Adobe Acrobat 8 for Legal Professionals 3
receipt by electronic mail—no more waiting or paying for conformed copies. Other parties in the
case automatically receive notication of the ling. ere are no added fees for electronic ling
in federal court (existing document ling fees apply). Litigants receive one free PDF copy of
every document electronically led in their cases, which they can save or print for their les.
CM/ECF also provides courts the ability to make their documents available to the public over
the Internet via the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) program. PACER oers
users a fast and inexpensive way to obtain comprehensive case and docket information as PDF
les from federal appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts via the Internet. Electronic access
requires registration with the PACER Service Center, the judiciary’s centralized registration,
billing, and technical support center.
e volume of documents produced as PDF les through disclosure and discovery in litigation
continues to grow. Recognizing the power and eciency of electronic documents, attorneys
employing best practices—be they co-counsel, opposing counsel, or in-house counsel—expect
that documents will be exchanged as PDF les. Likewise, clients have come to expect legal
professionals to provide documents as PDF les. When it comes to meeting those expectations
and working with digital documents, the applications in the Acrobat family are the right choice
for legal professionals.
The Acrobat 8 product family
• Acrobat 8 Professional—Acrobat 8 Professional provides essential tools for the legal community
to create and combine electronic documents, manage reviews, build forms, and secure
information. Acrobat 8 Professional also contains features specically created for the legal
community, including redaction and Bates numbering. With Acrobat 8 Professional, PDF les
can be enabled to allow users who have only free Adobe Reader® 8 soware to review, add
comments, ll in PDF forms, and digitally sign PDF documents.
• Acrobat 8 Standard—Acrobat 8 Standard oers reliable ways to create, combine, protect, and
share Adobe PDF les. Acrobat Standard generates PDF les that accurately represent the
original document, whether paper or electronic.
• Acrobat 8 Elements—Acrobat 8 Elements, available through volume licensing (100 seats per
order), enables professionals to easily and reliably create secure Adobe PDF les.
• Adobe Reader—e freely available Adobe Reader allows users to view, print, and search PDF
les and it also makes PDF les freely shareable across multiple operating systems. More than
500 million copies of the free Adobe Reader have been distributed, making the ability to view a
PDF le ubiquitous.
Legal-specic features
With the release of Acrobat 8 Professional, Adobe Systems has responded to the needs of legal
professionals by including within the application functions for Bates numbering, redaction, and
metadata removal.
Bates numbering—To legal professionals, “Bates numbering” means applying sequential
numbers to individual pages of documents, usually in the course of litigation. When docu-
ments are produced in litigation, either through disclosure or discovery, you need to be able to
say with certainty precisely which documents were produced—no more and no less. By
numbering each page sequentially, oen with leading text for more reliable identication, legal
professionals can accurately identify the documents that were produced. Acrobat 8 Professional
oers legal professionals the ability to add Bates numbers to individual or multiple PDF les.
Electronic Bates numbering, using Acrobat 8 Professional, beats using a mechanical stamp or
placing labels on paper documents hands-down.
“With the redaction
features in Acrobat 8,
we can accomplish in
minutes tasks that previ-
ously took days. When
you’re redacting content
from more than 2,000
documents, it is essential
to have a tool that is
easy to use and reliable.
Acrobat 8 makes it easy
to hide or permanently
remove condential con-
tent and still preserve
the original.”
Rich Ramba
Technical Litigation Support
The Veen Firm
Valuable Acrobat 8 features
for legal professionals
• Bates numbering: Apply sequential
numbers to individual pages of
documents during the course of litigation.
• Redaction: Mark text or selected image
areas for permanent and secure removal
from the PDF le.
• Metadata removal: Find hidden
information in documents that you may
not be aware of, including metadata,
comments, le attachments, and other
elements. Remove some or all of those
elements with a single click.