When “Anti-flicker” is “Outdor”, the “exposure mode” can be
set as “gain priority” or “shutter priority” mode.
Different devices have different exposure modes; please
refer to the actual interface.
It includes the following options:
Auto: It can auto adjust the image brightness according to
the environment.
Gain priority: The device can auto adjust according to the
gain range which is set by priority during normal exposure
range according to the different scene brightness. The device
will auto adjust shutter value if the image brightness fails to
reach the effect and the gain value has reached to upper limit
or lower limit, which is to make the image reach the best
Shutter priority: The device can auto adjust according to the
shutter range which is set by priority during normal exposure
range according to the different scene brightness. The device
will auto adjust shutter value if the image brightness fails to
reach the effect and the shutter value has reached to upper
limit or lower limit, which is to make the image reach the best
Iris priority: Iris value is fixed, the device can auto adjust the
shutter value if the image brightness fails to reach effect and
the shutter value has reached the upper limit or lower limit,
the device can auto adjust the gain value to make the image
reach the best brightness.
Manual: It is to manually set gain value and shutter value,
adjust the the displayed brightness of the image.
The lens iris can auto adjust the size according to the
environment after auto iris is enabled, then the image
brightness will change accordingly.
The iris value reaches the max when disabling auto iris, the
lens iris will not change according to the environment