2 69-1003—1
Welcome to the world of comfort and energy
savings with your new Scientific Atlanta/
Honeywell SuperStat thermostat.
This thermostat allows full weekday/weekend
programming so that you can set the thermostat
to control the temperature in your home
according to your personal schedule and
preferences. When programmed according to
the instructions in this guide, the features
available with this thermostat will not only keep
you comfortable, but will also save you energy.
In addition to being programmable, this
thermostat also contains a communications
module. This module allows your utility
company to communicate with your thermostat
to take advantage of Time of Use Pricing, a
service that can increase your energy savings
Time-of-Use Pricing. If you subscribe to Time-
of-Use Pricing, this thermostat will communicate
with the utility to inform you of the pricing rate in
effect at any given time. The rate that is in effect
is indicated on the thermostat display as shown
in Fig. 1. A special feature of this thermostat
allows you to set an offset temperature that
automatically adjusts your energy use for each
rate. This typically involves controlling your
home at a higher temperature during the
cooling season and a lower temperature during
the heating season. You must subscribe to this
program before your utility company can