L {The LIST command}
{The MailDrop responds}
Msg# Size To From @ BBS Date Time Title
6 PN 184 WX1AAA WX2BBB 01-Jun-90 20:15 Hello Joe
5 BY 287 ALL WX2BBB 01-Jun-90 18:42 Question
4 BY 178 QST WX2BBB 01-Jun-90 17:30 Mailbox
1 BY 56 ALL WX2BBB 01-Jun-90 10:22 APLINK
[AEA PK-232M] 16508 free (A,B,H,J,K,L,R,S,V,?) > {MailDrop's prompt}
5.5.3 READ Messages
You've seen the list of messages and wish to READ yours. You've seen
the MailDrop's prompt:
[AEA PK-232M] 16508 free (A,B,H,J,K,L,R,S,V,?) > {MailDrop's prompt}
Now, type "R #" to READ the one message number to you in the MailDrop.
R 6 {The READ 6 command}
{The MailDrop responds}
Msg# Size To From @ BBS Date Time Title
6 PN 144 WX1AAA WX2BBB 01-Jun-90 20:15 Hello Joe
{The message header}
Hello Joe. Did you get the notice {The message}
about next month's meeting of the
Radio Society at the Firehouse?
Will you be going? - I need a ride.
[AEA PK-232M] 16508 free (A,B,H,J,K,L,R,S,V,?) > {MailDrop's prompt}
5.5.4 KILL Messages
You've read the message addressed to you and wish to KILL it. Again
you see the MailDrop's prompt:
[AEA PK-232M] 16508 free (A,B,H,J,K,L,R,S,V,?) > {MailDrop's prompt}
Now, type "K #" to KILL one specific message in the MailDrop.
K 6 {The KILL 6 command}
*** Done. {MailDrop confirms}
[AEA PK-232M] 16704 free (A,B,H,J,K,L,R,S,V,?) > {MailDrop's prompt}
5.5.5 SEND Messages
You've killed the message and wish to SEND a reply to the MailDrop's
operator, WX2BBB. Again you see the MailDrop's prompt. Remember the
number after the right bracket "]" shows you how much memory space is
available in the MailDrop. Always verify that the MailDrop has enough
memory remaining for the length of message you intend to send.
[AEA PK-232M] 16704 free (A,B,H,J,K,L,R,S,V,?) > {MailDrop's prompt}
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