9. Extended operator functions
9.1 General notes on extended
operator functions
The MASTER and SLAVE controls must
be programmed independently of one
Take care to observe the programming
settings of the individual menus.
Additional functions can be programmed for the
operator system using the extended functions.
The programming facility is divided into three areas:
Area 1: Levels
The adjustable functions have been grouped in
8 levels according to the type of function.
Each level can have up to 8 menus.
The (+) and (-) buttons are used to scroll through
the selections within the levels.
Levels that are not used are displayed but cannot be
Levels-Exit switches from programming to operating
Ar ea 2: Menu
Each menu sets one parameter.
The (+) and (-) buttons are used to scroll through
the settings within the menus.
Menus that are not in use are skipped over and are
not displayed.
You can return to the first level via Menu-Exit.
- All the available levels and menus are
described in the overview of the
programmable functions (Section 9.3).
- The messages are explained in
Section 10.
Important factory default settings can
be changed using the extended
All the parameters must be set correctly
to avoid damage to persons or
Area 3: Parameters
Each function has a maximum of 16 settings.
The (+) and (-) buttons are used to scroll through
the settings for the adjustable parameters.
Parameters that cannot be adjusted are skipped over
and not displayed.
It is not possible to overshoot by pressing the
(+) and (-) buttons.
Pressing the (P) button saves the parameters you
have set.
End Programming
The programming session can be ended in two ways:
1. Via Levels-Exit by pressing the (P) button.
The controls then switch to operating mode.
2. By pressing the (P) button for longer than 5 seconds
at any time and from any area.
The controls then switch to operating mode.
If a parameter had been changed, it will be saved in
the process.
When the programming session ends, all the LEDs light
up and then go out one after the other, in sequence
from 8 to 1.
If no buttons are pressed within 120 seconds while in
programming mode, the controls revert to operating
A corresponding message is displayed.
LED off
LED on
LED flashes slowly
LED pulses
LED flashes quickly
Factory default setting
Not possible –
34 Operating Instructions, Comfort 580 GB (#91636)