• When using the grill (alone or in combination with the microwave), the glass of
the door becomes very hot. Keep children away from the appliance.
• The cooking compartment, the grill element, the rack, the tray and the turntable
become very hot when the appliance is operating. When using the grill it is
imperative to protect your hands to remove plates and use containers that can
absorb high temperatures such as ovenware and ceramics. Do not touch elements
heating inside the oven. There is a risk of burning!
• Preheat your oven only with grill or convection oven functions, never with the
microwave function alone or the microwave functions combined with the grill or
convection oven.
The grill can be folded to facilitate cleaning:
1. Horizontal for gratins, flat grilling.
2. Vertical solely to clean the vault
AAllllooww tthhee ggrriillll ttoo ccooooll ffoorr 2255 mmiinnuutteess aafftteerr uussiinngg bbeeffoorree ttoouucchhiinngg..
Grill/convection oven
grill positions