User Manual
Configure port forwarding
Administration interface >> Security >> Port Forwarding
You can determine the service which should be forwarded to a computer in your local network from the internet.
Note: Port forwarding is only possible if the XSBoxR4v 's firewall is activated.
1. Click on the button Add service.
2. Enter your data in the fields.
3. Click on the button OK.
Select WLAN channel
Administration interface >> WLAN >> Channel selection
You can select a WLAN channel and thus determine which WLAN frequency is used by the XSBoxR4v for sending and
receiving. Connection speed between the XSBoxR4v and PCs/laptops connected over WLAN can be improved if a chan-
nel with good transmission quality is selected.
■ If you want the XSBoxR4v to automatically choose the channel with the best transmission quality, then click on
automatic channel selection and then click on OK.
The automatic channel selection checks the quality of all available channels one after another; this procedure
takes approximately 12 seconds. Should the connection between PC/laptop and the XSBoxR4v be disrupted,
simply reconnect.
■ If you would like to appoint the channel yourself, choose the desired entry from the selection list manual chan-
nel selection. Click on the button OK.
Adjust WLAN Signal strength
Administration interface >> WLAN >> Signal strength
You can change the coverage of your WLAN network by adjusting the WLAN signal strength.
■ Select the desired value from the selection list signal strength. 100 % means full WLAN signal strength, 25 %
means minimum WLAN signal strength. The WLAN interface also transmits a very low output at 25%. If you do
not wish to use the WLAN interface, deactivate the interface under:
Administration interface >> WLAN >> Connection