NOTE. Essential information of special importance, interest, or aid
in job performance.
PHOTOCATHODE. The input optic of an image intensifier that ab-
sorbs light energy and in turn releases electrical energy in the form
of an electron image.
SCINTILLATION. A faint, random, sparkling effect throughout the
image area. Scintillation is a normal characteristic of the image in-
tensifier and should not be confused with emission points. Scintil-
lation is more pronounced under low light conditions. Also called
“video noise”.
SHADING. The viewed image should be a full circle. If shading is
present, you will not see a fully circular image. Shading is indicative
of a dying photocathode and is caused by a defective vacuum seal
of the image intensifier. Shading is very dark and you cannot see
an image through it.
WARNING. Conditions, practices, or procedures that must be ob-
served to avoid personal injury or loss of life.