Setting the Map Units
In the Map Units option of Preferences you can select which units of measure for navigation
data, the north reference, the coordinate system, and the map datum that will be used by the
Selecting Navigational Units of Measure
The eXplorist can be set to display navigation data in Miles/Yd/MPH, Miles/Ft/MPH,
NM/Ft/Knots, NM/M/Knots, or KM/KPH.
1. Press MENU.
2. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Preferences.
3. Press ENTER.
4. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight Map Units.
5. Press ENTER.
6. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the data field for Nav
7. Press ENTER.
8. Use the Arrow joystick to highlight the desired navigational units of measure.
9. Press ENTER.
Map Units
screen is displayed with the new Nav Units shown. You can change other
settings or press ESC to return to the