F0H Start of System Exclusive Message
08H Fender Manufacturer ID
nnH nn = Device ID (minus one)
12H Amp ID number 12H. The upper nibble identifies the Cyber-Twin® SE amplifier and the lower nibble designates software version.
05H Message ID number for additional parameter controls.
ddH Parameter ID number for additional parameter controls (See table below).
vvH Value for the parameter you wish to edit (See table below).
7BH End of System Exclusive File Byte
F7H End of System Exclusive Message
System Exclusive Preset Edit Message
Parameter IDs and Values
Appendix 4 SysEx ◊ Edit Preset Parameters
This appendix contains tables describing the System Exclusive message
components and protocol for editing preset parameters. The System
Exclusive device ID must be set to Omni (or the same as the transmitting
device ID) to accomplish the data transfers. NOTE: Data values are
displayed in hexadecimal with “H” for clarification.
Tone Stack Type 00H 00H = Tweed
00H 01H = Blackface
00H 02H = British
00H 03H = Modern
00H 04H = Neo British
00H 05H = Dyna-Touch
Tone Stack Position 01H 00H = Pre-Distortion
01H 01H = Post-Distortion
Drive Circuitry 02H 00H = Blackface Tube1
02H 01H = Blackface Tube2
02H 02H = Blackface Tube3
02H 03H = Tweed Tube1
02H 04H = Tweed Tube2
02H 05H = Tweed Tube3
02H 06H = Hot Rod Tube1
02H 07H = Hot Rod Tube2
02H 08H = Hot Rod Tube3
02H 09H = HMB Tube1
02H 0AH = HMB Tube2
02H 0BH = HMB Tube3
02H 0CH = Dyna Touch 1
02H 0DH = Dyna Touch 2
02H 0EH = Dyna Touch 3
02H 0FH = Extreme
Effects Type 03H 00H = None
03H 01H = Mono Delay
03H 02H = Dotted 8/16 Delay
03H 03H = One-E-Da Delay
03H 04H = Ping Pong Delay
03H 05H = Swing Tap Delay
03H 06H = Tape Echo
Effects Type (continued) 03H 07H = Stereo Tape Echo
03H 08H = Stereo Flam Delay
03H 09H = Ducking Delay
03H 0AH = Backwards Delay
03H 0BH = Tremolo
03H 0CH = Amp Tremolo
03H 0DH = Auto Pan
03H 0EH = Phaser
03H 0FH = Vibratone
03H 10H = Pedal Wah
03H 11H = Touch Wah
03H 12H = Sine Chorus
03H 13H = Triangle Chorus
03H 14H = Sine Flange
03H 15H = Triangle Flange
03H 16H = Delay+Chorus
03H 17H = Delay+Flange
03H 18H = Delay+Phaser
03H 19H = Auto Swell+Chorus
03H 1AH = Ultra-Clean+Chorus
03H 1BH = Pitch Shift
03H 1CH = Ring Mod+Delay
03H 1DH = Auto Pan Delay
03H 1EH = Fuzz
03H 1FH = Resolver
03H 20H = Pedal Pitcher
03H 21H = Overdrive
03H 22H = Alienator
03H 23H = Pedal Wah+Delay
03H 24H = Touch Wah+Delay
03H 25H = Fuzz+Pedal Wah
Continued on next page