File Types by Collection
The Space App’s Home screen will automatically
categorize the following file types into collections:
Photos Collection
bmp, cmx, cod, con, cur, gif, ief, jfif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, mov,
pbm, pgm, pnm, ppm, ras, rgb, svg, xbm, xpm, xwd
Videos Collection
3gp, asf, asr, asx, avi, lsf, lsx, m4v, movie, mp2, mp4,
mpa, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpv2, qt
Music Collection
aif, aifc, aiff, au, caf, m3u, mid, mp3, ra, ram, rmi, snd, wav
Documents Collection
323, bas, c, cpp, css, doc, docx, etx, h, htc, htm, html,
htt, key, m, mm, numbers, pages, pdf, pps, ppsx, ppt,
pptx, rtf, rtx, sct, stm, tsv, txt, uls, vcf, xls, xlsx
The Space App will categorize all file types not listed
above as “Other Files.”