NNoottee:: RRCC iiss aann aabbbbrreevviiaattiioonn ffoorr tthhee RReemmoottee CCoonnttrrooll .
11.. TTuurrnniinngg OOnn
aa.. TTuurrnniinngg oonn tthhee TTVV
Set the mains switch at the rear of the TV to ON. (Move
the switch so that it "rocks" to wards the front of the TV.)
This places the TV in standby.
Turn on the TV by pressing the stand by button on
the RC, the stand by button on the front of the TV or the
P+/P- buttons on the TV.
22.. TTuurrnniinngg OOffff
aa.. TTuurrnniinngg ooffff tthhee TTVV
Set the mains switch to OFF.
bb.. SSttaannddbbyy MMooddee
To turn off the TV for a short time period, press the
Standby button on the RC or TV.
If you are not going to use the set for a long time, press
the ON/OFF button on the TV set.
11.. SSeelleeccttiinngg PPrrooggrraamm NNuummbbeerr
• Using the P+- buttons on the TV control panel or RC,
you can select any program.
•When you want to select a program between 1 and 9,
press the number on the RC.
•To select a number between 10 and 99, the program
number is pressed on the RC quickly on the RC.
To shift to program No. 14, first press 1. In
that case a message "1" appears on the right corner of
the screen. Quickly press 4, the set changes to the
program no. 14.