188 CN3 Mobile Computer User’s Manual
1D area imager reading distances, 8
ISpyWiFi utility, 150
WPA authentication
Zero Configuration, 179
WPA authentication with pre-shared key
Zero Configuration, 179
WPA2 authentication
Zero Configuration, 180
WPA2 authentication with pre-shared key
Zero Configuration, 180
zero configuration
WEP encryption, 178
802.1x authentication
Funk, 159
802.1x security
troubleshooting, 104
AB8 batteries, 9
AB9 batteries, 9
Access points
scanning for information, 150
via Messaging, 65
ActiveSync Help, 45
adding programs, 42
adding programs to Start menu, 44
Folder behavior connected to email server, 64
installing applications, 79
Internet Explorer Mobile
favorite links, 73
mobile favorites, 73
Mobile Favorites folder, 73
URL, 44
Windows Mobile, 44
Adding programs
ActiveSync, 42
to the Start menu, 43
via ActiveSync, 44
via File Explorer, 43
Windows Mobile, 41
Address assigned to CN3, 97
Adjusting settings
Windows Mobile, 41
Advanced Encryption Standard, 183
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 183
AllDay events
Calendar, 47
creating, 49
backlight, 19
Bluetooth Audio, 119
intermec settings
beeper volume, 185
Intermec Settings, 96
area imager, 7
beeper volume,
Bluetooth, 122
funk security, 156
SF51 scanner information, 98
SmartSystems, 185
smartsystems, 15
vibrate, 25
ISpyWiFi, 150
phone settings
GSM radios, 131, 138
pictures & videos, 94
power, 11
battery status, 9
unattended mode, 19
sounds & notifications, 12
vibrator, 26
wireless manager
bluetooth, 111
phone, 127, 135
wireless printing, 116
adding a note, 50
assigning to a category, 51
changing, 48
creating, 48
deleting, 54
finding, 53
making recurring, 51
setting a reminder, 50
viewing, 48
via Calendar, 46
Area Imager, 7
camera, 96
audio device icons, 120
Audio device settings
Bluetooth, 122
Avalanche, 81
Backlight applet
idle mode, 19
timeout value, 19
Bar codes
troubleshooting, 105
low battery warnings, 12
status, 9