Idée du jeu
Les éléphants, les singes et les cochons parcourent la forêt vierge à
la recherche de friandises fruitées. Les joueurs vont les aider. Chacun
son tour, chaque joueur pioche une carte. Lorsqu'il y a 2 cartes Fruit
identiques ou un animal avec ses fruits préférés, les joueurs doivent
taper le plus vite possible sur la sonnette. Le joueur qui tape le plus
vite récupère toutes les cartes visibles des paquets de défausse. Le
but de ce jeu turbulent est de gagner le maximum de cartes.
Préparation du jeu
La sonnette doit être posée au centre de la table, de manière à être
accessible à tous. Il faut la poser sur un chiffon ou sur un morceau de
tissu pour protéger votre table. Les cartes sont mélangées et on les
distribue équitablement entre les joueurs. A 5 joueurs, certains joueurs
Nombre de joueurs : 2 à 6 Age : à partir de 6 ans Durée : environ 20 minutes
Matériel : 72 cartes (64 cartes Fruit, 3 cartes Singe,
3 cartes Eléphant, 2 cartes Cochon)
1 sonnette
1 règle du jeu
When a player rings the bell at the wrong time, then
– Sorry! – he must put the cards of his face-up pile
under the bell. The other players’ piles remain where
they are. The turn to play then passes to the left-hand
neighbour of the player who made the mistake.
As soon as a player has won a round, he may not only put all face-up
discard piles under his stack, but also all cards currently under the bell.
Exception: If the player who wins the round had to put cards under the
bell earlier, he only gets his own discard pile and the cards from under
the bell.
. . . Good bye!
When it’s a player’s turn and he has no face-down card left in his
stack, he is out of the game. His face-up discard pile remains in play,
however, and counts for the constellations until won by another player.
Note: A player is also out of the game if he has rung the bell wrongly
twice in a row. In this case, he must put all his cards under the bell.
End of the Game
The game ends when there are only two players left. Those two players
finish the current round, playing until one of them wins the face-up dis-
card pile. There is one special rule in this situation: If a player rings the
bell wrongly in this final round – “Sorry!” – then the other player imme-
diately wins the face-up discard piles and the game ends. The player
who has the most cards at the end of the game wins.
If you agree to do so in advance, you can also play until one player
has won all cards.
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AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH, Waldstraße 23-D5, D-63128 Dietzenbach, E-Mail:
© AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH, D-63128 Dietzenbach, MMV Version 1.0