2-2 Connecting to wireless access point by web browser
After the network connection is built, the next step you should do is setup the access
point with proper network parameters, so it can work properly in your network environment.
Before you can connect to the access point and start configuration procedures, your
computer must be able to get an IP address automatically (use dynamic IP address). If it’s set
to use static IP address, or you’re unsure, please follow the following instructions to
configure your computer to use dynamic IP address:
If the operating system of your computer is….
Windows 95/98/Me - please go to section 2-2-1
Windows 2000 - please go to section 2-2-2
Windows XP - please go to section 2-2-3
Windows Vista please go to section 2-2-4
2-2-1 Windows 95/98/Me IP address setup
1. Click ‘Start’ button (it should be located at lower-left corner of your computer), then click
control panel. Double-click Network icon, and Network window will appear. Select
‘TCP/IP’, then click ‘Properties’.