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High-Performance ISDN by . . .
2 Controller B1 v3.0
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
This manual and the software it describes are protected by copyright. The
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AVM Berlin disclaims all liability and warranties, whether express or im-
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AVM will not be liable for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use
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The information in this manual and the software it describes are subject to
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© AVM Vertriebs KG 2000. All rights reserved.
Documentation release 2.7.01
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AVM Audiovisuelles Marketing
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Alt-Moabit 95
AVM Computersysteme Vertriebs
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Alt-Moabit 95
10559 Berlin 10559 Berlin
HB_B1V30.book Seite 2 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Controller B1 v3.0 – Contents 3
1Introduction 8
1.1 The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2 The Driver Software of the Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.3 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.4 Package Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2 Installing the Hardware 14
2.1 Instructions for the Different Operating Systems . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 Setting the I/O Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in the Computer . . . 15
3 Installation in Windows 2000 17
3.1 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Changing the Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Installing Additional Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4 Installation in Windows NT 22
4.1 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . 24
4.3 Changing the Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.4 Installing Additional Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.5 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5 Installation in Windows Millennium 27
5.1 Installing the New Hardware Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.3 Physically Installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . 29
5.4 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.5 Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . 31
5.6 Changing the Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.7 Installing Additional Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.8 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
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4 Controller B1 v3.0 Contents
6 Installation in Windows 98 35
6.1 Installing the New Hardware Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.3 Physically Installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . . 37
6.4 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.5 Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . 39
6.6 Changing the Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
6.7 Installing Additional Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.8 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
7 Installation in Windows 95 42
7.1 Installing the New Hardware Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
7.3 Physically Installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . . 44
7.4 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
7.5 Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . 45
7.6 Changing the Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7.7 Installing Additional Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.8 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
8 Installation in Windows 3.x 49
8.1 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
8.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
8.3 Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . 52
8.4 Changing the Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8.5 Installing Additional Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
8.6 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
9 Installation in MS-DOS 56
9.1 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
9.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
9.3 Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . 59
9.4 Changing the Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
9.5 Installing Additional Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
9.6 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
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Controller B1 v3.0 Contents 5
10 Installation in Novell NetWare 63
10.1 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
10.2 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 Configuration with
Stand-Alone CAPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
10.3 Starting ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 Operation with
Stand-Alone CAPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
10.4 Installing Additional Controllers with Stand-Alone CAPI . . 66
10.5 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 with CAPI for the CAPI Manager . . 67
10.6 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers with the
CAPI Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
10.7 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
11 Installation in OS/2 70
11.1 Installing the Driver Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
11.2 Starting Operation of the Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
11.3 Changing the Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
11.4 Installing Additional Controllers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
11.5 Removing the Controller B1 v3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
12 The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 on Point-to-Point
ISDN Lines 76
13 AVM System Architecture 78
13.1 The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
13.2 IDM Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
13.3 The AVM System Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
13.4 CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
13.5 CAPI SoftFax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
14 Technical Summary 85
14.1 Connector Pin Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
14.2 Features at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
14.3 Technical Specifications at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
15 Technical Assistance from AVM Support 88
15.1 Information and Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
15.2 AVM Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
HB_B1V30.book Seite 5 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
6 Controller B1 v3.0 Contents
16 Troubleshooting 92
16.1 General Malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
16.2 Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
17 Support for Multiple Subscriber Numbers
(MSNs) 105
17.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
17.2 Using MSN.EXE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
HB_B1V30.book Seite 6 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Controller B1 v3.0 Typographical Conventions 7
Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions and symbols are
used in this manual to make it more readable and to empha-
size important information:
The following table presents a short overview of the high-
lighting conventions used in this manual.
The following symbols used in the manual always appear
with gray, italicized text:
This symbol indicates useful tips and supplementary infor-
The exclamation point designates sections which contain
important information.
Indicates especially important instructions that absolutely
must be observed to ensure correct functioning.
Highlighting Function Example
keys, buttons, program
icons, settings pages,
menus, commands
Start / Programs or
capital letters paths and files within
floating text
variables <CD-ROM drive>
typewriter char-
entries made using the
gray and italics information, tips and warn-
ings; always appear with
the corresponding sym-
... for more informa-
tion, see...
HB_B1V30.book Seite 7 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
8 Controller B1 v3.0 1 Introduction
1 Introduction
Modern telecommunications have long since become much
more than just making phone calls. Using the computer to
surf the Internet, utilizing the resources of the company net-
work through remote access, sending faxes, communicating
with sales representatives by e-mail: electronic communica-
tions are opening up ever more interesting possibilities all
over the world. To take advantage of these opportunities, a
powerful telecommunications network is a must.
With the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 you can connect your
computer to ISDN. ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digi-
tal Network and is a digital telecommunications network
available internationally. Three essential features make ISDN
so convincing:
High Speed
Data are transmitted on each of the two available B channels
at a speed of 64Kbit/s. In practice, this provides for quick
connections and short transmission times. The AVM ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0 also allows the two B channels to be bun-
dled to double transmission speeds.
Integration of Services
All telecommunications services, including telephony, fax,
data transfer and video transmission, run over a single data
network with ISDN. This means that all available services can
be used with one ISDN access, making it possible, for exam-
ple, to make a telephone call on one B channel while simul-
taneously receiving a fax on the other.
Outstanding Transmission Quality
The third important feature of ISDN is the end-to-end digital
transmission of data, the basis for high transmission quality.
ISDN makes poor connections and faulty data transmissions
a thing of the past.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 8 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
Controller B1 v3.0 1 Introduction 9
1.1 The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 constitutes the connection
between the ISDN network and your computer.
Computer with AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
The ISDN-Controller is simply plugged into a free slot on the
ISA/EISA bus. The controller is connected to the ISDN basic
access over the S
interface on the controller. This interface
is connected to the ISDN access using the cable included in
the controller package.
The Active Operating Principle of the Controller
The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is an active controller and
simultaneously processes both B channels of an ISDN basic
access (2 x 64,000 bit/s). It owes its extraordinary capacity
to the high-power processor (Transputer IMS T400) located
on the controller. This processor makes the AVM ISDN-Con-
troller B1 v3.0 the ideal platform for software applications
with high demands on data throughput. The 1 MB RAM mem-
ory expansion makes it possible to load the protocols and
other programs directly on the ISDN-Controller, such that the
main memory and CPU of your computer are spared the com-
putation burden of ISDN communications.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 9 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
The Driver Software of the Controller B1 v3.0
10 Controller B1 v3.0 1 Introduction
1.2 The Driver Software of the Controller
B1 v3.0
The driver software takes control of the communications pro-
cesses and data transmission.
The driver software is loaded to the ISDN-Controller from the
hard disk. This process ensures that updates to the driver
software can be carried out easily at any time.
The driver software can compress data according to the
V.42bis standard. For more information about automatic da-
ta compression, see the section CAPI SoftCompression
X75/V42bis on page 83.
The driver software also supports the analog Fax G3 service.
For details, see the section CAPI SoftFax on page 84.
The driver software for the Controller B1 v3.0 provides the in-
dustry standard CAPI applications interface on your comput-
er. This interface specified by the international standardiza-
tion organization ETSI guarantees the universal exchange-
ability of applications used for the ISDN services data trans-
fer, fax and speech transmission. This interface allows the
Controller B1 v3.0 to be used with a wide range of CAPI 2.0-
based ISDN applications.
For more information about CAPI 2.0, see the section The
Applications Interface CAPI 2.0 on page 78.
Protocols supported
The driver software supports the international D-channel
protocol DSS1 (Euro ISDN), used in Europe and other parts of
the world, and the international protocols NI1 and 5ESS
(USA) are included in the standard package. Current drivers
may be downloaded from the AVM Data Call Center or from
the Internet. See the section Information and Updates on
page 88 for information about how to reach the ADC or
AVMs Internet site.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 10 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
The Driver Software of the Controller B1 v3.0
Controller B1 v3.0 1 Introduction 11
Operating systems supported
The CAPI driver software for the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
is available for all operating systems for which a CAPI 2.0
standard is defined at the time of this printing: Windows
2000, Windows NT, Windows Millennium (Me), Windows 98,
Windows 95, Windows 3.x, DOS, NetWare 5.x, 4.x and 3.x,
OS/2 and Linux.
Applications without CAPI support
The controller package includes three AVM system drivers:
the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver, the AVM NDIS WAN Driver and
the TAPI Services for CAPI. These system drivers allow you to
use applications without CAPI support in parallel operation
with ISDN applications based on CAPI. For example, you can
use Microsoft Dial-Up Networking to connect your computer
to the Internet or to access remote servers.
For detailed information about the AVM system drivers, see
the section The AVM System Drivers on page 81.
Combining multiple ISDN-Controllers
Combining multiple active AVM ISDN-Controllers in one com-
puter is no problem. Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers
can be operated at the same time. It is also possible to equip
the computer with a combination of B1 Controllers for the PCI
bus, the ISA bus and the USB, or to combine the B1 with the
AVM ISDN-Controller C4. Such configurations make it simple
to meet growing ISDN communication needs.
Compatibility with the AVM B1 Family
The Multitask RISC transputer makes the AVM ISDN-Control-
ler B1 v3.0 fully compatible with all earlier controller versions
from the AVM B1 family. New features such as ECM (Error Cor-
rection Mode), support for new ISDN protocols and new op-
erating systems thus are generally available for older control-
lers as well, depending on the capabilities of the hardware
HB_B1V30.book Seite 11 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
System Requirements
12 Controller B1 v3.0 1 Introduction
1.3 System Requirements
The following hardware and software requirements must be
met in order to use the Controller B1 v3.0:
l computer with a free ISA slot
l operating system: Windows 2000, Windows NT, Win-
dows Millennium, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows
3.x, DOS, Novell NetWare 5.x, 4.x or 3.x, OS/2 or Linux
l CD-ROM drive for installation of the driver software
1.4 Package Contents
The package contains:
l AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 (plug-in card for the
l cable for connecting the controller to the ISDN network
(6 m)
l 1 AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 manual
l 1 compact disk (CD-ROM) with all installation programs
and the AVM ISDN-Tools
The CD-ROM includes:
l driver software for Windows 2000, Windows NT, Win-
dows Me, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 3.x, MS-
DOS, OS/2 and Novell NetWare 5.x, 4.x, 3.x
l AVM system drivers
HB_B1V30.book Seite 12 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Package Contents
Controller B1 v3.0 1 Introduction 13
The AVM ISDN-Tools are a collection of CAPI-based ISDN
applications. They include such programs as
Connect32 for convenient data transfer in ISDN. For
instructions on installing and operating this software,
see the AVM ISDN Tools manual on the CD.
l 1 AVM ISDN-Tools manual in PDF format
Additional CAPI applications, such as FRITZ! or programs
from other manufacturers, can be acquired separately from
your vendor.
To install the driver software from diskette, copy the installa-
tion programs from the CD or request the installation disk-
ettes from AVM (for the address, see the inside cover). Be
sure to specify the operating system used. The diskettes will
be delivered to you free of charge.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 13 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the Hardware
14 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 2 Installing the Hardware
2 Installing the Hardware
The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 can be operated on a num-
ber of platforms. The exact procedure for installing the ISDN-
Controller differs for the various operating systems.
2.1 Instructions for the Different
Operating Systems
Windows 2000/NT/3.x/MS-DOS/OS/2/Novell NetWare
If you work in Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 3.x,
MS-DOS, OS/2 or Novell NetWare, first check which I/O ad-
dress is available in your computer. Change the jumper posi-
tion on the ISDN-Controller if necessary, then install the
ISDN-Controller and its driver software. Follow the instruc-
tions in the section Setting the I/O Address on page 14.
Windows Me/98/95
Installation in Windows Millennium (Me), Windows 98 or
Windows 95 follows a different installation sequence. Please
follow the instructions for the relevant installation in the
chapters for the individual operating systems.
2.2 Setting the I/O Address
To manage and to use the ISDN-Controller, the operating sys-
tem addresses it by means of an I/O address.
Upon delivery, the ISDN-Controller is set to the I/O address
150 and the IRQ (interrupt) 5. The I/O address is determined
by a jumper on the ISDN-Controller; the interrupt by a soft-
ware setting.
If the preset I/O address 150 is already used by another plug-
in card, the jumper setting must be changed on the ISDN-
Controller. If necessary, change the interrupt in the Device
Manager (Start / Settings / Control Panel / System) or with
the B1 Setup program.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 14 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in the Computer
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 2 Installing the Hardware 15
The figure below illustrates how the jumpers are arranged on
the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, showing the various jumper po-
sitions and their corresponding I/O addresses. These data
are also listed as a label on the circuit board of the AVM IS-
DN-Controller B1 v3.0.
Jumper positions and corresponding I/O addresses
* The jumper position Plug & Play is not yet supported by
the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0s driver software. Check the
AVM Data Call Center from time to time to see if new drivers
have become available.
If there is no jumper switched on the ISDN-Controller, the
ISDN-Controller is set to the default I/O address of 150.
2.3 Installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
in the Computer
The next step is to physically install the ISDN-Controller in
your computer. The ISDN-Controller can be inserted into
either an 8-bit or a 16-bit slot of the computer. If both slots
are available, we recommend using the 16-bit slot.
Proceed as follows to install the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
in the computer:
1. Make sure that the PC and all peripherals are switched
off. Unplug their power cords.
Controller B1 v3.0
Slot back plate
ISDN jack
Switched jumper
(default setting)
I/O address 340
I/O address 300
I/O address 250
I/O address 150
Plug & Play
HB_B1V30.book Seite 15 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in the Computer
16 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 2 Installing the Hardware
2. Open the cover of the PC. Touch the metal of the PC
housing to discharge any static electricity.
3. Select a suitable slot, remove the housing and insert
the ISDN-Controller in the slot.
4. Screw the back plate of the ISDN-Controller to the back
panel of the computer.
5. Close the computer and plug in the power cords.
6. Now you need to connect the ISDN-Controller to your
ISDN line. The connecting cable supplied has an RJ45
plug on each end. Insert one end in your ISDN jack and
the other end in the socket on the back plate of your
Route the six-meter cable as desired.
This completes the hardware installation.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 16 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installation in Windows 2000
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 3 Installation in Windows 2000 17
3 Installation in Windows
In Microsoft Windows 2000, the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
can be installed with the drivers included in the operating
system software. In this case, the drivers must be updated
using the latest drivers available either on the CD included in
the controller package or from the AVM Data Call Center
(ADC). This manual describes the other installation option:
installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 using the updated CAPI
2.0 drivers supplied on the controller CD.
The CAPI 2.0 included in the package supports both 16-bit
and 32-bit applications. Applications in DOS windows are
not supported. For more information about CAPI, see the
section The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0 on page 78.
Before beginning with the software installation, check that
the ISDN-Controller has been installed in the computer prop-
erly. Make sure that an I/O address available in the computer
is set on the ISDN-Controller (see the section Setting the I/O
Address on page 14).
The procedures described in this chapter are valid for both
Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Professional.
3.1 Installing the Driver Software
Note that administrator rights are required to perform the in-
stallation in Windows 2000.
Proceed as follows:
1. Start Windows 2000.
2. Insert the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 CD in your CD-
ROM drive.
3. Open the Windows 2000 Start menu and select the
Run command. In the command line, enter the path
to the installation program:
HB_B1V30.book Seite 17 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the Driver Software
18 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 3 Installation in Windows 2000
<CD-ROM drive>:\cardware\b1_v30\
4. Confirm by clicking OK.
5. The welcome screen of the installation program ap-
pears. To view additional information about the ISDN-
Controller and the installation routine, click the Read
AVM Readme button.
Click theF1 key at any time to view help about the
current step of installation.
6. Click Next.
7. In the next window, activate the Installation option.
If the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is already installed with
the drivers included on the Windows 2000 CD, select
the “Update” option here to install the latest version of
the driver software.
Click Next.
8. Confirm the subsequent information window by clicking
9. In the next step, you may be prompted to install soft-
ware without a digital signature by Microsoft.
Confirm such a request by clicking Yes.
10. Similarly, also answer the question which may be asked
about the AVM NDIS WAN CAPI Driver with Yes.
11. Specify which D-channel protocol is used on your ISDN
line (DSS1, NI1, 5ESS or 1TR6).
Activate the desired option and then click Next.
12. Enter the desired multiple subscriber numbers in the
ISDN multiple subscriber number (MSN) window.
The settings performed here are valid only for the NDIS
WAN CAPI Driver (Internet, RAS over Dial-Up Network-
ing). If you work only with CAPI 2.0 applications, ignore
this setting, as the MSNs are configured in the individu-
al CAPI applications.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 18 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Changing the Settings
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 3 Installation in Windows 2000 19
he MSNs entered here are valid for both incoming and
outgoing calls. The first MSN entry is valid for the first B
channel; the second for the second B channel. A maxi-
mum of two B channels are supported by the NDIS WAN
CAPI Driver. When a B channel is busy, the first MSN
(default MSN) will be signalled as the outgoing MSN.
Tip: simply enter the same MSN for both B channels to
follow all costs accrued on this number.
13. Then click Next.
14. In conclusion, a window appears in which the settings
for the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 are displayed. Click Fin-
This concludes the installation of the driver software in Win-
dows 2000. You may start operation of the ISDN-Controller
immediately after installation, CAPI 2.0 and the AVM NDIS
WAN CAPI Driver are available. For detailed information
about the AVM NDIS WAN CAPI Driver and the two other AVM
system drivers, see the section The AVM System Drivers on
page 81.
3.2 Changing the Settings
After installation is concluded, you have the opportunity to
change the following settings:
l the D-channel protocol
l the multiple subscriber numbers (MSNs)
l and the resources (I/O address and interrupt)
To make changes, proceed as follows:
1. Open the Windows 2000 Control Panel by clicking
through Start / Settings, and then double-click Sys-
2. Open the Device Manager on the Hardware settings
3. Click the + before the entry Network adapters.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 19 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing Additional Controllers
20 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 3 Installation in Windows 2000
4. Click with the right mouse button on the entry AVM
ISDN-Controller B1.
5. Select Properties and activate the ISDN settings
On this page, select the D-channel protocol.
Click the Configure button to specify the multiple sub-
scriber numbers for the NDIS WAN CAPI Driver.
6. Go to the Resources settings page. Click the Change
settings... button.
Here values for the I/O address and the interrupt can be
3.3 Installing Additional Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controller can be installed in
your computer at any given time. It is also possible to com-
bine active AVM ISDN-Controllers for the ISA, PCI and USB
buses in one computer.
To install an additional ISDN-Controller for the PCI bus, sim-
ply install it in an appropriate slot according to the instruc-
tions in the chapter Installing the Hardware on page 14.
Make the entries described in the section Installing the
Driver Software on page 17. Thats all!
To add a PCI or USB controller, perform the installation of the
ISDN-Controller as described it the corresponding manual.
The driver software of all controllers installed is loaded auto-
matically when Windows 2000 is started.
3.4 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in Windows
2000, proceed as follows:
1. Open the Windows 2000 Control Panel using Start /
Settings and double-click the Add/Remove Hard-
ware icon.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 20 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 3 Installation in Windows 2000 21
2. The Add/Remove New Hardware Wizard is started. Click
3. In the subsequent dialog, select the option Unin-
stall/Unplug a device and click Next.
4. Then select the first option, Uninstall a device. Con-
firm by clicking Next.
5. In the next dialog, the device to be installed must be se-
lected. Activate the option Show hidden devices and
click Next.
Select the entry AVM ISDN-Controller B1. Click Next.
6. Confirm the uninstallation by activating the option Yes,
remove this device and then clicking Next.
7. As a final step, click Finish.
The ISDN-Controller is removed from the system.
Only one ISDN-Controller can be removed at a time. If your
system has multiple ISDN-Controller installed and all are to
be removed, perform the described procedure several times
(without restarting Windows between the individual unin-
stallation tasks).
HB_B1V30.book Seite 21 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installation in Windows NT
22 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 4 Installation in Windows NT
4 Installation in Windows NT
For use in Microsoft Windows NT, specially developed drivers
are included with delivery. The CAPI 2.0 supplied with the
controller supports both 16-bit and 32-bit applications. Ap-
plications in DOS windows are not supported. For more infor-
mation about CAPI, see the section The Applications Inter-
face CAPI 2.0 on page 78.
Before beginning with the software installation, check that
the ISDN-Controller has been installed in the computer prop-
erly. Make sure that an I/O address available in the computer
is set on the ISDN-Controller (see the section Setting the I/O
Address on page 14).
4.1 Installing the Driver Software
Note that administrator rights are required to perform the in-
stallation in Windows NT.
Proceed as follows to install the driver software in Windows
1. Start Windows NT.
2. Insert the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 CD in your CD-
ROM drive.
3. Open the Windows NT Start menu and select the Run
command. Enter the path to the installation program in
the command line:
Confirm by clicking OK.
4. The welcome screen of the installation program ap-
pears. For more information about the ISDN-Controller
and the installation process, click Read AVM Readme
in this window.
Use the F1 key at any time to view a help text about
the current installation step.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 22 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the Driver Software
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 4 Installation in Windows NT 23
5. Click Next.
6. The next window contains a list of the installed control-
lers. If no AVM ISDN-Controller is installed, the New
entry (add an ISDN-Controller) is already active.
Select the type of Controller to be installed and click
7. In the next window, enter the folder in which the driver
software is to be installed.
8. Enter the interrupt for the ISDN-Controller.
In the next dialog, select the I/O address for communi-
cation with the ISDN-Controller in the system. Click the
address that corresponds to the position of the jumper
on the ISDN-Controller card (see the section Setting
the I/O Address on page 14).
Confirm with Next.
9. Enter in the next window which D-channel protocol is
used on your ISDN line.
Activate the desired option and then click Next. The
installation program now copies all files to the specified
10. As a final step, a window appears with the settings of
the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. Confirm by clicking Next.
This concludes the driver software installation in Windows
NT. Now the ISDN-Controller can be put into operation.
A new program group called AVM is created in the Program
Manager/Start menu. This program group contains the files
AVM Internet Home Page, B1 Unload, B1 Load, B1
Readme, B1 Setup and B1 Test.
If the I/O address and interrupt of the ISDN-Controller must
be changed after installation, for instance, because new
hardware devices were installed, change the position of the
jumper on the ISDN-Controller first. Then open the program
“B1 Setup” and enter the new values there.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 23 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
24 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 4 Installation in Windows NT
4.2 Starting Operation of the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
By default the ISDN-Controller is loaded automatically every
time Windows NT is started. Because the Controller is loaded
before the items in the Startup program group, it is no
problem to include communications programs based on
CAPI in the Startup group.
If the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is not to be loaded at all times,
use the options for manual loading and unloading.
Unloading the ISDN-Controller
To unload the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, click B1 Unload.
After unloading, a message appears reporting that CAPI is no
longer available.
Loading the ISDN-Controller
The ISDN-Controller can be loaded manually by clicking the
B1 Load icon in the AVM program group. After loading
the following message appears:
Message after loading in Windows NT
HB_B1V30.book Seite 24 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Changing the Settings
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 4 Installation in Windows NT 25
4.3 Changing the Settings
After installation has been concluded, you have the option of
changing the following settings of the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0:
l Interrupt and I/O address
l D-channel protocol
l activate automatic data compression (CAPI SoftCom-
pression X75/V42bis)
Open the B1 Setup program from the AVM program
group and follow the instructions there.
Information about CAPI SoftCompression is available in the
section “CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis” on page 83.
4.4 Installing Additional Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers may be installed in
your computer at the same time. It is also possible to com-
bine active AVM ISDN-Controllers for ISA and PCI buses in
one computer.
To install an additional ISDN-Controller for the ISA bus, sim-
ply repeat the instructions in the chapter Installing the
Hardware on page 14. Make your settings as for the dialogs
described in the section Installing the Driver Software on
page 22. Thats all!
To add a PCI controller, follow the installation instructions in
the corresponding manual.
The drivers of all ISDN-Controllers installed are loaded auto-
matically when Windows is started.
4.5 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in Windows NT,
proceed as follows:
1. Open the Windows NT Control Panel with Start /
HB_B1V30.book Seite 25 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
26 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 4 Installation in Windows NT
2. Double-click the Add/Remove Software icon.
3. The list of software installed includes an entry for the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 Family (or the last AVM ISDN-
Controller installed).
4. Select this entry and click the Add/Remove button.
The uninstallation program is started.
5. The next window displays the folder which contains the
corresponding driver software to be deleted. Confirm by
clicking Next.
6. At the conclusion of uninstallation you will be prompted
to restart Windows NT so that the changes can be im-
Only one ISDN-Controller may be removed at a time. If mul-
tiple ISDN-Controllers are installed and all are to be re-
moved, perform the above procedure several times (without
restarting Windows between the individual uninstallation
HB_B1V30.book Seite 26 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installation in Windows Millennium
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 5 Installation in Windows Millennium 27
5 Installation in Windows
For use in Microsoft Windows Millennium (Me), specially de-
veloped drivers are included with delivery. The driver archi-
tecture corresponds to the architecture of the Microsoft Win
32 Driver Model (WDM). This true 32-bit device driver offers
full support for all features of Microsoft Windows Me.
The CAPI 2.0 supplied with the controller supports both 16-
bit and 32-bit applications and, at the same time, applica-
tions in DOS windows. For more information about CAPI, see
the section The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0 on
page 78.
The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is installed in Windows Me
in four main steps:
1. Installing a new hardware device using the Windows Me
Hardware Wizard
2. Configuring the controller
3. Physically installing the controller
4. Installing the driver software
The individual steps are described in detail below.
5.1 Installing the New Hardware Device
Do not physically install the ISDN-Controller hardware in
your computer first.
Proceed as follows for installation:
1. Open the Add New Hardware folder in the Control
Panel (Start / Settings / Control Panel).
The Windows Me Add New Hardware Wizard appears.
This wizard assists in the installation of new hardware
devices. Click Next to begin installation.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 27 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the New Hardware Device
28 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 5 Installation in Windows Millennium
2. The Add New Hardware Wizard announces that it recog-
nizes new Plug and Play devices. Click Next.
3. Answer the question about whether the device is in-
cluded in the list with No and click Next.
4. In the next window, answer No to the questions, Do
you want Windows to search for your new hardware?
and click Next again.
5. In the next window, select the hardware type to be in-
stalled. Select the entry Other devices. Then click
6. The Windows device driver database is generated. Win-
dows Me then shows a list of hardware models and
manufacturers. Click the Have Disk... button here.
7. Insert the CD included in the controller package into
your CD-ROM drive. Enter the path to the installation
<CD-ROM drive>:\CARDWARE\b1_v30\
Start installation by clicking OK twice.
8. In the next window the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 Family
is displayed as the hardware device. Click Next.
9. The Add New Hardware Wizard shows in the next win-
dow a free I/O address and a free interrupt. Make a note
of the I/O address displayed; the values cannot be
changed here. Click Next.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 28 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 5 Installation in Windows Millennium 29
It is advisable to accept the I/O address value displayed
here and, if necessary, to change the jumper position
on the ISDN-Controller accordingly. If you would prefer
to use another I/O address, open the Device Manager
(“Settings / Control Panel / System”) before restarting
Windows and enter the desired values there.
Now the driver software is copied to your computer. A
message appears announcing that the software for the
new hardware device has been installed. Click Finish.
10. A message in the next window announces that the com-
puter must be shut down. Remove the CD from the CD-
ROM drive and click Yes. The computer must be shut
down before the ISDN-Controller hardware is physically
installed so that all settings made can be activated.
11. Turn off the computer and any other connected devices
and pull the power plug.
5.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0
In the second step of installation, change the jumper posi-
tion on the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 if necessary. Use the
value suggested by the Add New Hardware Wizard. Upon de-
livery, the jumper is set to the I/O address 150 (see the sec-
tion Setting the I/O Address on page 14).
Once the ISDN-Controller has been installed in Windows Me
and the jumper has been set, the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 can
be physically installed in the computer.
5.3 Physically Installing the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
For the physical installation of the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 and the connection of the cables, follow the steps
described in the section Installing the Hardware on
page 14.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 29 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the Driver Software
30 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 5 Installation in Windows Millennium
5.4 Installing the Driver Software
After physically installing the Controller B1 v3.0, the next
step is to install the driver software. Proceed as follows:
1. Turn your computer back on. The welcome screen of the
installation program appears. To obtain more informa-
tion about the ISDN-Controller and the installation pro-
cess, click the Read AVM Readme button.
Use the F1” key at any time to view a help text for the
current installation step.
Click Next.
2. Select the ISDN-Controller to be installed. For informa-
tion about the controllers listed, click the Info button.
Click Next.
In the next window, enter the folder in which the driver
software of the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is to be in-
stalled. When your entries are complete, click Next.
3. The next step is to specify the protocol of your ISDN
4. Activate the desired option and then click Next. The
installation program then copies all files to the speci-
fied folder.
5. Once copying has been completed, a window display-
ing the settings of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 appears.
Confirm these settings by clicking OK.
This concludes the installation of the driver software for the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in Windows Me. The controller
is ready for immediate operation.
A new folder called AVM is created in the Programs
group of the Start menu. This folder contains the programs
AVM Internet Home Page, B1 Unload, B1 Load, B1
Readme, B1 Setup and B1 Test.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 30 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 5 Installation in Windows Millennium 31
If the I/O address of the ISDN-Controller must be changed
after installation, because of a new hardware device, for in-
stance, open the Windows Me Device Manager by clicking
through “Settings / Control Panel / System”. Enter the new
value there.
After changing this setting, remove the ISDN-Controller
hardware from the computer and switch the jumper accord-
ingly. Windows Me administers the interrupt values auto-
5.5 Starting Operation of the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
By default the controller is loaded automatically every time
Windows Me is started. Because the controller is loaded be-
fore the items in the Startup program group, it is no prob-
lem to include communications programs based on CAPI in
the Startup group.
If the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is not to be loaded at all times,
use the options for manual loading and unloading.
Unloading the ISDN-Controller
To unload the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, click B1 Unload. Af-
ter unloading, a message appears reporting that the AVM IS-
DN-Service is no longer available. Confirm this message by
clicking OK.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 31 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Changing the Settings
32 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 5 Installation in Windows Millennium
Loading the ISDN-Controller
The ISDN-Controller can be loaded manually by clicking the
B1 Load icon in the AVM program group. After loading
the following message appears:
Message after loading in Windows Me
5.6 Changing the Settings
After installation has been concluded, you have the option of
changing the following settings of the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0:
l D-channel protocol
l activate automatic data compression (CAPI SoftCom-
pression X75/V42bis)
Open the B1 Setup program from the AVM program
group and follow the instructions there.
Information about CAPI SoftCompression is available in the
section “CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis” on page 83.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 32 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing Additional Controllers
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 5 Installation in Windows Millennium 33
5.7 Installing Additional Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers may be installed in
your computer at the same time. It is also possible to com-
bine active AVM ISDN-Controllers for ISA, PCI and USB buses
in one computer.
To install an additional AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, simply
repeat the entire installation procedure as described. Start
by installing a new hardware device. The installation pro-
gram automatically recognizes additional ISDN-Controllers
and, assisted by the Device manager, integrates them into
the system.
To add a PCI or USB controller, perform the installation as de-
scribed in the corresponding manual.
The drivers of all installed ISDN-Controllers are loaded auto-
matically when Windows is started.
5.8 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in Windows Me,
proceed as follows:
1. Open the Windows Me Control Panel with Start /
2. Double-click the Add/Remove Software icon.
3. The list of software installed includes an entry for the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 Family (or the last AVM ISDN-
Controller installed). Select this entry and click the
Add/Remove button.
The uninstallation program is started.
4. The next window displays the folder which contains the
corresponding driver software to be deleted.
Confirm by clicking Next.
5. At the conclusion of uninstallation you will be prompted
to restart Windows so that the changes can be imple-
HB_B1V30.book Seite 33 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
34 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 5 Installation in Windows Millennium
Only one ISDN-Controller may be removed at a time. If mul-
tiple ISDN-Controllers are installed and all are to be re-
moved, perform the above procedure several times (without
restarting Windows between the individual uninstallation
HB_B1V30.book Seite 34 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installation in Windows 98
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 6 Installation in Windows 98 35
6 Installation in Windows 98
For use in Microsoft Windows 98, specially developed driv-
ers are included with delivery. The driver architecture corre-
sponds to the architecture of the Microsoft Win 32 Driver
Model (WDM). This true 32-bit device driver offers full sup-
port for all features of Microsoft Windows 98.
The CAPI 2.0 supplied with the controller supports both 16-
bit and 32-bit applications and, at the same time, applica-
tions in DOS windows. For more information about CAPI, see
the section The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0 on
page 78.
The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is installed in Windows 98
in four main steps:
1. Installing a new hardware device using the Windows Me
Hardware Wizard
2. Configuring the controller
3. Physically installing the controller
4. Installing the driver software
The individual steps are described in detail below.
6.1 Installing the New Hardware Device
Do not physically install the ISDN-Controller hardware in
your computer first.
Proceed as follows for installation:
1. Open the Add New Hardware folder in the Control
Panel (Start / Settings / Control Panel).
The Windows 98 Add New Hardware Wizard appears.
This wizard assists in the installation of new hardware
devices. Click Next to begin installation.
2. The Add New Hardware Wizard announces that it recog-
nizes new Plug and Play devices. Click Next.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 35 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the New Hardware Device
36 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 6 Installation in Windows 98
3. Answer the question about whether the device is in-
cluded in the list with No and click Next.
4. In the next window, answer No to the questions, Do
you want Windows to search for your new hardware?
and click Next again.
5. In the next window, select the hardware type to be in-
stalled. Select the entry Other devices. Then click
6. The Windows device driver database is generated. Win-
dows Me then shows a list of hardware models and
manufacturers. Click the Have Disk... button here.
7. Insert the CD included in the controller package into
your CD-ROM drive. Enter the path to the installation
<CD-ROM drive>:\CARDWARE\b1_v30\
Start installation by clicking OK twice.
8. In the next window the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 Family
is displayed as the hardware device. Click Next.
9. The Add New Hardware Wizard shows in the next win-
dow a free I/O address and a free interrupt. Make a note
of the I/O address displayed; the values cannot be
changed here. Click Next.
It is advisable to accept the I/O address value displayed
here and, if necessary, to change the jumper position
on the ISDN-Controller accordingly. If you would prefer
to use another I/O address, open the Device Manager
(“Settings / Control Panel / System”) before restarting
Windows and enter the desired values there.
Now the driver software is copied to your computer. A
message appears announcing that the software for the
new hardware device has been installed. Click Finish.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 36 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 6 Installation in Windows 98 37
10. A message in the next window announces that the com-
puter must be shut down. Remove the CD from the CD-
ROM drive and click Yes. The computer must be shut
down before the ISDN-Controller hardware is physically
installed so that all settings made can be activated.
11. Turn off the computer and any other connected devices
and pull the power plug.
6.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0
In the second step of installation, change the jumper posi-
tion on the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 if necessary. Use the
value suggested by the Add New Hardware Wizard. Upon de-
livery, the jumper is set to the I/O address 150 (see the sec-
tion Setting the I/O Address on page 14).
Once the ISDN-Controller has been installed in Windows Me
and the jumper has been set, the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 can
be physically installed in the computer.
6.3 Physically Installing the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
For the physical installation of the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 and the connection of the cables, follow the steps
described in the section Installing the Hardware on
page 14.
6.4 Installing the Driver Software
After physically installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, the
next step is to install the driver software. Proceed as follows:
1. Turn your computer back on. The welcome screen of the
installation program appears. To obtain more informa-
tion about the ISDN-Controller and the installation pro-
cess, click the Read AVM Readme button.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 37 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the Driver Software
38 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 6 Installation in Windows 98
Use the F1” key at any time to view a help text for the
current installation step.
Click Next.
2. Select the ISDN-Controller to be installed. For informa-
tion about the controllers listed, click the Info button.
Click Next.
3. In the next window, enter the folder in which the driver
software of the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is to be in-
stalled. When your entries are complete, click Next.
4. The next step is to specify the D-channel protocol of
your ISDN line.
Activate the desired option and then click Next. The
installation program then copies all files to the speci-
fied folder.
5. Once copying has been completed, a window display-
ing the settings of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 appears.
Confirm these settings by clicking OK.
A new folder called AVM is created in the Programs
group of the Start menu. This folder contains the programs
AVM Internet Home Page, B1 Unload, B1 Load, B1
Readme, B1 Setup and B1 Test.
This concludes the installation of the driver software for the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in Windows 98.
If the I/O address of the ISDN-Controller must be changed
after installation, because of a new hardware device, for in-
stance, open the Windows 98 Device Manager by clicking
through “Settings / Control Panel / System”. Enter the new
value there.
After changing this setting, remove the ISDN-Controller
hardware from the computer and switch the jumper accord-
ingly. Windows 98 administers the interrupt values automat-
HB_B1V30.book Seite 38 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 6 Installation in Windows 98 39
6.5 Starting Operation of the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
By default the controller is loaded automatically every time
Windows 98 is started. Because the controller is loaded be-
fore the items in the Startup program group, it is no prob-
lem to include communications programs based on CAPI in
the Startup group.
If the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is not to be loaded at all times,
use the options for manual loading and unloading.
Unloading the ISDN-Controller
To unload the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, click B1 Unload. Af-
ter unloading, a message appears reporting that the AVM
ISDN-Service is no longer available. Confirm this message by
clicking OK.
Loading the ISDN-Controller
The ISDN-Controller can be loaded manually by clicking the
B1 Load icon in the AVM program group. After loading
the following message appears:
Message after loading in Windows 98
HB_B1V30.book Seite 39 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Changing the Settings
40 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 6 Installation in Windows 98
6.6 Changing the Settings
After installation has been concluded, you have the option of
changing the following settings of the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0:
l D-channel protocol
l activate automatic data compression (CAPI SoftCom-
pression X75/V42bis)
Open the B1 Setup program from the AVM program
group and follow the instructions there.
Information about CAPI SoftCompression is available in the
section “CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis” on page 83.
6.7 Installing Additional Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers may be installed in
your computer at the same time. It is also possible to com-
bine active AVM ISDN-Controllers for ISA, PCI and USB buses
in one computer.
To install an additional AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, simply
repeat the entire installation procedure as described. Start
by installing a new hardware device. The installation pro-
gram automatically recognizes additional ISDN-Controllers
and, assisted by the Device manager, integrates them into
the system.
To add a PCI or USB controller, perform the installation as de-
scribed in the corresponding manual.
The drivers of all installed ISDN-Controllers are loaded auto-
matically when Windows is started.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 40 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 6 Installation in Windows 98 41
6.8 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 from Windows
98, proceed as follows:
1. Open the Windows 98 Control Panel with Start /
2. Double-click the Add/Remove Software icon.
3. The list of software installed includes an entry for the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 Family (or the last AVM ISDN-
Controller installed). Select this entry and click the
Add/Remove button.
The uninstallation program is started.
4. The next window displays the folder which contains the
corresponding driver software to be deleted.
Confirm by clicking Next.
5. At the conclusion of uninstallation you will be prompted
to restart Windows so that the changes can be imple-
Only one ISDN-Controller may be removed at a time. If mul-
tiple ISDN-Controllers are installed and all are to be re-
moved, perform the above procedure several times (without
restarting Windows between the individual uninstallation
HB_B1V30.book Seite 41 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installation in Windows 95
42 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 7 Installation in Windows 95
7 Installation in Windows 95
For use in Microsoft Windows 95, specially developed drivers
are included with delivery. This 32-bit device driver (VxD) of-
fers full support for all features of Microsoft Windows 95.
The CAPI 2.0 supplied with the controller supports Windows
applications and applications in DOS windows at the same
time. For more information about CAPI, see the section The
Applications Interface CAPI 2.0 on page 78.
The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is installed in Windows 95
in four main steps:
1. Installing a new hardware device using the Hardware
2. Configuring the controller
3. Physically installing the controller
4. Installing the driver software
The individual steps are described in detail below.
7.1 Installing the New Hardware Device
Do not physically install the ISDN-Controller hardware in
your computer first.
Proceed as follows for installation:
1. Open the Add New Hardware folder in the Windows
95 Control Panel (Start / Settings / Control Panel).
2. The Windows 95 Add New Hardware Wizard appears.
This wizard assists in the installation of new hardware
devices. Click Next to begin installation.
3. In the next window, answer No to the questions, Do
you want Windows to search for your new hardware?
and click Next again.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 42 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the New Hardware Device
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 7 Installation in Windows 95 43
4. In the next window, select the hardware type to be in-
stalled. Select the entry Other devices. Then click
5. The Windows device driver database is generated.
Windows 95 then shows a list of hardware models and
manufacturers. Click the Have Disk... button here.
6. Insert the CD included in the controller package into
your CD-ROM drive. Enter the path to the installation
<CD-ROM drive>:\CARDWARE\b1_v30\
Start installation by clicking OK twice.
7. In the next window the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 Family
is displayed as the hardware device. Click Next.
8. The Add New Hardware Wizard shows in the next win-
dow a free I/O address and a free interrupt. Make a note
of the I/O address displayed; the values cannot be
changed here. Click Next.
It is advisable to accept the I/O address value displayed
here and, if necessary, to change the jumper position
on the ISDN-Controller accordingly. If you would prefer
to use another I/O address, open the Device Manager
(“Settings / Control Panel / System”) before restarting
Windows and enter the desired values there.
Now the driver software is copied to your computer. A
message appears announcing that the software for the
new hardware device has been installed. Click Finish.
9. A message in the next window announces that the com-
puter must be shut down. Remove the CD from the CD-
ROM drive and click Yes. The computer must be shut
down before the ISDN-Controller hardware is physically
installed so that all settings made can be activated.
10. Turn off the computer and any other connected devices
and pull the power plug.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 43 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
44 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 7 Installation in Windows 95
7.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0
In the second step of installation, change the jumper posi-
tion on the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 if necessary. Use the
value suggested by the Add New Hardware Wizard. Upon de-
livery, the jumper is set to the I/O address 150 (see the sec-
tion Setting the I/O Address on page 14).
Once the ISDN-Controller has been installed in Windows 95
and the jumper has been set, the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 can
be physically installed in the computer.
7.3 Physically Installing the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
For the physical installation of the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 and the connection of the cables, follow the steps
described in the section Installing the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 in the Computer on page 15.
7.4 Installing the Driver Software
After physically installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, the
next step is to install the driver software. Proceed as follows:
1. Turn your computer back on. The welcome screen of the
installation program appears. To obtain more informa-
tion about the ISDN-Controller and the installation pro-
cess, click the Read AVM Readme button.
Use the F1” key at any time to view a help text for the
current installation step.
Click Next.
2. Select the ISDN-Controller to be installed. For informa-
tion about the controllers listed, click the Info button.
Click Next.
3. In the next window, enter the folder in which the driver
software of the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is to be in-
stalled. When your entries are complete, click Next.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 44 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 7 Installation in Windows 95 45
4. The next step is to specify the protocol of your ISDN
Activate the desired option and then click Next.
5. The installation program then copies all files to the
specified folder.
6. Once copying has been completed, a window display-
ing the settings of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 appears.
Confirm these settings by clicking OK.
A new folder called AVM is created in the Programs
group of the Start menu. This folder contains the programs
AVM Internet Home Page, B1 Unload, B1 Load, B1
Readme, B1 Setup and B1 Test.
This concludes the installation of the driver software for the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in Windows 95.
If the I/O address of the ISDN-Controller must be changed
after installation, because of a new hardware device, for in-
stance, open the Windows Me Device Manager by clicking
through “Settings / Control Panel / System”. Enter the new
value there.
After changing this setting, remove the ISDN-Controller
hardware from the computer and switch the jumper accord-
ingly. Windows 95 administers the interrupt values automat-
7.5 Starting Operation of the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
By default the controller is loaded automatically every time
Windows 95 is started. Because the controller is loaded be-
fore the items in the Startup program group, it is no prob-
lem to include communications programs based on CAPI in
the Startup group.
If the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is not to be loaded at all times,
use the options for manual loading and unloading.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 45 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Changing the Settings
46 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 7 Installation in Windows 95
Unloading the ISDN-Controller
To unload the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, click B1 Unload. Af-
ter unloading, a message appears reporting that the AVM IS-
DN-Service is no longer available. Confirm this message by
clicking OK.
Loading the ISDN-Controller
The ISDN-Controller can be loaded manually by clicking the
B1 Load icon in the AVM program group. After loading
the following message appears:
Message after loading in Windows 95
7.6 Changing the Settings
After installation has been concluded, you have the option of
changing the following settings of the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0:
l D-channel protocol
l activate automatic data compression (CAPI SoftCom-
pression X75/V42bis)
Open the B1 Setup program from the AVM program
group and follow the instructions there.
Information about CAPI SoftCompression is available in the
section “CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis” on page 83.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 46 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing Additional Controllers
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 7 Installation in Windows 95 47
7.7 Installing Additional Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers may be installed in
your computer at the same time. It is also possible to com-
bine active AVM ISDN-Controllers for ISA and PCI buses in
one computer.
To install an additional AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, simply
repeat the entire installation procedure as described. Start
by installing a new hardware device. The installation pro-
gram automatically recognizes additional ISDN-Controller
and, assisted by the Device manager, integrates them into
the system.
To add a PCI or USB controller, perform the installation as de-
scribed in the corresponding manual.
The drivers of all installed ISDN-Controllers are loaded auto-
matically when Windows is started.
7.8 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 from Windows
95, proceed as follows:
1. Open the Windows 95 Control Panel with Start /
2. Double-click the Add/Remove Software icon.
3. The list of software installed includes an entry for the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 Family (or the last AVM ISDN-
Controller installed). Select this entry and click the
Add/Remove button.
The uninstallation program is started.
4. The next window displays the folder which contains the
corresponding driver software to be deleted.
Confirm by clicking Next.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 47 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
48 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 7 Installation in Windows 95
5. At the conclusion of uninstallation you will be prompted
to restart Windows so that the changes can be imple-
Only one ISDN-Controller may be removed at a time. If mul-
tiple ISDN-Controllers are installed and all are to be re-
moved, perform the above procedure several times (without
restarting Windows between the individual uninstallation
HB_B1V30.book Seite 48 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installation in Windows 3.x
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 8 Installation in Windows 3.x 49
8 Installation in Windows 3.x
For use in Microsoft Windows 3.x, specially developed driv-
ers are included with delivery. This 32-bit device driver (VxD)
exploits the possibilities of Windows protected mode.
The CAPI 2.0 supplied with the controller supports Windows
applications and applications in DOS windows at the same
time. For more information about CAPI, see the section The
Applications Interface CAPI 2.0 on page 78.
It is not possible to load a DOS-based CAPI before Windows
is started. Use the DOS window or install the ISDN-Controller
in MS-DOS if you wish to use the controller with DOS applica-
8.1 Installing the Driver Software
Before beginning with the software installation, check that
the ISDN-Controller has been installed in the computer prop-
erly. Make sure that an I/O address available in the computer
is set on the ISDN-Controller (see the section Setting the I/O
Address on page 14).
Proceed as follows to install the driver software in Windows
1. Start Windows.
2. Insert the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 CD in your CD-
ROM drive.
3. From the File menu of the Program Manager, select
the Run command and enter the path to the installa-
tion program in the command line:
4. Start the installation by clicking OK.
5. The message Initializing Setup... appears. Once ini-
tialization is completed, the welcome screen of the in-
stallation program appears. Click Next.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 49 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Entering a Changed I/O Address
50 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 8 Installation in Windows 3.x
Installation can be aborted at any time by clicking the
“Cancel” button.
6. Enter the directory in which the driver software is to be
installed. Once your entries are complete, click Next.
7. Indicate which D-channel protocol is used on your ISDN
line by clicking the desired option.
In the same dialog, specify whether automatic data
compression should be activated for X.75 connections.
For more information about data compression in
accordance with the V.42bis standard, see the section
“CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis” on page 83.
8. Confirm by clicking Next.
Now the installation program copies all files to the specified
directory. A new program group called AVM is created in
the Program Manager. This group contains the programs B1
Unload, B1 Load, B1 Readme, B1 Setup and B1 Test.
The B1 Load program is copied into the Startup group in
the Program Manager so that the driver software is loaded
each time Windows is started. If you do not wish the driver
software to be loaded automatically, delete the entry in the
Startup group.
The driver software installation is concluded after the com-
puter is rebooted.
Entering a Changed I/O Address
If a different I/O address was set by jumper before the hard-
ware installation, or if another interrupt is to be used, the
ISDN-Controller must be configured accordingly before start-
ing operation. If the default settings of the ISDN-Controller
were used (I/O address 150, interrupt 5), skip the section
Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 on page 51.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 50 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 8 Installation in Windows 3.x 51
8.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0
To configure the controller with a new I/O address, proceed
as follows:
1. Start the B1 Setup program by double-clicking on the
corresponding icon in the AVM program group.
The following window is opened:
Dialog of the “B1 Setup” program
2. Enter new values for the I/O address and the interrupt
The interrupts 10, 11, 12 and 15 can be used only if the
ISDN-Controller was inserted in a 16-bit slot.
3. Save your entries by clicking OK. The values specified
for the ISDN-Controller are registered in the SYSTEM.INI
(Windows directory) and ISDNLOAD.CFG (directory of
the driver software) files.
4. Restart Windows to implement the changes.
Note that when multiple AVM ISDN-Controllers are used, the
B1 Setup program changes only the configuration of the
first ISDN-Controller. Changes to the I/O address and inter-
rupts of all other ISDN-Controllers must be made manually in
the SYSTEM.INI and the ISDNLOAD.CFG files.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 51 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
52 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 8 Installation in Windows 3.x
If the I/O address and interrupt of the ISDN-Controller must
be changed after installation, for instance, because new
hardware devices were installed, change the position of the
jumper on the ISDN-Controller first. Then open the program
“B1 Setup” and enter the new values there.
8.3 Starting Operation of the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
By default the ISDN-Controller is loaded automatically every
time Windows is started.
If the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is not to be loaded at all times,
use the options for manual loading and unloading.
Unloading the ISDN-Controller
To unload the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, click B1 Unload.
After unloading, a message appears reporting that CAPI is no
longer available.
Loading the ISDN-Controller
The ISDN-Controller can be loaded manually by clicking the
B1 Load icon in the AVM program group. After loading
the following message appears:
Message after loading in Windows 3.x
HB_B1V30.book Seite 52 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Changing the Settings
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 8 Installation in Windows 3.x 53
8.4 Changing the Settings
After installation has been concluded, you have the option of
changing the following settings of the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0:
l D-channel protocol
l activate automatic data compression (CAPI SoftCom-
pression X75/V42bis)
Information about CAPI SoftCompression is available in the
section “CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis” on page 83.
To change settings, proceed as follows:
1. Open the SETUP.EXE program as described in the sec-
tion Installing the Driver Software on page 49.
2. Select the Installation option and follow the instruc-
tions on the screen.
8.5 Installing Additional Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers may be installed in
your computer at the same time. It is also possible to com-
bine active AVM ISDN-Controllers for ISA and PCI buses in
one computer.
To install additional ISDN-Controllers, the ISDNLOAD.CFG (di-
rectory of the driver software) and SYSTEM.INI (Windows di-
rectory) files must be changed.
1. Open the ISDNLOAD.CFG file from the installation direc-
tory in a text editor.
2. Copy the entire section beginning with the line [ISDN-
Controller-00]. Enter the copied section again below the
original section.
3. Then add one to each of the controller numbers in the
new section and enter the desired values for the sec-
ond controller:
HB_B1V30.book Seite 53 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
54 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 8 Installation in Windows 3.x
I/O address and interrupt
Base module (specifies the T4 file): b1.t4 stands
for the D-channel protocol DSS1, b1tr6.t4 for 1TR6,
and b1usa.t4 for NI1 and 5ESS
:PROTOCOL (specifies the D-channel protocol):
\x00 stands for DSS1, \x06 for 1TR6, \x03 for
NI1, and \x05 for 5ESS
IO Address = 150
Interrupt = 5
Base Module = b1.t4
:PROTOCOL = \x00
IO Address = 250
Interrupt = 10
Base Module = b1tr6.t4
:PROTOCOL = \x06
Also note the following:
l When an AVM ISDN-Controller for a different type of bus
is added, the paragraphs above must also include the
line Type=XX to specify the bus type.
l If a PC controller is already installed and an ISA control-
ler is to be added, in addition to the I/O address and
the interrupt, the following value must be specified:
l If a PCI controller is to be added, and an ISA controller is
already installed, the corresponding entry is:
HB_B1V30.book Seite 54 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 8 Installation in Windows 3.x 55
For a PCI controller, it is not necessary to enter the I/O
address and interrupt. Also note the information in the
manual for the PCI controller.
The same changes must be made in the SYSTEM.INI file as
well. The entry in SYSTEM.INI may look something like this:
[AVM ISDN-Controller B1]
IO Address=150
The values for the new controller are simply added below
(with the specification of the controller number after the pa-
IO Address2=250
Use the B1 Load command to load all ISDN-Controllers in-
8.6 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in Windows 3.x,
proceed as follows:
1. Start the installation program from the AVM ISDN-Con-
troller B1 v3.0 driver CD.
2. The program reports that an installed controller was
found. Click Next.
3. In next dialog, click Uninstall and once again Next.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
This concludes the removal of the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 55 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installation in MS-DOS
56 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 9 Installation in MS-DOS
9 Installation in MS-DOS
For the use of the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in MS-DOS,
special drivers are included with delivery. Once installed, the
driver software makes the programming interface CAPI 2.0
available to the entire system. For more information about
CAPI, see the section The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0
on page 78.
9.1 Installing the Driver Software
Before beginning with the software installation, check that
the ISDN-Controller has been installed in the computer prop-
erly. Make sure that an I/O address available in the computer
is set on the ISDN-Controller (see the section Setting the I/O
Address on page 14).
Proceed as follows to install the driver software for the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0:
1. Insert the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 CD in your CD-
ROM drive.
2. Change to the letter of the CD-ROM drive. Then use the
customary DOS commands to switch to the following di-
3. Start the installation by entering the following com-
mand at the DOS prompt:
If the installation files are located in another directory,
enter the appropriate path.
4. The welcome screen of the installation program ap-
pears. Installation can be aborted at any time by press-
ing Ctrl+x. To begin installation, press Return.
5. An overview of the available drives appears. Select the
drive to which the driver software of the ISDN-Controller
is to be installed.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 56 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Entering a Changed I/O Address
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 9 Installation in MS-DOS 57
Use the arrow keys to browse through the list. Confirm
your selection with Return.
6. Now specify the installation directory. Confirm your se-
lection with Return.
7. Specify which D-channel protocol is used on your ISDN-
Press the Tab key to jump to the next option. Confirm
with Return.
8. In the next window, indicate whether you would like to
activate automatic data compression V.42bis for X.75
Use the Tab key to jump to the next option. Confirm with
Now the installation program copies all files to the
specified directory. If there is not enough free space on
the drive for the driver software installation, you will re-
ceive an error message to this effect.
This concludes the installation of the driver software.
Entering a Changed I/O Address
If a different I/O address was set by jumper before the hard-
ware installation, or if another interrupt is to be used, the
ISDN-Controller must be configured accordingly using the
B1 Setup program before starting operation. Similarly, if a
different interrupt is to be used, this must be specified. If the
default settings of the ISDN-Controller were used (I/O
address 150, interrupt 5), skip the section Configuring the
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 on page 58.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 57 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Configuring the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
58 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 9 Installation in MS-DOS
9.2 Configuring the ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0
The I/O address set using the jumper must match the entry
in the controller software. Proceed as follows to enter the I/O
1. Open the B1 Setup program. The following dialog ap-
pears on the screen:
Dialog of the B1 Setup program
2. In the first input field, enter the I/O address set on the
Either change the specified value with the space bar, or
view an overview of the available values by pressing the
Tab key.
Select the desired I/O address and activate it by press-
ing Return from the input field.
3. In the second input field, enter a new value for the inter-
Press the space bar or the Tab key to select another
The interrupts 10, 11, 12 and 15 can be used only if the
ISDN-Controller was inserted in a 16-bit slot.
4. Save your entries by pressing Ctrl+Home or Return.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 58 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Starting Operation of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 9 Installation in MS-DOS 59
If the I/O address and interrupt of the ISDN-Controller must
be changed after installation, for instance, because new
hardware devices were installed, change the position of the
jumper on the ISDN-Controller first. Then open the program
“B1 Setup” and enter the new values there.
9.3 Starting Operation of the ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
Loading the ISDN-Controller
Now operation of the ISDN-Controller may begin. Switch to
the directory of the driver software of the ISDN-Controller,
e.g. IDRIVER, and enter the following command at the DOS
This command initializes the ISDN-Controller and loads the
driver software. Once the controller has been loaded suc-
cessfully, the following message appears on the screen:
Message after loading in MS-DOS
Now you may begin working with CAPI applications. The AVM
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 driver for the support of the D-chan-
nel protocols and CAPI occupies about 18 KB in your PCs
Unloading the ISDN-Controller
Enter the following command to unload the driver software:
ibase -
The program returns a message acknowledging that the driv-
er has been removed.
AVM Berlin ISDN-Controller B1
E-DSS1 / Release xxxxxx
Serial No. xxxxxxx
Address xxx / IRQ x
Add. Service: Telefax G3, Fax Polling, DTMF, V.110, V.120, GSM,
CAPI 1.1
HB_B1V30.book Seite 59 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Changing the Settings
60 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 9 Installation in MS-DOS
To load the driver for the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 auto-
matically each time the computer is started, add the call for
the IBASE.BAT batch procedure to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
(Remember to include the path!).
9.4 Changing the Settings
The following settings can be changed:
l D-channel protocol
l activate automatic data compression (CAPI SoftCom-
pression X75/V42bis)
Start the installation program again by entering the
command as described in the section Installing the
Driver Software on page 56 and follow the instructions
Information about CAPI SoftCompression is available in the
section “CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis” on page 83.
9.5 Installing Additional Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers may be installed in
your computer at the same time. It is also possible to com-
bine active AVM ISDN-Controllers for ISA and PCI buses in on
To install additional ISDN-Controllers, proceed as follows:
1. Open the ISDNLOAD.CFG file from the installation direc-
tory in a text editor.
2. Copy the entire section beginning with the line [ISDN-
Controller-00]. Enter the copied section again below the
original section.
3. Then add one to each of the controller numbers in the
new section and enter the desired values for the sec-
ond controller:
I/O address and interrupt
HB_B1V30.book Seite 60 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing Additional Controllers
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 9 Installation in MS-DOS 61
Base module (specifies the T4 file): b1.t4 stands
for the D-channel protocol DSS1, b1tr6.t4 for 1TR6,
and b1usa.t4 for NI1 and 5ESS
:PROTOCOL (specifies the D-channel protocol):
\x00 stands for DSS1, \x06 for 1TR6, \x03 for
NI1, and \x05 for 5ESS
IO Address = 150
Interrupt = 5
Base Module = b1.t4
:PROTOCOL = \x00
IO Address = 250
Interrupt = 10
Base Module = b1tr6.t4
:PROTOCOL = \x06
Also note the following:
l When an AVM ISDN-Controller for a different type of bus
is added, the paragraphs of the ISDNLOAD.CFG file list-
ed above also must include the line Type=XX to spec-
ify the bus type.
l If a PC controller is already installed and an ISA control-
ler is to be added, in addition to the I/O address and
the interrupt, the following value must be specified:
l If a PCI controller is to be added, and an ISA controller is
already installed, the corresponding entry is:
Type=B1pci. For a PCI controller, it is not necessary to
enter the I/O address and interrupt. Also note the infor-
mation in the manual for the PCI controller.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 61 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
62 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 9 Installation in MS-DOS
The ibase command loads all ISDN-Controllers installed.
9.6 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in MS-DOS, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. First unload the driver with the command ibase -
2. Then use the relevant DOS commands to delete the di-
rectory in which the drive software is located.
3. If the command ibase has been entered in the file
AUTOEXEC.BAT, this file must be changed as well.
This concludes the removal of the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 from MS-DOS.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 62 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installation in Novell NetWare
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 10 Installation in Novell NetWare 63
10 Installation in Novell
The driver software for the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in
Novell NetWare can be installed in the Novell NetWare ver-
sions 5.x, 4.x and 3.x.
Two installation variants are supplied for Novell NetWare 4.x
and 5.x: Stand-Alone CAPI and CAPI Manager. If you would
like to use the Novell CAPI Manager, make sure that it is in-
stalled before installing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0.
For Novell NetWare 3.x, only the Stand-Alone CAPI driver is
The Novell CAPI Manager is a part of the Novell NetWare 4.x
and 5.x operating systems, and is supplied by Novell.
The installation and deinstallation procedures are almost
identical for both driver types and for all three Novell Net-
Ware versions. Configuration and operation of the ISDN-Con-
troller B1 v3.0 is different depending on whether the Stand-
Alone CAPI or the CAPI Manager version is used.
10.1 Installing the Driver Software
Before beginning with the software installation, check that
the ISDN-Controller has been installed in the computer prop-
erly. Make sure that an I/O address available in the computer
is set on the ISDN-Controller (see the section Setting the I/O
Address on page 14).
Perform the following steps to install the driver software:
The following instructions describe installation in Novell
Netware 5.x. Minor deviations may arise for Novell NetWare
3.12 and 4.x.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 63 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the Driver Software
64 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 10 Installation in Novell NetWare
1. Start your computer.
2. Insert the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 CD in your CD
3. Enter the following command:
load nwconfig
to load the installation menu of the Novell NetWare
server. The Configuration Options menu of the instal-
lation program appears.
4. Select Product options from this menu and press Re-
On a NetWare 3.x server, now a list of the programs al-
ready installed is displayed.
NetWare servers of version 5.x or 4.x show a menu la-
beled Other Installation Items/Products. Select the
item Install a product not listed from this menu and
press Return.
5. The disk drive A:\ is suggested by default. To specify
another path, press F3.
6. To install the driver software for the Stand-Alone Ver-
sion of the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, enter the following
To install the driver software for the CAPI Manager, en-
ter the following command:
7. Confirm by pressing Return.
8. In the next step, select Install on this server and
press Return.
The files for the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 are now
copied to the SYS:SYSTEM directory.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 64 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 Configuration with Stand-Alone CAPI
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 10 Installation in Novell NetWare 65
At the conclusion of installation, the README file for the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is displayed on the screen.
9. Press Esc to end the display.
10. Press Esc as often as necessary to close all sub-
menus and return to the Configuration Options menu.
11. Select Exit to leave the installation program.
For operation and configuration with the Stand-Alone CAPI,
continue with the next two sections. To perform the installa-
tion with CAPI for the CAPI Manager, proceed as described in
the section “ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 with CAPI for the CAPI
Manager” on page 67.
10.2 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 Configuration
with Stand-Alone CAPI
To configure the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 with Stand-
Alone CAPI, proceed as follows:
1. Enter the following command at the system console:
load b1setup
A list of available ISDN-Controllers with their I/O ad-
dresses, interrupts and D-channel protocols appears.
2. Use the cursor keys to select the controller to be config-
ured from this list and then press Return.
3. The configuration window for the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 appears. Here you can perform the settings for
the I/O address, interrupt, D-channel protocol, the
Point-to-Point protocol (Direct Dial-In) and automatic
data compression.
For more information about CAPI SoftCompression, see
the section CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis” on
page 83.
4. Move the selection bar to each entry and press Re-
turn. Select the desired setting from the list displayed
or enter the new value in the active input field.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 65 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Starting ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 Operation with Stand-Alone CAPI
66 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 10 Installation in Novell NetWare
5. Leave the configuration by pressing Esc. Select Yes
to confirm that you want to save the new settings.
The ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 settings can be changed at any
time using this method.
10.3 Starting ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
Operation with Stand-Alone CAPI
The ISDN-Controller must be loaded manually each time the
system is started.
Loading the ISDN-Controller
Enter the following command at the system console to load
the controller:
load capi20
A message appears reporting that the ISDN-Controller has
been loaded and the CAPI interface is available.
Unloading the ISDN-Controller
To unload the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, enter:
load capi20 -d
at the system console. The system displays a message con-
firming the action.
10.4 Installing Additional Controllers with
Stand-Alone CAPI
To install additional ISDN-Controllers, enter:
load b1setup
at the system console. In the list of available ISDN-Control-
lers, press Ins. Each time this operation is performed, an-
other ISDN-Controller is displayed, complete with an avail-
able I/O address and interrupt.
Next, follow the instructions in the section ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 Configuration with Stand-Alone CAPI on page 65.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 66 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 with CAPI for the CAPI Manager
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 10 Installation in Novell NetWare 67
10.5 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 with CAPI for
the CAPI Manager
Proceed as follows to configure and start operation of the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 with CAPI for the CAPI Manager:
1. Enter the following command at the system console:
load inetcfg
2. The Internetworking Configuration window appears.
Select the Boards entry and press Return.
A list displays all available ISDN-Controllers.
3. To bind the ISDN-Controller into the operating system
press the Ins key.
4. In the Select a Driver dialog, select the WHSMCAPI
entry and press Return.
5. In the next window, assign a name for the ISDN-Control-
ler B1 v3.0, such as B1ISA, and press Return.
6. Configure the ISDN-Controller in the WHSMCAPI Board
Configuration window.
Move the highlight to Select to View and press Re-
7. When prompted to choose whether the ISDN-Controller
should be loaded automatically, select Yes.
8. In the next dialog, select the ISDN-Controller AVMB1
and press Return.
9. Then enter your parameters:
I/O address
Maxports (fixed at 2)
Switch Type (D-channel protocol)
Line Config (MTP= multipoint or PPT= point-to-point)
Automatic Data Compression
HB_B1V30.book Seite 67 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers with the CAPI Manager
68 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 10 Installation in Novell NetWare
For more information about CAPI SoftCompression, see
the section “CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis on
page 83.
10. Exit the configuration dialog by pressing Esc twice
and select Yes to confirm that you want to save the
new settings.
11. The final step in the configuration process is to update
the system and load the ISDN-Controller.
In the Internetworking Configuration window, select
the Reinitialize System command and confirm it by
selecting Yes.
12. Select Exit to terminate the configuration. Answer
Yes to have your settings saved.
This concludes the configuration and loading processes for
the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 with the CAPI Manager.
The ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 settings can be changed at any
time using this method.
10.6 Installing Additional ISDN-Controllers
with the CAPI Manager
To install additional ISDN-Controllers, enter:
load inetcfg
at the system console. Follow the instructions described in
the section ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 with CAPI for the CAPI
Manager on page 67.
10.7 Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
To remove the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 from Novell NetWare,
proceed as follows:
1. Enter the following command at the system console:
load nwconfig
HB_B1V30.book Seite 68 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Removing the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 10 Installation in Novell NetWare 69
2. The Configuration Options menu of the installation
program appears. Press Return.
3. Select the Product options item from the menu and
press Return.
If you are removing the ISDN-Controller from a NetWare
3.x server, a list of the programs already installed ap-
4. If you are removing the ISDN-Controller from a NetWare
4.x or 5.x server, a menu entitled Other Installation
Items/Products appears.
Select here the commands View/Configure/Remove
installed products and press Return. A list of the pro-
grams already installed is displayed.
5. Move the highlight to the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
and press Del. Confirm with Yes.
6. Press Esc as often as necessary to close all sub-
menus and return to the Configuration Options menu.
This concludes the uninstallation of AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 in Novell NetWare.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 69 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installation in OS/2
70 Controller B1 v3.0 11 Installation in OS/2
11 Installation in OS/2
For use in OS/2, specially developed drivers are included
with delivery. This CAPI driver also supports existing OS/2
applications based on CAPI 1.1. For more information about
CAPI, see the section The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0
on page 78.
11.1 Installing the Driver Software
Before beginning with the software installation, check that
the ISDN-Controller has been installed in the computer prop-
erly. Make sure that an I/O address available in the computer
is set on the ISDN-Controller (see the section Setting the I/O
Address on page 14).
Proceed as follows to install the driver software in OS/2:
1. Insert the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 CD in your CD-
ROM drive.
2. Open the System folder and double-click Drives.
Then click the icon for your CD-ROM drive. Switch to the
following directory:
3. Start the program INSTALL.EXE.
4. An OS/2 command-line window opens and the installa-
tion programs sign-on message appears. Press Re-
Installation can be aborted at any time by pressing
5. The next dialog asks whether the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 is to be loaded automatically each time OS/2 is
started. Activate the desired option and confirm it with
HB_B1V30.book Seite 70 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing the Driver Software
Controller B1 v3.0 11 Installation in OS/2 71
6. Next, enter the I/O address corresponding to the jump-
er setting on the controller hardware. Press the Tab
key to move to selection bar to the desired value and
confirm your selection by pressing Return.
7. The next step is to specify the interrupt to be used by
the ISDN-Controller. Confirm with Return.
8. Specify the D-channel protocol used on your ISDN line.
9. Then specify the directory in which the driver software
for the ISDN-Controller is to be installed.
The driver software is copied to the specified directory.
10. A message indicates that the CONFIG.SYS file has been
changed. The drivers for the AVM ISDN-Controller B1
and commands to load the ISDN-Controller software
have been entered in the file. Typically, these entries
appear as follows:
REM - AVM ISDN-Controller B1 Begin-
REM - AVM ISDN-Controller B1 End --
The old CONFIG.SYS file is renamed to CONFIG.B1 to
serve as a reference copy to the previous version.
11. Finally, you are prompted to restart the operating sys-
tem. This is necessary in order to activate the driver
software just installed. Confirm by selecting OK.
Restarting the computer concludes the installation of the
driver software for OS/2.
A new program group called AVM is created in the Program
Manager/Start menu. This program group contains the pro-
grams B1 Unload, B1 Load and B1 Readme.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 71 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Starting Operation of the Controller B1 v3.0
72 Controller B1 v3.0 11 Installation in OS/2
If the I/O address and interrupt of the ISDN-Controller must
be changed after installation, for instance, because new
hardware devices were installed, change the position of the
jumper on the ISDN-Controller first. Then enter this I/O ad-
dress and any new interrupt setting in the ISDNLOAD.CFG
file. Another option is to re-install the driver software and
enter the changed values during installation.
11.2 Starting Operation of the Controller
B1 v3.0
If you specified during installation that the ISDN-Controller is
to be activated each time the computer is started, when the
system is restarted, the following message appears: Device
driver for AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 installed.
Loading the ISDN-Controller
The ISDN-Controller is installed manually by double-clicking
the B1 Load icon in the AVM folder. An OS/2 window is
opened. Once the controller has been loaded successfully,
the following message appears on the screen:
Message after loading in OS/2
Unloading the ISDN-Controller
To unload the Controller B1 v3.0, double-click B1Unload. A
message acknowledges that the driver has been unloaded.
AVM Berlin ISDN-Controller B1
COMMON-ISDN-API Version 2.0 Serial No. xxxxxxx
E-DSS1 / Release xxxxxx Address xxx / IRQ x
Add. Service:Telefax G3, Fax Polling, DTMF, V.110, V.120, GSM,
CAPI 1.1.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 72 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Changing the Settings
Controller B1 v3.0 11 Installation in OS/2 73
11.3 Changing the Settings
After installation, the setting for the D-channel protocol may
be changed. Proceed as follows:
Start the INSTALL.EXE program as described in the section
Installing the Driver Software on page 70 and follow the in-
11.4 Installing Additional Controllers
Up to four active AVM ISDN-Controllers and ISDN-Controllers
for the ISA and PCI bus may be combined in one computer.
To install an additional AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0, proceed
as follows:
1. Open the ISDNLOAD.CFG file from the directory of the
driver software, e.g. IDRIVER, in a text editor.
2. Copy the entire section beginning with the line [ISDN-
Controller-00]. Enter the copied section again below the
original section.
3. Then add one to each of the controller numbers in the
new section and enter the desired values for the sec-
ond controller:
I/O address and interrupt
Base module (specifies the T4 file): b1.t4 stands
for the D-channel protocol DSS1, b1tr6.t4 for 1TR6,
and b1usa.t4 for NI1 and 5ESS.
:PROTOCOL (specifies the D-channel protocol):
\x00 stands for DSS1, \x06 for 1TR6, \xo3 for
NI1, and \x05 for 5ESS
IO Address = 150
Interrupt = 5
Base Module = b1.t4
HB_B1V30.book Seite 73 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Installing Additional Controllers
74 Controller B1 v3.0 11 Installation in OS/2
:PROTOCOL = \x00
IO Address = 250
Interrupt = 10
Base Module = b1tr6.t4
:PROTOCOL = \x06
Then switch off the computer and physically install the sec-
ond ISDN-Controller into the system. Make sure that the
jumper setting on the ISDN-Controller corresponds to the I/O
address entered in the file.
Also note the following:
l When an AVM ISDN-Controller for a different type of bus
is added, the paragraphs of the ISDNLOAD.CFG file list-
ed above also must include the line Type=XX to spec-
ify the bus type.
l If a PC controller is already installed and an ISA control-
ler is to be added, in addition to the I/O address and
the interrupt, the following value must be specified:
l If a PCI controller is to be added, and an ISA controller is
already installed, the corresponding entry is:
Type=B1pci. For a PCI controller, it is not necessary to
enter the I/O address and interrupt. Also note the infor-
mation in the manual for the PCI controller.
The B1 Load program loads all installed controllers.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 74 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Removing the Controller B1 v3.0
Controller B1 v3.0 11 Installation in OS/2 75
11.5 Removing the Controller B1 v3.0
To remove the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 from OS/2, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. Start the installation program from the CD.
The program reports that an installed ISDN-Controller
was found.
2. Select the Uninstallation option and follow the in-
structions on the screen.
The entries added to the CONFIG.SYS during installation
of the ISDN-Controller are deleted.
3. Restart the system to deactivate the driver.
This concludes the removal of the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 from OS/2.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 75 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 on Point-to-Point ISDN Lines
76 Controller B1 v3.0 12 The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 on Point-to-Point ISDN Lines
12 The AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 on Point-to-Point
ISDN Lines
By default, the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 is installed with
settings for BRI lines in point-to-multipoint configuration.
To operate the controller with point-to-point lines (also
called direct-dial-in or DDI lines), a number of special set-
tings must be made depending on the operating system
Please note that only one terminal device can be connected
to a point-to-point BRI.
Windows 2000
In Windows 2000 a configuration must be performed in the
Device Manager to operate the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
at a point-to-point line. Proceed as follows:
1. Open the Device Manager by clicking it on the Hard-
ware settings page (Start / Settings / Control Panel /
2. Click the + preceding the entry Network adapters.
3. Then click with the right mouse button on the entry
AVM ISDN-Controller B1.
4. Click the Properties option and then go to the Ad-
vanced settings page.
5. On this settings page, activate the option Support for
Point-to-Point ISDN lines (with DDI capability).
6. Save your entries with OK.
7. The computer must be restarted for this setting to take
HB_B1V30.book Seite 76 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 on Point-to-Point ISDN Lines
Controller B1 v3.0 12 The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 on Point-to-Point ISDN Lines 77
Windows NT 4.0 Server/Workstation
The B1 Server Edition developed especially for the AVM
products Network Distributed ISDN for Windows NT, AVM
ISDN Access Server and the ISDN MultiProtocol Router for
Windows NT provides for easy configuration over a selection
menu. This setup can be obtained free of charge from the
AVM Data Call Center (ADC) or from the Internet (see the in-
side cover for the addresses) in the folder \CARDWARE\
The B1 Server Edition can, of course, be used for all other
CAPI applications.
Windows Me/98/95, Windows 3.x, DOS and OS/2
Perform the standard installation for your operating system
and exchange one single component of the driver. All neces-
sary components and information are contained in the folder
\CARDWARE\B1_V30\X_MISC on the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 CD.
Please note that CAPI applications such as fax servers must
also be configured to interpret the DDI (direct dial-in) ISDN
numbers correctly. Consult the documentation accompany-
ing your application software.
Novell NetWare 3.x, 4.x and 5.x
Activate the P2P option in the menu for setting the D-chan-
nel protocol and restart NetWare.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 77 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
AVM System Architecture
78 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 13 AVM System Architecture
13 AVM System Architecture
This chapter presents information about the ISDN interface
CAPI 2.0, the IDM architecture and the AVM system drivers
included in the package, along with special CAPI features of
the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0.
13.1 The Applications Interface CAPI 2.0
After the ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 has been installed, the IS-
DN interface CAPI 2.0 is available in the computer. This inter-
face allows you to use all features of ISDN.
What is CAPI?
CAPI (COMMON-ISDN-CAPI) is a standardized software inter-
face that provides applications with access to ISDN adapters
on basic-rate and primary-rate lines. Applications that build
on this standard interface use uniform mechanisms for com-
munication over ISDN connections, and thus do not need to
adapt to the peculiarities of particular manufacturers hard-
ware. This means that such applications are also unaffected
by future extensions or hardware modifications: CAPI makes
such changes transparent to the application. ISDN hardware
manufacturers benefit from this standard too, since it makes
all kinds of applications compatible with their products.
CAPI contains an abstract definition of ISDN services which
is not dependent on the specifics of underlying telecommu-
nications networks or the adapter cards used to connect
computers to ISDN. The specification provides an interface
that is easy for application programmers to use, and thus of-
fers uniform access to the various ISDN services, such as da-
ta, voice and fax transmission, video conferencing and tele-
HB_B1V30.book Seite 78 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Benefits of CAPI
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 13 AVM System Architecture 79
Benefits of CAPI
CAPI has evolved into an internationally recognized stand-
ard. The key factor in this development has been the numer-
ous advantages offered by this uniform interface: indepen-
dence from specific manufacturers and resulting high invest-
ment security, a wide variety of compatible applications for
all kinds of operating systems and ISDN protocols, etc. ISDN
(the Integrated Services Digital Network) is becoming attrac-
tive for more and more companies since it affords fast and
reliable transfer of information in many different forms.
Over eleven years of experience in the growing ISDN market
have gone into CAPI 2.0. This version has all the advantages
of an open interface, and covers most ISDN features. Since
the CAPI interface handles most ISDN subscriber interface
control functions, these no longer have to be programmed.
This simplifies the development of ISDN applications. Fur-
thermore, applications no longer have to be tailored to na-
tional or manufacturer-specific systems, so that a greater va-
riety of applications is available.
For more information about the CAPI applications interface,
see the following Internet site:
Features of CAPI
CAPI offers a number of important features:
l Support for basic call features such as call set-up and
l Support for multiple B channels for data and/or voice
l Support for multiple logical data connections within a
single physical channel
l Selection of specific services and protocols on dialing
and in answering incoming calls
l Transparent interface for protocols above OSI Layer 3
HB_B1V30.book Seite 79 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
IDM Architecture
80 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 13 AVM System Architecture
Support for one or several BRIs and PRIs through one or
several ISDN adapters
l Support for multiple concurrent applications
l Message definitions independent of operating systems
l A message-passing mechanism tailored to specific op-
erating systems for optimum system integration
l An asynchronous, event-driven mechanism for high
13.2 IDM Architecture
The ISDN Driver Model (IDM) illustrated below shows how
ISDN is integrated in Microsoft operating systems.
IDM Architecture
HB_B1V30.book Seite 80 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
The AVM System Drivers
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 13 AVM System Architecture 81
The ISDN Driver Model is the framework for all driver compo-
nents of AVM ISDN products. The IDM describes how ISDN
services are integrated and how they are accessed by appli-
cations. It also defines the transparent integration of ISDN
hardware resources in the operating system.
One of the most important functions the IDM makes possible
is the coupling of existing communication components (such
as RAS) with CAPI-based hardware. This connection is real-
ized by the AVM system drivers such as the AVM CAPI Port
Driver or the NDIS WAN CAPI Driver.
This architecture permits the simultaneous use of CAPI, mo-
dem and networking applications over ISDN. Most impor-
tantly, it also permits the definition and implementation of
new, extended capabilities. Examples to date include the in-
corporation of V.42bis data compression and Group 3 Fax.
13.3 The AVM System Drivers
AVM provides two system drivers for Windows with similar
capabilities: the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver and the AVM
NDIS WAN CAPI Driver. Both of these drivers are controlled
through Dial-Up Networking, although they use different in-
terfaces and protocols in the operating system. These drivers
achieve the same transfer speeds in data communications.
The ISDN CAPI Port Driver and the NDIS WAN CAPI Driver can
be installed on one computer at the same time if desired.
The AVM system drivers make it possible to use communica-
tion programs that do not incorporate CAPI support, such as
Windows Dial-Up Networking, concurrently with CAPI-based
ISDN software.
The third AVM system driver, AVM ISDN TAPI Services, per-
mits the use of telephony applications with the AVM ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0 in the Windows 2000, Windows NT, Win-
dows Me and Windows 98 operating systems.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 81 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
82 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 13 AVM System Architecture
The AVM system drivers are located on the AVM ISDN-Con-
troller B1 v3.0 CD in the folder PROGRAMS\<DRIVER>\
<DRIVER.OPERATING SYSTEM>. The latest versions are also
available for downloading from the AVM Data Call Center or
from AVMs FTP server on the Internet.
For a detailed description of each drivers functions, please
see the Help file in the corresponding folder. The Help file al-
so contains complete installation instructions.
The AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver allows your application to use
an ISDN-Controller as if it were an analog modem.
The AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver makes it possible for even
programs designed for analog modems to communicate over
the ISDN interface. This means that the various communica-
tion functions of Windows can be used with all AVM ISDN-
Controllers. For instance, you can use Dial-Up Networking
with the TCP/IP protocol to dial into your Internet provider.
A number of different virtual modems preset for a variety
of purposes can be selected in Windows applications like Di-
al-Up Networking, Microsoft Exchange/Outlook and Mi-
crosoft Money 9x. Just pick a pre-configured destination to
begin ISDN communication.
The AVM NDIS WAN CAPI Driver for Windows permits the use
of RAS and dial-in Internet access over ISDN.
NDIS (Network Device Interface Specification) is a standard
interface between network adapters (hardware) and network
protocols (software). NDIS WAN is a Microsoft extension of
this standard for Wide Area Networking (WAN). The AVM
NDIS WAN CAPI Driver makes it possible to use the ISDN-
Controller as a network adapter, with the ISDN-Controller ad-
dressed over the CAPI 2.0 application interface.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 82 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 13 AVM System Architecture 83
Unlike the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver, the AVM NDIS WAN
CAPI driver cannot be controlled by AT commands. It uses the
standard protocols for network connections over ISDN
(HDLC and PPP over ISDN).
The AVM ISDN TAPI Services for CAPI are universal drivers for
the use of TAPI applications with AVM ISDN-Controllers in
TAPI (Telephony Application Programming Interface) is a
software interface defined by Microsoft to permit the control
of telephony equipment by Windows applications. The AVM
ISDN TAPI Services for CAPI can be used to initiate telephone
calls or to control voice mail systems. For example, Windows
Phone Dialer component can be used to call analog or
ISDN telephones. The telephone call is placed using the PCs
sound adapter and a headset or speakers and a micro-
phone. Suitable TAPI applications can make use of numer-
ous other features, such as direct telephone dialing to com-
munication partners listed in programs such as Microsoft
Outlook 98/2000.
AVM ISDN-Controllers and the AVM ISDN TAPI Services for
CAPI can be used in connection with TAPI applications that
conform to version 2.1 (or later) of the Microsoft TAPI stand-
13.4 CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis
CAPI SoftCompression X.75/V.42bis is a feature of the ISDN-
Controller B1 PCIs driver software. For data connections us-
ing the X.75 protocol, the controller can perform data com-
pression in accordance with the V.42bis standard. This re-
duces transfer times and connection costs.
When the driver software is installed, CAPI SoftCompression
X.75/V.42bis is activated by default. Upon request by CAPI
applications that support the V.42bis standard, data com-
pression is negotiated with the remote system for the dura-
tion of a connection.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 83 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
CAPI SoftFax
84 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 13 AVM System Architecture
If you use older ISDN applications that do not support this
method of data compression, you have the option of activat-
ing data compression directly in the driver software of the IS-
DN-Controller B1 v3.0. This switches on data compression for
all ISDN connections such that the controller will attempt to
negotiate V.24bis data compression with the remote site for
all X.75 connections, independent of the CAPI application. If
the remote site does not perform data compression, the data
will be transmitted without compression. This process takes
place in the background and is not apparent to the user.
The “Change Settings” sections for each operating system
describes how to activate or deactivate V.42 data compres-
sion after installation. In Novell NetWare this information is
contained in the sections “Starting ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
Operation with Stand-Alone CAPI” on page 66 and “ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0 with CAPI for the CAPI Manager” on
page 67.
If your computer does not meet the hardware requirements
or if unexpected problems arise during data exchange with
remote sites without V.42 capability, it is advisable to deacti-
vate data compression in both the driver and the applica-
If you have problems establishing a connection, try deacti-
vating data compression.
13.5 CAPI SoftFax
The CAPI SoftFax feature allows the controller to send faxes
on two B channels simultaneously at up to 14.4 Kbit/s, or to
receive a fax one one channel at up to 9.6 Kbit/s. The ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0 acts as a standard Group 3 fax device.
The following fax protocols are supported:
l V.17 (14.4 K bit/s)
l V.29 (9.6 Kbit/s)
l ECM (Error Correction Mode)
HB_B1V30.book Seite 84 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Technical Summary
Controller B1 v3.0 14 Technical Summary 85
14 Technical Summary
14.1 Connector Pin Assignments
The ISDN-Controller is connected to the ISDN BRI by a stand-
ard RJ45 connector. The pin assignments of this connector
are shown in the following tables.
Connector pin assignments, S
interface (RJ45) to ISDN (IAE)
RJ 45 IAE plug Function
- 5 (b1) - 5 (b1) transmit
- 4 (a1) - 4 (a1) transmit
- 3 (a2) - 3 (a2) receive
- 6 (b2) - 6 (b2) receive
Connector pin assignments, S
interface (RJ45) to ISDN (TAE 8)
RJ 45 TAE plug Function
- 5 (b1) - 4 (b1) transmit
- 4 (a1) - 3 (a1) transmit
- 3 (a2) - 6 (a2) receive
- 6 (b2) - 5 (b2) receive
HB_B1V30.book Seite 85 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Features at a Glance
86 Controller B1 v3.0 14 Technical Summary
14.2 Features at a Glance
l ISDN card with an S
interface for the ISA/EISA bus for
operation on a BRI or on PBX extensions (point-to-multi-
point and point-to-point)
l Supports file transfer, internetworking, fax, voice and
video communication
l DTMF recognition and fax polling
l High-power processor (Multitasking-RISC transputer)
with 20 MIPS, 1 MB RAM on board
l Designed for high-load operation with 2 B channels
l CAPI 2.0 interface fully downward compatible to the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 2.0
l Driver software loadable for national and international
protocols (DSS1, 1TR6, 5ESS and NI1)
l Software loaded on the ISDN-Controller, for instance
V.42bis data compression
l Implementation in different operating systems, up to 4
controllers in one computer; combinations with the
B1 PCI v4.0 possible
l Switching requires only an I/O address and an inter-
rupt, occupies no RAM and no DMA channel in the PC
l Hardware configuration performed by software
l Contains driver software, configuration program and di-
agnosis program
l AVM ISDN Tools included with delivery: Connect2 (MS-
DOS) and Connect32 (Windows 2000/NT/Me/98/95)
compatible with FRITZ!data and IDtrans, AVM NDIS WAN
CAPI Driver and AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver for Windows
2000/NT/98/95 and AVM TAPI Services for CAPI (Win-
dows 2000/NT/Me/98)
l Extensive CAPI 2.0 applications available
HB_B1V30.book Seite 86 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Technical Specifications at a Glance
Controller B1 v3.0 14 Technical Summary 87
14.3 Technical Specifications at a Glance
l ISDN plug-in card for ISA/EISA-Bus (SMT), dimensions
ca. 160 x 105 mm.
l S
interface for basic access/BRI
l High-performance processor (multitasking RISC trans-
puter with 20 MIPS)
l 1 MB RAM on board, 2 KB high-speed cache memory
l Installation of the I/O address (150, 250, 300, 340) and
interrupt (2-15) by software
l Data transmission rate of 2 x 64,000 bit/s + 1 x 16,000
l D-channel protocols supported: DSS1, 1TR6, 5ESS, NI1
l Level 2 B-channel protocols supported: X.75, HDLC
transparent, V.110, V.120 and V.17/V.29
l Level 3 B-channel protocols supported: transparent,
X.25, ISO 8208, T.70, T.90 and T.30
l Implementation in the operating systems Windows
2000, Windows NT, Windows Me, Windows 98, Win-
dows 95, Windows 3.x, MS-DOS, OS/2, Novell NetWare
and Linux
l Standardized COMMON-ISDN-API version 2.0 as the
programming interface, including support for CAPI 1.1
applications (in Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows
95, Windows 3.x, MS-DOS and OS/2)
l Power consumption approx. 1 Watt.
l EMV tested in accordance with EN41003, VDE 0878
l Security tested in accordance with IEC 950, EN 41003,
EN 60950, VDE 0804, VDE 0805
l CE certification 0170 X
HB_B1V30.book Seite 87 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Technical Assistance from AVM Support
88 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 15 Technical Assistance from AVM Support
15 Technical Assistance from
AVM Support
AVM provides numerous sources of information to assist you
in your day-to-day work with the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0. New drivers and software updates for your ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0 are available for downloading free of
charge from AVMs Internet site or the AVM Data Call Center
(ADC). If you are not able to resolve a problem using these re-
sources, AVM Support is available to assist you.
15.1 Information and Updates
Information about the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 can be
obtained from the following sources:
The ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 manual
The manual is contained in the ISDN-Controller package in
printed form, and is also included in PDF format on the CD in
the INFO\MANUAL\ENGLISH folder. If you do not have the
Adobe Acrobat Reader to display PDF documents, you can in-
stall this program from the CD as well. See the \PROGRAMS\
ACROBAT folder.
The AVM ISDN-Tools manual
This manual documents the AVM ISDN-Tools and is available
in PDF format in the INFO\MANUAL\ENGLISH folder. If you do
not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display PDF docu-
ments, you can install this program from the CD as well. See
The B1 Readme file
The B1 Readme file in the AVM program group contains
current information that was not yet available at the time the
manual was printed.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 88 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
AVM Support
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 15 Technical Assistance from AVM Support 89
The AVM Internet Site
AVM publishes detailed information and free software up-
dates in the Internet. Direct your browser to www.avm.de
l Click Products for detailed information on all current
AVM products, as well as announcements of new pro-
ducts and product versions.
l Click Service to consult the FAQs: the answers to Fre-
quently Asked Questions about AVM products. Here
you will find solutions for specific situations.
l Under Service you will also find the latest driver soft-
ware to download for the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0.
The AVM Data Call Center (ADC) is a direct ISDN file transfer
server that also provides all the programs and drivers found
on AVM's Internet site. Dial the AVM Data Call Center using
FRITZ!data (IDtrans protocol) or the Connect2 or Connect32
program at:
+49 (0)30 / 39 98 43 00.
15.2 AVM Support
Please take advantage of the information sources listed
above before contacting AVM Support!
If the tips and information sources listed above have not as-
sisted you in solving your problem, please contact AVM Sup-
port for further information.
AVM Support can be reached by E-mail or by fax.
Support by E-mail
You may send support requests to AVM by e-mail. Please do
so using our e-mail request form, which you can find at
Fill out the form and click Send to send it to AVM Support.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 89 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Support by Fax
90 ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 15 Technical Assistance from AVM Support
Support by Fax
If you have no connection to the Internet, AVM Support can
be reached at the fax number:
+49 (0)30 / 39 00 44 05
Please supply the following information in your support re-
l Which AVM ISDN-Controller model are you having trou-
ble with?
l What is the version number of the driver you are using?
You can find this information in the README file in the
AVM program group.
l Is your ISDN-Controller connected directly to the ISDN
NT, or to a PBX extension line?
l What operating system is running on the computer in
which you have installed the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0?
l Please specify the exact text of all error messages you
l Describe the problem in as much detail as possible: in
what context does the error occur; what application
software are you using; etc.
Please answer the following questions in your support re-
quest as well, as these points can be very helpful in solving
your problem:
l Is the error reproducible?
l Does the B1 Test program in the AVM group detect
problems with your ISDN-Controller?
l Are you able to dial up a data connection to the AVM
Data Call Center (ADC) with your AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0?
Attempt to make a test connection to the ADC with the
ISDN Tool Connect32, included with your ISDN-Control-
ler, or with FRITZ!data. Use the IDtrans protocol and dial
the number +49 (0)30 / 39 98 43 00.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 90 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Support by Fax
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 15 Technical Assistance from AVM Support 91
If the connection to the ADC fails, what error messages
are displayed?
l Describe your PC configuration in as much detail as
possible, including the system type, sound card type,
any other components installed, and the allocated re-
sources (interrupts and I/O addresses).
HB_B1V30.book Seite 91 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
92 Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting
16 Troubleshooting
This chapter describes general malfunctions and specific er-
ror messages, and suggests remedies. The error messages
are grouped according to the operating platforms in which
the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 can be operated.
16.1 General Malfunctions
The AVM ISDN-Controller is not detected or not initialized.
l Have you installed other new hardware components or
changed the configuration of existing hardware?
If so, check whether conflicts have arisen in the assign-
ment of system resources (I/O addresses and IRQ lev-
els). Use the Device Manager in Windows 2000/NT/Me/
98/95, accessible from Settings / Control Panel / Sys-
tem. In Windows 3.x and MS-DOS, use the MSD.EXE
program included in the package.
l If you are using a computer with a PCI/ISA bus, make
sure that the interrupt selected on the AVM ISDN-Con-
troller is also available on the relevant bus (computer
setup or ICU utility).
l Have any changes been made to the computers BIOS
l Has the configuration of your computer been changed
(for instance, boot menus, memory manager, etc.)?
You are unable to establish an ISDN connection.
If the ISDN-Controller is correctly installed but you are unable
to establish a connection, check for the following conditions:
l Is the ISDN-Controller firmly inserted in the computer
slot? Is its slot plate screwed down?
l Is the ISDN cable firmly inserted in the AVM ISDN-Con-
troller and connected to your ISDN socket?
HB_B1V30.book Seite 92 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
General Malfunctions
Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting 93
Is your ISDN line active? Use another terminal device,
such as an ISDN telephone, to check it.
l Is your network terminator (NT) installed correctly?
Some NTs must be connected to an electrical outlet as
well as to the incoming ISDN line.
l If your ISDN-Controller is connected to a point-to-point
line, have you included the outside dialing prefix (usu-
ally 0) in the numbers dialed?
l Are all the pertinent services (for data connections)
available and enabled in your PBX?
l Did you indicate the correct D-channel protocol for your
ISDN line in installing the ISDN-Controller software?
Problems arise during ISDN-Controller operation:
If problems occur regularly during operation, run the pro-
gram B1 Test, located in the AVM program group or in the
installation folder of the driver software. This program per-
forms functional tests of the ISDN-Controllers components
and displays the results.
If B1 Test reports no malfunctions in the ISDN-Controller
hardware, attempt a test connection to the AVM Data Call
Center. Use the program Connect2 or Connect32, both of
which are included among the AVM ISDN-Tools supplied with
your ISDN-Controller. The number of the AVM Data Call Cen-
ter is +49-(0)30 39 98 43 00.
After you have run the diagnostic program B1 Test, the
CAPI interface is no longer available (error message:
COMMON-ISDN-API Version 2.0 is not installed).
Load the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 once again by running
the appropriate program for your operating system, such as
IBASE.BAT in DOS or B1 Load in Windows.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 93 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
General Malfunctions
94 Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting
Applications like Connect32 and FRITZ!com are unable to
connect to analog dial-in ports.
To connect to analog systems, appropriate communications
software is needed in addition to the ISDN-Controller. With
programs like FRITZ!fax, for example, you can connect to
Group 3 (analog) fax machines.
DOS and Windows drivers loaded at the same time
Load either the DOS driver or the Windows driver for your
AVM ISDN-Controller, not both at once. The Windows driver
also supports CAPI-based DOS applications in DOS win-
No connection charge information is displayed.
The drivers for the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 allow CAPI-
based applications to display charge information. This infor-
mation is only available if the corresponding ISDN service
has been enabled by your ISDN service provider. Contact
your ISDN service provider to request charge information.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 94 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error Messages
Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting 95
16.2 Error Messages
Error Messages in Windows 2000
Please refer to the Windows 2000 documentation from Mi-
Error Messages in Windows NT
Error message: Controller-xx with I/O address <xxx> could
not be found
Possible cause: The position of the jumper that sets the I/O
address on the ISDN-Controller does not correspond to the
entry in the B1 Setup program; the I/O address is used by
another hardware device (a network adapter, for instance) or
the hardware is not installed.
Remedy: Check which I/O address is available in your com-
puter and set the jumper on the ISDN-Controller accordingly
(see the section Setting the I/O Address on page 14). Then
enter the new I/O address in the driver software by starting
the B1 Setup program from the AVM program group. Win-
dows NT must be restarted for this setting to take effect.
Error message: Installation Error. Interrupt <xx> not
Possible cause: The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 and anoth-
er hardware device (such as a sound card) are configured to
the same interrupt.
Remedy: Check which interrupt is available in your comput-
er, e.g. using the Windows NT Diagnostics program
(IRQ/Port Status). Then start the B1 Setup program from
the AVM program group and change the interrupt setting.
Windows NT must be restarted for this setting to take effect.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 95 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error Messages in Windows Me/98/95
96 Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting
Error Messages in Windows Me/98/95
Error message: Controller-xx with I/O address <xxx> could
not be found
Possible cause: The position of the jumper that sets the I/O
address on the ISDN-Controller does not correspond to the
entry in the Control Panel (Device Manager), or the hardware
is not installed.
Remedy: The I/O address set with the jumper must corre-
spond to the entry in the Device Manager. Open the Device
Manager by clicking through Settings / Control Panel / Sys-
tem and select the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0. Click
Properties there and then the Resources settings page.
Use the Change setting button to adapt the I/O address to
the jumper position on the ISDN-Controller. If Windows indi-
cates a device conflict for the desired I/O address, another
address must be set, first with the jumper on the ISDN-Con-
troller, and then again in the Device Manager.
The computer must be restarted for these settings to take ef-
Error message: Interrupt <xx> not available or Interrupt
<xx> cannot be used
Possible cause: The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 and an-
other hardware device (such as a sound card) are set to the
same interrupt.
Remedy: Open the Device Manager by clicking through Set-
tings / Control Panel / System and select the AVM ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0. Click Properties there and then the Re-
sources settings page. Select the resource type Interrupt.
Use the Change setting button to set a different interrupt
which is not used by any device. Windows automatically in-
dicates any conflicts with other devices. The computer must
be restarted for these settings to take effect.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 96 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error Messages in Windows Me/98/95
Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting 97
Error message: Controller <xx> with I/O address <xxx> does
not answer
Possible cause: Hardware defect, or installation files are
Remedy: Repeat the entire installation and then run the
hardware test program B1 Test. If the hardware is defec-
tive, please contact your vendor or AVM.
Error message:...... at least one application/user task is
Possible cause: You tried to unload or uninstall the AVM
ISDN-Controller B1 PCI v4.0 while an application (such as a
terminal or fax program) was still using it.
Remedy: First close all applications that use the AVM ISDN-
Controller. Then you can unload or uninstall it.
Error message: CAPI not loaded
Possible cause: You tried to start an ISDN application with-
out loading the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 first.
Remedy: Load the Controller B1 v3.0 using the B1 Load
program and then start your ISDN application.
Error message: CAPI.DLL, CAPI20.DLL or CAPI2032.DLL not
Possible cause: The DLL files have been renamed or removed
from the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM folder.
Remedy: Repeat the complete AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
installation to replace the missing files.
Error message: Incorrect CAPI driver loaded.
Possible cause: You tried to use another manufacturers CAPI
with the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0.
Remedy: Repeat the complete installation of the driver soft-
ware and use the CAPI driver supplied by AVM to operate the
HB_B1V30.book Seite 97 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error messages in Windows 3.x
98 Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting
Error message: Passive and active controllers cannot be
installed simultaneously.
Possible cause: You tried to install a passive ISDN-Controller
(such as the A1) in a system which already has an active AVM
ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 installed.
Remedy: You may install up to four active AVM-ISDN Control-
lers in one PC. Active and passive ISDN-Controllers cannot be
used together in the same system, however.
Error message: Hardware recognition is complete. No new
hardware components were found.
Possible cause: During the installation of the AVM ISDN-Con-
troller B1 v3.0, the Automatic Recognition of new hardware
was activated in the Add New Hardware Wizard.
Remedy: Start the Add New Hardware Wizard again and an-
swer the question Search for the new hardware? with
No. Confirm by clicking Next. See the installation chap-
ter for the corresponding operating system.
Error messages in Windows 3.x
Error message: Controller-xx with I/O address <xxx> could
not be found
Possible cause: The position of the jumper that sets the I/O
address on the ISDN-Controller does not correspond to the
entry in the B1 Setup program, the I/O address is used by
another hardware device (such as a network adapter), or the
hardware is not installed.
Remedy: Check which I/O address is available in your com-
puter and set the jumper on the ISDN-Controller accordingly
(see the section Setting the I/O Address on page 14). Then
enter the new I/O address in the driver software by starting
the B1 Setup program from the AVM program group. Win-
dows must be restarted for these settings to take effect.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 98 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error messages in Windows 3.x
Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting 99
Error message: Error in the configuration file. Incorrect B1
controller type.
Possible cause: Different types of controllers (ISDN-Control-
lers for the ISA and PCI buses) are combined in your system.
During the installation of the additional controller, the ISDN-
LOAD.CFG and SYSTEM.INI files were not changed correctly.
Remedy: Note the instructions for installing additional con-
trollers in the section for the relevant operating system.
When adding an AVM ISDN-Controller for a different bus
type, the line Type=XX must be added in the ISDNLOAD.CFG
file (B1at for ISA controller, B1pci for PCI controller). This
change must also be made in the SYSTEM.INI file.
Error message: Interrupt <xx> not available
Possible cause: The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 and anoth-
er hardware device (like a sound card) are set to the same in-
Remedy: Check which interrupts (IRQs) are available in your
system by using the MSD.EXE program in the Windows direc-
tory. Then start the B1 Setup program from the AVM pro-
gram group and define another interrupt for the ISDN-Con-
troller. Windows must be restarted for these settings to take
Error message: Installation error. Internal error: ISDN driver
not loaded.
Possible cause: The driver file B1CBASE.386 has been moved
or deleted, or the SYSTEM.INI file no longer contains the cor-
responding entry.
Remedy: Run the installation program SETUP.EXE from the
original installation disk.
Error message: The diagnostics program B1 Test does not
run in Windows.
Possible cause: The test program was started while the driv-
er software (CAPI) was loaded.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 99 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error messages in MS-DOS
100 Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting
Remedy: Run theB1 Unload program from the AVM pro-
gram group to unload the ISDN-Controller and then start the
test program again.
Error messages in MS-DOS
Error message: Controller-xx with I/O address <xxx> could
not be found
Possible cause: The position of the jumper that sets the I/O
address on the ISDN-Controller does not correspond to the
entry in the B1 Setup program, the I/O address is used by
another hardware device (such as a network adapter), or the
hardware is not installed.
Remedy: Check which I/O address is available in your com-
puter and set the jumper on the ISDN-Controller accordingly
(see the section Setting the I/O Address on page 14). Then
enter the new I/O address in the driver software by starting
the B1 Setup program from the AVM program group.
Then reload the ISDN-Controller with ibase.bat.
Error message: Installation Error. Interrupt <xx> not
Possible cause: The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 and anoth-
er hardware device (like a sound card) are set to the same in-
Remedy: Check which interrupts (IRQs) are available in your
system by using the MSD.EXE program in the Windows direc-
tory. Then start the B1 Setup program from the AVM pro-
gram group and define another interrupt for the ISDN-Con-
troller. Then reload the ISDN-Controller with ibase.bat.
Error message: Error in the configuration file. Incorrect B1
controller type.
Possible cause: Different types of controllers (ISDN-Control-
lers for the ISA and PCI buses) are combined in your system.
During the installation of the additional controller, the file
ISDNLOAD.CFG was not changed correctly.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 100 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error messages in OS/2
Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting 101
Remedy: Note the instructions for installing additional con-
trollers in the section Installing Additional Controllers on
page 60. When adding an AVM ISDN-Controller for a different
bus type, the line Type=XX must be added in the ISDN-
LOAD.CFG file (B1at for ISA controller, B1pci for PCI con-
Error messages in OS/2
Error message: Controller-xx with I/O address <xxx> could
not be found
Possible cause: The position of the jumper that sets the I/O
address on the ISDN-Controller does not correspond to the
entry in the ISDNLOAD.CFG file, the I/O address is used by
another hardware device (such as a network adapter), or the
hardware is not installed.
Remedy: Check which I/O address is available in your com-
puter and set the jumper on the ISDN-Controller accordingly
(see the section Setting the I/O Address on page 14). Then
enter the new I/O address in the ISDNLOAD.CFG file using a
text editor. The computer must be restarted for these set-
tings to take effect. Another option is to simply repeat the in-
stallation of the driver software.
Error message: Interrupt <xx> not available.
Possible cause: The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 and anoth-
er hardware device (like a sound card) are set to the same in-
Remedy: Check which interrupts (IRQs) are available in your
system. Then use a text editor to enter a new interrupt for the
ISDN-Controller in the ISDNLOAD.CFG file. The computer
must be restarted for these settings to take effect. Another
option is to simply repeat the installation of the driver soft-
HB_B1V30.book Seite 101 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error messages in Novell NetWare
102 Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting
Error messages in Novell NetWare
Error message: CAPI not loaded.
Possible cause: You tried to start an ISDN application with-
out loading the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 first.
Remedy: Load the Controller B1 v3.0 by entering
at the system console and then start your ISDN ap-
Error message: Error in configuration file, no ISDN-
Controller defined.
Possible cause: During the AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 in-
stallation, the configuration file CAPI20.CFG is created. If you
later edit this file manually and corrupt the ISDN-Controller
definition(s) it contains, the error occurs.
Remedy: Repeat the complete AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0
Error messages:
Deinstallation error, wrong CAPI driver loaded.
Installation error, wrong CAPI driver loaded.
Installation error, ISDN-Controller-xx unknown keyword
Installation error, ISDN-Controller-xx <xxxx> value too
Installation error, ISDN-Controller-xx <xxxx> illegal value.
Possible cause: You have replaced some files in the ISDN-
Controller driver installation directory (on obtaining updated
drivers from the AVM Data Call Center, for example). Older
files in the same directory cause version conflicts.
Remedy: Always perform the full AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 installation procedure; never replace individual files.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 102 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error messages in Novell NetWare
Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting 103
Error message: Installation error, Controller-xx with I/O
address <xxx> does not answer.
Possible cause: The ISDN-Controller was not completely
loaded, or the hardware has been damaged.
Remedy: Repeat the complete ISDN-Controller installation
procedure. To test the hardware, you may install the ISDN-
Controller in DOS and then run the program B1 Test. In
case of a hardware defect, please contact your dealer or
Error message: Installation error, Controller-xx with I/O
address <xxx> not found.
Possible cause: The position of the jumper that sets the I/O
address on the ISDN-Controller does not correspond to the
entry in the B1 Setup program, the I/O address is used by
another hardware device (such as a network adapter), or the
hardware is not installed.
Remedy: Check which I/O address is available in your com-
puter and set the jumper on the ISDN-Controller accordingly
(see the section Setting the I/O Address on page 14). Then
enter the new I/O address in the driver software by entering
load b1setup at the system console. Then reload the
Error message: Installation error, Interrupt <xx> cannot be
Possible cause: The AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 and anoth-
er hardware device (like a sound card) are set to the same in-
Remedy: Check which interrupts (IRQs) are available in your
system by using the MSD.EXE program in the Windows direc-
tory. Enter load B1 Setup at the server console and set a
different interrupt. Then reload the ISDN-Controller.
Error message: ... at least one application is registered.
Possible cause: You attempted to unload or uninstall the
AVM ISDN-Controller B1 v3.0 while an application (such as a
file transfer or fax program) was still using it.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 103 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Error messages in Novell NetWare
104 Controller B1 v3.0 16 Troubleshooting
Remedy: First end all applications that use the ISDN-Control-
ler. Then you can unload or uninstall it.
Error message: Installation error, I/O address <xxx> not
Possible cause: The I/O address selected during installation
of the ISDN-Controller is used by another hardware device
and is not available.
Remedy: Establish which I/O addresses are available in your
system. Then adjust the position of the jumper on the ISDN-
Controller to match the selected I/O address and enter the
new I/O address in the b1setup program. This program is
started by entering load b1setup at the server console.
Error message: Installation error, Interrupt <xx> not
Possible cause: The interrupt set for the AVM ISDN-Controller
B1 v3.0 during installation is not available.
Remedy: Check which interrupts (IRQs) are available in your
system. Enter load b1setup at the server console and set
another interrupt. Then reload the ISDN-Controller.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 104 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Support for Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSNs)
Controller B1 17 Support for Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSNs) 105
17 Support for Multiple
Subscriber Numbers (MSNs)
17.1 Introduction
What are MSNs?
Deutsche Telekom provides new ISDN subscribers with Euro-
ISDN lines.
Several terminal devices may be operated at a single ISDN
access. A given terminal device on the Euro-ISDN connection
is selected by dialing the MSN (Multiple Subscriber Number)
assigned to it. Deutsche Telekom provides each Euro-ISDN
subscriber with three MSNs as a standard feature. More
numbers may be requested.
Applications on CAPI 1.1 and MSNs
The assignment of MSNs to terminal equipment is performed
on the terminal equipment itself. The method of addressing
terminal equipment under Germanys older national ISDN
protocol 1TR6, using a terminal selector digit called the
EAZ, is still in use, but no longer supported in Euro-ISDN.
Many DOS, Windows 3.x or Windows 95 applications based
on CAPI version 1.1 support EAZ sub addressing, but not
Euro-ISDN subscribers can still use such applications, how-
ever, simply by configuring them for the EAZ 0 (zero), to re-
spond to all incoming calls regardless of the number dialed.
17.2 Using MSN.EXE
If it becomes necessary to assign a certain MSN to a given
application, however, this can be accomplished by the utility
MSN.EXE. Start MSN.EXE with no command line arguments
to read a summary of all functions.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 105 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Mapping an MSN to an EAZ
106 Controller B1 17 Support for Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSNs)
Mapping an MSN to an EAZ
To map an MSN to an EAZ, proceed as follows:
1. Configure your application for a certain EAZ (from 1 to
9). Refer to the applications manual for instructions. If
the application is configured for the EAZ 0 (zero), it will
respond to all MSNs configured in the system by
2. Load the controller by typing the command
ibase <Return>
at the DOS prompt.
3. Run MSN.EXE to assign an MSN to the EAZ configured in
Step 1. Use the following syntax:
msn -sx=yyyyyyy
where x is the EAZ and yyyyyyy is the desired MSN
Example: To assign the subscriber number 01234567 to
EAZ 5, type at the DOS prompt: msn -s5=1234567.
When this is done you may begin working with the applica-
The assignment of a given EAZ to an MSN can be canceled ei-
ther by using MSN.EXE or by removing the CAPI driver from
Displaying EAZ–MSN Mapping
The following command line arguments can be used to dis-
play the current EAZ assignments:
l Display all EAZ assignments.
msn -d
l Displays the MSN mapped to the given EAZ.
msn -d<EAZ>
HB_B1V30.book Seite 106 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Canceling/Resetting MSNEAZ Mapping
Controller B1 17 Support for Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSNs) 107
Canceling/Resetting MSNEAZ Mapping
The following commands can be used to cancel an MSN as-
signment or to reset the MSN mapping:
l Cancels the MSN assignment to the given EAZ so that a
new MSN may be mapped to it.
msn -f<EAZ>
l Resets the MSN mapping for the given EAZ so that the
ISDN-Controller is in its original state.
msn -r<EAZ>
Other Command Line Arguments
Two other command line arguments are also available:
l Specifies a certain controller if there are several in-
stalled in the PC. For example, to assign the MSN
01234567 to the EAZ 4 for controller number 1, enter
msn -c1 -s4=01234567.
msn -c<No.>
l Suppresses all screen output:
msn -w
When the controller is unloaded, all MSN mapping is lost. If
you want to set the same MSN mapping each time you start
your computer or load the controller, add the command
MSN.EXE with the appropriate command line arguments to
the batch file ibase.bat.
In Windows, MSN.EXE can be added to the “Startup group.
Note that MSN.EXE can only work after the controller has
been loaded.
HB_B1V30.book Seite 107 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
108 Controller B1 v3.0 Index
active controller 9
additional controllers, installing
Windows 2000
additional ISDN-Controllers with the
CAPI-Manager installation
Novell NetWare
AVM Data Call Center (ADC) 89
AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver 82
AVM ISDN TAPI Services for CAPI 83
AVM ISDN-Tools 86
AVM Support 88
AVM system drivers 78
applications interface
CAPI features 79
CAPI SoftCompression X75/V42bis 83
CAPI SoftFax 84
changing the settings
Novell NetWare with CAPI for the CAPI
Novell NetWare with Stand-Alone
OS/2 73
Windows 2000 19
Windows 3.x 53
Windows 95 46
Windows 98 40
Windows Me 32
Windows NT 25
combining controllers 11
connecting cable 16
controller configuration
Novell NetWare with CAPI for the CAPI
Novell NetWare with Stand-Alone
OS/2 73
Windows 2000 19
Windows 3.x 51
Windows 95 44
Windows 98 37
Windows Me 29
Windows NT 25
controller configuration with Stand-Alone
controller hardware installation
Windows 95
Windows 98 37
Windows Me 29
controller with CAPI for the CAPI Manager
Novell NetWare
current drivers 10
D-channel protocol 10
Dial-Up Networking 11
direct-dial-in 76
driver software 10
driver software installation
Novell NetWare 63
OS/2 70
Windows 2000 17
Windows 3.x 49
Windows 95 44
Windows 98 37
Windows Me 30
Windows NT 22
error messages
Novell NetWare 102
OS/2 101
HB_B1V30.book Seite 108 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Controller B1 v3.0 Index 109
Windows 2000
Windows 3.x 98
Windows Me/98/95 96
Windows NT 95
FAQs 89
fax protocols 84
features of the ISDN-Controller B1
general malfunctions 92
I/O address 14
IDM (ISDN Driver Model) 81
IDM architecture 80
information in the Internet 89
Novell NetWare 63
OS/2 70
Windows 2000 17
Windows 3.x 49
Windows 95 42
Windows 98 35
Windows Millennium 27
Windows NT 22
installing a new hardware device
Windows 95
Windows 98 35
Windows Me 27
installing additional controllers
OS/2 73
Windows 2000 20
Windows 3.x 53
Windows 95 47
Windows 98 40
Windows Me 33
Windows NT 25
installing additional controllers with
Stand-Alone CAPI
Novell NetWare 66
installing the driver software
Novell NetWare 63
OS/2 70
Windows 2000 17
Windows 3.x 49
Windows 95 44
Windows 98 37
Windows NT 22
international protocols 10
interrupt (IRQ) 14
ISDN Driver Model 81
jumper positions 15
latest driver software 89
changing the settings
controller configuration 58
driver software installation 56
error messages 100
installing additional controllers 60
removing the controller 62
starting operation 59
Novell NetWare
configuring the controller with Stand-
Alone CAPI 65
controller with CAPI for the CAPI
error messages 102
installing additional controllers with
Stand-Alone CAPI
HB_B1V30.book Seite 109 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
110 Controller B1 v3.0 Index
installing additional ISDN-Controllers
with the CAPI Manager
installing the driver software 63
removing the controller 68
starting ISDN-Controller B1 PCI opera-
tion with Stand-Alone CAPI
Novell Netware
configuring the controller with CAPI
for the CAPI Manager 67
operation on point-to-point lines 76
changing the settings
configuring the controller 73
error messages 101
installing additional controllers 73
installing the driver software 70
removing the controller 75
starting operation 72
package contents 12
point-to-point line 76
removing the controller
Novell NetWare 68
OS/2 75
Windows 2000 20
Windows 3.x 55
Windows 95 47
Windows 98 41
Windows Me 33
Windows NT 25
S0 interface 9
starting operation
Novell NetWare with Stand-Alone
Novell Netware with Stand-Alone
OS/2 72
Windows 3.x 52
Windows 95 45
Windows 98 39
Windows Me 31
Windows NT 24
support by E-mail 89
support by fax 90
technical specifications of the AVM ISDN-
Controller B1 v3.0
telecommunications services 8
transmission quality 8
transmission speed 8
troubleshooting 92
updates 88
Windows 2000
changing the settings
configuring the controller 19
error messages 95
installing additional controllers 20
installing the driver software 17
physically installing the
removing the controller 20
starting operation 19
Windows 3.x
changing the settings
controller configuration 51
driver software installation 49
error messages 98
installing additional controllers 53
physically installing the
removing the controller 55
starting operation 52
HB_B1V30.book Seite 110 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15
Controller B1 v3.0 Index 111
Windows 95
changing the settings
configuring the controller 44
error messages 96
installing a new hardware
installing additional controllers 47
installing the driver software 44
physically installing the
removing the controller 47
starting operation 45
Windows 98
changing the settings
configuring the controller 37
error messages 96
installing a new hardware
installing additional controllers 40
installing the driver software 37
physically installing the
removing the controller 41
starting operation 39
Windows Me
changing the settings
configuring the controller 29
error messages 96
installing a new hardware
installing additional controllers 33
installing the driver software 30
physically installing the
removing the controller 33
starting operation 31
Windows NT
changing the settings
configuring the controller 25
error messages 95
installing additional controllers 25
installing the driver software 22
physically installing the
removing the controller 25
starting operation 24
HB_B1V30.book Seite 111 Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2001 3:19 15

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