The Varispeed menu supports Variable Frame Rate recording at speeds faster or slower than
the Project Frame Rate and Frame Rate Ramping. Varispeed recordings can be initiated by
pressing the Record key, or by GPI trigger.
Note: In all Varispeed modes, audio recording is disabled.
Note: In Varispeed modes timecode is written to digital media at a rate equal to the instantane-
ous capture rate. This ensures that the recorded REDCODE™ RAW data has valid and sequen-
tially incrementing timecode for use by non-linear editing devices.
Note: In Varispeed, the frame rate display turns yellow, the audio panel reports VARISPEED.
Varispeed: Before recording, enable this function by checking the Varispeed checkbox.
Ramp: enables a speed ramp; a transition over Time from the Frame Rate to an End Rate
On-Record: On recording start, the capture frame rate will immediately start transitioning from
the Frame Rate to the End Rate.
On-Event: On recording start, the capture frame rate starts out at the Frame Rate, the start of
the transition to the End Rate occurs only when an external GPI trigger has been received.