Helpline No. UK/Northern Ireland 0800 328 6020
Rep. Ireland 00800 4467 5888
E-mail Support info@dariolondon.com
Model Number: GT1379
Helpline No. UK/Northern Ireland 0800 328 6020
Rep. Ireland 00800 4467 5888
E-mail Support info@dariolondon.com
Model Number: GT1379
Safety Instructions
Before you operate your power meter, please note
the following points:
• Caution!
The meter should only be used pursuant to IEC 664 in installation
category II (CAT II), i.e. its temporary voltage must not exceed
2500 V. The power supply for residential areas and industrial
areas generally belong to this category.
• Withthepowermeter,onlythosefunctionsdescribedinthese
operating instructions are permitted to be carried out.
• Thedeviceisexclusivelydesignedforprivateuse.
• Priortoinitialoperation,pleasereadtheseoperatinginstructions
carefully and particularly pay attention to the safety instructions
in the next section.
• Ifpossible,keeptheoperatinginstructionsreadytohandnear
the device.
• Ifyoushouldpassthedeviceontootherpersons,pleasealso
provide them with these operating instructions.
Safety Instructions
• Riskofelectricalshock!Thedeviceoperateswithhazardous
• Childrenarefrequentlynotawareofthehazardscausedby
electrical devices. Therefore, do not allow children to handle the
device unsupervised.
• Thedevicemustbekeptoutofreachofchildren.
• Donotusethepowermeteroutdoors.
• Donotusethedeviceindampareas.Keepaminimumdistance
of 1 metre away from sources of moisture, such as sinks, etc.
• Thedevicemustnotcomeintocontactwithdrippingorspray
• Onlyconnectthedevicetoaproperlyinstalledandfused230V
• Neverpluginseveralpowermetersinsequenceand
respectively, do not connect the device to similar devices.
• Donotcarryoutanychangestothedevice.