If you are using a standard DMX controller, you can connect the DMX output of the controller directly to the DMX input of the first unit in a DMX chain.
Always connect the output of one unit with the input of the next unit until all units are connected.
At the last unit, you must close the DMX line with a terminating resistor. Take an XLR connector and solder a 120 Ohm resistor
between signal (-) and signal (+) and connect it to the DMX output of the last unit in the line.
Press the button shortly to switch on the fixture. Switching off can be done by pressing and holding for a longer time.
As soon as the green LED starts blinking release the button.
As soon as the fixture has started up, you can switch between the DMX universe by shortly pressing .
To restore factory settings, press the button for 30 seconds.
Press one time to turn off the light, press any of 0-9 button to turn on the light.
Automatic mode will enable you to run the automatic programs on the product.
To turn on Automatic mode:
1. Press on the remote controller.
2. Press or to choose between the different auto programs.
Sound-Active mode will enable the product to respond to the music.
To turn on Sound-Active mode:
1. Press on the remote controller.
2. Press or to turn on and turn off the sound program.
To adjust the strobe speed of the automatic program and the sound active program.
1. Press on the remote controller.
2. Press or to either increase or decrease the speed of the program.
3. Press again to turn off the strobe.
To adjust the speed of the automatic program and the sound active program.
1. Press on the remote controller.
2. Press or to either increase or decrease the speed of the program.
To adjust sound sensitivity for in Sound-Active mode
1. Press on the remote controller.
2. Press or to either increase or decrease sound sensitivity.