Messaging 70
- blocking 70
- forwarding a message thread 71
- launching 70
- messaging later 71
- see also Replying now 42
- replying 70
- sending 70
Micro SIM cards 48
- assigning a preferred micro SIM card 49
- data service 49
- renaming 48
- voice calls 49
Miniature 100
- see also Advanced camera features 97
Miracast 114
- launching 114
Mobile network 109
- enabling 109
Multiple calls 57
- answering another call 57
- see Conference calls 59
- setting up a conference call 58
- switching between calls 57
Music 87
- launching 87
- other playback options 88
- playing songs 87
- PlayTo other devices 89
- see Cloud music 88
- see Playlist 89
Night 99
- see also Advanced camera features 97
Omlet Chat 72
- registering 72
- see Social Hotspot 77
- sending a chat message 75
- sending a virtual sticker 75
- sending a voice message 75
- sending Omlet invites
- via e-mail 74
- via Facebook 74
- syncing Omlet Chat to Cloud 84
- using 75
- using drawer apps 76
- using your e-mail account 73
- using your Facebook account 74
- using your Google account 73
- using your mobile phone number 72
- viewing your Omlet contacts from Contacts
app 82
Panorama 98
- see also Advanced camera features 97
Party Link 120
- receiving photos 121
- sharing photos 120
PC Link 123
- PC Link settings 124
- using 123
Play Games 86
- adding songs to a playlist 89
Power Saver 137
- customizing 138
- setting up 137
Quick Memo 131
Quick settings 16
- adding or removing buttons 17
Remote Link 125
- keyboard input 127
- presentation controller 126
- touch pad 125
- using 125
- Windows Media Player controller 126
- setting up 23
Security 141
Sele 99
- see also Advanced camera features 97
Share Link 122
- receiving les 123
- sharing les 122
Smart Dialing 51
Smart remove 100
- see also Advanced camera features 97
Social Hotspot
- creating 77
- joining 78
- using 77