI adapters. Please see your PC or mainboard
Example (Award BIOS): in the BIOS main menu, select
“PM/PCI Configuration”, then set “IRQ x assigned to: PCI/ISA
If you combine adapters without Plug-and-Play support (Leg-
acy) and PCI or ISA Plug-and-Play cards in one system, then
the resources (I/O addresses and IRQ levels) used by the
hardware without Plug-and-Play support should be so desig-
nated in the computer’s BIOS. Otherwise, system resources
may be allocated to more than one adapter, resulting in mal-
functions. Please see your PC or mainboard manual.
Error message: “CAPI not loaded.
Possible cause: You tried to start an ISDN application with-
out loading the AVM ISDN-Controller C2 first.
Remedy: Load the ISDN-Controller C2 by entering capi20 at
the system console and then start your ISDN application.
Error message:Error in configuration file, no ISDN-
Controller defined.”
Possible cause: During the ISDN-Controller C2's installation,
the configuration file CAPI20.CFG is created. If you later edit
this file manually and corrupt the ISDN-Controller’s defini-
tion(s) it contains, the error occurs.
Remedy: Repeat the complete installation of the AVM ISDN-
Controller C2.
c2-e.book Seite 55 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Error Messages in Novell NetWare
56 ISDN-Controller C2 – 10 Troubleshooting
Error Messages: “Deinstallation error, wrong CAPI driver
“Installation error, wrong CAPI driver loaded.”
“Installation error, ISDN-Controller-xx unknown keyword
„Installation error, ISDN-Controller-xx <xxxx> value too
“Installation error, ISDN-Controller-xx <xxxx> illegal value.”
Possible cause: You have replaced some files in the ISDN-
Controller driver installation directory (on obtaining updated
drivers from the AVM Data Call Center, for example). Older
files in the same directory cause version conflicts.
Remedy: Always perform the full AVM ISDN-Controller C2 in-
stallation procedure; never replace individual files.
Error message:Installation error, Controller-xx with I/O
address <xxx> does not answer.”
Possible cause: The ISDN-Controller C2 was not fully loaded
or the hardware is damaged.
Remedy: Repeat the complete installation of the ISDN-
Controller C2. In case of a hardware defect, please contact
your dealer or AVM.
Error message: “... at least one application is registered.”
Possible cause: You attempted to unload or uninstall the
AVM ISDN-Controller C2 while an application such as a termi-
nal or fax program was still using it.
Remedy: First end all applications that use the AVM ISDN-
Controller C2. Then you can unload or uninstall the ISDN-
c2-e.book Seite 56 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Technical Support from AVM
ISDN-Controller C2 – 11 Technical Support from AVM 57
11 Technical Support from AVM
AVM provides numerous sources of information to assist you
in your day-to-day work with the ISDN-Controller C2. New
drivers and software updates for your AVM ISDN-
Controller C2 are available for downloading free of charge
from AVMs Internet site or the AVM Data Call Center. If you
are not able to resolve a problem using these resources, AVM
Support is available to assist you.
11.1 Information and Updates
The following documenation ISDN-Controller C2 is provided:
A PDF version of this manual is included in the C2\
ENGLISH\MANUAL folder on the CD. If you do not have
the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display PDF documents,
you can install this program from the \PROGRAMS\
ACROBAT folder on the CD.
The “C2 Readme” file contains current information that
was not yet available at the time the manual was print-
ed. The Readme file is located in the CARDWARE\C2\
Windows NT 4.0, the file can also be accessed from the
“AVM” program group after installation of the ISDN-
Controller C2.
AVM publishes detailed information and free software up-
dates in the Internet. Direct your browser to
Click “Products” for detailed information on all current
AVM products, as well as announcements of new pro-
ducts and product versions.
c2-e.book Seite 57 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
The AVM Data Call Center
58 ISDN-Controller C2 – 11 Technical Support from AVM
Click “Service” to contact support or consult the “ISDN
Info Guide”.
Under “Download” you will find the latest driver soft-
ware to download for the AVM ISDN-Controller C2.
The AVM Data Call Center
The AVM Data Call Center (ADC) contains all of the programs
and drivers found on AVM's Internet site. Dial the AVM Data
Call Center using FRITZ!data (IDtrans protocol) at the num-
ber: +49 (0)30 / 39 98 43 00.
11.2 AVM Support
Please take advantage of the information sources listed
above before contacting AVM Support!
If the tips and information sources listed above have not as-
sisted you in solving your problem, please contact AVM Sup-
port for further information. AVM Support can be reached by
Support by E-mail
Support requests may be submitted to AVM by E-mail. Please
use the support request form on the AVM Internet pages at:
Fill out the form and send it to AVM support by clicking the
“Send” button.
Support by Fax
If you have no connection to the Internet, AVM Support can
be reached at the fax number:
+49 (0)30 / 39 00 42 66
Please supply the following information in your support re-
Which AVM ISDN-Controller model are you having trou-
ble with?
c2-e.book Seite 58 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Support by Fax
ISDN-Controller C2 – 11 Technical Support from AVM 59
What is the version number of the driver you are using?
You can find this information in the “C2 README” file in
the “AVM” program group.
Is your ISDN-Controller connected directly to the ISDN
Network Terminator (NT)?
What operating system is running on the computer in
which you have installed the AVM ISDN-Controller C2?
Please specify the exact text of all error messages you
Describe the problem in as much detail as possible: in
what context does the error occur; what application
software are you using; etc.
Please answer the following questions in your support re-
quest as well, as these points can be very helpful in solving
your problem:
Is the error reproducible?
Does the “C2 Test” program in the “AVM” group detect
problems with your ISDN-Controller?
If so, what messages does it display?
Are you able to dial up a data connection to the AVM
Data Call Center (ADC) with your AVM ISDN-
Controller C2?
Attempt to make a test connection to the ADC with the
ISDN Tool Connect32 or with FRITZ!data. Use the IDtrans
protocol and dial the number +49 (0)30 / 39 98 43 00.
If the connection to the ADC fails, what error messages
are displayed?
Describe your PC configuration in as much detail as
possible, including the system type, sound card type,
the allocated resources (interrupts and I/O addresses)
and any other components installed.
c2-e.book Seite 59 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
60 Controller C2 – Index
AVM Data Call Center (ADC) 58
AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver 46
AVM ISDN TAPI Services for CAPI 46
AVM Support 57
AVM system drivers 42
BRI line 49
applications interface 42
for Novell CAPI Manager 24
Stand-Alone CAPI 24
CAPI plug-in 35
CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis 47
CAPI SoftFax 47
CAPI SoftModem 48
CAPI4Linux 34
changing line type in
Linux 38
Novell NetWare
CAPI Manager 27
Stand-Alone CAPI 25
Windows 2000 16
Windows NT 21
Windows XP 13
configuring ISDN-Controller C2 in
Novell NetWare
CAPI Manager 27
Stand-Alone CAPI 25
Windows 2000 16
Windows NT 21
Windows XP 13
connector pins, assignment 49
direct dial-in (DDI) line 49
driver software installation in
Novell NetWare 23
SuSE Linux 37
Windows 2000 15
Windows NT 19
Windows XP 12
error messages in
Novell NetWare 55
Windows NT 4.0 54
fax protocols 47
features 50
driver software 47
hardware installation 11
IDM (ISDN Driver Model) 44
installing additional controllers in
Linux 40
Novell NetWare 29
Windows 2000 17
Windows NT 21
Windows XP 14
installing driver software in
Linux 34
, 37
Novell NetWare 23
Windows 2000 15
Windows NT 19
Windows XP 12
c2-e.book Seite 60 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
Controller C2 – Index 61
leased line 13, 16
installing additional controllers 40
installing driver software 34
other distributions 36
removing the ISDN-Controller 40
SuSE 36
testing the installation 39
updating driver software 41
general 52
mixed controller configuration 6
Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSN)
configuring 15
network adapter 15
NIAS (Novell Internet Access Server) 23
Novell NetWare
installing additional controllers 29
installing controller 23
installing driver software 23
removing all ISDN-Controllers 32
removing one ISDN-Controller 29
removing the ISDN-Controller 29
operating systems, supported 8
package contents 9
point-to-multipoint line 49
point-to-point line 49
analog 51
digital 51
removing driver software in
Linux 40
Novell NetWare 29
Windows 2000 17
Windows NT 21
Windows XP 14
default setting
Linux 38
Novell NetWare 26
Windows 2000 16
Windows NT 19
Windows XP 13
installation, configuration 6
support by fax 58
support from AVM 57
technical specifications 50
updates 57
upgrade from Windows NT 4.0 to
Windows 2000 54
Windows 2000
installing additional controllers 17
installing controller 15
installing driver software 15
removing the ISDN-Controller 17
Windows NT
installing additional controllers 21
installing controller 19
installing driver software 19
removing the ISDN-Controller 21
Windows XP
installing additional controllers 14
installing controller 12
installing driver software 12
removing the ISDN-Controller 17
c2-e.book Seite 61 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15
62 Controller C2 – Declaration of CE Conformity
Declaration of CE Conformity
herewith declares that the product
complies with the following directives:
The following norms were consulted to assess conformity:
CTR 3/1998.06.17
EN 55022/1997 Class B
EN 55024/9.98
EN 60950/1992+A1+A2+A3+A4+A11
EN 41003/1998
The CE symbol confirms that this product conforms with the
above mentioned norms and regulations.
The manufacturer AVM GmbH
Address Alt-Moabit 95
D-10559 Berlin
Type ISDN-Controller
Product C2
91/263/EEC Telecommunications Terminal Equip-
ment and Satellite Earth Station
89/336/EEC EMC Directive:
Electromagnetic Compatibility
73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive:
Electrical equipment designed for use
within certain voltage limits
Berlin, 01.12.2000 Peter Faxel, Technical Director
c2-e.book Seite 62 Mittwoch, 27. November 2002 3:24 15

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