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Documentation release 09/2006
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AVM Audiovisuelles Marketing
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AVM Computersysteme
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10559 Berlin 10559 Berlin
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 2 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
BlueFRITZ! USB – Contents 3
1 Welcome to BlueFRITZ! USB 6
1.1 This Is BlueFRITZ! USB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Requirements for BlueFRITZ! USB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 The BlueFRITZ! USB LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB 8
2.1 Connecting BlueFRITZ! USB to the Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 What Is Installed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Installing the Driver Software in Windows XP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Installing the Driver Software in Windows Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Installing the Driver Software in Windows 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.6 Installing the Driver Software in Windows 98 SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.7 The Control Software BlueFRITZ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.8 Installing the FRITZ! Communications Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.9 Installing the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.10 Errors During Installation: What to Do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.11 Where to Find What After Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB 18
3.1 The BlueFRITZ! Control Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2 The BlueFRITZ! Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.4 Application Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software 35
4.1 The Many Facets of FRITZ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2 Blocking Numbers with ISDNWatch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.3 Going Online with FRITZ!web . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.4 Faxing with FRITZ!fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.5 Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSNs) for the FRITZ! Modules. . . . 41
4.6 ISDN and the Internet with Windows System Services . . . . . . . . . 41
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 3 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
4 BlueFRITZ! USB – Contents
5 How BlueFRITZ! USB Works 44
5.1 BlueFRITZ! USB: General Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.2 Bluetooth: The Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.3 The Bluetooth Technology of BlueFRITZ! USB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.4 Optimum Connections with Bluetooth Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6 Removing the Software 48
6.1 Removing Software Components in Windows XP and 2000 . . . . .48
6.2 Removing Software Components in Windows Me and 98 SE . . . . 49
7 Customer Service Guide 51
7.1 Information Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
7.2 information in the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7.3 Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
7.4 Assistance From AVM Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Index 55
Declaration of CE Conformity 58
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 4 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
BlueFRITZ! USB – Symbols and Highlighting 5
Symbols and Highlighting
This manual uses the following symbols for warnings and
The hand indicates important instructions that must be
observed to avoid malfunctions and bodily harm.
FRITZ! marks useful hints to assist you in working with the
The table below explains the highlighting used in this
Highlighting function Example
Keys, buttons, icons,
tabs, menus,
“Start / Programs”
or “Enter”
Capital letters Path and file names in
running text
Variables <CD-ROM drive>
Typewriter font Information to be typed
in using the keyboard
Gray italics Tips, instructions and
... for more informa-
tion, see...
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 5 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Welcome to BlueFRITZ! USB
6 BlueFRITZ! USB – 1 Welcome to BlueFRITZ! USB
1 Welcome to BlueFRITZ! USB
Welcome to BlueFRITZ! USB. This manual is your passport to
wireless ISDN and ADSL communication. It contains informa-
tion about the scope of functions, operation and installation
of BlueFRITZ! USB and the accompanying software. It also ex-
plains how to connect to the Internet and how to take advan-
tage of all of BlueFRITZ! USB’s useful features.
1.1 This Is BlueFRITZ! USB
The Bluetooth stick BlueFRITZ! USB makes wireless connec-
tions to various Bluetooth remote sites possible. These can
include access points which provide you with access to ADSL
or ISDN. You can also connect to other computers with Blue-
FRITZ! USB, to printers, mobile phones and PDAs. That
means mobility while working with all advantages of DSL and
ISDN: high transmission speed, fast connection, optimum
line quality and maximum operating reliability.
The BlueFRITZ! USB communications package consists of:
z BlueFRITZ! USB with its accompanying software
z FRITZ!, the ISDN communications software
z AVM system drivers
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 6 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Requirements for BlueFRITZ! USB
BlueFRITZ! USB – 1 Welcome to BlueFRITZ! USB 7
1.2 Requirements for BlueFRITZ! USB
In order to operate BlueFRITZ! USB, you must have the fol-
z A USB port on your computer.
z A computer with one of the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000 or
Windows 98.
If you already have an ISDN-Controller installed in your com-
puter, BlueFRITZ! USB will be installed without ISDN sup-
port. You can continue to use your familiar controller for IS-
DN communication.
You can install BlueFRITZ! USB if your computer meets all of
these requirements.
1.3 The BlueFRITZ! USB LEDs
The current operational state of BlueFRITZ! USB is indicated
by two LEDs (light-emitting diodes) on the front panel. The
LEDs indicate specific conditions as listed in the following ta-
LED Event type
USB indicates that BlueFRITZ! USB was recognized by the
operating system
Bluetooth indicates a Bluetooth connection with a Bluetooth de-
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 7 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Installing BlueFRITZ! USB
8 BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB
2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB
BlueFRITZ! USB can be installed in the operating systems Win-
dows XP, Windows Me, Windows 2000 and Windows 98 SE.
In some operating systems the display of menus and folders
can be changed. The following instructions are based on the
standard installation of each operating system.
2.1 Connecting BlueFRITZ! USB to the Computer
Perform the following steps to connect BlueFRITZ! USB to the
1. Switch your computer on and start the Windows operat-
ing system.
2. Insert BlueFRITZ! USB in your PC's USB port.
Your operating system’s Hardware Wizard detects BlueFRITZ!
USB automatically, so that you now can install the BlueFRITZ!
USB software. Follow the instructions in the sections below.
2.2 What Is Installed?
In the first installation the driver software for BlueFRITZ! USB
and the BlueFRITZ! control software are configured.
See the section for your operating system for installation in-
If you install a BlueFRITZ! ISDN Set with a preconfigured con-
nection, the connection between BlueFRITZ! USB and Blue-
FRITZ! AP-ISDN will be established automatically.
Once installation is complete you can install the FRITZ! com-
munications software, the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver and
other AVM system drivers or software for online services.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 8 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Installing the Driver Software in Windows XP
BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB 9
2.3 Installing the Driver Software in Windows XP
Administrator rights are required to install the driver soft-
ware in Windows XP.
Once the BlueFRITZ! USB is connected to your computer, the
“Found New Hardware Wizard” of Windows XP is started au-
1. Insert the installation CD and follow the instructions on
the screen.
2. After the sign-on window, select the option “Install the
software automatically (Recommended)”. Confirm with
3. In the next window, select the option “CD-ROM drives”
and confirm by clicking “Next”.
4. The program reports that a driver was found. Click
“Next” to install the driver.
5. A message appears: “Windows has finished installing
the software for this device”. Conclude the installation
by clicking “Finish”.
This completes the driver installation. For more information,
see the section “The Control Software BlueFRITZ!” on
page 13.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 9 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Installing the Driver Software in Windows Me
10 BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB
2.4 Installing the Driver Software in Windows Me
In Windows Me, BlueFRITZ! USB has only the CIP. PAN, DUN,
SPP and HCRP profiles available for connections to Blue-
tooth remote sites. For more detailed information on the
Bluetooth profiles mentioned here, see “Optimum Connec-
tions with Bluetooth Profiles” on page 45.
Once the BlueFRITZ! USB has been connected to your com-
puter, the Plug & Play mechanism of Windows Me recognizes
BlueFRITZ! USB automatically.
1. Insert the installation CD and follow the instructions on
the screen.
2. When asked:What would you like to do?, select the
option “Automatic search for a better driver (Recom-
3. The message “Windows has finished installing the soft-
ware you selected that your new hardware device re-
quires” appears. Conclude the installation by clicking
4. Next you will be prompted to reboot the computer. An-
swer the prompt with “Yes”.
Once the computer has rebooted, the BlueFRITZ! appli-
cation appears automatically.
This completes the driver installation. For more information,
see the section “The Control Software BlueFRITZ!” on
page 13.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 10 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Installing the Driver Software in Windows 2000
BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB 11
2.5 Installing the Driver Software in
Windows 2000
Administrator rights are required to install the driver soft-
ware in Windows 2000.
Once the BlueFRITZ! USB has been connected to your com-
puter, the Found New Hardware Wizard of Windows 2000 is
started automatically.
1. Insert the installation CD and follow the instructions on
the screen.
2. In the next window, select the option “Search for a suit-
able driver for my device (recommended)” and confirm
your selection with “Next”.
3. In the next window, select the option “CD-ROM drives”
and confirm by clicking “Next”.
4. The program reports that a driver was found. Click
“Next” to install the driver.
5. A message appears: “Windows has finished installing
the software for this device”. Conclude the installation
by clicking “Finish”.
This completes the driver installation. For more information,
see the section “The Control Software BlueFRITZ!” on
page 13.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 11 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Installing the Driver Software in Windows 98 SE
12 BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB
2.6 Installing the Driver Software in Windows
98 SE
In Windows 98 SE, BlueFRITZ! USB has only the CIP. PAN,
DUN, SPP and HCRP profiles available for connections to
Bluetooth remote sites. For more detailed information on the
Bluetooth profiles mentioned here, see “Optimum Connec-
tions with Bluetooth Profiles” on page 45.
Once the BlueFRITZ! USB has been connected to your com-
puter, the Plug & Play mechanism of Windows 98 SE recog-
nizes the BlueFRITZ! USB automatically.
1. Insert the installation CD and follow the instructions on
the screen.
2. The Add New Hardware Wizard searches for a Bluetooth
device. Confirm with “Next”.
3. When askedWhat do you want Windows to do?, se-
lect the option “Search for the best driver for your de-
vice. (Recommended)”. Confirm with “Next”.
4. When the program asks where the driver is located, ac-
tivate only the option “CD-ROM drive”. Confirm with
5. The operating system searches for the device's driver
6. The message “Windows has finished installing the soft-
ware you selected that your new hardware device re-
quires” appears. Conclude the installation by clicking
7. Next you will be prompted to reboot the computer. An-
swer the prompt with “Yes”.
Once the computer has rebooted, the BlueFRITZ! appli-
cation appears automatically.
This completes the driver installation.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 12 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
The Control Software BlueFRITZ!
BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB 13
2.7 The Control Software BlueFRITZ!
The BlueFRITZ! control software is installed along with the
BlueFRITZ! USB driver software. After the driver software has
been installed, BlueFRITZ! starts automatically and looks for
suitable Bluetooth remote sites in your vicinity.
If you install a BlueFRITZ! ISDN Set with a preconfigured con-
nection, the connection between BlueFRITZ! USB and Blue-
FRITZ! AP-ISDN will be established automatically.
All Bluetooth devices that are compatible with BlueFRITZ!
USB are displayed in a list in the “Find and select Bluetooth
1. Select a Bluetooth device that you would like to include
in your Bluetooth location and confirm by clickingSe-
lect Bluetooth Device”.
The new Bluetooth device is displayed in BlueFRITZ! as
a known device.
2. A window for entering the Bluetooth passkey opens. En-
ter the passkey of the Bluetooth device.
AVM Access Points have the passkey printed on the
bottom of the device.
The Bluetooth connection is established.
Once all BlueFRITZ! USB software has been installed and the
Bluetooth connection with a Bluetooth device has been es-
tablished, a message appears announcing that the FRITZ!
communications software can be installed.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 13 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Installing the FRITZ! Communications Software
14 BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB
2.8 Installing the FRITZ! Communications
Once the BlueFRITZ! control software has been installed you
can install the FRITZ! communications software.
Proceed as follows for installation:
1. Insert the installation CD. The installation of the FRITZ!
software starts automatically.
2. Enter the folder on your computer in which FRITZ! is to
be installed. Confirm with “Next”.
3. The next step is to specify the program folder for FRITZ!
in the start menu. Confirm with “Next”.
4. Select the programs to be installed. Confirm with
5. First you are asked whether you work at a PBX exten-
sion. Select this option only if the your access point's
ISDN cable is not connected directly to the ISDN access
of your NT. Confirm with “Next”.
This completes the installation of the FRITZ! communications
software. In the next step you can install the AVM ISDN CAPI
Port Driver.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 14 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Installing the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver
BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB 15
2.9 Installing the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver
After installing FRITZ!, a window with four settings pages
opens for the installation of the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver.
z Modems
Select here the CAPI Port modems you would like to in-
stall, such as “AVM ISDN Internet (PPP over ISDN)” for a
connection to an Internet Service Provider using Win-
dows’ Dial-Up Networking. For more information about
the individual virtual modems, select one of the mo-
dems and then press “F1”.
On the “MSN” settings page, you can enter a specific
MSN to be used for outgoing connections over the two
virtual modemsAVM ISDN Internet (PPP over ISDN)
andAVM ISDN RAS (PPP over ISDN). This can be use-
ful for keeping track of online costs. More information is
available in the Online Help once you have installed the
AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver.
z Port
On this settings page you can assign specific COM ports
to the virtual modems. If no special COM port settings
are required in your system, simply confirm the default
z AVM Test Connection / Fast Internet over ISDN
Define here whether you want two new connections to be
automatically created in Dial-Up Networking on installa-
tion: AVM Fast Internet and AVM Intranet. Dial-Up Net-
working must already be installed on your computer.
This concludes the software installation for BlueFRITZ! USB.
Restart your computer.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 15 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Errors During Installation: What to Do
16 BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB
2.10Errors During Installation: What to Do
If no connection can be made to a Bluetooth device during
the BlueFRITZ! USB installation, please note the following:
No Bluetooth devices were found.
z Check whether the Bluetooth device is located within
transmission range of BlueFRITZ! USB. Try to establish a
connection over a shorter distance.
z Make sure that the power supply of the Bluetooth
device is secure.
Could not register at the Bluetooth device.
z Make sure you enter the passkey correctly. The passkey
is case-sensitive!
Try again to connect to the Bluetooth device.
Perform the following steps:
z Double-click the BlueFRITZ! icon in the notification area
of the Windows taskbar.
The BlueFRITZ! window opens.
z Click the BlueFRITZ! USB device icon in the “Local
Bluetooth Device” section and then select the
command “Search for New Bluetooth Devices”.
z Follow the instructions in the section “The Control
Software BlueFRITZ!” on page 13.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 16 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Where to Find What After Installation
BlueFRITZ! USB – 2 Installing BlueFRITZ! USB 17
2.11Where to Find What After Installation
After installation with default settings you will find the soft-
ware components of BlueFRITZ! USB at the following loca-
The BlueFRITZ! program icon is located in the notification ar-
ea of the task bar. You can control all basic functions of Blue-
FRITZ! using the context menu of the program icon.
The program icon indicates active Bluetooth connections
with blue radio waves. If no Bluetooth connection is active,
this is indicated by black waves.
The “Start / Control Panel” menu contains the entry “Blue-
FRITZ!” with which the application can be started manually.
The Windows “Start” menu now includes a program group
“FRITZ!” in the “All Programs” group. The FRITZ! communica-
tion software modules are located here. The modules can al-
so be opened by means of the “FRITZ! ISDN and Internet”
link on your desktop. For information on features and opera-
tion of the FRITZ! modules, please see the chapter “FRITZ!:
Internet and ISDN Software” on page 35.
If you have installed the AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver, a link to
the Help file is created on your desktop.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 17 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
18 BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ!
With the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB you can set up Blue-
tooth connections to various Bluetooth devices. The Blue-
FRITZ! control software assists you in setting up such a net-
work. The BlueFRITZ! control software helps you establish
and clear Bluetooth connections and view the connection
stats of all of your Bluetooth connections. BlueFRITZ! also al-
lows you to organize the Bluetooth remote sites of Blue-
FRITZ! USB into locations and configure all parameters for
your connections.
3.1 The BlueFRITZ! Control Software
BlueFRITZ! offers two different views for operating and con-
figuring all Bluetooth connections.
z the program icon in the notification area of the taskbar.
After BlueFRITZ! USB is installed and connected to a
Bluetooth device, BlueFRITZ! appears as a program icon
in the notification area of the task bar. All of the basic
functions of the program can be operated using the
context menu (right mouse button) of this icon. Connec-
tions between BlueFRITZ! USB and a Bluetooth remote
site are restored automatically each time the computer
is started.
The program icon indicates active Bluetooth connec-
tions with blue radio waves. If no Bluetooth connection
is active, this is indicated by black waves.
Bluetooth connection active
no Bluetooth connection active
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 18 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
The BlueFRITZ! Window
BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB 19
the BlueFRITZ! window
All Bluetooth devices and connections are displayed in
the BlueFRITZ! window. Connections can be established
and cleared using the context menus (right mouse but-
ton) of these icons. All features of the Bluetooth devices
and connections can also be viewed here.
Double-click the program icon BlueFRITZ! in the notifi-
cation area of the Windows taskbar to open the Blue-
FRITZ! window.
3.2 The BlueFRITZ! Window
The BlueFRITZ! window is divided into three sections.
The left side shows your own Bluetooth device, the Blue-
tooth stick BlueFRITZ! USB, complete with name and Blue-
tooth address.
The middle section displays icons of all connections to
known Bluetooth devices. When a connection is active, the
icon shows the Bluetooth profile used for the connection
along with the connection quality.
The right side displays all Bluetooth devices registered as
known devices at the selected location. It is possible to con-
nect to any of these devices immediately.
BlueFRITZ!: Bluetooth connection between BlueFRITZ! USB and
various Bluetooth devices
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 19 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
The BlueFRITZ! Window
20 BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
Every device and every connection has special properties.
Click on the icons of the devices and connections to open a
menu that displays information about the properties of the
devices and connections as well as additional options for op-
erating the devices and connections.
The following capabilities are provided:
To view the properties of a device or a connection, double-
click its icon and select “Properties”. The properties of the
device or the connection are displayed.
Establishing and Clearing Connections
You can establish and clear Bluetooth connections using the
connection icons. If a Bluetooth device can be connected us-
ing multiple Bluetooth profiles, select the appropriate profile
when establishing the current connection. It is also possible
to set up the connection using all profiles at the same time.
z To establish a connection, click the connection symbol
and select the “Connect with ... / <desired profile>”
z To clear a connection, click the connection symbol and
select the “Clear from ... / <desired profile>” command.
Search for New Bluetooth Devices
BlueFRITZ! USB can connect to up to seven Bluetooth devic-
es at one location.
z To search for new Bluetooth devices at your location,
click the BlueFRITZ! USB device icon in the “Local
Bluetooth Device” area and select the command
“Search for New Bluetooth Devices”.
Note that Bluetooth devices use different profiles for Blue-
tooth connections. Profiles are required to ensure that data
are transmitted correctly for specific applications. For more
information about Bluetooth profiles, see “Optimum Con-
nections with Bluetooth Profiles” on page 45.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 20 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
The BlueFRITZ! Window
BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB 21
Managing Locations
If you use BlueFRITZ! USB on a notebook at different loca-
tions, there are different Bluetooth devices available as re-
mote sites at each location.
To simplify and organize your connections to different Blue-
tooth remote sites, you can sort the Bluetooth devices into
separate locations.
z To create a location, click the BlueFRITZ! USB device
icon and select the command “Locations / Manage
z The “Manage Locations” window is opened. Here
locations can be configured to your needs.
Networks with Bluetooth
With BlueFRITZ! USB you can connect up to eight computers
in a wireless network via Bluetooth.
The network is created with the PAN profile as a wireless LAN
between the Bluetooth devices. In this network you can
share network resources like hard drives, CD players and re-
corders, Internet access, printers, and scanners.
You have access to all computers connected with each other
using the PAN profile.
The context menus of all Bluetooth devices contain the com-
mands “Connect Computer... ”, “Internet Access via...” and
“Network Connections” for this purpose.
For more information, see the BlueFRITZ! Online Help.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 21 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
22 BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
3.3 Scenarios
With the features of BlueFRITZ! USB, the AVM Access Points
and all other Bluetooth devices, a variety of Bluetooth sce-
narios are possible at your workplace.
A number of example Bluetooth locations for single work-
places and small networks are introduced in this section. For
more information, see the BlueFRITZ! Online Help.
Scenario 1: Bluetooth Location at a Stand-alone PC
The Bluetooth location of a stand-alone PC in your home of-
fice could look like the following:
z BlueFRITZ! USB is connected to your computer.
z You connect to an access point like BlueFRITZ! AP-ISDN
and use the CIP profile to connect to ISDN and to the
z Your printer supports Bluetooth, and is connected with
your computer using the HCRP profile.
z To keep your address book databases current on all
mobile devices, you connect BlueFRITZ! USB to your
mobile phone and PDA using the SPP profile.
Bluetooth must be enabled on all of the devices you
wish to connect. Some manufacturers supply their own
software for such devices. Consult the manuals for
more information.
All connections in this example configuration can be estab-
lished with BlueFRITZ! by searching for a device and then con-
necting it with BlueFRITZ! USB using the appropriate profile.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 22 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Scenario 2: Bluetooth Network Environment
BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB 23
Scenario 2: Bluetooth Network Environment
A Bluetooth network in your office could look like the follow-
z You have three computers which are to be connected in
a wireless network. All of the computers have
BlueFRITZ! USB and the corresponding software
z An ISDN-Controller is installed in one of your
computers, to provide access to the Internet.
z You also have an access point like BlueFRITZ! AP-ISDN,
and both a printer and scanner that support Bluetooth,
which are to be used jointly by all computers in the
z The participants in the network also have devices like
mobile phones and PDAs, which they also use privately.
A functioning TCP/IP network is required for this configura-
tion. In this network the computer which contains the ISDN-
Controller serves as the gateway. The TCP/IP protocol must
be bound to BlueFRITZ! USB on this computer and an IP ad-
dress must be assigned for the device. Once these settings
have been made, make sure that all computers can access
the gateway computer. Do this by registering the IP address
of the gateway as the default gateway on each of the work-
place computers.
Then use the PAN profile to connect all computers with the
access point. The access point takes on the role of mediator
in the network and, in ideal physical constellations, can dou-
ble the range between devices. Each computer in the net-
work can then dial in to the Internet using the BlueFRITZ!
control software.
If you use the FRITZ!web program for Internet access, shar-
ing of this application must be enabled for all network work-
Printers and scanners can then be connected to any comput-
er in the network. A network drive connection can then allow
every computer in the network to use these devices. Network
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 23 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Application Examples
24 BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
drive connections are possible only when sharing of the
printer/scanner has been enabled on the computer to which
it is connected.
All network computers can establish a direct Bluetooth con-
nection to all other devices like mobile phones and PDAs.
3.4 Application Examples
This section describes examples of how BlueFRITZ! USB can
be used with other Bluetooth devices.
Establishing a Bluetooth Connection to an AVM
Access Point
Work through the following steps to establish a connection
between BlueFRITZ! USB and an AVM Access Point:
1. Click the program icon and select “Display connec-
2. The BlueFRITZ! window opens. Click the BlueFRITZ! USB
device icon in the “Local Bluetooth Device” section and
then select the command “Search for New Bluetooth
3. In the list of the Bluetooth devices found, select the
AVM Access Point and then click “Select Bluetooth De-
4. Enter the Bluetooth passkey of the Access Point. The
passkey is printed on the underside of the Access Point.
The Access Point is listed as a known Bluetooth device
in BlueFRITZ!.
5. Click the new connection icon and select the “Connect
with... / All Profiles” command.
The Bluetooth connection is established.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 24 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
BlueFRITZ! Installing an ISDN Set with a Preconfigured Connection
BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB 25
BlueFRITZ! Installing an ISDN Set with a
Preconfigured Connection
If you install a BlueFRITZ! ISDN Set with a preconfigured con-
nection, the connection between BlueFRITZ! USB and Blue-
FRITZ! AP-ISDN will be established automatically. Proceed as
follows for installation:
1. BlueFRITZ! AP-ISDN receives electrical power via the IS-
DN NT. Make sure that the ISDN NT is connected to the
power supply.
2. Connect BlueFRITZ! AP-ISDN to the ISDN NT.
3. Insert BlueFRITZ! USB in your PC's USB port.
4. Insert the installation CD.
5. Select the option “Install software automatically (rec-
6. In the next window, select the option “CD-ROM drives”.
The program reports that a driver was found.
7. Conclude the installation by clicking “Finish”.
Now the BlueFRITZ! program is started. The connection be-
tween BlueFRITZ! USB and BlueFRITZ! AP-ISDN is established
Internet Access with BlueFRITZ! USB and a
Bluetooth Access Point
With the BlueFRITZ! USB and a Bluetooth access point you
can establish fast and secure access to the Internet. Use the
FRITZ!web module of the FRITZ! communication software for
this task.
After connecting and installing BlueFRITZ! USB and the Blue-
tooth Access Point, the next step is to configure an Internet
connection in FRITZ!web.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 25 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Internet Access with BlueFRITZ! USB and a Bluetooth Access Point
26 BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
Set up Internet Connections
FRITZ!web requires the access information supplied by your
Internet Service Provider in order to connect to the Internet.
Obtain these access data from an Internet provider of your
choice and then enter them in FRITZ!web.
To configure an Internet connection, proceed as follows:
1. The first time you start FRITZ!web, the New Internet Con-
nection dialog appears automatically. Enter your Inter-
net Service Provider and your access information. You
will be prompted to do so automatically: simply follow
the instructions displayed.
Example: Dialog window for entering the access information
2. FRITZ!web appears as a small status window on your
Dial Up Internet Connection
Proceed as follows to establish a connection to the Internet:
1. Click “Start / All Programs / FRITZ!” to start FRITZ!web.
2. Now, whenever you start an Internet browser a connec-
tion to the Internet will be established.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 26 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Internet Access with BlueFRITZ! USB and a Bluetooth Access Point
BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB 27
A FRITZ!web connection is active; data transfer is taking place
You can keep the FRITZ!web status window in the foreground
of the screen so that your connections can be monitored at
all times.
Operating FRITZ!web
FRITZ!web can be operated using the buttons in the status
window and the context menu of the right mouse button.
FRITZ!web status window
The “Start”, “Stop” and “Timer” buttons allow you to dial up
and clear connections and to toggle the “Inactivity Timeout”
option. Click with the right mouse button anywhere in the
program interface to take advantage of additional com-
mands and settings.
Speed display
Establish and clear connections
Connection icons
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 27 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Configuring a Wireless Network with BlueFRITZ! USB
28 BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
Two connections icons which take on different colors to dis-
play information about the negotiation of the connection
protocol, data transmission and whether an Internet connec-
tion is configured.
As soon as FRITZ!web has been started, an icon appears in
the notification area of the task bar. Click this symbol with ei-
ther mouse button to access additional options for operating
For detailed information about operating FRITZ!web, open
the Online Help available in the context menu of the right
mouse button.
Configuring a Wireless Network with
With BlueFRITZ! USB you can connect up to eight devices in a
wireless network. Every computer that is to access this wire-
less network requires a BlueFRITZ! USB stick. With the Blue-
FRITZ! control software, the BlueFRITZ! USB sticks then either
register at a central access point or connect to each other di-
Connecting Two Computers with BlueFRITZ! USB
In the following description the two computers involved have
been assigned the arbitrary names A and B. It does not mat-
ter which computer is which. To network two computers, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. First, make sure that the folders and drives you wish to
exchange are enabled for sharing on both computers.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 28 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Connecting Two Computers with BlueFRITZ! USB
BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB 29
2. Open the BlueFRITZ! program on both computers.
Search for Bluetooth devices at your location and set up
a Bluetooth connection between the computers.
3. To establish a Bluetooth connection, both computers
must make themselves known to the other by exchang-
ing an identical Bluetooth passkey.
Computer A: In BlueFRITZ!, click the connection icon be-
tween your own Bluetooth device and the device icon of
the new Bluetooth client in your Bluetooth location. Se-
lect the “Connect with... / Network (PAN) – Group Ad-
hoc Network” command.
4. Computer A: The “Bluetooth Passkey Entry” dialog ap-
pears. Enter a passkey.
z Computer B: When you confirm that the connection
should be established by clicking OK, after a short delay
the “Bluetooth Passkey Entry” dialog opens. Enter exactly
the same passkey as you did for Computer A.
The Bluetooth connection is established. To exchange data
between both computers, proceed as follows:
1. Click the device icon of the new Bluetooth client at your
Bluetooth location.
2. Select the “Network Connections / NAME” command
from the context menu.
3. The shared folders or drives are opened in a new Ex-
plorer window.
Now you can exchange data with the remote computer.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 29 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Sending Files to Bluetooth Mobile Phones
30 BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
Sending Files to Bluetooth Mobile Phones
Transmission of a file with the OPP profile is started from the
BlueFRITZ! control software.
1. Click the program icon and select “Display connec-
2. The BlueFRITZ! window opens. Click the BlueFRITZ! USB
device icon in the “Local Bluetooth Device” section and
then select the command “Search for New Bluetooth
3. In the list of the Bluetooth devices found, select the mobile
phone and then click “Select Bluetooth Device”.
4. Click on the mobile phone connection icon and select
“Connect with ... / Object Push (OBEX-PUSH) - OBEX Ob-
ject Push”.
5. If the selected Bluetooth device requires authorization,
enter the selected passkey on both devices.
6. In theOBEX Object Push Profile dialog, select the op-
tion “Send a File to the Device”, select the file to be
sent, and click “Next”.
7. The file is transmitted. The “OBEX Object Push Profile”
window displays the progress of transmission.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 30 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Transmitting Files with the FTP Profile
BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB 31
Transmitting Files with the FTP Profile
The FTP Profile is used to exchange files with other comput-
ers or Bluetooth devices. Proceed as follows to transmit data
to a known Bluetooth device using FTP:
1. Click the program icon and select “Display connec-
2. The BlueFRITZ! opens and shows all known Bluetooth
devices. Click the connection icon of the desired Blue-
tooth device and select “Connect with ... / File Transfer
(OBEX-FTP) - OBEX File Transfer”.
3. If the selected Bluetooth device requires authorization,
enter the selected passkey on both devices.
4. The connection is established and the BlueFRITZ! FTP
application started. The “AVM BT OBEX - (File Transfer
Profile)” window shows the current directory of the lo-
cal computer on the left and the directory of the remote
device on the right side of the screen. Depending on the
rights enabled, you can navigate in both directory trees
and perform file operations. Copying, deleting, and
moving files and folders are possible. It is also permit-
ted to transfer several files at one time.
5. To clear the connection, click the “Exit” button or close
the “AVM BT OBEX - (File Transfer Profile)” window.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 31 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Wireless Printing with BlueFRITZ! USB
32 BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
Wireless Printing with BlueFRITZ! USB
Printers equipped with an internal Bluetooth receiver or a
Bluetooth attachment can be used with BlueFRITZ! USB for
wireless printing. The printer must support the Bluetooth
profile SPP or HCRP. Proceed as follows to establish a Blue-
tooth connection for wireless printing:
1. Make sure that the printer is on Bluetooth stand-by.
2. Click the program icon and select “Display connec-
3. The BlueFRITZ! window opens. Click the BlueFRITZ! USB
device icon in the “Local Bluetooth Device” section and
then select the command “Search for New Bluetooth
4. Select the printer from the list and register it at your
Bluetooth location.
5. Click the connection icon under “Connections” and se-
lect “Connect with ... / All Profiles”.
6. If the printer does not appear, add it as a new printer in
the Windows control panel. The printer must be config-
ured for one of the interfaces specified in the BlueFRITZ!
control software under “Local Bluetooth Device / Prop-
7. Now you can print wirelessly from Windows programs.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 32 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Listening to Stereo Music with Bluetooth Headphones
BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB 33
Listening to Stereo Music with Bluetooth
If you have Bluetooth stereo headphones, you can hear mu-
sic wirelessly from the computer in stereo quality using the
A2DP Bluetooth profile. Proceed as follows to configure the
Bluetooth headphones:
1. Make sure that the headphones are on Bluetooth
2. Click the BlueFRITZ! icon in the notification area of the
Windows taskbar and select “Search for New Bluetooth
3. Select the headphones from the list and register them
at your Bluetooth location.
4. When prompted to configure the sound reproduction,
click the “Configure Sound Reproduction” button
5. In the “Properties of Sounds and Audio Devices” dia-
log, select the AVM Bluetooth Stereo Driver as the de-
fault device under “Sound Reproduction”. Confirm with
6. Click “Next”.
7. If other Bluetooth connections have been established
parallel to the headphones, you will be informed that
all other Bluetooth connections must be cleared for a
stereo audio conneciton. Confirm with “OK”.
The stereo audio Bluetooth connection between BlueFRITZ!
USB and your stereo headphones will be established.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 33 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Working at Different Locations
34 BlueFRITZ! USB – 3 Using the Bluetooth Stick BlueFRITZ! USB
Working at Different Locations
If you use BlueFRITZ! USB on a notebook at different loca-
tions, there are different Bluetooth devices available as re-
mote sites at each location.
To simplify and organize your connections to different Blue-
tooth remote sites, you can sort the Bluetooth devices into
separate locations.
Proceed as follows to create locations:
1. Click the program icon and select “Locations / Manage
2. The “Manage Locations” dialog appears. In the “Loca-
tion” area, click the “New” button.
3. Enter a name for this location.
4. The “Find and Select Bluetooth Devices” dialog ap-
pears. Select the device to be included at the new loca-
tion, or, if the device is not included in the list, click
“Start Search” and then select the device.
5. In the “Bluetooth Devices” location, select the “Add”
button to add the other devices at the location.
6. To switch between various locations, click the program
icon and select “Locations / <your location>”.
BlueFRITZ! USB and Microsoft Bluetooth
The Bluetooth applications based on the application pro-
gramming interface (API) of the Microsoft Bluetooth environ-
ment can only be executed in the Microsoft Bluetooth envi-
ronment. The BlueFRITZ! control software thus offers the pos-
sibility of switching back and forth between the AVM Blue-
tooth environment to the Microsoft Bluetooth environment.
The Microsoft Bluetooth envirnoment is only available in the
Windows XP operating system with Service Pack 2 installed.
To switch from the AVM Bluetooth environment to the Mi-
crosoft Bluetooth environment, click the program icon and
select “Enable MS Bluetooth Stack”.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 34 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software
BlueFRITZ! USB – 4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software 35
4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN
FRITZ! is the gateway to the world of ISDN communication:
surfing the Internet, sending faxes, transmitting data and
much more. This software grants you freedom of connectivi-
ty, allowing communication not only with remote partners
equipped with an ISDN line, but also connections to analog
lines. The following diagram shows some of the implementa-
tions FRITZ! and your ISDN-Controller make possible.
Internet and ISDN with FRITZ!
Computer with BlueFRITZ!
Surfing the Web
Exchanging e-mail
Sending faxes
Exchanging files
Making phone calls
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 35 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
The Many Facets of FRITZ!
36 BlueFRITZ! USB – 4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software
4.1 The Many Facets of FRITZ!
FRITZ! consists of the following modules:
The module FRITZ!web allows the user to dial into the Inter-
net simply and directly. Thanks to channel bundling and da-
ta compression, Internet connections with extremely high
data transmission speeds can be established. The option of
automatically clearing down idle connections saves connec-
tion costs if you are charged by connection up-time.
With FRITZ!fax you can send and receive faxes in accordance
with the G3 fax standard (analog fax). You can send fax docu-
ments directly from your text processing program. FRITZ!fax
can also poll fax servers, or work as a fax-polling server it-
With FRITZ!fon plus a full-duplex sound adapter and a head-
set or other speech input/output device, telephone conver-
sations can be conducted directly from your PC — with con-
venient phone book management and a note pad function.
Three parties can be connected in a conference call. You can
use short messaging service via SMS centers to send SMS to
fixed lines. FRITZ!fon includes an answering machine. Differ-
ent messages can be configured for specific numbers, callers
and times of day.
Using the ISDN file manager FRITZ!data, files can be trans-
ferred quickly and securely, and your computer can be con-
figured to receive files from outside callers. Access rights to
your files can be defined individually for each user.
In the FRITZ!-Adressbuch you can store all the information
needed to dial up connections from the various modules. The
FRITZ!-Adressbuch can be opened from any FRITZ! module.
For comprehensive information about FRITZ!, see the Online
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 36 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Blocking Numbers with ISDNWatch
BlueFRITZ! USB – 4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software 37
4.2 Blocking Numbers with ISDNWatch
ISDNWatch is a program that supports you by monitoring
your ISDN connections.
Besides displaying the B-channel activities and the option of
logging all ISDN connections, ISDNWatch also offers a num-
ber filter.
With the ISDNWatch number filter you can block individual
numbers or whole groups of numbers for all incoming and
outgoing connections on your computer. For instance, you
can block foreign numbers, long-distance numbers or costly
service numbers. By blocking expensive service numbers
you can prevent web dialers from establishing costly connec-
tions from your computer.
For more information about the number filter and
configuration instructions, see the ISDNWatch Online Help.
4.3 Going Online with FRITZ!web
With BlueFRITZ! USB and the FRITZ!web module you can go
online fast for easy surfing. You can explore the World Wide
Web, exchange e-mail and enter chat rooms.
A wizard simplifies access to the Internet and helps you to
manage your Internet connections and settings:
z Select the “Connect to the Internet” button in the
wizard and open a web browser to establish a
connection to the Internet using the pre-configured
Internet connection.
z Click “Manage Internet Connections” to go to the dialog
for creating and editing Internet connections and
z Click “Settings” to open the settings of FRITZ!web. Here
you can make general settings for FRITZ!web and
settings that are valid for all Internet connections.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 37 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Channel Bundling
38 BlueFRITZ! USB – 4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software
Custom settings for individual Internet connections can
be made with the “Edit Connection / Advanced Set-
tings” command.
Channel Bundling
Channel bundling allows data to be transmitted from the In-
ternet using both channels. With this feature data can be
downloaded more quickly, but transmission costs are ac-
crued for both channels. You can activate the second chan-
nel manually or have it switched on automatically for high
data loads. The second channel can be released for incom-
ing calls to other FRITZ! modules so that you can be reached
even when channel bundling is active.
Network Sharing
With the “Network Sharing” feature, every computer in a net-
work can connect to the Internet via FRITZ!web.
Clearing Idle Connections Automatically
(Timer Bar)
In the FRITZ!web settings you can specify how many seconds
the line is allowed to remain idle before the existing connec-
tion to the Internet is automatically cleared down. An exam-
ple: Suppose you have loaded a Web page in your browser.
While you are reading, no further data is requested over the
Internet connection. After the delay you have specified in the
settings, FRITZ!web hangs up the idle connection. Now you
can continue reading the Internet page without accruing any
further charges. The connection is not re-established until
you click a link or enter another URL. Thanks to FRITZ!web's
fast dial-up, you will hardly notice that the connection is be-
ing restored.
See the Online Help for detailed information about all
features and operation of FRITZ!webweb.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 38 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Faxing with FRITZ!fax
BlueFRITZ! USB – 4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software 39
4.4 Faxing with FRITZ!fax
With FRITZ!fax you can send, receive and poll faxes. You can
send fax documents directly from your text processing pro-
gram. Existing files can be sent quickly and easily using the
FRITZ!fax Wizard.
Sending a Fax
The “FRITZ!fax” printer is configured during the BlueFRITZ!
USB installation. Fax documents can be created in text pro-
cessing programs:
1. With a Windows application, open or create a
document to send as a fax.
2. Enter the print command in your program, select
FRITZ!fax as your printer and confirm with “OK”.
3. The FRITZ!fax window is displayed. Enter here the fax
number of the recipient and start transmission.
Receiving a Fax
In order to receive incoming faxes, your computer must be
switched on with FRITZ!fax active.
Enter the MSN for fax reception in the settings on the “ISDN”
page. Disable the “Answer all incoming fax calls” option to
prevent FRITZ!fax from answering incoming voice calls.
Received faxes are signaled by an icon in the taskbar and/or
by a message box. Specify the desired type of notification on
the “Notification” page in the “Fax settings”.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 39 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Testing FRITZ!fax
40 BlueFRITZ! USB – 4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software
Testing FRITZ!fax
z Dial the fax number (MSN) assigned for FRITZ!fax on a
telephone. If you hear a fax tone in your telephone
headset, FRITZ!fax has answered the call and is ready to
receive incoming faxes.
z Compose a short test fax and send it to your telephone
number. Pick up the handset. If you hear a fax tone in
your telephone handset, then FRITZ!fax is ready to
transmit your outgoing faxes.
Fax Polling
When you poll a fax server, you call a remote fax machine us-
ing FRITZ!fax to request the desired fax.
The caller pays the costs accrued by a fax polling
transmission. This is especially important to remember
when you call premium numbers.
To start fax polling, select the “Start fax polling” button. A
Send window opens. Enter the fax polling number and con-
firm it with “OK”.
Managing Faxes
All faxes sent and received with FRITZ!fax are logged in the
Journal. Even cancelled transmissions are displayed here.
The Journal contains detailed information about each fax, in-
cluding the date and time of transmission, the number of the
recipient, the number of pages, the cost of transmission and
the transmission status (for example, “Sent”).
Journal with received and sent faxes
New faxes that have not been read yet are designated in the
Journal by a star.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 40 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSNs) for the FRITZ! Modules
BlueFRITZ! USB – 4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software 41
4.5 Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSNs) for
the FRITZ! Modules
To receive fax and data calls with FRITZ!, it is not necessary to
assign distinct Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSNs) to
FRITZ!data and FRITZ!fax , since FRITZ!fax answers calls with
the service indicator for “voice” telephony, while FRITZ!data
responds only to calls with the “data” service indicator.
However, FRITZ!fax and FRITZ!fon both use the “voice” ser-
vice indicator. If you want these modules to respond to calls
meant for them, you must assign distinct MSNs for call ac-
ceptance to FRITZ!fax and FRITZ!fon, and to any telephones
or fax machines connected to analog extensions. Specify the
settings on the “ISDN” settings page of the respective mod-
4.6 ISDN and the Internet with Windows
System Services
As an alternative to FRITZ!, you can use Windows Systems
Services for Internet access and faxing. For this you need the
AVM system drivers ISDN NDIS WAN CAPI Driver, ISDN TAPI
Services for CAPI and ISDN CAPI Port Driver.
During the FRITZ! installation you can specify whether you
want to add FRITZ!web to the Startup group. If you select this
option, FRITZ!web is used for every connection to the
Internet. If you want the Windows system drivers to connect
to the Internet, you must first exit FRITZ!web or remove it
from the Startup group.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 41 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Internet Connections Using the AVM NDIS WAN CAPI Driver
42 BlueFRITZ! USB – 4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software
Internet Connections Using the AVM NDIS WAN
CAPI Driver
The AVM NDIS WAN CAPI Driver is automatically installed
along with the operating system in Windows XP and 2000.
The Dial-Up Networking connection for the NDIS WAN CAPI
Driver is located in the “Network Connections” area of the
Windows Control Panel.
Dial-Up Networking via the AVM ISDN NDIS WAN CAPI Driver in the
Network Connections
To establish an Internet connection using the AVM NDIS WAN
CAPI Driver, double-click the entry.
The TAPI Application Windows XP Fax Service
TAPI (Telephony Application Programming Interface) is a tele-
phony interface by Microsoft which allows telephony pro-
grams to be controlled from within the Windows operating
system. Using AVM ISDN TAPI Services for CAPI you can make
telephone calls, control voice mail systems and use the Win-
dows XP fax service.
To use the Windows XP Fax service, make sure to perform the
following steps in order: Install Windows XP fax service first,
and then AVM ISDN TAPI Services for CAPI.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 42 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
BlueFRITZ! USB as a Virtual Modem
BlueFRITZ! USB – 4 FRITZ!: Internet and ISDN Software 43
BlueFRITZ! USB as a Virtual Modem
The AVM ISDN CAPI Port Driver allows you to use an ISDN-
Controller as if it were a modem.
The ISDN CAPI Port Driver generates a number of virtual mo-
dems in your system. The virtual modems are pre-configured
so that they can be used immediately in most conventional
implementations without any further configuration required.
The modem settings can be customized using AT commands.
For detailed information about configuration and operation
of the AVM system drivers, see the Help files for the system
drivers on the BlueFRITZ! USB CD.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 43 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
How BlueFRITZ! USB Works
44 BlueFRITZ! USB – 5 How BlueFRITZ! USB Works
5 How BlueFRITZ! USB Works
This chapter presents basic knowledge on BlueFRITZ! USB
and Bluetooth technology.
5.1 BlueFRITZ! USB: General Remarks
BlueFRITZ! USB is a controller for the USB port for use in Win-
dows operating systems. BlueFRITZ! USB supports all com-
mon Bluetooth profiles, allowing connections to all kinds of
Bluetooth devices. BlueFRITZ! USB provides wireless access
to ADSL and ISDN through connections to an access point.
BlueFRITZ! USB supports the connection of up to eight Blue-
tooth devices in a wireless network. These features and the
convenient BlueFRITZ! control software make BlueFRITZ! USB
a genuine multimedia hub.
5.2 Bluetooth: The Technology
Bluetooth is a standardized universal procedure for the wire-
less transmission of speech and data. It allows notebooks,
mobile phones, headsets, digital cameras and telephones to
be connected to each other and to access points.
Every Bluetooth device has its own 48-bit address to ensure
clear identification. The power usage of Bluetooth devices
during a connection is so low that Bluetooth can also be
used in battery-powered devices with only a slight loss of op-
erating time.
Bluetooth devices connected with each other achieve trans-
mission with a throughput rate of one megabit per second.
Bluetooth connections have either a net data transmission
rate of 723.2 Kbit/s in the user direction and 57.6 in the op-
posite direction, or with synthetic transmission, 432.6 per di-
rection, or a total of 865.2 Kbit/s.
A number of Bluetooth profiles like PAN also allow the nego-
tiation of compression methods, making effective data
throughput possible in the Mbit/s range.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 44 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
The Bluetooth Technology of BlueFRITZ! USB
BlueFRITZ! USB – 5 How BlueFRITZ! USB Works 45
5.3 The Bluetooth Technology of BlueFRITZ! USB
BlueFRITZ! USB is a Bluetooth device for the USB port, suited
especially for working with notebooks at changing locations.
BlueFRITZ! USB works at the highest Bluetooth performance
class for all connections. This means BlueFRITZ! USB attains
a range of up to 100 m for line-of-sight connections with
100 mW transmission power. The effective range of the de-
vice depends not only on transmission power, but also on
the location where the Bluetooth connections are estab-
BlueFRITZ! USB supports the connection of up to eight Blue-
tooth devices in a wireless network. Connecting to AVM ac-
cess points grants BlueFRITZ! USB wireless access to ADSL
and ISDN as well.
The Bluetooth client BlueFRITZ! USB is specifically designed
for communication, media access and data transmission.
5.4 Optimum Connections with Bluetooth
Bluetooth allows multiple applications to operate on a con-
nection at the same time. It offers secured procedures for the
transmission of data, digitalized tones and speech, which
are implemented by what are known as profiles.
Bluetooth profiles are agreements between Bluetooth devic-
es, negotiated when a Bluetooth connection is established
between devices. This guarantees that all data are transmit-
ted in the form needed by the application. When devices
with the same capabilities, and thus the same profiles, are
connected to each other, the profiles determine all parame-
ters of the Bluetooth transmission. For the user this means
that it is no longer necessary to configure the details of
BlueFRITZ! USB supports the profiles A2DP, CIP, DUN, FTP,
HCRP, Headset, OPP, PAN and SPP, and in this context also
supports the “Profile on Demand” function. Only the profiles
CIP and PAN are established automatically every time the
program is started. All other profiles are established and
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 45 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Optimum Connections with Bluetooth Profiles
46 BlueFRITZ! USB – 5 How BlueFRITZ! USB Works
cleared whenever called for by an application. A detailed de-
scription of the connection options is included in the Blue-
FRITZ! Online Help.
The following summary presents an overview of the Blue-
tooth profiles supported:
The A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) Bluetooth
Profile is a profile that enables the transmission of stereo au-
dio data between two devices – e.g., between a computer
and headphones.
The ISDN CIP profile (Common ISDN Access Profile) controls
the computer during Bluetooth connections so that it works
as if a conventional ISDN adapter were installed. With CIP, all
ISDN services familiar from the terrestrial network can be
used without restriction.
The Dial-Up Networking Profile (DUN) makes it possible to di-
al into the Internet as with a modem. With this profile you
can use BlueFRITZ! USB to connect to the Internet via a Blue-
tooth connection and a mobile phone, for example
The File Transfer Profile is an application used to transfer
files between two devices. Transmission is not limited to just
one file; several files or subdirectories can be transferred be-
tween the devices.
The HCRP (Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile) profile is de-
signed for connecting devices that support parallel interfac-
es, like printers, for instance.The profile supports Plug & Play
detection of connected devices.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 46 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Optimum Connections with Bluetooth Profiles
BlueFRITZ! USB – 5 How BlueFRITZ! USB Works 47
You can view the configuration of the interface simulated by
HCRP in the properties of BlueFRITZ! USB. Open the proper-
ties by double-clicking the BlueFRITZ! USB icon in the Blue-
FRITZ! window.
The Headset profile (HS) serves to connect speech equip-
ment wirelessly. This profile is used with mobile phones or
on the computer for audio output and voice input.
In all applications that use the headset, the AVM Bluetooth
Audio Driver must be set for sound recording and reproduc-
The Object Push Profile (OPP) makes it easy to send or re-
ceive individual files. Exactly one file is transferred every
time a connection is established. OPP is used to exchange
electronic business cards.
With the “PAN” network profile you can establish “Personal
Area Networks” via Bluetooth. The PAN profile establishes a
wireless LAN between the Bluetooth devices. This LAN uses
the protocols known from the Internet (TCP/IP).
You can view the configuration of the PAN profile for your net-
work in the properties of BlueFRITZ! USB. Open the proper-
ties by clicking the BlueFRITZ! USB icon in the BlueFRITZ!
The Serial Port Profile (SPP) simulates a serial interface in
the computer and allows two terminal devices to establish a
bit-serial connection.
You can view the configuration of this interface in the proper-
ties of BlueFRITZ! USB. Open the properties by clicking the
BlueFRITZ! USB icon in the BlueFRITZ! window.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 47 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Removing the Software
48 BlueFRITZ! USB – 6 Removing the Software
6 Removing the Software
The steps required to remove the software vary depending
on your computer's operating system. See the section below
that describes uninstallation in your operating system.
6.1 Removing Software Components in
Windows XP and 2000
Proceed as follows to remove the BlueFRITZ! USB driver soft-
ware in Windows XP and 2000:
1. Select “start / Control Panel / Performance and Mainte-
nance” (Windows XP) or “Start / Settings / Control Pan-
el” (Windows 2000), then double-click the “System”
icon. The “System Properties” window appears.
2. On the “Hardware” settings page, click the “Device
Manager” button.
3. Under “Network Adapters” in the list of devices, click with
the right mouse button on the entry “BlueFRITZ! USB”. In
the context menu, select the command “Uninstall”.
4. When you are prompted to confirm the action, click “OK”.
This completes uninstallation of the BlueFRITZ! USB driver
To remove the FRITZ! communications software, the BlueFRITZ!
application and the AVM system driver, proceed as follows:
1. Select “start / Control Panel” (Windows XP) or “Start /
Settings / Control Panel” (Windows 2000), then dou-
ble-click the “Add/Remove Programs” icon.
The “Add/Remove Programs” window is opened.
2. Make sure that the “Change or Remove Programs” but-
ton is selected in the column at left.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 48 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Removing Software Components in Windows Me and 98 SE
BlueFRITZ! USB – 6 Removing the Software 49
If the FRITZ! communications software and the AVM ISDN
CAPI Port driver are installed on your system, then they
both appear in the list of “Currently installed programs:”
3. Select the software component you want to remove.
4. Click the “Change/Remove” button. All of the selected
component's files and settings are deleted from your
Repeat this process as necessary to remove other BlueFRITZ!
USB software components.
This completes uninstallation of the selected component.
6.2 Removing Software Components in
Windows Me and 98 SE
Proceed as follows to remove the BlueFRITZ! USB driver soft-
ware and FRITZ!web communications software in
Windows Me and 98:
1. Select “Start / Settings / Control Panel”, then double-
click the “System” icon. The “System Properties” win-
dow appears.
2. Click on the “Device Manager” settings page.
3. To remove BlueFRITZ! USB, select the entry “BlueFRITZ!
USB (Win98/Me)” under “AVM ISDN-Controllers”, and
click “Uninstall”.
To remove FRITZ!web, select the entryFRITZ!web un-
der “Network Adapters”, and click “Uninstall”.
4. When you are prompted to confirm the action, click
This completes the removal of the BlueFRITZ! USB and
FRITZ!web software.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 49 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Removing Software Components in Windows Me and 98 SE
50 BlueFRITZ! USB – 6 Removing the Software
To remove the FRITZ! communications software, the BlueFRITZ!
application and the AVM system driver, proceed as follows:
1. Select “Start / Settings / Control Panel”, then double-
click the “Add/Remove Programs” icon.
The components of BlueFRITZ! USB are found in the list
of installed software. They appear in the list as follows:
2. Select the software component you want to remove.
3. Click the “Add/Remove...” button. The uninstall pro-
gram is started. All of the selected component’s files
and settings are deleted from your computer.
Repeat this process to remove other software compo-
nents of BlueFRITZ! USB.
4. Restart your computer.
Rebooting the computer concludes the uninstallation.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 50 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Customer Service Guide
BlueFRITZ! USB – 7 Customer Service Guide 51
7 Customer Service Guide
AVM provides numerous sources of information to assist you
should any questions or problems arise. Here you will find
the important information you need, in the form of manuals,
updates and support.
In many cases problems which arise during operation can be
resolved by installing the current Microsoft Service Pack for
your operating system. The current service pack can be
obtained directly from Microsoft.
7.1 Information Sources
To take advantage of all commands and features of your
BlueFRITZ! USB, consult the following information resources:
z Readme for BlueFRITZ! USB: The Readme file contains
current information which was not yet available at the
time the manual was printed. In Windows XP, the
current Readme file for BlueFRITZ! USB can be found on
the BlueFRITZ! USB CD in the WINDOWS.XP folder; in
Windows 2000, the current Readme file is on the
BlueFRITZ! USB CD in the WINDOWS.2K folder.
z Help for BlueFRITZ!: In the BlueFRITZ! control program
you can open the detailed Online Help by pressing “F1”.
z Help for FRITZ!: In all FRITZ! modules you can open the
detailed Online Help by pressingF1 or clicking the
Help buttons.
z Help files for theAVM system drivers: If you install an
AVM system driver, such as the CAPI Port Driver, a
shortcut to the corresponding Help file is created on
your desktop. The Help files can also be found in the
SYSTEM> on the CD.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 51 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
information in the Internet
52 BlueFRITZ! USB – 7 Customer Service Guide
The FRITZ! manual: The manual is saved in PDF format
in the DOCUMENTATION folder on the CD. If you need to
install the Acrobat Reader to read the PDF file, you can
do so using the installation program included in the
SOFTWARE\INFO folder on the CD.
7.2 information in the Internet
On its web site AVM presents comprehensive information on
your AVM products as well as new product announcements
and new product versions.
The AVM home page is located at the following URL:
7.3 Updates
AVM provides new drivers and software updates for
BlueFRITZ! USB and software applications for downloading
free of charge from the AVM Data Call Center (ADC).
To download updates from the Internet, please visit:
The AVM FTP server can also be used to download current
driver software. Click the “FTP Server” link in the download
area, or enter the following address:
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 52 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Assistance From AVM Support
BlueFRITZ! USB – 7 Customer Service Guide 53
7.4 Assistance From AVM Support
Please take advantage of the information sources described
above before contacting AVM support.
AVM’s Support team is at your service with direct help when
problems arise, during installation, the initial configuration
and your first steps in operating the BlueFRITZ! USB.
The support desk can be reached by e-mail or by fax. AVM
Support then will contact you to assist in solving your
problem. You will receive an e-mail or a fax.
Should problems establishing connections to remote sites
arise, please try to establish a test connection to the AVM
Data Call Center (ADC) before contacting support. See the
instructions in the FRITZ! manual (FRITZ!data chapter). As the
ADC receives a great number of calls, please try several
times if the line is busy. In the case of an error, write down
the exact wording of the error message. Support requires
this information to rectify the error.
Support by E-mail
Support requests can be sent to AVM by e-mail. Please use
the Support request form at the AVM home page: Fill out the
form and send it to AVM support by clicking the “Send”
button. This form is available at:
Support by Fax
If necessary, you can reach AVM Support at the fax number:
+49 (0)30 / 39 00 45 22
Have your “Product Identification Code” ready when you call.
This code is printed on the CD case. Support staff will always
check this number to ensure that you are a registered user.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 53 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
Support by Fax
54 BlueFRITZ! USB – 7 Customer Service Guide
Prepare the following information for your Support consultant:
z Which operating system are you using (e.g.,
Windows XP or Windows 98?)
z At what step of the installation or in which FRITZ! appli-
cation does an error message appear? What is the exact
wording of the message?
z Which software are you having problems with? What is
the exact wording of the message?
z Include the version number and build number of the
BlueFRITZ! USB driver used. Click the BlueFRITZ! pro-
gram icon in the notification area of the taskbar with
the right mouse button to view the stack version and
build. Select the “Info” command in this window.
Once you have gathered this information, please fax it to
AVM Support.
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 54 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
BlueFRITZ! USB – Index 55
A2DP 33, 46
administrator rights 9
, 11
AT commands 43
AVM in the Internet 52
AVM ISDN CAPI Port driver 15
connections 20
managing locations 21
networks 21
properties 20
search for Bluetooth device 20
BlueFRITZ! Control Software 18
connecting 8
functional principle 44
BlueFRITZ! window 18
, 19
establishing a connection 24
profiles 45
scenarios 22
technology 44
Bluetooth passkey 13
Bluetooth technology 45
CAPI Port Driver 15
channel bundling 38
CIP 46
connecting BlueFRITZ! USB USB 8
declaration of conformity 58
dial-up networking 42
disconnecting automatically 38
DUN 46
polling 40
fax journal 40
FRITZ! Address Book 36
FRITZ! communications software 35
FRITZ! modules 36
FRITZ!data 36
FRITZ!fax 39
FRITZ!fax assistant 39
FRITZ!fax Start Assistant 39
FRITZ!fon 36
FRITZ!web 37
FRITZ!web wizard 37
FTP 31
, 46
HCRP 32, 46
headset 47
information sources 51
errors 16
FRITZ! communications software 14
in Windows 2000 11
in Windows 98 SE 12
in Windows Me 10
Windows XP 9
with FRITZ!web 37
Internet Sharing 38
LEDs 7
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 55 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
56 BlueFRITZ! USB – Index
Microsoft Bluetooth 34
Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSNs) for
the FRITZ! modules 41
OPP 30
, 47
PAN 47
passkey 13
operating BlueFRITZ! USB 7
program icon in the notification
area 18
removing driver software
in Windows Me and 98 49
in Windows XP and 2000 48
SPP 32, 47
support 53
symbols 5
test FRITZ!fax 40
updates 52
virtual modem 43
Windows XP fax service 42
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 56 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15
BlueFRITZ! USB – Declaration of CE Conformity 58
Declaration of CE Conformity
herewith declares that the product
complies with the following directives:
The following norms were consulted to assess conformity:
z EN 301 489-17 V1.2.1 (2002)
z EN 301 489-1 V1.5.1 (2004)
z EN 55024/9.98 + A1/10.01 + A2/01.03
z EN 300 328 V1.6.1 (11.2004)
The CE symbol confirms that this product conforms with the above
mentioned norms and regulations.
Indication of Countries
This device is designed for use in all countries of the European
Union and in Switzerland, Norway and Iceland. In France only in-
door operation is permitted.
The manufacturer AVM GmbH
Address Alt-Moabit 95
D-10559 Berlin
Product BlueFRITZ! USB
Type Bluetooth-Controller
z 1999/5/EC: R&TTE Directive: Telecommunications Termi-
nal Equipment and Satellite Earth Station
z 89/336/EEC EMC Directive:
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Berlin, 15-11-2005 Peter Faxel, Technical Director
BlueFRITZ!USB-e.book Seite 58 Montag, 18. September 2006 3:36 15

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AVM BlueFRITZ USB v2.0 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 57 pagina's

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