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Innovation has a name.
Installation, User and Service
Condensing Stainless Steel
Water Heater
TWI - 35-130/45-190
4115 - Changes Reserved.
your installer
A.O. Smith UK, Unit B8 Amstrong Mall,
Southwood Business Park, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 0NR
“A.O. Smith Water Heaters” is a trading name of Advance Services (Sales) Ltd. Reg.
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 3
Carefully read this manual before starting up the device.
Not reading this manual and not following the instructions in this manual may
lead to personal injuries and damage to the device.
Copyright © 2014 A.O. Smith Water Products Company
All rights reserved.
Nothing from this edition may be copied, reproduced and/or made public by
means of press, photocopying or in any other way without prior permission in
writing from A.O. Smith Water Products Company.
A.O. Smith Water Products Company reserves the right to change the
specications as mentioned in this manual.
All brand names mentioned in this manual are registered trademarks of the
respective suppliers.
A.O. Smith Water Products Company does not accept any liability for claims of
third parties as a result of incompetent use other than mentioned in this manual
and in conformity with the General Terms and Conditions as led with the
Chamber of Commerce.
For further information see the General Terms and Conditions. These are
obtainable from us free of charge.
Although utmost care has been taken in ensuring a correct and, where
necessary, complete description of the relevant parts, the manual may contain
faults and obscurities.
Should you still discover faults or obscurities, please inform us about this. It
helps us to further improve the documentation.
If you have any remarks or questions concerning specic subjects related to the
device, please do not hesitate to contact. A.O. Smith Water Products Company
P.O. Box 70
5500 AB Veldhoven
The Netherlands
Telephone (free): 0800 - AOSMITH
0800 - 267 64 84
General: +31 40 294 25 00
Fax: +31 40 294 25 39
E-mail: info@aosmith.nl
Website: www.aosmithinternational.com
For problems with respect to connections to gas, electricity and water supplies,
please contact the supplier/installation engineer of your installation.
Carefully read this manual
Trade marks
Additional information
4 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 5
Table of content
1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
1.1 About the device - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
1.2 What to do when you smell gas - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
1.3 Regulations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -7
1.4 Target groups - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
1.5 Maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
1.6 Packaging material- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
1.7 Disposal- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8
1.8 Notation system - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
1.9 Overview of this document - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9
2 Operation of the device- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
2.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
2.2 General operation of the device - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11
2.3 Heating cycle of the device- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
2.4 Security of the device- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12
2.5 Safety of the installation- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14
3 Installation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15
3.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15
3.2 Packaging- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15
3.3 Ambient conditions- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15
3.4 Technical specications - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18
3.5 Connections diagram- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20
3.6 Water connections unvented - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
3.7 Water connections vented - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
3.8 Gas connection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
3.9 Air supply and ue gas discharge - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
3.10 Electrical connection - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 28
3.11 Check and adjust the CO
-value - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 30
4 Conversion to another gas category - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34
5 Fill - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35
5.1 Fill the device - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 36
6 Drain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 37
6.1 Drain unvented installations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38
6.1 Drain vented installations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 38
7 Start up - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39
7.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39
7.2 Start up- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39
7.3 Heating cycle of the device- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39
8 Shut down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41
8.1 Introduction- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41
8.2 Shut down the device for a short time - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41
8.3 Electrically isolate the device - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41
8.4 Shut down the device for a long period- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41
9 Errors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
9.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43
9.2 Troubleshooting table for general errors- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44
9.3 Troubleshooting table for errors on the control- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 46
10 Maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49
10.1 Introduction- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49
10.2 Prepare maintenance- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49
10.3 Water-side maintenance- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50
10.4 Gas-side maintenance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50
10.5 Complete maintenance- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50
6 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
11 Warranty (certicate)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53
11.1 Warranty general- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53
11.2 Warranty tank- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 53
11.3 Conditions of installation and use - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
11.4 Exclusions- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
11.5 Extent of the warranty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
11.6 Claims - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
11.7 Obligations of A.O. Smith - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 54
12 Annex - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
12.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 55
12.2 Electrical circuit diagram - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56
12.3 Legends electrical circuit diagram - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 57
Index - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59
Table of content
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 7
1.1 About the device
1.2 What to do when you
smell gas
1.3 Regulations
This manual describes the installation, service and use of the TWI-device.
The TWI-device is a condensating boiler with a fan in the air supply. The TWI can
be installed both as a closed and as an open device. The device typically has a
concentric chimney connection. The device can also be connected as a parallel
The possible device types are B23, C13, C33, C43, C53 and C63.
The information in this manual is applicable to the TWI 35-130 and TWI 45-190.
The construction method and the equipment of the device are in conformity with
the European standard for gas-red storage water heaters for the production
of domestic hot water (EN 89). With this the devices comply with the European
Directive for Gas Devices and so they have the right to the CE -mark.
Carefully read this manual before starting up the boiler. Not reading this
manual and not following the given instructions may lead to personal injuries and
damage to the device.
In case of smelling gas:
No open re! No smoking!
Avoid sparking!
Do not use any electric switches, including telephone, plug or bell!
Open windows and doors!
Shut off the mains gas supply valve!
Warn occupants and leave the building!
After having left the building, warn the gas company or the installation engineer.
As (end) user, installation engineer or service and maintenance engineer you
shall make sure that the entire installation at least complies with the locally
building regulations;
guidelines for existing gas systems formulated by the electricity company;
guidelines for natural gas systems and the corresponding practical
safety regulations for low-voltage systems;
regulations concerning drinking water supply;
regulations concerning ventilation in buildings;
regulations concerning supply of combustion air;
regulations concerning discharge of ue gasses;
requirements for gas-consuming systems;
regulations concerning inside sewer systems in buildings;
regulations of the re department, electricity companies and the
Further the installation shall comply with the regulations of the manufacturer.
8 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Supplements or later adjustments and/or additions to any regulations,
requirements and guidelines are applicable at the moment of installing.
The three target groups for this manual are:
(end) users;
installation engineers;
service and maintenance engineers.
Symbols indicate on every page for which target group the information is
intended. See the table.
Symbols per target group
Service shall be carried out at least once a year both on the gas side and on the
water side. The frequency of the maintenance depends, among other things, on
the water quality, the average number of operating hours per day and the set
water temperature.
For determining the correct maintenance frequency, it is advised to have
the service and maintenance engineer check the gas side and the water side of
the device three months after installation. The maintenance frequency can be
determined on the basis of this check.
Regular maintenance lengthens the life of the device.
Both the end user and the service and maintenance engineer are responsible
for regular maintenance. They shall make clear appointments about this.
If the device is not regularly maintained, the warranty will become null
and void.
The packaging protects the device against transportation damage. The
selected packaging material is environmentally friendly, recyclable and
can be disposed of in a relatively easy and environmentally friendly way.
Old and discarded devices contain substances that are to be recycled.
Please take the local laws with respect to waste processing into account
when disposing of old and discarded devices.
Never dispose of your old device through the domestic waste, but bring
it to a municipal collection point for electric and electronic equipment. If
necessary, ask your dealer/installer for information. Store the old device
outside the reach of children.
(End) user
Installation engineer
Target group
Service and maintenance engineer
1.4 Target groups
1.5 Maintenance
1.6 Packaging material
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 9
Chapter Target groups Description
2. Operation of the device
This chapter describes the operation of the device.
3. Installation This chapter describes the installation activities to be
carried out before denitely starting up the device.
4. Conversion to another
Conversion to another category is not possible.
5. Fill This chapter describes how to ll the device.
6. Drain This chapter describes how to drain the device.
7. Start up This chapter describes how to start up the device.
It further describes the general heating cycle of the
8. Shut down
This chapter describes how to shut down the device for
a shorter or longer period.
9. Errors This chapter is mainly meant for the installation
engineer and the service and maintenance engineer.
It describes the errors of the device. These errors are
shown on the display. A table gives the possible cause
and solution. However, an end user can also nd
additional information about the device here.
10. Maintenance
This chapter describes how to determine the frequency
for maintenance activities. Both the end user and the
service and maintenance engineer are responsible
for regular maintenance. They shall make clear
appointments about this. Remark If the device is not
regularly maintained, the warranty will become null and
1.8 Notation system
1.9 Overview of this
This manual makes use of the following notation system:
Attention: important notice.
Ignoring this text may result in damage of the device.
Ignoring this text may lead to serious damage of the device and to
situations that are dangerous to people.
The table provides an overview of the content of this document.
Content of this document
10 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Chapter Target groups Description
11. Warranty (certicate)
This chapter contains the terms of warranty.
12. Annexes This chapter contains the electrical circuit diagram.
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 11
2 Operation of
the device
2.1 Introduction This chapter will cover in the given order:
General operation of the device;
Heating cycle of the device;
Security of the device;
Safety of the installation.
2.2 General operation The gure shows a cross section of the device.
of the device
Cross section of the device
Legends IMD-0716 R0
1. Temperature sensor / ECO
2. Insulating layer
3. Air pressure switch
4. Burner
5. Venturi
6. Air supply pipe
7. Gas control
8. Cover plate
9. Hot surface igniter
10. Fan
11. Thermostat
12. Hot water outlet
13. Heat exchanger
14. Tank
15. Combustion chamber
16. Cold water inlet
17. Concentric measuring tube
18. Air supply hose
19. Flue gas discharge
20. Siphon
21. Transformer 230 VAC-120 VAC
22. Drain valve
23. Connector
24. Transformer 120 VAC-24 VAC
25. Electronic control
26. Thermostat board
27. Inspection window
28. Air inlet lter
I MD- 071 6 R0
IMD-0716 R0
12 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Operation of the device
2.3 Heating cycle of
the device
2.4 Security of the device
In this device the cold water is supplied through the cold water inlet (16) at the
bottom of the tank. The tap water heated by the combustion chamber (15) and
heat exchanger (13) leaves the tank at the hot water outlet (12). If the device
is maximally lled with water, there is a constant water piping pressure. When
tapping hot water from the device, cold water is immediately added again.
The device has been provided with an e premix burner (4) with 1:1 gas/air ratio
control. The fan (10) sucks in the air that is required for the combustion. The
gas is supplied through the gas control (7) and the venturi on the suction side of
the fan. The 1:1 gas/air coupling always ensures an optimum gas/air ratio.
Because of the special construction of the heat exchanger (13), the ue gasses
are rst led up through the combustion chamber and then down through the
heat exchanger along the water. This gradually cools down the ue gasses. As
the cooled down ue gasses are nally led along the cold water at the bottom
of the tank as well, the ue gasses start condensating. Condensation causes
release of energy (heat) that is also transferred to the water, which improves the
output. The condensate that is formed with this heating is discharged through
the siphon (20). The insulating layer (2) prevents loss of heat.
The temperature sensor (1) measures the water temperature. As soon as
the measured temperature is below the set water temperature, the electronic
control observes a ‘heat demand’. The gas control (7) opens after about half
a minute and the gas mixes with the air. The hot surface igniter (9) ignites
this mixture and the water is heated. As soon as the measured temperature
is above the set water temperature, the heat demand ends and the electronic
control stops the heating cycle.
2.4.1 Introduction
The electronic control monitors the water temperature and ensures safe combustion.
This is done by:
• the Security of the water temperature;
• the Gas control;
• the Fan;
• the Air pressure switch;
• the Ionisation detection.
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 13
2.4.2 Security of the water temperature
The safety switch or ECO (Energy Cut-Off) switches off the device when the
water temperature exceeds 95 ºC. As soon as the temperature has sufciently
dropped, the ECO is reset automatically. Contact the installation engineer if the
ECO repeatedly switches off the device.
2.4.3 Gas control
The electronic control opens the gas control allowing supply of gas to the
burner. The gas control has two valves as a safety device. Both valves shut off
the gas supply.
2.4.4 Fan
The fan (10) ensures optimum air supply during the heat demand. In view
of safety, the fan makes sure that the combustion chamber is purged before
ignition takes place. This is called pre-purging.
2.4.5 Air pressure switch
The air pressure switch guarantees discharge of ue gasses and supply of
air during pre-purging and operation of the device. The air pressure switch is
typically open. When the pressure difference is sufcient, the pressure switch
closes. If, however, a disturbance occurs, the pressure switch opens again and
the heating cycle is interrupted. The table gives the trip points for each device.
The trip point of the pressure switch cannot be adjusted.
Trip point of the pressure switch
2.4.6 Ionisation detection
The electronic control uses the hot surface igniter for ame detection by means
of ionisation detection. The electronic control closes the gas valve as soon as it
observes that there is no ame while gas is owing.
Device Pressure difference (NAT) Pressure difference (LP)
TWI 35-130 700 Pa 700 Pa
TWI 45-190 370 Pa 400 Pa
14 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
2.5 Safety of the installation Apart from the standard security of the device, the installation shall further be
protected using an expansion vessel, an expansion valve, a pressure reducing
valve, a non-return valve and a T&P valve.
The use of an expansion vessel, expansion valve and/or pressure reducing
valve is dependent on the type of installation: unvented or vented.
2.5.1 Unvented installation
With an unvented installation an expansion valve and an expansion vessel
avoid a too high pressure in the tank. This prevents damage to the tank.
A non-return valve avoids a too high pressure on the water piping. This valve
also avoids water from the tank owing into the water piping. The pressure
reducing valve protects the installation against a too high water piping pressure
(> 8 bars). The parts are mounted into the cold water system (3.6.1 “Cold water
2.5.2 Vented installation
With a vented installation the open water tank absorbs the overpressure. The
height of the water tank determines the maximum operating pressure in the
tank. The maximum operating pressure is 8 bars. The installation shall also be
equipped with an expansion valve of the hot water piping that ows out into the
water tank. In the ideal situation this should ow out in a separate discharge
channel, otherwise in the open water tank. The device shall also have a stop
valve on the water side (3.6.2 “Hot water side”).
2.5.3 T&P valve
A T&P valve is only obligatory with unvented installations. However, A.O.
Smith recommends using a T&P valve with vented installations as well. A
T&P valve (Temperature & Pressure valve) monitors the pressure in the tank
and the water temperature at the upper part of the tank. The valve will open
when the pressure in the tank becomes too high (> 10 bars) or when the water
temperature gets too high (> 97°C). The hot water can now ow out of the
tank. As the device is under water piping pressure, cold water will automatically
ow into the tank. The valve remains open until the unsafe situation has been
removed. The device typically has a connecting point for a T&P valve (3.6.2
“Hot water side”).
Operation of the device
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 15
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Packaging
3.3 Ambient conditions
The installation shall be carried out by an authorised installation engineer
in accordance with the generally and locally applicable regulations of gas,
water, electricity companies and the re brigade.
The device shall only be installed in an area that amply meets the national and
local ventilation regulations (1.3 “Regulations”).
This chapter describes the installation activities to be carried out before
denitely starting up the device (7 “Start up”), being:
• Packaging;
Ambient conditions;
Technical specications;
Connections diagram;
Water connections;
Gas connection;
Air supply and ue gas discharge;
Electrical connection;
Check and adjust the CO
Carefully remove the packaging in order to prevent damaging the device.
You can best unpack the device when it is close to or on its denite place.
Move the device only standing up. Make sure not to damage the device
after unpacking.
The device is suitable for both closed and open combustion. If installed as
a closed device, it is independent of the installation area for the required air
supply. Therefore there are no additional ventilation regulations. If the device is
installed as an open device, it should meet the local guidelines and ventilation
regulations for open devices.
The possible device types are B23, C13, C33, C43, C53 and C63.
In view of a risk of explosion and corrosion of the device, do not use
the device in areas where chemical substances are stored or used. Some
propellants, bleaching agents, degreasants and the like spread explosive
vapours and/or corrosion-accelerating vapours. Use of the device in an area
where such substances are present makes the warranty null and void.
3 Installation
16 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Water composition
(alkaline earth ions)
> 1.00 mmol/l:
- German hardness > 5.6° dH
- French hardness > 10.0° fH
- British hardness > 7.0° eH
Conductivity > 125 muS/cm
Acidity (pH-value) 7.0 < pH-value < 9.5
3.3.1 Air humidity and ambient temperature
The installation area should be frost-free or be protected against frost. The
table gives the ambient conditions that shall be observed in order to be able to
ensure the functioning of the applied electronics.
Specications for air humidity and ambient temperature
3.3.2 Maximum oor loading
In view of the weight of the device, take the maximum oor loading into
account. See the table below.
Specication for weight in connection with the maximum oor loading
3.3.3 Water composition
The device is designed for heating drinking water. The drinking water shall
comply with the regulations for drinking water for human consumption. The
table gives an overview of the specications.
Specications for water
When the specications mentioned in the table are deviated from, the
protection of the tank can not be guaranteed (11 “Warranty (certicate)”).
3.3.4 Working area
In view of the accessibility of the device, it is recommended to apply the
following distances (see gure):
AA: on the front side of the device: 100 cm.
BB: around the device: 50 cm.
Top side of the device: 50 cm.
Air humidity and ambient temperature
Air humidity max. 93% RH at +25°C
Ambient temperature Functional: 0 ≤ t ≤ 60°C
Weight of the device lled with water
TWI 35-130 199 kg
TWI 45-190 271 kg
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 17
When installing the device, make sure that the device cannot damage the
immediate surroundings or lower oors in case of leakage of the tank and/or
connections. If this is the case, install the device near a oor discharge or in a
metal drip tray of the right size.
A drip tray shall have a solid discharge and be at least 5 cm deep with a length
and width of at least 5 cm larger that the diameter of the device.
Working area
I MD- 0 7 1 7 R0
IMD-0717 R0
18 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Dimension Description TWI 35-130 TWI 45-190
A Overall height 1270 1655
D Device diameter 560 560
E Depth 730 730
G Diameter ue gas discharge/air supply 80/125 80/125
H Height ue gas discharge/air supply 385 385
Hx x-position ue gas discharge 300 300
Hy y-position ue gas discharge 205 205
K Height gas/burner connection 160 160
M Height cold water supply 400 400
N Height hot water outlet 1270 1655
R Height drain valve connection 155 155
S Height T&P valve connection 1040 1395
W Height condensation drainage 100 100
1 Cold water supply connection 1” NPT 1” NPT
2 Hot water outlet connection 1” NPT 1” NPT
3 Gas control/burner connection
4 Drain valve connection
5 T&P valve connection 1” NPT 1” NPT
7 Condensation drainage connection Rp 1 Rp 1
3.4 Technical specications
See the table.
The tables below contain the technical data.
3.4.1 Dimensions of the device
Top and bottom views of the device
Dimensions (all sizes in mm, unless stated otherwise)
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 19
3.4.2 General and electrical data
General and electrical data
3.4.3 Gas data
Gas data
Description I
Unit TWI 35-130 TWI 45-190
Gas category 2H: G20 – 20 mbar
Nominal Load (Upper value) kW 37,8 50,0
Nominal output kW 36,0 47,7
Supply pressure mbar 20 20
Vol% 9,0 ± 0,5 9,3 ± 0,5
Gas consumption (*) m³/h 3,6 4,8
Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NO
) mg/kWh GCV 48 62
Description I
Unit TWI 35-130 TWI 45-190
Gas category 3P: G31 - 37 mbar
Nominal Load (Upper value) kW 37,0 48,9
Nominal output kW 36,0 47,7
Supply pressure mbar 37 37
Vol% 10,0 ± 0,5 10,4 ± 0,5
Gas consumption (*) kg/h 2,6 3,5
Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NO
) mg/kWh GCV 51 70
(*) Based on 1013,15 mbar and 15°C.
Description Unit TWI 35-130 TWI 45-190
Volume l 129 189
Empty weight kg 70 82
Maximum operating pressure bar 8 8
Fan speed at ignition rpm 0 0
Operating speed of fan rpm 7100 8750
Heating time ΔT = 45°C min. 11 12
Electrical power consumption Watt (W) 200 300
Supply voltage (-15% +10% VAC) Volt (V) 230 230
Mains frequency Hz 50 50
IP-class - 30 30
Description Unit TWI 35-130 TWI 45-190
Load Prole
Energy Efciency Class (Energy Label)
- A A
Energy Efciency
% 88 87
Daily Electricity Consumption
kWh 0.615 0.636
Daily Fuel Consumption
kWh GCV 26.476 26.550
Mixed Water 40°C (V40)
Additional Load Prole
- - -
Energy Efciency
% - -
Daily Electricity Consumption
kWh - -
Daily Fuel Consumption
kWh GCV - -
Mixed Water 40°C (V40)
ltr. - -
20 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
3.5 Connections diagram
Not mentioned numbers are not
1. pressure reducing valve
3. T&P valve (obligatory)
4. stop valve (recommended
in pipe C and obligatory in
pipe A)
5. non-return valve (obligatory)
6. circulation pump (optional)
9. drain valve
10. manual gas valve (obligatory)
11. service valve
12. temperature meter (optional)
13. condensation drainage
14. draw-off points
15. expansion valve (obligatory)
16. expansion vessel (obligatory)
17. three-way aeration valve
18. water tank
19. oat valve
A. cold water supply
B. hot water discharge
C. circulation piping
D. gas supply
E. water overow
H. overow pipe
The gure shows the connections diagram. This diagram is used in the
sections describing the actual connecting activities.
Connections diagram
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 21
3.6 Water connections
3.7 Water connections
The installation shall be carried out by a recognised installation engineer in
accordance with the generally and locally applicable regulations (1.3 “Regulations”).
3.6.1 Cold water side
See (A) in the connections diagram (3.5 “Connections diagram”).
1. Position an approved stop valve (4) on the cold water side in accordance
with the applicable regulations (1.3 “Regulations”).
2. The maximum operating pressure of the device is 8 bars. As the water
piping pressure can incidentally exceed 8 bars, mount an approved
pressure reducing valve (1).
3. Mount a non-return valve (5) and an expansion vessel (16).
4. Mount an expansion valve (15) and connect the overow side to an open
water drainage pipe.
3.6.2 Hot water side
See (B) in the connections diagram (3.5 “Connections diagram”).
Insulation of the long hot water pipes prevents unnecessary loss of energy.
1. Option: mount a temperature meter (12) for checking the temperature of
the tap water.
2. Mount the T&P valve (3).
3. Mount a stop valve (11) in the hot water distribution piping for service purposes.
3.6.3 Circulation piping
See (C) in the connections diagram (3.5 “Connections diagram”). If you want to
have hot water available immediately, you can install a circulation pump at the
draw-off points. This is more comfortable and avoids spillage of water.
1. Mount a circulation pump (6) wit a capacity that corresponds with the size
and the resistance of the circulation system.
2. Mount a non-return valve (5) following the circulation pump to guarantee
the circulation direction.
3. Mount two stop valves (4) for service purposes.
4. Connect the circulation piping to the cold water supply pipe.
3.6.4 Condensation drainage
1. Attach underneath the fall a drainage pipe to the siphon (13) for
condensation drainage and connect this to the water discharge pipe.
All connections downstream the siphon shall be condensation-resistant.
The installation shall be carried out by a recognised installation engineer in
accordance with the generally and locally applicable regulations (1.3 “Regulations”).
3.7.1 Cold water side
See (A) in the connections diagram (3.5 “Connections diagram”).
1. Mount on the cold water side an approved stop valve (4) between the
water tank (18) and the device in accordance with the applicable
regulations (1.3 “Regulations”).
3.7.2 Hot water side
See (B) in the connections diagram (3.5 “Connections diagram”).
Insulation of the long hot water pipes prevents unnecessary loss of energy.
22 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
3.8 Gas connection
3.9 Air supply and ue
gas discharge
1. Mount the T&P valve (3).
2. Option: mount a temperature meter (12) for checking the temperature of
the tap water.
3. Mount a stop valve (4) in the hot water distribution piping for service purposes.
4. If circulation piping is required, proceed by mounting the circulation piping
(3.6.3 “Circulation piping”).
3.7.3 Circulation piping
See (C) in the connections diagram (3.5 “Connections diagram”).
If you want to have hot water available immediately, you can install a circulation pump
at the draw-off points. This is more comfortable and avoids spillage of water.
1. Mount a circulation pump (6) wit a capacity that corresponds with the size
and the resistance of the circulation system.
2. Mount a non-return valve (5) following the circulation pump to guarantee
the circulation direction.
3. Mount two stop valves (4) for service purposes.
4. Connect the circulation piping to the cold water supply pipe.
3.7.4 Condensation drainage
1. Attach underneath the fall a drainage pipe to the siphon (13) for
condensation drainage and connect this to the water discharge pipe.
All connections downstream the siphon shall be condensation-resistant.
The installation shall be carried out by a recognised installation engineer in
accordance with the generally and locally applicable regulations (1.3 “Regulations”).
Make sure that the diameter and the length of the gas supply pipes are
suitable for delivering sufcient capacity to the device.
See (D) in the connections diagram (3.5 “Connections diagram”).
1. Mount the gas valve (10) in the gas supply pipe.
2. Purge the gas pipe before use.
3. Close the gas valve.
Check for leakages after mounting.
3.9.1 Introduction
This section describes the following subjects:
Requirements for ue gas discharge material
Parallel connections
3.9.2 Requirements for ue gas discharge material
The installation shall be carried out by a recognised installation engineer in
accordance with the generally and locally applicable regulations (1.3 “Regulations”).
There are various possibilities for connecting the air supply and ue gas
discharge, dependent on the inspected device types.
The devices have been inspected for the device types B23, C13, C33, C43,
C53 and C63.
The gure and the table provide information about these device types. Please
contact the manufacturer if you require an explanation of the possibilities.
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 23
Device types
IMD-0531 R0
24 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Device Diameter Maximum length Maximum num-
ber of 90° bends
TWI 35-130 80/125 20 5
TWI 45-190 80/125 20 5
Explanation of device types
Make sure that the ue gas discharge is positioned in a discharge area in
which discharge is allowed for the respective device type.
3.9.3 Concentric connections
The table gives the requirements that the concentric systems shall meet.
Mount ue gas discharge material with a fall of 5 mm per metre towards
the device.
Requirements for ue gas discharge for concentric systems (C13, C33)
Both conditions given in the table shall be complied with.
When using less than the maximum number of bends, it is still not allowed to
use more than the maximum pipe length.
When using less than the maximum pipe length, it is still not allowed to use
more than the maximum number of bends.
All this will be explained using an example.
Practical example of concentric ue gas discharge
The gure shows a TWI 35-130. The device shall be provided with a 15 m
concentric pipe (C13/C33) and four 90° bends. An inspection shall be carried
out for compliance of this conguration with the requirements stated in the
Device types Description
B23 Combustion air is extracted from the installation area.
C13 Concentric and/or parallel wall ue terminal
C33 Concentric and/or parallel roof ue terminal
C43 Devices on common supply and discharge (concentric and/or parallel) in
blocks of ats.
C53 Supply and discharge in different pressure area.
C63 Devices delivered without ue gas discharge materials and/or terminal. These
devices are to be installed in accordance with the applicable local guidelines.
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 25
IMD-0532 R0
Device with concentric ue gas discharge material
According to the table the maximum length is 20 metres and the allowed
number of 90° bends is 5. Both requirements are met.
A.O. Smith prescribes the use of a roof or wall ue terminal approved for
the device with the C13 and C33 device types. Use of an improper roof or wall
ue terminal may lead to an error.
Specication of concentric wall ue terminal C13
Subject Description
Wall ue terminal set:- 1x Wall ue termi-
nal (incl. wall plate & clamping strip)
- 1x Pipe 500 mm
- 1x Bend 90°
Item no.: TWI 35-130: 0302 515
TWI 45-190: 0302 515
Construction: Concentric
Manufacturer: Muelink & Grol
Type: M2000 MDV SEC
Piping material Construction: Concentrique
Flue gas discharge: Thick-walled aluminium with lip-ring sealing
Air supply: Thin-wall galvanised sheet steel
Pipe diameters Flue gas discharge: TWI 35-130: Ø 80 mm
TWI 45-190: Ø 80 mm
Air supply: TWI 35-130: Ø 125 mm
TWI 45-190: Ø 125 mm
(1) It is not allowed to use any other wall ue terminal. You can order the wall ue terminal mentioning the item
number with A.O. Smith, manufacturer or wholesaler’s.
26 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Specication of concentric roof ue terminal C33
3.9.4 Parallel connections
The table gives the maximum pipe length for parallel systems. The maximum
pipe length depends on the selected diameter.
Mount ue gas discharge material with a fall of 5 mm per metre towards
the device.
Requirements for ue gas discharge for parallel systems
Use the longest pipe for calculating the pipe length. If, for example, the ue gas
discharge pipe is 10 metres and the air supply pipe is 15 metres, use the 15
metres for calculating the length. Then add the Lequivalent to these 15 metres
for each 90° and 45° bend in both the air supply and the ue gas discharge. All
this will be explained using a practical example.
Practical example of parallel ue gas discharge
The gure shows a TWI 35-130. The device is to be provided with a 25 m
parallel pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and eight 90° bends. An inspection
shall be carried out for compliance of the conguration with the requirements
stated in the table.
Subject Description
Roof ue terminal set:- 1x Roof ue
terminal (incl. clamping strip)
- 1x Pipe 1000 mm
- 1x Mounting ange
Item no.: TWI 35-130: 0305 042
TWI 45-190: 0305 042
Construction: Concentrique
Manufacturer: Muelink & Grol
Type : M2000 DDV HR-C
Piping material Construction : Concentrique
Flue gas discharge: Thick-walled aluminium with lip-ring sealing
Air supply: Thin-wall galvanised sheet steel
Pipe diameters Flue gas discharge: TWI 35-130: Ø 80 mm
TWI 45-190: Ø 80 mm
Air supply: TWI 35-130: Ø 125 mm
TWI 45-190:Ø 125 mm
(1) It is not allowed to use any other roof ue terminal. You can order the roof ue terminal mentioning the item
number with A.O. Smith, manufacturer or wholesaler’s.
Device Diameter
Maximum running length L
90° bend
45° bend
TWI 35-130 80 30 3,9 1,1
TWI 45-190 80 20 3,9 1,1
TWI 35-130 100 100 4,6 1,2
TWI 45-190 100 75 4,6 1,2
(1) The given larger diameter can be used if the maximum running length is insufcient. When using a larger
diameter, this shall be used for both the air supply and the ue gas discharge.
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 27
Device with parallel ue gas discharge material
IMD-0533 R0
Use the longest pipe to test for the maximum length. In this case this is the
ue gas discharge pipe, that has a length of 25 metres. These 25 metres are
composed of the pipe material parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The length of the transition
piece need not be taken into account. The total number of used bends, in the
ue gas discharge and air supply, is eight. The bend in the transition piece need
not be taken into account. According to the table, 4.6 metres shall be calculated
for each bend. This makes the total pipe length:
(4.6 x 8) + 25 = 36.8 + 25 = 61.8 m.
This is shorter than the length of 100 metres given in the table. Therefore the
installation meets the requirements.
28 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
The installation shall be carried out by a recognised installation engineer
in accordance with the generally and locally applicable regulations
(1.3 “Regulations”).
3.10.1 Introduction
This section will cover in the given order:
• Preparation;
• Connect the mains voltage;
• Isolating transformer.
The optional components have not been included in the electrical power
consumption indicated in the table (3.4.2 “General and electrical data”).
3.10.2 Preparation
The device is phase-sensitive. It is absolutely necessary to connect the
phase (L) of the mains to the phase of the device and to connect the zero (Z) of
the mains to the zero of the device.
No voltage difference is allowed between the zero (Z) and the earth ( ).
If this is the case, apply an isolating transformer (3.10.4 “Isolating transformer”).
Please contact A.O. Smith for additional information or for ordering this isolating
transformer. The gure shows a view of the electrical connector block.
3.10 Electrical connection
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 29
Connector block
A. screws
B. cover plate
C. connector block
D. strain relief
For preparation remove the cover plate (B) from the electricity part by loosening
the two screws (A).
Consult the electrical circuit diagram for connecting the electrical
IMD-0534 R0
30 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
3.10.3 Connect the mains voltage
The device is delivered without power cable and main switch.
In order to supply voltage to the device, connect the device to the mains
voltage using a permanent electrical connection. Place a double pole main
switch with a contact opening of min. 3 mm between this permanent connection
and the device. The power cable shall have a core of min. 3 x 1.0 mm².
Keep the device electrically isolated until you are ready to start it up.
1. Connect phase (L), zero (Z) and earth (
) of the power cable to the
connector (C).
2. Mount the power cable into the strain relief (D).
3. Connect the power cable to the main switch.
4. Remount the cover plate.
3.10.4 Isolating transformer
An isolating transformer is used when a ‘oating zero’ is present. Consult the
mounting instructions delivered with the isolating transformer (contact the
supplier for the correct isolating transformer).
Fill the device before starting up the device and/or checking the CO
(5 “Fill”).
Checking the CO
-value is obligatory when starting up the device for the
rst time.
You obviously need a CO
-gauge for checking the CO
3.11 Check and
adjust the
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 31
Not mentioned numbers are not
1. screws
2. cover plate
3. sealing cap
4. CO
setting screw
5. setting hole
Gas control
3.11.1 Checking procedure
1. Position the probe of the CO
-gauge into the ue gas discharge duct of
the concentric venturi tube.
2. Open the gas supply and bleed the air from the gas system.
3. Switch on the voltage of the device using the main switch of the device.
4. Turn the thermostat clockwise until the device starts up.
5. After the red light is lit, wait for about 2 minutes before reading the
If the CO
-value does not correspond with the value given in the table
(3.4.3 “gas data”), you can adjust the CO
-value following the procedure
(3.11.2 “Adjust the CO
IMD 0535 R0
32 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
3.11.2 Adjust the CO
For preparation remove the cover plate (2) from the electricity part by loosening
the two screws (1).
1. Remove the cap (3) from the CO
setting screw (4).
2. Insert a long screwdriver into the setting hole (5) along the air supply pipe.
3. Correct the CO2-value dependent on the deviation by turning the CO
setting screw (4).
- CO
setting screw clockwise: CO
-value decreases
- CO
setting screw counterclockwise: CO
-value increases
4. Put back the cap (3) on the CO2 setting screw (4).
5. Remount the cover plate (1).
Before starting up, take the time for completing the delivered warranty
card. In this way you enable us to guarantee the quality of our systems and to
optimise our warranty procedure.
Return this card as soon as possible. Your customer will then receive a
warranty certicate with our terms of warranty.
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 33
4 Conversion to another
gas category
Conversion to another gas category is not possible.
34 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
4 Conversion to another gas category
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 35
Not mentioned numbers are not
1. pressure reducing valve
3. T&P valve (obligatory)
4. stop valve (recommended
in pipe C and obligatory in
pipe A)
5. non-return valve
6. circulation pump (optional)
9. drain valve
10. manual gas valve
11. service valve
12. temperature meter
13. condensation drainage
14. draw-off points
15. expansion valve
16. expansion vessel
17. three-way aeration valve
18. water tank
19. oat valve
A. cold water supply
B. hot water discharge
C. circulation piping
D. gas supply
E. water overow
H. overow pipe
5 Fill
Connections diagram
36 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
5 Fill
5.1.1 Fill unvented installations
Proceed as follows for lling the device:
1. Open the stop valve (11) in the hot water pipe and (if present) the stop
valves (4) of the circulation pump (6).
2. Close the drain valve (9).
3. Open the closest draw-off point (14).
4. Open the stop valve (4) on the cold water side (A), causing cold water to
ow into the device.
5. Fill the device to the maximum. The device is full when the water ows out
of the closest draw-off point in a forceful jet.
6. Bleed the entire installation, for example by opening all draw-off points.
7. The device will now be under water piping pressure. Water should not
come out of the expansion valve (15) and out of the T&P valve (3) now.
If so, it might be that:
- The water piping pressure is larger than the required 8 bars.
Mount a pressure reducing valve (1) after all.
- The expansion valve of the protected cold supply setup is defective or
incorrectly mounted.
5.1.2 Fill vented installations
Proceed as follows for lling the device:
1. Open the stop valve (11) in the hot water pipe and (if present) the stop
valves (4) of the circulation pump (6).
2. Close the drain valve (9).
3. Open the closest draw-off point (14).
4. Open the stop valve (4) on the cold water side (A), causing cold water to
ow into the device.
5. Fill the device to the maximum. The device is full when the water ows out
of the closest draw-off point in a forceful jet.
6. Bleed the entire installation, for example by opening all draw-off points.
7. The device will now be under water piping pressure. Water should not
come out of the T&P valve (3) now. If so, the T&P valve may be defective
or have been mounted incorrectly.
5.1 Fill the device
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 37
Not mentioned numbers are not
1. pressure reducing valve
3. T&P valve (obligatory)
4. stop valve (recommended
in pipe C and obligatory
in pipe A)
5. non-return valve
6. circulation pump
9. drain valve
10. manual gas valve
11. service valve
12. temperature meter
13. condensation drainage
14. draw-off points
15. expansion valve
16. expansion vessel
17. three-way aeration valve
18. water tank
19. oat valve
A. cold water supply
B. hot water discharge
C. circulation piping
D. gas supply
E. water overow
H. overow pipe
6 Drain
Connections diagram
38 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
6 Drain
6.1 Drain unvented
6.2 Drain vented
For some activities the device needs to be drained. Proceed as follows:
1. Electrically isolate the device by turning the main switch between the
device and the electricity mains to the 0 position.
2. Shut off the gas supply (10).
3. Close the stop valve (11) in the hot water pipe.
4. Close the stop valve (4) in the cold water pipe (A).
5. Connect the discharge hose to the drain valve (9).
6. Open the drain valve (9).
7. Aerate the device (or installation) allowing it to completely empty.
For some activities the device needs to be drained. Proceed as follows:
1. Electrically isolate the device by turning the main switch between the
device and the electricity mains to the 0 position.
2. Shut off the gas supply (10).
3. Close the stop valve (11) in the hot water pipe.
4. Close the stop valve (4) between de water tank and the cold water inlet (A).
5. Connect the discharge hose to the drain valve (9).
6. Open the drain valve (9).
7. Aerate the device (or installation) allowing it to completely empty.
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 39
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Start up
7.3 Heating cycle of the
This chapter will cover in the given order:
Start up.
Heating cycle of the device.
Start up the device by:
1. Filling the device (5 “Fill”).
2. Opening the gas valve (3.5 “Connections diagram”).
3. Switching on the voltage of the device using the main switch between the
device and the electricity mains.
4. Setting the device to the desired temperature.
This device has been equipped with an electronic hot surface igniter that ignites
the burner. There are three LEDs indicating the different operating conditions.
Green: the device is live.
Yellow: a heat demand has been detected; this indicates the beginning of the
ignition cycle.
Red: the gas valve is open.
Heating cycle of the device
As soon as there is a heat demand, the fan pre-purges for 6 seconds in order
to remove any combustion gases still present. Then the fan stops and heats the
hot surface igniter for 35 seconds. After this pre-heating period, the fan starts
and the gas valve opens. This blows the air/gas mixture over the heated hot
surface igniter and ignites the burner. The hot surface igniter switches off and
subsequently works as a ame probe for measuring if the ignition has taken
place. If the hot surface igniter detects loss of the ame, it will shut off the gas
supply to the burner.
7 Start up
Toestel voorzien
van voedingsspanning
Groene LED
Ongeveer 35 sec.
Ventilator begint te
draaien, gasklep
Gele LED aan
Rode LED aan
Brander ontsteekt
Ventilator spoelt
ongeveer 6 seconden
Toestel blijft in bedrijf
tot warmtevraag
Supply power to the
Green LED on
Heat demand detected
Yellow LED on
Fan pre-purges for about
6 seconds
Pre-heat for
about 35 seconds
Fan starts running, gas
valve open
Red LED on
Burner ignites
The device will remain in
operation until the heat
demand ends
40 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
7 Start up
The electronic control will then attempt to ignite the burner again three consecu-
tive times. If this has not succeeded after three times, the electronic control will
temporarily switch off. The control will automatically reset after an hour and the
above-mentioned cycle will be repeated until a maximum of 9 ignition attempts.
If the burner still has not been ignited, consult (9 “Errors”).
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 41
You can:
Shut down the device for a short time;
Electrically isolate the device;
Shut down the device for a long period.
For shutting down the device for a short time, maximally turn the thermostat
counterclockwise. This setting corresponds with a temperature of about 10 ºC,
which protects the device from freezing.
1. Maximally turn the thermostat counterclockwise.
2. Wait until the fan stops.
The device may be damaged if you do not wait until the fan has stopped
3. Electrically isolate the device by turning the main switch between the
device and the electricity mains to the 0 position.
Drain the device when shutting it down for a longer period. Proceed as follows:
1. Electrically isolate the device (8.3 “Electrically isolate the device”).
2. Close the gas supply.
3. Close the stop valve in the hot water pipe.
4. Close the supply valve of the protected cold supply setup.
5. Connect a discharge hose to the drain valve.
6. Open the drain valve
7. Aerate the device (or installation) allowing it to completely empty.
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Shut down the device
for a short time
8.3 Electrically isolate
the device
8.4 Shut down the device
for a long period
8 Shut down
42 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
8 Shut down
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 43
A distinction is made between:
General errors
General errors are not visible on the control. General errors are:
- Gas smell
- Insufcient or no hot water
- Water leakage
- Explosive ignition.
The manual includes a table with general errors (9.2 “Troubleshooting table for
general errors”).
Errors visible on the control
The control displays errors by means of an indicator LED. This LED is visible
through the inspection window in the cover plate of the control. Different errors
are indicated by different ashing patterns of the LED.
The different errors are divided into three groups:
The control automatically resets after 60 minutes.
The control automatically resets after 60 minutes with a maximum of three
attempts. If the burner still has not been ignited, contact the installation
These errors disappear automatically if the cause of the error is no longer
present. The device will automatically start up then.
The manual includes a table with Error messages that the control displays
(9.3 “Troubleshooting table for errors visible on the control”). The electronic
control can be reset by maximally turning the thermostat counterclockwise and
returning it again to its original position.
9.1 Introduction
9 Errors
9.2 Troubleshooting table for general errors
Maintenance shall only be carried out by a service and maintenance engineer.
General errors
Instruction manual - TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 44
Symptom Cause Solution Remark
Gas smell Gas leakage Warning
Immediately close the mains gas supply valve.
Do not operate any switches.
No open re!
Ventilate the area the device has been installed in.
Immediately contact the installation engineer or the local gas
Water leakage Leaking water con-
nection (thread)
Tighten the threaded connection. Contact the installation engineer if the leakage has not been
Leakage of conden-
Check if condensate is discharged. Restore this if necessary.
Leakage from
another water device
or pipe nearby
Find the leakage.
Leakage of the tank
of the device
Consult the supplier and/or the manufacturer.
Instruction manual - TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 45
Algemene storingen
Explosive ignition Incorrectly set
Set the correct CO
-value (3.11 “Check and adjust the CO
-value”) Contact the installation engineer if the ignition has not improved.
Contaminated burner Clean the burner (10.4.2 “Clean the burner”).
Contaminated air inlet
Clean the air inlet lter (10.4.4 “Cleaning the air inlet lter)
Symptom Cause Solution Remark
Insufcient or no
hot water
The device is off Start up the device (7 “Start up”). Contact the installation engineer if the situation of insufcient or
no hot water persists.
Hot water supply is
Reduce the hot water consumption and give the device some time
to heat up.
46 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Instruction manual - TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 46
9.3 Troubleshooting table for errors visible on the control
Errors visible on the control
Light pulses Cause Solution Remark
1 (SC)
Air pressure switch
Defective air pressure
Replace the air pressure switch. The error will automatically disappear when the air pressure
switch opens again.
2 (SC)
Air pressure switch is
not functioning well
Break in the cable /
Open circuit
1. Check the cabling between the air pressure switch and the
2. Replace the cabling if necessary.
Contact the installation engineer if the error cannot be remedied
or if it reoccurs. Also contact the installation engineer for replacing
the required parts.
Air pressure switch
does not close
1. Check if the fan is running
2. Check if the hoses are correctly mounted on the air pressure
3. Check the hoses on the air pressure switch for cracks.
Replace the hoses if necessary.
4. Check if the ue gas discharge is sufcient (3.8 “Air supply
and ue gas discharge”).
5. Check for blockage of the air supply and the ue gas
discharge. Remove any blockage.
6. Check for blockage of the condensation drainage. Remove
any blockage.
7. Measure the pressure difference over the pressure switch.
See the table in (10.2 “Prepare maintenance”). Clean the
heat exchanger in case of insufcient pressure difference.
If the pressure difference is sufcient, check if the air pressure
switch closes using a multimeter.
8. Check the supply voltage. This should be 230VAC
(-15% +10%).
Contaminated air inlet
Clean the air inlet lter (10.4.4 “Cleaning the air inlet lter)
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 47
Instruction manual - TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 47
Pannes s’afchant sur la commande
Light pulses Cause Solution Remark
3 (SL3)
Three ignition
attempts without
No gas supply 1. Open the mains gas supply valve and/or the manual gas valve
for the gas control.
2. Check the pre-pressure on the gas control.
3. If necessary, restore the gas supply.
Contact your installation engineer for restoring the gas supply.
Air in the gas pipe Bleed the gas pipe. Contact your installation engineer for replacing the required parts.
No gas supply to
1. Check if the gas valve switches.
2. Replace the gas control if necessary.
Error in the hot
surface igniter circuit
1. Check if the hot surface igniter has been properly connected.
See (12.2 “Electrical circuit diagram”).
2. Check the cabling of the hot surface igniter.
3. Check the voltage over the hot surface igniter. This should be
115 VAC.
4. Measure the resistance over the hot surface igniter. This
should be between 45 and 400 Ohms.
5. Replace the hot surface igniter if necessary.
Contact the installation engineer in case of reoccurring errors.
Contact the installation engineer for replacing the required parts.
Phase and Zero
incorrectly connected
Correctly connect the Phase and the Zero (3.9 “Electrical
connection”). The device is phase-sensitive.
Error in the ionisation
1. Check if the hot surface igniter has been properly connected.
See (12.2 “Electrical circuit diagram”).
2. Check the cabling of the hot surface igniter.
3. Check if the ground wire of the burner has been properly
4. Replace the hot surface igniter if necessary.
Supply voltage too low Check the supply voltage. This should be 230VAC (-15% +10%).
48 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Instruction manual - TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 48
Light pulses Cause Solution Remark
4 (SL)
Hardware error in gas
Error in the gas control
1. Check if the gas control has been properly connected.
2. Check the cabling of the gas control.
3. Replace the gas control if necessary.
Contact the installation engineer for replacing the required parts.
5 (SC)
Hardware error in
ame detection
Error in the ionisation
1. Check if the hot surface igniter has been properly connected.
2. Check the cabling of the hot surface igniter.
3. Check if the ground wire of the burner has been properly
4. Replace the hot surface igniter if necessary.
Contact the installation engineer for replacing the required parts.
6 (SL)
Flame detected with
closed gas valve
Contact with metal
surface because of
break in the cable
1. Check the cabling of the hot surface igniter.
2. Replace the cabling if necessary.
The electronic control automatically resets after ionisation signal
Contact the installation engineer in case of reoccurring errors.
Contact the installation engineer for replacing the required parts.
Defective gas valve 1. Check for presence of burner pressure when the gas valves
are closed.
2. Check if a ame is still present when the gas valves are
3. If so, replace the gas control.
Defective control 1. Reset the electronic control.
2. Replace the electronic control if the error reoccurs.
8 (SL)
Hardware error in the
electronic control
Defective control 1. Reset the electronic control.
2. Replace the electronic control if the error reoccurs.
Contact your installation engineer for replacing the required parts.
9 (SL)
Software error in the
electronic control
Defective control 1. Reset the electronic control.
2. Replace the electronic control if the error reoccurs.
Contact your installation engineer for replacing the required parts.
Pannes s’afchant sur la commande
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 49
Service shall be carried out at least once a year both on the gas side and on the
water side. The frequency of the maintenance depends, among other things, on
the water quality, the average number of operating hours per day and the set
water temperature.
Regular maintenance lengthens the life of the device. For determining
the correct maintenance frequency, it is advised to have the service and
maintenance engineer check the gas side and the water side of the device
three months after installation. The maintenance frequency can be determined
on the basis of this check.
Proceed as follows for testing the proper functioning of all components:
1. Maximally turn the thermostat counterclockwise.
2. Wait until the fan stops.
3. Turn the thermostat to its original position. Then draw off water to create a
heat demand.
4. Check if the heating cycle runs correctly (7.3 “Heating cycle of the device”).
5. Check the CO
-value and adjust this if necessary (3.11 “Check and adjust
the CO
6. Check all parts of the ue gas discharge system for proper fastening.
7. Check the pressure difference of the pressure switch (see the table).
Clean the heat exchanger if the pressure difference is too low
(10.4.3 “Clean heat exchanger”).
Pressure difference of air pressure switch
8. Test the functioning of the expansion valve of the protected cold supply
setup. The water has to ow out in a forceful jet.
9. Test the functioning of the T&P valve (if applicable). The water has to ow
out in a forceful jet.
10. Check the discharge pipes of the expansion valve and remove any
present scale deposits.
11. Drain the device (see Drain).
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Prepare
10 Maintenance
Device Measured pressure difference over air pressure switch
TWI 35-130 ≥ 730 Pa (NAT and LP)
TWI 45-190 ≥ 370 Pa (NAT) and ≥ 430 Pa (LP)
50 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
10.3.1 Descale
Scaling depends on the water condition and the water demand. Besides, more
scale deposit will be formed in the device at high temperatures. A temperature
setting of 60 ºC is recommended to ensure low scale deposit. Descale using the
appropriate agents. A descaling instruction is available for detailed information.
10.3.2 Clean the condensation drainage
Regularly clean the condensation drainage and the siphon to avoid stoppage.
10.4.1 Introduction
Proceed as follows for gas-side maintenance:
1. Clean the burner.
2. Clean the heat exchanger.
3. Cleaning the air inlet lter.
10.4.2 Clean the burner
1. Dismount the burner.
2. Remove the contamination present on the burner.
3. Remount the burner.
10.4.3 Clean the heat exchanger
1. Dismount the burner.
2. Clean the combustion chamber of the heat exchanger using a vacuum
cleaner and a soft brush.
3. Dismount the ue gas discharge.
4. Clean the end of the heat exchanger using tap water.
5. Remount the burner.
6. Remount the ue gas discharge.
10.3 Water-side
10.4 Gas-side
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 51
10.4.4 Cleaning the air inlet
10.5 Complete
1. Dismount the air supply hose situated on the condensation drainage.
2. Take the lter out of the black housing.
3. Clean the lter by means of a vacuum cleaner or by rinsing.
4. Put the lter back into the black housing.
5. Mount the air supply hose back onto the condensation drainage.
I MD- 0 7 1 9 R0
Check the pressure difference again after cleaning. Contact the supplier
of the device if the pressure difference remains too low.
Proceed as follows for completing the maintenance:
1. Fill the device (5 “Fill”).
2. Start up the device (7 “Start up”).
52 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 53
In order to register your warranty, please ll in the enclosed warranty card and
return this to us. We will then send you a warranty certicate. This certicate
will entitle the owner to warranty as described below for a boiler delivered by
A.O. Smith Water Products Company B.V. in Veldhoven, that will be committed
towards the owner with respect to this.
If, within one year from the original installation date, after investigation and
exclusive evaluation by A.O. Smith, a boiler delivered by A.O. Smith turns out to
have a part, with the exception of the tank, that is not properly functioning as a
result of manufacturing or material faults, A.O. Smith will replace or repair this part.
If, within ve years from the original installation date, after investigation and
exclusive evaluation by A.O. Smith, a boiler delivered by A.O. Smith turns out
to have a stainless steel tank that is leaking as a result of rust or corrosion from
the water side, A.O. Smith will replace the entire boiler by a brand new one of
similar size and quality. The replacement boiler will have a warranty that will be
valid for the remaining period of the warranty for the original boiler delivered.
Notwithstanding the provisions in Article 2, the warranty term will be reduced
to one year after the original installation date if unltered or softened water is
owing through the boiler or left in it.
The warranty referred to in Articles 1 and 2 only apply if the following conditions
are met:
a. The boiler is installed according to the installation instructions of
A.O. Smith for the specic model as well as according to the local and
national installation and building regulations, instructions and rules.
b. The boiler will remain installed in the original installation area.
c. Only drinking water is used, which is allowed to circulate freely at all
times (a separately installed heat exchanger is obligatory for heating
saline or corrosive water).
d. The tank has been protected against harmful scale deposits by means of
periodic maintenance.
e. The boiler-water temperatures do not exceed the maximum setting of the
thermostats that are part of the boiler.
f. The water pressure and/or heat load do not exceed the maximum values
indicated on the boilers identication plate.
g. The boiler has not been installed in a corrosive atmosphere or
h. The boiler has been provided with a by an authorised body approved
protected cold supply setup of sufcient capacity not greater than the
operating pressure indicated on the boiler and, if applicable, with a
temperature and pressure relief valve, also approved by an authorised
body, which has been mounted according to the installation instructions of
A.O. Smith applicable to the specic boiler model as well as according to
the local and national instructions, regulations and rules.
11.1 Warranty general
11.2 Warranty tank
11.3 Conditions
of installation
and use
11 Warranty (certicate)
54 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Warranty (certicate)
The warranty referred to in Articles 1 and 2 does not apply:
a. if the boiler has been damaged by an external cause;
b. in case of abuse, neglect (including freezing), modication, incorrect and/
or deviating use of the boiler and if attempts were made to repair leaks;
c. if contamination or other impurities were allowed to ow into the tank;
d. if the conductivity of the water is less than 125 mS and/or the hardness
(alkaline earth ions) of the water is less than 1.00 mmol/l
(3.3.3 Water composition”);
e. if unltered, recirculated water ows through or is stored in the boiler;
f. if the owner has attempted to repair a defective boiler himself.
A.O. Smith’s commitments pursuant to the warranty provided are conned to
the free of charge ex-warehouse delivery of the boiler to be replaced or any
parts thereof. A.O. Smith shall not bear the transport, labour, installation and
other costs in connection with the replacement.
A claim based on the warranty provided shall be deposited with the dealer
from whom the boiler was purchased or any other dealer who sells products
manufactured by A.O. Smith. The investigation of the boiler as referred to in the
Articles 1 and 2 will take place in an A.O. Smith laboratory.
Concerning its boilers or any boiler replacement part supplied, respectively,
A.O. Smith will not provide any warranty or guarantee other than the warranty
explicitly stated in this certicate.
A.O. Smith shall not accept any liability pursuant to the warranty or otherwise
for any injuries to persons or damage to materials caused by a boiler or
replacement boiler or any part thereof or the stainless steel tank thereof,
respectively, supplied by A.O. Smith.
11.4 Exclusions
11.5 Extent of the warranty
11.6 Claims
11.7 Obligations of
A.O. Smith
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 55
This annex contains:
The Electrical circuit diagram.
12.1 Introduction
12 Annex
56 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
12.2 Electrical circuit diagram
1 = brown, 2 = blue, 3 = green, 4 = black, 5 = white, 6 = grey / beige
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 57
= brown
= blue
= green
= black
= white
= red
= orange
= yellow
= black/red
= black/white
N Zero
A Electronic control
B Air pressure switch
C Hot surface igniter
D Temperature sensor / ECO
E Thermostat board
F Yellow LED
G Thermostat
J Green LED
K Gas control
L Transformer 120 VAC-24 VAC
M Fan isolating relay
Z Transformer 230 VAC-120 VAC
P Fuse
O Double-pole main switch
R Fan
12.3 Legends
58 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 59
air humidity 16
air pressure switch 13
ambient conditions 15
ambient temperature 16
brand names 3
concentric connections 24
gas valve open 39
heat demand 39
power on 39
air supply 22
circulation piping 21
cold water side 21
condensation drainage 21
diagram 20
electrical 19
ue gas discharge 22
gas 25
hot water side 21
isolating transformer 30
contents of document 9
conversion to another gas category 33
-value 30
descale 50
general operation 11
heating cycle 12
security 12
types 9,17
dimensions 18
drain 37
electrical circuit diagram 54
electrical connection 28
electrical connector block 29
error 43
fan 13
ll 43
oor loading 16
gas control 13
gas smell 7
general data 3
general operation 11
heat demand 39
heating cycle 39
in operation 39
index 57
installation engineer 8
ionisation detection 13
isolating transformer 30
liability 3
main switch 30
mains voltage 30
burner 50
carry out 49
complete 50
condensation drainage 50
gas side 50
heat exchanger 50
prepare 49
scale 50
water side 50
maximum oor loading 16
notation system 9
packaging 15
parallel connections 26
power cable 30
protected cold supply setup 14
protection against freezing 41
purge afterwards 53
60 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
reduction valve 14
regulations 7
safety 14
scale 50
security 11
service 10,49
service engineer 8
set the service interval 66
shut down
short period 41
longer period 41
isolate 41
specications 16
installation engineer 8
service engineer 8
user 8
start up 39
target groups 8
temperature sensor 12
trade marks 3
T&P valve 14
user 8
claims 52
conditions of installation and use 51
exclusions 52
extent 52
general 51
tank 51
water composition 16
working area 16
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 61
62 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G 63
64 Instruction manual TWI 35-130 G/TWI 45-190 G
0311935 R0

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A.O. Smith TWI 35-130 Gebruiksaanwijzing en installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 64 pagina's

A.O. Smith TWI 35-130 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 64 pagina's

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